Safe Space- Energy Protection Solutions

A Course in Life
Energy Protection & Enhancement Solutions
Today’s world is filled to the brim with bouncing electronic frequencies and radio-waves that rob us of
energy and vital life-force. These energies are dangerous. Why? Most don’t realize that the energy
emanating from the simple devices in their home and office block natural flows to energy from the
mind to the body and back again. They disperse an unprecedented amount of radio frequency
radiation – a dangerous (if not deadly) type of electronic frequency that is laboratory tested to be
damaging to your body. And this radio frequency radiation is piling up all around the world. Even your
car emits frequencies that suck energy out of your core being.
These energy protective devices are the best in the world and will eliminate harmful energy
frequencies. You will feel great! It can all happen when you clear the channels in your body-mind that
are being blocked by negative, toxic energies generated from cell phones, TV’s, computers, nearby
power wires, etc.
Transform your life forever. Safe Space has left no stone unturned to discover ways to make your
environment better... Healthier... Safer. Get these if you want a new balance in your life. These
AMAZING products are called “Safe Space” devices. These wonderful devices are used for clearing
and protecting your environments, food and water from effect of detrimental electromagnetic fields
and other toxic energies. They are designed to interact with the everyday devices we use to bring a
natural balance and harmony back into your life.
You’ll be thrilled with the amount of research and testing Safe Space has done to make these
products both powerful and effective. You’ll feel more relaxed, more comfortable and more energized.
Do you have a computer? You need Safe Space Products.
Do you have a cell phone? You need Safe Space Products.
Do you have a remote? You need Safe Space Products.
Do you wireless “toys”? You need Safe Space Products.
Do you have a microwave? You need Safe Space Products.
Do you have an electric...? I think you get the picture.
Safe Space Products will make your life better, and the lives of your family and pets.
SafeSpace At-a-Glance Guide
If you are not satisfied for any reason, you can simply return the product within 30 days of delivery for
a full refund of the price paid (less S&H). No questions asked. (see Policies for details)
HOME, OFFICESafeSpace I$119.95
SMALL AREAS, CARSafeSpace II$39.95
LANDGeoResonators (4-pack)$80.00
CELL PHONESCell Phone Patch$29.95
ELECTRIC & WATER LINESEnergy Strip$39.95
COMPUTERS & APPLIANCESAppliance Patch (3-pack)$19.95
FOOD & WATERFood Liquid Card (large card) $74.95
FOOD & WATERFood Liquid Card (small card)$44.95
TOXIC MATERIALSNeutralizer Card$74.95
LASER ACCESSORIES GeoResonator Tip$49.95
LASER ACCESSORIES 64-Mineral Tip$49.95
MATERIALSResonator Patches (3-pack)$29.95
VitaPlex Pendant$139.95
Protectoplex Card$44.95
VitaPet Pendant$39.95
VitaPet Card$39.95
What is EMF?
What Does EMF Stand For?
EMF stands for Electromagnetic fields, which are often called EMFs, and invisible electrical and
magnetic forces. EMFs are a type of radiation, that take the form of waves.
Types of Electromagnetic Energy
Natural EMFs - The earth produces an electromagnetic field (EMF), and so does the human body.
Also known as or extremely low frequency ELF’s. In fact, scientific research has demonstrated that
every cell in your body may have its own EMF, helping to regulate important functions and keep you
Natural EMFs or ELF’s are low in intensity; for example, a healthy human body resonates with the
earth's magnetic field at around 10 hertz.
Artificial EMFs - Human technologies - from hairdryers and cell phones to high voltage wires - create
powerful EMFs. These strong EMFs have been shown to disturb the human body’s natural energetic
Fact: We’re exposed to 100 million times greater artificial EMF radiation than our grandparents were,
and that exposure grows each year.
There are two parts to an electromagnetic field (EMF): an electric field and a magnetic field.
The electric field:
Created by electric charges, or voltage (the force of the electricity)
Always there when an appliance is plugged in (even if the appliance is turned off)
Can be shielded or blocked by metal housing and other barriers.
Measured in units of hertz
The magnetic field
Created by moving electric charges (electric current)
Only there when the appliance is operating (when current is flowing)
Hard to shield: can penetrate steel, concrete and human bodies (human bodies have the same
permeability as air when it comes to magnetic fields, which is why x-rays work so well).
