7th grade Non-Fiction Book Report

Non-Fiction Book Report
2. Title of Book (be creative and 3. In a complete sentence; what
use color; does not need to be in is the subject of the book? (5
a complete sentence) and Author points)
(5 points)
4. Draw a picture of the subject;
use color. (5 points)
6. List one vocabulary word.
Define it in your own words.
Explain why it is important. (6
7. List one vocabulary word.
Define it in your own words.
Explain why it is important. (6
8. List one vocabulary word.
Define it in your own words.
Explain why it is important. (6
9. What did you know about the
subject before reading the
book? Answer in complete
sentences (5 points)
10. In a complete sentence;
write one fact you learned when
reading the book. (10 points)
11. In a complete sentence; write
one fact you learned when
reading the book. (10 points)
12. In a complete sentence;
write one fact you learned when
reading the book. (10 points)
13. Did the book include a table
of contents and/or a glossary?
Answer in a complete sentence.
(5 points)
14. Discuss whom you think is
the ideal reader for this book.
Why? (5 points)
15. Cite two sources using the
MLA format. (One must be the
book you read and the second a
website if possible.) (8 points)
16. Create a symbol, related to
the subject of the book, and
rate the book. Explain why you
rated it the way you did. (5
1. MLA Heading (5 points)
5. Vocabulary Words: List three
words that you are going to
define. (4 points)