December 19, 2013 Mauricio Curbelo President University of

December 19, 2013
Mauricio Curbelo
University of Toronto Engineering Society
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Dear Mauricio,
The Engineering Society Temporary Special Levy Fund has played an important role in
improving the school experience of our upper year undergraduate students. Thank you for your
continued support and help with our projects.
The funding that we received last year from the Special Levy Fund was used to purchase the
following items:
1. XPS Mounting Press
2. MSE Computer Lab Upgrade
3. Exterior Door Access
Total Spent (before taxes, freight and delivery)
The funding that we received was used to purchase the first two items, with the department
providing at least one third of the costs. It should be noted that the equipment has already been
incorporated into the appropriate laboratory activities, while the MSE Computer Lab upgrade is
appreciated by all our students. The third project is an on-going and complex one. However,
the department will match for this case an amount of at least $10,000.00.
After consulting with the Faculty involved in teaching MSE courses from the MSE and our
technical staff, we would like to put forth the following proposal for your consideration for the
2013-2014 Special Levy Fund:
1. Atomic Force Microscope + Computer
2. StereoMicroscope Touch Screen Viewing Head (2 units)
3. Printer for MSE Computer Lab
Total (after taxes, freight and delivery)
All funds allocated from the Engineering Society Temporary Special Levy Fund will go directly to
purchasing of the proposed items for the upcoming school year. As usually, our Department will
provide a 50 cent on the dollar match for all the funds received.
Jun Nogami
Professor and Chair