Finnish Yearbook of International Law, vol. 12(2001), pp. 53-77.

Professor Chandra Lekha Sriram
Ph.D., Princeton University, Department of Politics, Princeton, NJ. Fields of
specialization: International Relations, Political Theory, and Public Law.
J.D., Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Area of Emphasis: International Law.
M.A., Committee on International Relations, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
B.A., With Honors, Department of Political Science, University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL.
A.A., with Distinction, Simon’s Rock College, Great Barrington, MA.
Professor of Law, University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies.
Fellow, Centre on Human Rights in Conflict, University of East London.
Visiting Researcher, Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University.
Chair in Human Rights, University of East London School of Law.
Director, Centre on Human Rights in Conflict ( Founder of a
centre for policy-oriented research on human rights and violent conflict.
Visiting Associate Professor, University of Maryland School of Law. Invited to
teach courses in public international law and international human rights law.
Lecturer, University of St. Andrews, School of International Relations.
Lecturer, Yale University, Department of Political Science.
Research Assistant, Princeton Project on Universal Jurisdiction.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Politics, Princeton University.
Adviser, Junior Papers, Department of Politics, Princeton University.
Training and Research under the auspices of the SSRC-MacArthur dissertation
fellowship at the Instituto de Derechos Humanos at the Universidad
Centroamericana “José Simeon Cañas,” San Salvador, El Salvador
Teaching Assistant, Department of Politics, Princeton University.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Politics, Princeton University.
Research Assistant, Professor Michael Doyle, Department of Politics, Princeton
Research Assistant, Professor David Caron, Boalt Hall School of Law, University
of California, Berkeley.
Senior Associate, International Peace Academy. Continued to direct the Conflict
Prevention program.
Research Associate, International Peace Academy. Directed the Conflict
Prevention program, From Promise to Practice: Strengthening UN Capacities for the
Prevention of Violent Conflict. Directed multi-million dollar research project examining
and assessing UN practice in conflict prevention, funded by six European
Legal Extern, United States Department of State, Office of the Legal Adviser,
United Nations Affairs, Washington, DC. Received Top Secret security clearance.
Legal Intern, United Nations, Office of Legal Affairs, Codification Division, New
York, NY.
Editorial Intern, International Security, Center for Science and International Affairs at
the J.F.K. School of Government, Cambridge, MA.
Legislative Intern, Office of Massachusetts State Senator William Golden, Boston,
United States Institute of Peace Grant for research on Transitional justice as
peacebuilding? $95,447.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research
Development Initiatives Grant, (Co-Investigator with Stephen Brown) for research
in Kenya and at the Hague on The Special Tribunal for Kenya: Waki Times Ahead? Total
award: $40000 Canadian, of which $14,000 is for Sriram.
Nuffield Foundation Small Grant, for research in Kenya and at the Hague on
Accountability for post-election violence in Kenya: What next? £7210.
Large Research Grant, British Academy, Principal Investigator for research
undertaken by the CHRC on Rule of law in African countries emerging from violent conflict:
critical issues and cases. £100,000.
Research Grant, European Union VII Framework Programme, lead researcher for
CHRC as part of consortium led by University of Lund on Just and durable peace by
piece ( Sriram’s workpackage: €164,000.
Research Grant, Nuffield Foundation, field research in Nepal, to develop a study,
Nepal’s peace process: critical lessons and implications. £6372.
Research Grant, British Academy, field research in Colombia, as part of a study,
Peace as governance? Inclusion of armed groups in power structures as a tool for conflict resolution.
Visiting Scholar, Departamento de Ciencias Politicas, Universidad de los Andes,
Bogotá, Colombia.
Visiting Fellow, Law and Society Trust, Colombo, Sri Lanka, a national NGO
devoted to civil and political rights, and human rights and conflict. Based at the
Trust as part of research in Sri Lanka.
Research Grant, Nuffield Foundation, for field research in Sudan, as part of a
study, Peace as governance? Inclusion of armed groups in power structures as a tool for conflict
resolution. £6599.
Research Grant, Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, for field research
in Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Colombia as part of a study, Peace as governance? Inclusion of
armed groups in power structures as a tool for conflict resolution. £1000.
Research Grant, British Academy, field research in Sri Lanka, as part of a study,
Peace as governance? Inclusion of armed groups in power structures as a tool for conflict resolution.
Residency, Rockefeller Foundation’s Study and Conference Center, Bellagio, for
work on a study entitled Armed non-state actors and international law: bridging the gap.
Research Grant, British Academy, for research at the Special Court for Sierra
Leone entitled Justice for whom? The compromise of hybrid approaches to accountability.
Postdoctoral fellowship, (offered but declined ) in the Rockefeller Foundation
Residential “Community in Contention” program hosted by the University of
9/99- 5/00
Dissertation Fellowship, Institute for the Study of World Politics, for completion
of dissertation.
Grant, Center for International Studies, Princeton University and the Mellon
Foundation, for completion of dissertation.
Grant, Department of Politics, Princeton University and the Stafford Fund, for
completion of dissertation.
Dissertation Fellowship, Social Science Research Council-MacArthur Foundation
Dissertation Fellowship for Peace and Security in a Changing World, for dissertation
training and research.
Research Grant, Center for International Studies, for the research and writing of a
paper on the ethical dilemmas of transitional regimes.
English: Native Language
Spanish: Reading comprehension and writing: proficient. Listening comprehension: very good.
Spoken: good.