The more powerful the current is, the more powerful the magnetic field it creates
Measured in units of gauss (G) or milliGauss (mG), which is one-thousandth of a gauss.
Both fields are invisible and perfectly silent: if you live in an area with electric power and cell
phone service, some level of artificial EMF is surrounding you.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the scientific name for types of photon radiation. Radiation is
energy that travels and radiates out as it moves. Electromagnetic radiation consists of photons (light
particles) which travel in a wave-like pattern at the speed of light.
The amount of energy found in these photons forms the various types of electromagnetic radiation in
the spectrum expressed in terms of energy, wavelength or frequency.
Frequency is measured in cycles per second (which is called a Hertz), wavelength is measured in
meters and energy is measured in electron volts. The strength of an EMF depends on its wavelength
and frequency. A greater number of waves with shorter wavelengths create more energy as you
move up the spectrum.
Electromagnetic Spectrum In My Home
What Is The Range Of Wavelength Of Electromagnetic Waves?
Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)
On the low end of the electromagnetic spectrum
Longer wavelengths
Come from the 50 - 60 hertz power lines that feed household appliances
Dangerous to health, especially when near the body for long periods of time.
Radio Frequency Radiation (RF)
On the high end of the electromagnetic spectrum
Come from cell phones, cordless phones, mobile antennas, broadcast towers, electrical
security systems, sonar and more
The higher the frequency or wavelength, the more danger to health
Microwave Radiation
Microwaves, with their very short wavelengths are an example of very high radio frequency
radiation (RF)
Microwave radiation has especially been shown to be dangerous to living organisms
Many cell phone towers operate in the microwave range
What Ways Are Electromagnetic Waves Dangerous?
Science shows that many processes of the human body are regulated with bioelectrical signals.
Strong, artificial EMFs can enter your body interfere with all that, (magnetic fields can even pass into
your body and induce current!) harming everything from your sleep cycles and stress levels to your
immunities and DNA. (See health risks)
Concern about EMFs has been around a long time. Farmers with sick and dying cattle herds living
under high power transmission lines were among the first to sound the alarms.
Since then, decades of research and epidemiological studies conducted all over the world have
shown the dangers of the EMFs we live with every day. . (See EMF studies)
Health Effects from EMFs
Electromagnetic Radiation Effects On People From Everyday Electronics
The technologies we use today, from our everyday appliances, cell phones, even our cars, emit
electromagnetic radiation & EM radiation that can penetrate and affect us, seriously compromising
our health and disturbing our environments.
For years, scientists have conducted research linking EM radiation to serious diseases like
cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and others. (See studies.)
After an extensive review of 2,000+ such studies, the National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences concluded EMFs “should be regarded as possible carcinogens.”
An international group of leading researchers recently came out stating, “the existing standards
for public safety are completely inadequate to protect health.” (more on the Bioinitiative report
Forward-thinking nations around the world are starting to set stricter EMF safety limits.
Even the EPA now cautions you to “limit your exposure.”
Why Is EM Radation Exposure So Dangerous?
You may not realize it, but your own body uses electromagnetic fields
to function properly. In fact, research has demonstrated that every cell in your body may have its own
In his book “The Body Electric,” researcher and author Robert Becker demonstrates that our cells
actually communicate with each other via bioelectrical signals and electromagnetic fields. These
natural EMFs help regulate important biochemical processes of all kinds. Maintaining balance in
those cellular electromagnetic fields is crucial to your physical health.
What Are The Dangers Of EM Radiation To Humans?
Unfortunately, your body can also be influenced by the powerful artificial EM Radiation around you.
That’s where the trouble starts.
How Does Harmful Electromagnetic Radiation Get Into Your Body?
When it comes to magnetic radiation (which is part of any EMF—see EMF explained for more on
that), the body is as easily penetrated as air. This means if you are near a powerful EMF,
electromagnetic radiation isn’t just around you, it’s inside you.
According to Dr. Becker, your body’s electrical signals are well within the range of those that can be
stimulated by ambient radio waves, microwaves and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. That
harmful, unnatural type of stimulation can seriously impact your body.
