template - Department of Architecture

Title: The title should be short, informative and contain the major key
Author’s full name1(Family name in bold), Tan Ku Kok2, Dick Harrison3
1 Position,
Institute of Architectural Science, ABC Institute of Technology
3 PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of DEF
2 Professor,
Please include an abstract of not more than 250 words at the beginning of the paper to
define the subject and summarize the argument(s) in the paper. The abstract should not
contain abbreviations or references. Six key words (for the purposes of indexing) should be
supplied below the abstract in alphabetical order.
Keywords: xxxxxx; xxxxxx (up to a maximum of 6)
The paper should be a product of well-documented original research that is primarily
analytical and interpretative rather than descriptive. The paper should present a clear
narrative structure and it should not be a compendium of field notes. The paper should be
written for an audience that may have either a general or a specific interest in your topic.
Please define specialized or technical terminology where appropriate.
The paper should not be longer than 7000 words, including all endnotes. It should
consist of a few sections, each with its own heading (as indicated below). There need be
no more than four or five of these. They should describe the paper’s main sections and
give the audience a sense of how the paper is structured.
For spelling, please use British spelling and authors should follow the latest edition of
the Concise Oxford Dictionary. Use 'ize' and 'z' (e.g. 'modernize', 'globalization').
Quotations from foreign languages must be translated in the text, with the original in the
endnote only if necessary.
Contact Author: name, position, affiliation,
Postal address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tel: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fax: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
e-mail: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx
Citation (as an example of heading)
Please use only endnotes. Footnotes are not acceptable. The paper should be
formatted according to The Chicago Manual of Style. Basic formats are listed below. As
the full reference is given in the endnote, a separate bibliography is not necessary.
For book, please use: Author [or editor], Title (City of publication: Publisher, Date of
publication). For an example, please see this endnote.1
For journal article, please use: Author, "Title of article," Journal Title volume no., issue
no. (month and year of publication), page numbers. For an example, please see this
For essay in a collection, please use: Author, “Title of Article,” in Title of Collection, ed.
Name of Editor(s) (City: Publisher, Date), page numbers. For an example, please see this
For archival material, please use: Author, type of document [memo, note, diary
entry], date, folder/box/dossier name or number, page number, name of collection,
archival institution, location. For an example, please see this endnote.4 As archives differ in
the ways they catalogue material, not all of the above information may be available.
However, you must provide an author and some form of identifying information.
Diagrams, Drawings and Photographs
Illustrations will be essential for most papers in this conference. Each paper is
however limited to a maximum of 10 illustrations. High resolution scans of the diagram,
drawing or photograph at 300 dpi should be included in the MS document, along with
caption text of not more than 50 words per image, as indicated below. The image should
be adequate in size and legible. The first time a point is made in the main body of text that
directly relates to an image, please indicate by inserting a reference in the form of “(FIG.
1)”. Use the designation “(FIG.)” and a single numeric progression for all graphic material.
If you have taken the image from a source other than yourself, i.e. the author(s),
please secure the necessary permission to republish it. Please also note the source of the
image at the end of the caption.
Fig.1. View of Tower of Shadow, Chandigarh, India designed by Le Corbusier (Source:
Jiat-Hwee Chang’s photograph).
Mark Crinson, Modern Architecture and the End of Empire (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003), 82-93.
Hannah Le Roux, "The Networks of Tropical Architecture," The Journal of Architecture 8, no. 3 (Sep.
2003): 337-340.
3 Peter Scriver, "Empire-Building and Thinking in the Public Works Department of British India," in
Colonial Modernities: Building, Dwelling and Architecture in British India and Ceylon, ed. Peter
Scriver and Vikramaditya Prakash (London: Routledge, 2007), 70-72.
4 Housing Research Group, report, 4 December 1945, CO927/6/7, Housing Research in the Colonies,
Public Record Office, Kew, London.