MA Tutor in Law, School of Oriental and African Studies.
Responsible for the LLM Programme in International Law and Criminal Justice.
Member, university Research Committee, School of Law Research Committee,
Research Degrees Subcommittee, School Management Team, School Board, and
Learning and Teaching Research Committee, University of East London.
Member, Postgraduate Committee, School of International Relations, University of
St. Andrews.
Exams officer, School of International Relations, University of St. Andrews.
Human Rights Internet, to draft a handbook on “Disarming, Demobilising,
Reintegrating and Security Sector Reform: Options for Effective Action” for
mediators and facilitators in peace negotiations.
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, to review a briefing paper on security clauses
in peace agreements.
UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre, to complete and rationalize Guidance Note on
Governance and Conflict Prevention in collaboration with consultant from the
UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery.
Centre for Conflict Resolution (Cape Town) to co-edit a volume on Truth and
reconciliation processes and tribunals in Africa for publication.
UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre, to draft background documents and case
studies, in support of a Guidance Note on Governance and Conflict Prevention,
and to draft that Guidance Note, in collaboration with another consultant.
Crisis Management Initiative, to draft a study on regional approaches to conflict
mediation and accountability.
Human Rights Internet, to act as member of expert group, and draft specific
comments on, a Handbook on “Power-sharing, Self-Governance, and Participation
in Public Life” for mediators and facilitators in peace negotiations.
UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre, to present critical issues in governance, powersharing, and conflict prevention to a meeting of staff from country offices, as part
of a workshop on governance and conflict.
Review of International Studies, International Studies Quarterly, Global Governance, Ethics and
International Affairs, Civil Wars, International Peacekeeping, Journal of Peace Research, Journal
of International Law and International Relations, Journal of Human Rights, Melbourne Journal
of International Law, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, Nordic Journal of Human
Rights, Ethnopolitics, and African Studies Quarterly, article reviewer; Cambridge
University Press, Georgetown University Press, University of Wisconsin Press,
Routledge publishers, Palgrave Macmillan publishers, Polity Press, and Pluto Press,
book manuscript reviewer. Palgrave publishers, Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies
book series, member of advisory board. Journal of Human Rights, member of advisory
board; Transitional Justice Review, member of editorial board.
Reviewer or referee for funding applications submitted to the Economic and Social
Research Council, British Academy, Nuffield Foundation, and the Canadian Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Centre on Human Rights in Conflict, University of East London, chair of
International Advisory Group.
Economic and Social Research Council, member, Peer Review College.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain), member, Tribunal de la tesis doctoral
(External PhD thesis examiner).
Folke Bernadotte Academy (Swedent), member of research working group on
rule of law.
City University of New York, Program on State and Society, member of advisory
board on field research and ethics.
University of London, Goldsmiths, and Kings College London, external PhD
thesis examiner.
London Transitional Justice Network, co-chair of a new initiative involving
participants from a new research centre on conflict, rights, and justice at the School
of Oriental and African Studies and at LSE’s Centre for the Study of Global
Human Rights Consortium, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of London,
member of Advisory Board.
Conciliation Resources, member, Board of Trustees.
Economic and Social Research Council, member, Research Seminars
Competition Commissioning Panel.
Canada Research Chairs Program, College of Reviewers.
Higher Education Academy, Fellow.
International Studies Association Human Rights Section, cochair, and chair
from 3/08-3/10.
University of California, University of Georgia, University of Western
Ontario, and Nipissing University, tenure and promotion reviewer.
10/06-onwards United Nations Development Programme experts roster, human rights expert.
10/06-onwards Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies University of St. Andrews, member of
advisory board.
Review of International Studies member of advisory board.
Social Science Research Council, Program on Global Security and Cooperation,
Workshop Series on Law and International Relations, member of experts’ group.
American Political Science Association, member.
California Bar Association, admitted.
Peacebuilding and rule of law in Africa: Just Peace? co-editor with Olga Martin-Ortega and Johanna
Herman (London: Routledge, 2011).
Human Rights, co-editor of section entries, with Kurt Mills, in Robert Denemark, et. al., eds., The ISA
Compendium Project (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010).
Peace versus Justice? The Dilemma of Transitional Justice in Africa co-editor with Suren Pillay (Durban:
University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, and Oxford: James Currey, 2010).
Surviving field research: Working in violent and difficult situations co-editor with John C. King, Julie Mertus,
Olga Martin-Ortega, and Johanna Herman (London: Routledge, 2009).
War, conflict, and human rights: Theory and Practice co-author with Olga Martin-Ortega and Johanna
Herman (Routledge, 2009).
Peace as governance: Power-sharing, armed groups, and contemporary peace negotiations (London: Palgrave, 2008).
International Law and International Relations: Bridging Theory and Practice, co-editor with Tom Biersteker,
Peter Spiro, and Veronica Raffo (London: Routledge, 2006).
Globalizing justice for mass atrocities: A revolution in accountability (London: Routledge, 2005).
Exploring subregional conflict: opportunities for conflict prevention, co-editor with Zoe Nielsen (Boulder, CO:
Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004).
Confronting past human rights violations: justice vs. peace in times of transition (London: Frank Cass, 2004).
From Promise to Practice: Strengthening UN Capacities for the Prevention of Violent Conflict, co-editor with
Karin Wermester (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2003).
Finnish Yearbook of International Law, co-editor with Brad R. Roth of a special symposium on
international criminal law, vol. 12 (2001).
