Chapter 26: America Moves to the City: 1865-1900

APUSH Unit 7
Chapter 25: America Moves to the City: 1865-1900
Urbanization and its changes
Louis Sullivan
Urban transportation
Department Stores, mail-order houses
Theodore Dreiser
Dumbbell tenements
New Immigration: Who? Why? Where?
Social Gospel
Jane Addams, Lillian Wald, Florence Kelley
Nativism is back: what was that third party that was all about nativism?
Emma Lazarus
New churches and leaders, YMCA, YWCA
Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species: Fundamentalists vs. Modernists
Changes in education and universities
Morrill Act and Hatch Act
Booker T. Washington
W.E.B. DuBois
Scientific and medical stuff
Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hurst
Literary reformers: people and works (Henry George & Edward Bellamy)
Literature: lots of people (Horatio Alger, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Kate
Chopin, Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, Henry James, Jack London, blah, blah,
blah, blah)
Changes in families and with women
Comstock Law
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Ida B Wells
Prohibition Movement
Clara Barton
Artists, architects, music, 1893 Chicago World’s Fair
American having fun!: new leisure activities
Chapter 26: The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution: 1865-1896
See your notes from Mr. Vo$s’ powerpoint
Grange: Oliver H. Kelley, Granger Laws
Farmers’ Alliance
Mary Elizabeth Lease
Jacob S. Coxey
Pullman Strike
Eugene Debs
Richard Olney
Election of 1896: McK vs. WJB
Marcus Hanna
Dingley Tariff
Gold Standard Act
Chapter 27: Empire and Expansion: 1890-1909
Pulitzer & Hearst, “yellow journalism”
Josiah Strong
Henry Cabot Lodge
Cpt. Alfred Thayer Mahan
James G. Blaine
Diplomatic crises
Richard Olney
Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani
Manifest Destiny, again?
Cuba, General Weyler
U.S.S. Maine
Dupuy de Lome
Teller Amendment
George Dewey
Emilio Aguinaldo
TR & Rough Riders
Treaty of Paris, 1898
Foraker Act, 1900
Platt Amendment
“A splendid little war”
John Hay
Open Door Policy
Boxer Rebellion
Election of 1900 (the Prophet strikes again!)
Teddy Roosevelt
Colombia? Nicaragua? Panama?
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
Building a canal
Roosevelt Corollary, “big stick”
Peace at Portsmouth
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Chapter 28: Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt, 1901-1912
Jacob A. Riis
Theodore Dreiser
Muckrakers: Tarbell & friends
17th Amendment & other political advancements
Progressive mayors & governors: La Follette, Johnson, Hughes
Social progress: Florence Kelley, Triangle Shirtwaist Company, Muller v. Oregon, Lochner v.
New York, WCTU
TR: Square Deal: 3 C’s, 1902 Coal Strike, Busting trusts, The Jungle, checking the meat,
conservation, Gifford Pinchot, John Muir
Panic of 1907
William Howard Taft
Dollar Diplomacy
More Trust-Busting
Payne-Aldrich Tariff + Richard Ballinger + Joe Cannon = Split in Repubs., TR vs. Taft (yes,
the guy who got stuck in a bath tub)