
1950’s and Cold War Vocabulary
 Dates next to each section are assigned section reading dates. You are
responsible for completing notes over these sections on the assigned nights. It
is a good idea to complete the vocabulary for that section at the same time. You
could potentially see quizzes over the reading/ vocabulary any time after the
assigned reading.
 All vocabulary should be completed as you go through the reading. Make sure
you use the assigned format and that all terms are numbered. Vocabulary
should include all the important facts (who, what, where, when, how, and
significance). The basic book definition may not always be enough information.
Ch. 19.1- An Economic Boom H.W. 2/23
1. Harry Truman (president)
2. Dewitt Eisenhower (president)
3. Demobilization (policy)
4. GI Bill of Rights (policy)
5. Baby boom (term)
6. Productivity (policy)
7. Taft-Harley Act (policy)
8. Fair Deal (policy)
Ch. 19.2- A Society on the Move- H.W. 2/24
9. Interstate Highway Act (policy)
10. Sunbelt (term)
11. Service sector (term)
12. Information industry (term)
13. Franchise business (term)
14. Multinational corporation (term)
15. AFL-CIO (policy)
16. California Master Plan (policy)
Ch. 19.3- Mass Culture and Family Life –
H.W. 2/25
17. Benjamin Spock (person)
18. Elvis Presley (person)
19. Consumerism (policy)
20. Median family income (term)
21. Nuclear family (term)
22. Rock-and-roll (term)
Ch. 19.4-Dissent and Discontent – H.W.
23. Beatnik (term)
24. Inner city (term)
25. Urban renewal (term)
26. Termination policy (term)
Ch. 18.1- The Cold War Begins H.W. 3/1
27. George F. Kennan (leader)
28. Satellite state (policy)
29. Cold War (policy)
30. Iron curtain (policy)
31. Truman Doctrine (policy)
32. Containment (policy)
33. Marshall Plan (policy)
34. Berlin airlift (conflict)
35. NATO (policy)
36. Warsaw Pact (policy)
Ch. 18.2- The Korean War – H.W. 3/2
37. Jiang Jieshi (leader)
38. Mao Zedong (leader)
39. Douglas MacArthur (leader)
40. 38th Parallel (policy)
41. Limited war (policy)
42. SEATO (policy)
Ch. 18.3- The Cold War Expands – H.W.
43. John Foster Dulles (leader)
44. Nikita Khrushechev (leader)
45. Arms race (policy)
46. Mutually assured destruction (term)
47. Massive retaliation (term)
48. Brinkmanship(policy)
49. Nationalize (policy)
50. Suez Crisis (Conflict)
51. Eisenhower Doctrine (policy)
52. CIA (policy)
53. NASA (policy)
Ch. 18.4- The Cold War at Home –
H.W. 3/7
54. Alger Hiss (person)
55. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (person)
56. Joseph R. McCarthy (leader)
57. Red Scare (policy)
58. Smith Act (policy)
59. HUAC (policy)
60. Hollywood Ten (term)
61. Blacklist (term)
62. McCarthyism (policy)