Managing Armed Conflicts in the Twenty-first Century, a special issue of International Peacekeeping, vol. 7, no.
4 (Winter 2000) co-editor with Adekeye Adebajo; released under the same title as a book (London:
Frank Cass, 2001).
“Power-sharing and transitional justice: A clash of paradigms?” with Stef Vandeginste Global
Governance vol. 17, no. 4 (forthcoming 2011).
“Justice delayed? Internationalized criminal tribunals and peacebuilding in
Lebanon, Bosnia, and Cambodia,” with Olga Martin-Ortega and Johanna Herman, Conflict, security,
and development vol. 11, no. 3 (forthcoming July 2011).
“International vs. domestic norms and actors” and “Zone of Impunity” in Lavinia Stan, ed.,
Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2011).
“The Special Tribunal for Lebanon in Context: Internationalized Criminal Justice and International
Politics,” in Fady Fadel and Cynthia Eid, eds., Justice internationale et/ou mantien de la paix et de la securite
internationales, (Brussels: Brill Publishing, forthcoming 2011).
“Achieving accountability for non-state armed groups: use of domestic mechanisms for international
crimes,” in Pablo Policzer and David Capie, eds., After Leviathan: Restraining Violence by Non-State
Armed Groups (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, forthcoming 2011).
“Post-conflict justice and hybridity in peacebuilding: Resistance or cooptation?” in Oliver Richmond
and Audra Mitchell, eds., Hybrid Forms of Peace (London: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2011).
“Beyond justice versus peace: Transitional justice and peacebuilding strategies,” with Olga MartinOrtega and Johanna Herman, in Karin Aggestam and Annika Björkdahl, eds., The Study of Just and
Durable Peace (chapter submitted to book manuscript in progress).
“Responding to transnational and regional conflicts and crimes: what role for regional approaches?”
with Amy Ross, (manuscript under review).
“The Special Tribunal for Kenya: The Rise and Fall of a Waki Idea,” with Stephen Brown
(manuscript under review).
“Kenya in the shadow of the ICC: Complementarity, Gravity, and Impact,” with Stephen Brown
(manuscript under review).
“Legitimacy and Symbolic Power of the ICC: Politics, Perception, and Practice,” with Ingrid Samset,
(manuscript in progress).
“The perils of power-sharing: Africa and beyond,” with Marie-Jöelle Zahar, Africa Spectrum vol. 44,
no. 3 (2009), pp. 11-39.
“DDR and transitional justice: bridging the divide?” with Johanna Herman, Conflict, security, and
development vol. 9, no. 4 (2009) pp. 455-474.
“Justice as peace? Liberal peacebuilding and strategies of transitional justice,” Global Society: Journal of
Interdisciplinary International Relations vol. 21, no. 4 (October 2007), pp. 579-91, and republished in
Roger MacGinty and Oliver Richmond, eds., The Liberal Peace and Post-War Reconstruction: Myth or
Reality? (London: Routledge, 2009).
“Geographies of crime and justice: contemporary transitional justice and the creation of ‘zones of
impunity’” with Amy Ross, International Journal of Transitional Justice vol. 1, no. 1 (February 2007), pp.
“Sri Lanka after the Tsunami: Opportunities Lost?” Law and Society Trust Review vol. 17, issue 230
(December 2006), pp. 1-22.
“Human rights vs. the state: is sovereignty really eroding?” Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law
vol. 1, no. 1 (2006), pp. 107-120.
“Wrong-sizing international justice? The hybrid tribunal in Sierra Leone” Fordham International Law
Journal volume 29, no. 3 (2006), pp. 472-506.
“International Law, International Relations Theory, and Post-Atrocity Justice: Towards a Genuine
Dialogue,” International Affairs vol. 82, no. 3 (May 2006) pp. 467-78 and at:
“Revolutions in Accountability: New Approaches to Past Abuses,” American University International
Law Review vol. 19, no. 2 (2004), pp. 304-429.
“Globalizing justice: from universal jurisdiction to mixed tribunals,” Netherlands Quarterly of Human
Rights vol. 22, no. 1 (January 2004), pp. 7-32.
“Dilemmas of Accountability: Politics, the Military and Commissions of Inquiry in an Ongoing Civil
War: The Case of Sri Lanka” Civil Wars, vol. 5, no. 2 (2002), pp. 96-121.
“Exercising universal jurisdiction: contemporary disparate practice,” International Journal of Human
Rights, vol. 6, no. 4 (2002), pp. 49-76.
“Externalizing justice through universal jurisdiction—problems and prospects” Finnish Yearbook of
International Law, vol. 12(2001), pp. 53-77.
“Externalization of justice: what does it mean and what is at stake?” with Brad Roth, Finnish Yearbook
of International Law, vol. 12(2001), pp. 2-6.
“Truth Commissions and the Quest for Justice: stability and accountability after internal strife,”
International Peacekeeping, vol. 7, no. 4 (Winter 2000), pp. 91-106.
“Truth Commissions and Political Theory: tough moral choices in transitional situations,” Netherlands
Quarterly of Human Rights, vol. 18, no. 4 (December 2000), pp. 471-492.
Review essay of Ruth Rubio-Marin, ed., The Gender of Reparations. Unsettling Sexual Hierarchies while
Redressing Human Rights Violations in European Journal of International Law vol. 21, no. 2 (2010).
“Introduction: Human Rights Essays,” with Kurt Mills in Robert Denemark, et. al., eds., The ISA
Compendium Project (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010).