EM Radiation Can Cause Health Chaos…
Artificial EMFs change the frequency of your body's electromagnetic fields through a process
called entrainment (or sympathetic resonance). Entrainment is the tendency of an object to vibrate
at the same frequency as something outside of it. In other words, powerful artificial EMFs overwhelm
your body’s own electrical fields, changing their frequency and distorting the balance of the body's
electromagnetic field and its communication systems. This causes physical, mental and emotional
The danger doesn’t always pass once you get away from the strong electromagnetic field. That’s
because biological systems have been proven to store electromagnetic radiation within the
cells in the form of electromagnetic oscillations. These oscillations can stubbornly remain inside you,
wreaking havoc with your body’s most important processes.
Compounding this problem, metallic objects all around us act as antennae. These include
electrical circuits, telephone wiring, water and gas pipes, even your keys and jewelry, which collect
and re-radiate these disorienting energy waves.
The highest frequency energy waves (X-rays, gamma rays and others) can break chemical and
molecular bonds, and can literally rip atoms apart, disrupting the basic biochemical structures of life.
The healthy human body resonates at around 10 hertz. Frequencies above that create biological
stress, tissue damage and serious health problems.
Have There Been Any Electromagnetic Radiation Studies?
Yes. Thousands of studies worldwide have shown that overexposure to EMFs can lead to weakened
immunities, lowered resistance to bacterial and viral infections and devastating illnesses like cancer.
The BioInitiative Working Group sounds the alarm
An International working group of leading scientists, researchers and public health policy
professionals is bringing scientific concerns about the radiation to light.
Their 2007 report, the BioInitiative Report, concludes that the existing standards for public safety are
completely inadequate to protect your health. The report includes studies showing evidence that
electromagnetic fields:
Affects gene and protein expression (Transcriptomic and Proteomic Research)
Have Has genotoxic effects – RFR and ELF DNA damage
Induces stress response (Stress Proteins)
Affects immune function
Affects Neurology and behavior
Causes childhood cancers (Leukemia)
Impacts melatonin production; Alzheimer’s Disease; Breast Cancer
Promotes breast cancer (Melatonin links in laboratory and cell studies)
Other well-known studies link EMFs to:
Enzyme changes that affect DNA and cell growth; possible result is cancer and birth defects.
Changed metabolism and increased cell growth.
Fetal abnormalities, probably caused by enzyme changes.
Gene expression changes, which creates stress on your body and even result in cancer.
Increased production of stress proteins within cells, linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
Chronic stress, which can lead to heart conditions.
Neuro-hormone changes, which can result in memory loss and impaired brain function.
Electro-smog disturbs the growth of cells and the information flow between cells.
The Higher The EMF Frequency, The More Serious The Health Effect.
The fields that appear to be of most concern are those that are very strong, near the body, or of high
Electromagnetic Radiation In Your Home
The Special Dangers Of Cell Phone Electromagnetic Radiation
Because cellphones have such powerful EMFs (usually in the microwave range!) and are held to the
head or kept close to the body, they are especially dangerous. (See cellphone studies for links to
specific research.)
Cellphones emit two kinds of EMFs - microwave electromagnetic radiation from the antenna,
and more EMFs from the phone body – both are harmful.
20-80% of the radiation from a phone’s antenna penetrates up to 2 inches into the adult brain.
Cell phones have thermal effects (they heat biological tissue) as well as non-thermal effects
(affecting natural EMF frequencies)
Studies have shown that people who sleep with a cellphone by the bed have poor REM sleep,
leading to impaired learning and memory. Long-term effects remain to be seen.
When the cellphone signal is held next to the head, brainwaves are altered a full 70% of the
Many insurance companies are so alarmed by the evidence that they now exclude health
issues related to cell phone radiation from coverage.
Most brain surgeons limit their cellphone use, and counsel patients never to hold them to their
Yes, electromagnetic radiation can harm human health, and the dangers are all around us. Read
what Doctors have to say:
“If Mobile Phones Were a Type of Food, They Simply Would Not be Licensed,"
~Dr. Gerald Hyland, The Lancet
“The evidence for risks from prolonged cell phone and cordless phone use is quite strong. For people
who have used them for 10 years or longer, mainly on one side of the head, the risk of malignant
brain tumor is doubled for adults and is even higher for persons with first use before age 20.”
