MLA Citations

Updated 12/16/14
Bibliography/Works Cited
-Double spaced; 12 pt.; Times New Roman font
-List each entry alphabetically by the author’s last name. If there is no author, use the first word of the title.
-Begin entries flush with left margin; If entry runs more than one line, indent additional lines 5 spaces (hanging
-Abbreviations: n.p.(no publisher), n.d.(no date), n.pag.(no pages listed); If no author or editor, skip it
-Web addresses are optional (check with your teacher)
Example MLA Citations: (See the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research
Papers,, or for more examples)
Book with one author:
Lace, William W. The Death Camps. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1998. Print.
Book with two or three authors:
Alexander, Ron and Charles W. Sasser. Taking Fire. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2001. Print.
Single work from an anthology:
Herrick, Robert. “Grace for a Child.” The Top 500 Poems. Ed. William Harmon. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1992. 31-5. Print.
Article in a reference book:
“Milton Berle.” Encyclopedia of Biography. Ed. Paula K. Byers. Vol. 21. Detroit: Gale, 1999. Print.
Magazine article: (skip author if there is no one listed)
Henneberger, Melinda. “Boys from Boston.” Newsweek 15 March 2004: 38-41. Print.
Newspaper article:
Hellmich, Nanci. “Obesity on Track as No. 1 Killer.” USA Today 10 Mar. 2004: A1. Print.
Film/video recording:
It’s a Wonderful Life. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore,
and Thomas Mitchell. RKO, 1946. Film.
Kul, Tara. “10 Amazing Experiments You Can Do With Eggs.” Online Video Clip. YouTube. YouTube, n.d.
Web. 8 Jan. 2015. <>.
McFerrin, Bobby. “Kalimba Suite.” Beyond Words. Blue Note, 2002. Web. 21 May 2002.
< >.
Stewart, Martha. Interview with Barbara Walters. 20/20. ABC. WABC, New York. 23 Jan. 2004.
Television Program.
Jacobs, John. Personal Interview. 10 Mar. 2004.
Updated 12/16/14
Velasquez, Diego. “The Waterseller of Seville”. Wellington Museum, London. Great Artists. By
Robert Cumming. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1998. 46. Print.
Evans, Walker. Penny Picture Display. 1936. Museum of Modern Art, New York. The Artchive. Web. 30
May 2002. <>.
Live image of downtown Minneapolis, MN. [Online Image] Available
<http://>. Web. 2 August 1997.
Database Image:
“Michael Jackson” (27 Dec. 2003). AP Multimedia Archive. Web. 13 Jan. 2010.
Database article:
McGrath, Ben. "Good Game." The New Yorker (New York) 90.37 (2014): 86. Proquest Learning Literature.
Web. 8 Jan. 2015.
Works from a series or collection:
Smith, Jon. “Boys of Summer.” in Roadwork (1997) in CLC. Vol 6. Ed. Carolyn Riley. Detroit:
Gale Research, 1999. 75-80. Print.
Dougherty, Jane E. “Review of the Outsiders” in Novels for Students. Vol 2. Ed. Cheryl
Ciccarelli. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. 294-296. Print.
Electronic File (page of a website/blog):
“Abraham Lincoln.” A &E Biography. A&E Television Networks, 2000. Web. 17 Mar. 2009.
Gordon, Ryann. “A Boy and His Elephant: A Review of The Architect’s Apprentice, by Elif Shafak.” World
Literature Today. University of Oklahoma, 5 Dec. 2014. Web. 8 Jan. 2015.
Electronic File (entire website/weblog):
Winter, Mark. WebElements. University of Sheffield, 2012. Web. 16 October 2012.
The House of Blogs. LBC, 22 Dec. 2014. Web. 8 Jan. 2015. <>.
Digital File (PDF, Microsoft Word, etc.)
Bentley, Phyllis. “Yorkshire and the Novelist.” The Kenyon Review 30.4 (1968): 509-22. JSTOR. PDF file.