“War, conflict, and Human Rights,” with Olga Martin-Ortega and Johanna Herman, in Robert
Denemark, et. al., eds., The ISA Compendium Project (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010).
“Perspectives on International Law in International Relations,” with Fiona B. Adamson, in Basak
Cali, ed., International Law for International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).
“Transitional Justice and the Liberal Peace,” in Edward Newman, Oliver Richmond, and Roland
Paris, eds., New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding (Tokyo and New York: United Nations University
Press, 2009).
“Resolving conflicts and pursuing accountability: Beyond ‘justice vs. peace’” in Oliver Richmond, ed.,
Critical advances in peacebuilding (London: Palgrave, 2009).
“What can Restorative Justice Contribute? Lessons from beyond the Balkans,” translated as “Šta je
doprinos restorativne pravde? Lekcije izvan Balkana,” in Denisa Kostovicova, ed., Evropska unija I
tranziciona Pravda: Od retributivne do restorativne pravde na Zapadom Balkanu (Belgrade: Humanitarian Law
Centre, 2009).
“Sri Lanka” and “Central America” in David Forsythe, ed., Encyclopedia of Human Rights (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2009).
“Introduction,” and “The ICC Africa Experiment: The Central African Republic, Darfur, Northern
Uganda, and the DRC,” in Suren Pillay and Chandra Lekha Sriram, eds., Peace vs. justice? Truth and
reconciliation processes and war crimes tribunals in Africa (Durban: University of KwaZulu Natal Press,
“Conflict mediation and the ICC: Challenges and options for pursuing peace with justice at the
regional level,” in Kai Ambos, Judith Large, and Marieke Wierda, eds., Building a future on peace and
justice (Berlin: Springer Verlag 2009).
With Stephen Brown, “China’s Role in Human Rights abuses in Africa: Clarifying Issues of
Culpability,” in Robert I. Rotberg, ed., China into Africa (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution,
Review essay of John Morison, Kieran McEvoy, and Gordon Anthony, eds., Judges, Transition, and
Human Rights, in Leiden Journal of International Law, vol. 21 (2008), pp. 1–5.
“Prevention and the Rule of Law: Rhetoric and Reality” in Agnès Hurwitz, with Reyko Huang, eds.
Civil War and the Rule of Law: Security, Development, Human Rights (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2008).
“Justice for whom? Assessing hybrid approaches to accountability in Sierra Leone,” in Muna Ndulo,
ed., Security, Reconciliation, and Reconstruction: When the Wars End (London: Routledge, 2007).
“Introduction: International Law and International Politics—Old Divides, New Developments,”
with Veronica Raffo, Peter Spiro, and Thomas Biersteker, in Biersteker, Sriram, Spiro, and Raffo,
eds., International Law and International Relations: Bridging Theory and Practice.
“Bringing security back in: IR theory and moving beyond the “justice vs. peace” debate in
international and transitional justice,” with Youssef Mahmoud, in Biersteker, Sriram, Spiro, and
Raffo, eds., International Law and International Relations: Bridging Theory and Practice.
Review of Nicolas Guilhot, The Democracy Makers: Human Rights and The Politics of Global Order in
International Affairs vol. 82, no. 2 (March 2006).
Review of Christian Reus-Smit, ed., The Politics of International Law and Jack Goldsmith and Eric
Posner, The Limits of International Law in APSR-Perspectives on Politics vol. 3, no. 3 (September 2005) pp.
“Transitional justice comes of age: enduring lessons and challenges” Berkeley Journal of International
Law vol. 23, no. 2 (Fall 2005) pp. 101-118.
Review of Julie Mertus’ Bait and Switch: Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy in International Affairs vol.
81, no. 1 (January 2005).
“The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the Special Court for Sierra Leone: Lessons
Learned,” in International Peace Academy and Diplomatische Akademie Wien, Favorita Papers 2004:
Peace Operations in Africa (New York and Vienna, 2004).
“New mechanisms, old problems? Review essay of recent books on universal jurisdiction and mixed
tribunals” International Affairs vol. 80, no. 5 (October 2004).
Review of Bruce Broomhall’s International Justice and the International Criminal Court: Between Sovereignty
and the Rule of Law in International Affairs vol. 80, no. 1 (July 2004).
“Globalization of justice: for better or worse?” in Roger Brownsword, ed., Globalization and the search
for justice, vol. IV, Human Rights (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004).
“Why examine subregional sources and dynamics of conflict?” with Zoe Nielsen, in Sriram and
Nielsen, eds., Exploring subregional conflict (2004).
“Dynamics of conflict in Central America,” in Sriram and Nielsen, Exploring subregional conflict (2004).
Review of Richard Shapcott’s Justice, Community, and Dialogue in International Relations, in APSRPerspectives on Politics vol. 1, no. 3 (2003).
Review essay of Andrew F. Cooper, John English, and Ramesh Thakur, eds., Enhancing Global
Governance: Towards a New Diplomacy, in International Journal vol. 58, no. 1 (2002).
“Introduction,” and “Insights from the cases: opportunities and challenges for preventive actors,” in
Sriram and Wermester, From Promise to Practice (2003).
“From risk to response: phases of conflict, phases of conflict prevention,” with Karin Wermester, in
Sriram and Wermester, From Promise to Practice (2003).
