Chapter 26, Section 2 Notes: The Policy of Containment ____________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 26, Section 2 Notes: The Policy of Containment
Who would lead the U.S. during the Cold War?
Truman as President?
What was the Truman Doctrine?
What was the situation in Turkey and Greece?
How and where was the Truman Doctrine applied?
What was the significance of the Truman Doctrine?
What were the conditions in Europe after WWII?
What was the Marshall Plan?
Why should the U.S. give $13 billion in aid?
How successful was the Marshall Plan?
What was Stalin’s reaction to the Marshall Plan?
How was Germany treated after the war?
What was the significance of the Berlin Airlift?
What was NATO and its significance?
What policies shaped the Cold War?
How was Japan treated after the war?
What were the consequences of these reforms?
What about the Philippines?
What were the origins of the conflict in China?
What happened in China?
What was the U.S. reaction to the “loss” of China?
What was our atomic policy?
Then what happened?