Eisenhower Packet

Name: __________________________________ Hour: _________ NB#: ________
Reading Guide
Early Cold War: The Eisenhower Administration
Answer the following questions regarding the Early Cold War during the
Truman administration.
1. How were the Cold War policies of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State for
Eisenhower, different from those of the Truman administration?
2. What was the policy known as brinksmanship?
3. What was the role of “massive retaliation” in policy of the United States?
4. What was the role and importance of the newly independent countries that
emerged in Africa and Asia?
5. Why did the US use covert actions to change the leadership of Iran and
6. What factors lead to the armistice that ended the Korean War?
7. What took place in French Indochina in the early 1950s?
8. What were the results of the Geneva Conference in regards to Vietnam?
9. What was the domino theory?
10. Who belonged to SEATO and what was its purpose?
11. What was the difficult balancing act faced by the United States in the Middle
East after 1948?
12. What occurred during the Suez Crisis?
13.What were the lasting implications of the Suez Crisis on foreign affairs?
14. What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?
15. What were signs of a relaxation of tensions between the US and USSR
following the death of Stalin?
16. What happened in Hungary in 1956?
17.Why did the US fail to send troops to aid the Hungarians?
18.What were the implications of the launch of Sputnik by the USSR?
19.What was the “Second” Berlin crisis?
20. What occurred during the U-2 incident?
21.What was the reaction of the United States to the successful revolution of Fidel
Castro in Cuba in 1959?
22.How can Eisenhower’s legacy be defined by both an increase in weaponry, but
a decrease in tensions?
23.What was the key message delivered by Eisenhower in his farewell address
after the completion of his two terms and the election of Kennedy in 1960?