“Preventive Action at the UN and Beyond – From Promise to Practice?” with Karin Wermester, in
David Malone and Fen Hampson, From Reaction to Conflict Prevention: Opportunities for the UN System in
the New Millennium (Boulder, CO:, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2002), pp. 381-398.
“Intervention in a Troubled World: Moving Beyond Shawcross and His Critics,” Ethics and
International Affairs, vol. 15, no. 1 (2001), pp. 151-58.
“Introduction,” with Adekeye Adebajo, in International Peacekeeping, vol. 7, no. 4 (Winter 2000), pp.
“A breakthrough in justice? Accountability for post-election violence in Kenya,” policy paper (Centre
on Human Rights in Conflict, 2010) at
“Governance in Conflict Prevention and Recovery: A Guidance Note,” lead author, with Judith
Large and Stephen Brown (New York, Oslo, and Geneva: United Nations Development Programme,
“Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding Strategies: Considerations for Policymakers,” policy brief,
with Olga Martin-Ortega and Johanna Herman (Centre on Human Rights in Conflict and University
of Lund, 2009) at
“Evaluating and comparing strategies of peacebuilding and transitional justice,” working paper, with
Olga Martin-Ortega and Johanna Herman (Centre on Human Rights in Conflict and University of
Lund, 2009)
“Peace as governance? Critical challenges to power-sharing peace deals,” policy paper (Centre on
Human Rights in Conflict, 2009), at
“Just peace? Peacebuilding and rule of law in Africa: Lessons for policymakers,” policy paper, with
Olga Martin-Ortega and Johanna Herman (Centre on Human Rights in Conflict, 2009), at
“From promise to practice: Strengthening UN capacities for the prevention of violent conflict,” final
report, with Karin Wermester (International Peace Academy 2003), at
“UNDP, Justice and Security Sector Reform: Developing Guidance for the Field,” workshop report
(International Peace Academy, 2002).
“From promise to practice: Strengthening UN capacities for the prevention of violent conflict. Case
studies in prevention,” policy report (International Peace Academy, 2002), at
“Sharing best practices on conflict prevention: The UN, regional and subregional organizations,
national and local actors,” policy paper, with Albrecht Schnabel, John Packer, and Augustine Toure
(International Peace Academy, 2002), at
“From promise to practice: Strengthening UN capacities for the prevention of violent conflict,”
workshop report from Security Council Retreat,” (International Peace Academy, 2001), at
“Options for Kosovo’s Final Status: Quo Vadis UNMIK?” a report for the United Nations
Association of the United States of America, available at: or
8 July 2007, interviewed for 'Combater o terror X cercear direitos' (Fighting terror by
curtailing rights), O Tempo (Brazil).
29 January 2007, radio appearance, BBC’s The World Tonight show, on China and Sudan, at
“Comment: Justice vs peace or restorative vs retributive justice: The cases of Kenya and Sudan,”
Peace: Forum for Peacebuilding Ethics (PRIO: July 2010) at
“ICC hypocrisy over war crimes,” Comment is Free, The Guardian (June 2010) at
“The ICC review conference: the forgotten issues,” The Jurist (June 2010) at
“State aggression is finally a crime: But how is it punished?” Comment is Free, The Guardian (June
2010) at
“Looking forward, backward, or just away?” Human Rights and Human Welfare Roundtable (June 2009)
“The Prosecutor of the ICC: Too Political, Not Political Enough, or Both?” Human Rights and Human
Welfare Roundtable (May 2009), at
“A curse not limited to Cambodia,” Human Rights and Human Welfare Roundtable (April 2009), at
With Stephen Brown and Marie-Joelle Zahar, “For Zimbabwe, talking is no cure,” (20 August 2008),
Comment is Free, The Guardian, at
With Amy Ross, “Travel Advisory: War Criminals Beware, Justice Ahead,” The Jurist ( 29 October
2007) at
With Marie-Joelle Zahar, “A Dangerous Step,” (5 June 2007), Comment is Free, The Guardian.
“China, Human Rights, and the Sudan,” (30 January 2007) at
With Amy Ross, “Catch-22 in Uganda: The LRA, the ICC, and the Peace Process,” The Jurist (17 July
2006) at
“Trying Habre in Senegal: An African Solution to an African Problem?” The Jurist (6 July 2006) at
“Bad Politics, Worse Law: Re-Writing the UK Human Rights Act,” The Jurist (16 May 2006) at
With Amy Ross, “Trying Charles Taylor: Justice Here, There, Anywhere?” The Jurist (4 April 2006) at
“The UN Human Rights Council: Another Missed Opportunity,” The Jurist (12 March 2006) at
“Exporting Torture: US Rendition and European Outrage,” The Jurist (13 December 2005) at
European Consortium for Political Research, Reykjavik, invited to organize
panel on “Democratization, transitional justice, and peacebuilding in theory and
Griffith University, Brisbane, conference on Transitional justice in the Asia-Pacific,
invited speaker and author on accountability in Sri Lanka.
Tooks Chambers, London, invited speaker on “Peace vs justice?”
Trinity College Dublin, Centre for Post-conflict justice, invited speaker on
“Surviving field research”.
International Studies Association, annual conference, Montreal, participant in
multiple panels.
Universite Antonine conference on Justice internationale et/ou mantien de la paix et de la
securite internationales, presented paper entitled “The Special Tribunal for Lebanon in
Context: Internationalized Criminal Justice and International Politics.”
Bard College, Annandale, NY, Human Rights Project, presentation on “Responses
to the post-election violence in Kenya”.
African Studies Association annual conference, San Francisco, presentation on
“Kenya in the Shadow of the ICC: Complementarity and Gravity.”
University of the Witwatersrand and the American Society of International
Law, Johannesburg, conference on Africa and the future of international criminal justice, to
present paper on Kenya, the International Criminal Court, and gravity and
University of St Andrews, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, workshop on
Risky Field Research, presenting on “Surviving field research”.
ECPR Workshop on Justice, Durability and Peacebuilding, Münster, paper presenter on
peacebuilding and transitional justice.
Human Rights Consortium, School of Advanced Study, University of
London, presentation on “Accountability for one? The Special Tribunal for
Lebanon in context”.
SOAS, panel discussion on Surviving field research: Working in violent and difficult
International Studies Association, annual conference, New Orleans, participant
in multiple panels.
Policy conference on justice and peacebuilding organized by Lund University in
Brussels for the European Commission, paper presenter.
Kings College London, Africa Research Group, presentation on “Just peace?
Peacebuilding and the rule of law in Africa”.
University of St Andrews, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, presentation
on “Post-conflict justice processes as sites of hybridity in peacebuilding”.
The Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law (IEGL) Australia The Centre
for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Waterloo, Canada, The
United Nations University (UNU), Tokyo and the Australian Governance
Research Network, Waterloo, Canada, conference on Ethical Supports For
Strengthening The International Rule of Law, invited speaker.
Centre on Human Rights in Conflict, British Branch of Women in
International Security, and King’s College London roundtable on Surviving field
research: Working in violent and difficult situations.
Centre on Human Rights in Conflict seminar series, co-presentation on “War,
conflict, and human rights: Theory and practice”.
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies - Institute of African
Affairs / Institute of Middle East Studies Leibniz-Institut für Globale und
Regionale Studien, Hamburg, conference on power-sharing in Africa, invited
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission Legal Network, London, conference
on Limits and possibilities of the law in a rapidly changing world, invited speaker on “Just
peace? Rule of law and access to justice in post-conflict societies”.
Hebrew University and Lund University, Jerusalem and Ramallah, Regional
Seminar on Just Peace, chair.
Royal African Society and SOAS, organized and chaired panel presentation on
Just peace? Peacebuilding and the rule of law in Africa.
London School of Economics, the Centre for the Study of Global Governance
and the Humanitarian Law Centre, Belgrade, Serbia. Invited to speak in a seminar
entitled European integration and transitional justice: from retributive to restorative justice.
International Studies Association, annual conference, New York. Participant in
multiple panels and roundtables.
International Law Association, British Branch, London. Invited presenter in
seminar series, presenting a paper on “Power-sharing, armed groups, and
contemporary peace negotiations”.
British International Studies Association, annual conference, Exeter, presented
paper on “Strategies of peacebuilding and accountability”.
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, invited
speaker on rebuilding rule of law in post-conflict settings.
Wilton Park, invited participant and chair in workshop on promoting accountability
during conflict.
Oxford University, transitional justice seminar series, invited speaker on regional
conflict and accountability.
Oxford University, Workshop on “Transitional Justice and Democratic
Consolidation,” invited commentator.
University of Lund, Lund, National Conference on Peace and Conflict Research,
keynote speaker on “Beyond peace vs. justice: transitional justice in peacebuilding
NUPI, Tromso, authors’ workshop on Political Economy of DDR, to present draft
paper on DDR and transitional justice.
Birzeit University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, IDRC Canada, and Konrad
Adenauer Stiftung, Amman, conference on Law and Society in the Arab World:
Prospects and Transformation, invited speaker on rule of law promotion.
Ministry of Defense, Spain, CITPax, and Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid
conference on Security Sector Reform: A New Area for Spain’s Action Abroad? invited
speaker on SSR in context.
King’s College London, Department of War Studies, London conference on The
International Criminal Court: 10 Years After Rome, chair.
University of Essex, Human Rights Centre, and Human Rights Internet,
workshop on peacebuilding, invited speaker on disarmament, demobilization, and
reintegration of ex-combatants and security sector reform.
SOAS, London, invited speaker on “China’s Role in Human Rights Abuses in
Africa: Clarifying Issues of Culpability”.
United Nations Development Programme, Geneva. Workshop on Governance
and Conflict Prevention and Early Recovery, invited speaker.
International Studies Association, annual conference, San Francisco. Participant
in multiple panels and roundtables.
Centre for Conflict Resolution, UN Office of the Special Representative for
the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities, and International Peace
Academy, New York, Roundtable in Stellenbosch, South Africa on Prevention of
Genocide and Mass Atrocities and the Responsibility to Protect.
Oxford Brookes, Human Rights Group seminar series, invited speaker on
contemporary challenges of transitional justice.
London School of Economics/Waging Peace workshop on China, Africa, and
human rights, invited speaker.
University of Glasgow, Department of Politics seminar series, invited speaker on
Peace as Governance? Power-Sharing, Armed Groups, and Contemporary Peace Negotiations.
University of Cape Town, Centre for Conflict Resolution, workshop on China in
Africa, invited participant.
American Political Science Association, annual conference, Chicago. Participant
in multiple panels and roundtables.
Crisis Management Initiative, Nuremberg Conference on Building a Future on Peace
and Justice, invited speaker and author.
University of Oxford, Centre for the Study of Social Justice, conference on
Transitional Justice and International Law: Cooperation or Competition, invited speaker.
University of London, Goldsmiths, and London School of Economics,
conference on the new international collective security agenda for humanitarian law,
invited speaker.
University of St. Andrews and United Nations University, conference in
Sarajevo on Beyond the ‘Liberal Peace’? Democracy, the Market, and Peacebuilding, invited
speaker for book project.
University of Cape Town, Centre for Conflict Resolution, workshop on Peace
versus Justice? Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and War Crimes Tribunals in Africa,
invited speaker for book project.
Human Rights Internet, expert working group, Ottawa, on Power-sharing, SelfGovernance, and Participation in Public Life.
University of California, Irvine, conference on Peace with a Human Face: Combining
Human Rights and Human Security Approaches, invited speaker.
International Studies Association, annual conference, Chicago. Participant in
multiple panels and roundtables.
United Nations Development Programme, Oslo Governance Centre.
Workshop on Governance and Conflict Prevention, Kathmandu, Nepal. Invited speaker
and resource person.
Universidad de los Andes, invited to give two public lectures on: “Negotiating
peace, protecting justice? Perspectives from Sri Lanka, Sudan, East Timor, and
Sierra Leone”.
Columbia University, Harriman Institute, invited to speak on a panel on “War
Crimes Tribunals: Their Impact in Bosnia and Sierra Leone”.
International Studies Association, annual conference, San Diego. Presented on
panel, “The Ethics of International Ethics: The Moral Politics of International
Norm Building” and acted as a discussant on a panel on “Problematising the Liberal
McGill University, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, conference on
Hybrid Courts in Context, invited to speak about the Special Court for Sierra Leone.
European Consortium on Political Research, annual conference, Budapest.
Organized and participated in a panel on “Human rights: contestations”.
International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Was invited to
lecture to academics and politicians on international and hybrid approaches to
Law and Society Association, annual conference, Las Vegas. Participated in a
roundtable on “Transitional justice: rule of law in theory and practice”.
Inter University Centre Dubrovnik, Course on Divided Societies, presented a
paper and conducted a seminar on “Strategies of integration: transitional justice and
the reform of legal systems”.
Columbia University conference on the state, presented a paper on
“Human Rights Claims vs. The State: Universal Jurisdiction in Theory and
International Peace Academy, Program on Security and Development, authors’
workshop, Pocantico, New York, presented paper on “Discourses of prevention and
rule of law: rhetoric and reality”
University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Department of International Relations and
United Nations Association, workshop on The UN and International Justice, invited
speaker on “The UN and international justice: international and mixed tribunals”.
Diplomatic Academy Vienna, Austrian National Defense Academy, and
International Peace Academy, Seminar on Peace Operations in Africa, Vienna,
Austria, presented a paper on “The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and
War Crimes Tribunal for Sierra Leone: Lessons Learned.”
Cornell University, Institute for African Development, Symposium on Security,
Reconciliation, and Reconstruction: When the Wars End, Cornell, NY, presented a paper on
“Justice for whom? The compromise of hybrid tribunals”.
International Studies Association, Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Presented a paper on “Justice for whom? The compromise of hybrid approaches to
Social Science Research Council, Program on Global Security and Cooperation,
Workshop Series on Law and International Relations, conference on International
Criminal Accountability as panel chair and member of core group, Washington, DC.
University of British Colombia, Project on Armed Groups, authors’ meeting,
presented a chapter contribution, “Achieving accountability for non-state armed
groups—use of domestic mechanisms for international crimes,” for an edited
Academic Council on the UN System, Conference on A World Free From Fear:
Challenges for the UN and Multilateralism, United Nations, NY. Presented a paper on
“A world free from fear: confronting past human rights violations on the global
The University of Sheffield, Department of Law, Conference on Globalization and
the Search for Justice, Sheffield, UK. Presented a paper entitled “Globalization of
justice: for better or worse?”
International Studies Association, Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon.
Organized a panel, and acted as chair and discussant, on “Locating Justice: Universal
Jurisdiction and the Trend Towards Doing Justice Abroad.”
Social Science Research Council, Program on Global Security and Cooperation,
Workshop Series on Law and International Relations, conference on International
Law and Terrorism, as panel chair and member of core group, Washington, DC.
United Nations University, Shimane Global Seminar on Conflict Prevention, Shimane
Prefecture, Japan, as an invited lecturer on knowledge and disputes about causes of
Law and Society Association, Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Organized a panel on externalization of justice. Presented a paper, “Externalizing
justice through universal jurisdiction—problems and prospects”.
Social Science Research Council, Program on Global Security and Cooperation,
Workshop Series on Law and International Relations, conference on International
Law and Small Arms Proliferation, Washington, D.C. Presented a memorandum on
legal mechanisms governing availability and effects of small arms.
African Studies Association Annual Conference. Houston, TX. Was an invited
discussant and chair for panel “Conflict Prevention and Peacekeeping Forces in
Law and Society Association Annual Conference. Budapest, Hungary.
Organized a panel on internationalization of justice. Presented a paper, “Justice
without Borders: the Expanding Scope of Universal Jurisdiction”.
INCORE conference From Violence to Politics. Derry/Londonderry, Northern
Ireland. Presented a paper (co-authored with Karen Resnick), “From impunity to
accountability: choices about justice in East Timor and Indonesia”.
United Nations Development Programme-UN Department of Political
Affairs conference on Strengthening the UN Approach to Conflict. London, UK.
Presented “From Promise to Practice: Strengthening UN Capacities for the
Prevention of Violent Conflict”.
Princeton Project on Universal Jurisdiction, Conference on universal
jurisdiction. Princeton, NJ. Presented paper, “Contemporary practice of universal
jurisdiction: disjointed and disparate, yet developing”.
United Nations Association of the United States of America, Conference on
Options for Kosovo’s Final Status: Quo Vadis Unmik? Rome, Italy. Was the rapporteur
for the conference.
United Nations University and the Center for International Studies,
Princeton University, Workshop on The United Nations System in the 21st Century:
Human Rights, Princeton, NJ. Was an invited discussant.
American Political Science Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Organized a panel and presented a paper entitled “Strategies of Transition: How
Transitional Regimes Seek Stability and Accountability”.
International Peace Academy/Center for International Security and
Cooperation Conference on Implementation of Peace Agreements in Civil Wars, New
York, NY. Was an invited discussant.
Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Conference, United
Nations. Presented a paper entitled “Justice vs. Stability: On the Choices that
Transitional regimes make in the creation of Truth Commissions”.
International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, was invited to
lecture to academics and politicians. Presented “Truth, Justice, and Accountability:
How Regimes Deal with Human Rights Violations of Previous Regimes”.
SSRC-MacArthur Program on Peace and Security in a Changing World,
Eleventh Annual Fellows Conference, Casablanca and Tanger, Morocco. Presented
“Truth, Justice, and Accountability: Dealing with Past Human Rights Abuses”.
North East Political Science Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Presented “Human Rights Violations and Peace Negotiations”.
Women in International Security Security Policy at the Crossroads Conference,
Rockville, MD. Presented “The Problems of Transition from War to Peace: The
Salvadoran Truth Commission”.
Public lecture by Gerry Simpson, University of Melbourne School of Law, The
passions of international criminal law at SOAS.
Conference on Assessing the state of human rights nine years after 9/11. Co-organizer;
conference to be held in Chicago, as part of a collaboration between the Human
Rights sections of the International Studies Association, the American Political
Science Association, and the International Political Science Association.
Public lecture by Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary
General for Children and Armed Conflict on “The Security Council and Children
and Armed Conflict”.
Roundtable discussion on Surviving Field Research: Working in Violent and Difficult
Situations organized at Kings College London with the support of the British Branch
of Women in International Security and the War Crimes Research Group.
Workshop for partners in European Union Framework VII Project on building “A
just and durable peace by piece”.
Panel discussion on Just Peace? Peacebuilding and rule of law in Africa: Lessons for
policymakers organized at the School of Oriental and African Studies with the support
of the Royal African Society.
Authors’ meeting for participants in book project as part of British Academy larger
grant for research on Rule of law in African countries emerging from violent
conflict: critical issues and cases.
Panel Discussion on Ten Years after Pinochet: The Future of Universal Jurisdiction.
Panel Discussion on Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Obligations.
Public Lecture by Martin Scheinin, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human
Rights While Countering Terrorism, with commentators: John Kissane, Head of
Human Rights Compliance and Delivery, UK Department for Constitutional Affairs
and Tom Porteous, London Director, Human Rights Watch.
Public Lecture by Geoffrey Robertson, QC.
10/06-5/2010 Seminar and events series, Centre on Human Rights in Conflict, University of
East London, regular schedule of about 10 events/year.
Conflict Prevention: Where Have We Been and Where are We Going?
International Policy Conference, New York.
UNDP, Justice, and Security Sector Reform: Developing Guidance for the
Field, International Policy Workshop, UNDP headquarters, New York.
A Framework for Lasting Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration
of Former Combatants in Crisis Situations, International Policy Workshop,
Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations, New York.
Brainstorming Session on Internet Forum on Conflict Prevention Cases,
Informal session organized for UN OCHA, New York.
Case Study Author Meeting: Regional Cases, International Authors’ Meeting,
New York.
Creating Conditions for Peace: What Role for the UN and Regional Actors,
International Policy Conference, Wilton Park, UK, in partnership with Wilton Park.
Policy Forum and Book Launch: From Reaction to Conflict Prevention and
No More Killing Fields, New York.
Sharing Best Practices on Conflict Prevention: The UN and Regional
Organizations, National and Local Actors, International Policy Conference,
Alexandria, Egypt, in Partnership with the Swedish Institute of Alexandria.
Policy Forum on Zanzibar’s Political Crisis: The Quest for a Lasting
Solution, New York.
Empowering Local Actors: The UN and Multi-Track Conflict Prevention,
International Policy Conference, New York.
Mainstreaming Early Warning and Conflict Prevention in the UN System—
Rationalizing Tools, Policy Workshop, New York.
The United Nations System in the New Millennium: Fostering Substantive
and Operational Linkages in the Implementation of Peace, Security CouncilECOSOC Workshop, Tarrytown, New York.
Roundtable Breakfast, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Rolf Ekeus, New York
Country Case Study Author Working Group Meeting (2), International
Authors’ Meeting, Tarrytown, New York.
Security Council Workshop on Conflict Prevention, Security Council Workshop,
West Point, New York.
Country Case Study Author Working Group Meeting (1), International Authors’
Meeting, New York.
Policy Forum on Preventing Conflict in the 21st Century: New Tools, Policy
Forum, New York.
Expert Meeting on Methodology, on comparative case studies of countries in or
at risk of conflict, New York.
Roundtable Breakfast, Ambassador Lakhdar Brahimi, on reforming UN peace
operations and conflict prevention, New York.