~Brain tumor specialist Dr. Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Orebro University Hospital in Sweden
“There is a strong evidence that EMFs and radio/microwave frequencies are associated with
accelerated aging (enhanced cell death and cancer) and moods, depression, suicide, anger, rage and
violence, primarily through alteration of cellular calcium ions and the melatonin/serotonin balance.”
~Dr. Neil Cherry of Lincoln University, New Zealand
SafeSpace I
Clears ambient fields for large-area EMF protection
The SafeSpace 1 is a groundbreaking technology designed to clear and protect your environment
from detrimental electromagnetic fields and more. Our powerful SafeSpace I features a holographic
grid encased behind a metal grille. The grid is permanently coded with vibrational frequencies
designed interact with EMFs in your environment to create a tangible positive change. Result: EMF
protection, increased life force, and enhanced clarity.
EMF Protection Range:
Clears 1000' radius in all directions
W 2½ x L 4 ¼ x H ¾
Creates an overlay of benign energy through an entire area
EMF Protection for:
large offices
Ideal for clearing ambient toxic electromagnetic fields
Neutralizes harmful EMF's
Clears toxic, energetic stress in environments
Creates a lighter, healthier environment
Increases a sense of well-being
Enhances mental and emotional clarity
"I put your SafeSpace 1 device in my office, and I was surprised how my physical & mental literally
energy increased — the very same day! Since then, I no longer have to take naps, my creativity is at
a higher level & my general health even seems improved. I extend my deepest gratitude to you for
developing this product. I certainly would not be without it."
Sam Siemoens - Prestige Marketing, New York
Directions for use
The SafeSpace I should be placed close to the center of the area to be addressed. The device is
enhanced by daylight, therefore it should be stored in an area with some light, and never in a small
enclosed space, such as a drawer. Placement on shelving, tables or floors is common. Corners are
especially ideal. The metal grill is the top; the black hologram is the base. Under normal conditions
one unit will clear an entire house. To maintain a coherent energetic quality, the unit should be kept
permanently within the environment that it is clearing EMF's from. It can be moved to different
locations within the space, but if it's removed, the area may return to its original incoherent state. Self
energizing; does not require recharging.
How long does it take to clear toxic electromagnetic fields?
The device will begin to work as soon as it is placed in position. Depending on the level of toxicity in
the space, the time to clear the entire area can vary. From the initial installation, a large room will
typically clear in hours (e.g. motels, lecture halls). The more complex (toxic) the area, the more time
required. It is advisable to start the clearing process early in the day for home environments. A house
can take one or two days to clear entirely. An office space or small office building can take one to
several days to neutralize harmful EMF's.
"I have experienced several mysterious symptoms over the past few years which I can now attribute
to harmful electromagnetic sensitivity: mental fatigue, hot flashes, visual problems (loss of clarity),
nausea, and general yuckiness. When I put your products in my home (SafeSpace I and Energy
Strips) I felt like a very dark cloud was lifting off me! I know you probably get this all the time, but it
really was like a miracle! Since then, I continue to discover more ways that this card seems to be
affecting my life."
Leslie Connell - Decatur Georgia
Energy Strip
Stop the negative effects of EMF in electrical wiring and toxic water lines at the source!
Electric and water lines carry more than energy and water: they can also carry dangerous
electromagnetic fields and toxic patterning. Our Energy Strip is designed to provide EMF protection
quickly and effectively. Placing a strip on the source of the electrical or water in an environment sends
a harmonious flow of life enhancing energies into the entire area. Once your lines are treated with the
SafeSpace Energy Strip, the toxic effects are neutralized, and the electricity and water will emit a
coherent, polarized energy pattern that supports a calm, clear and healthy environment.
radiates a transformative field throughout electrical or water circuit
1"x 4"
EMF Protection for:
Pipes with electric wiring
Fuse boxes
Circuit breakers
Pipes with telephone wiring
Surge protectors
Water pipes
Main cold water line
Using the Energy Strip
Each adhesive–backed strip is imprinted with a vibrational program that lets it set up a coherent
energy pattern to "repolarize" electric and water lines in an environment. Transform electromagnetic
field interference from the main wiring in your home or office simply by placing one Energy Strip on
your circuit breakers (fuse box). Installation instructions come with the strips. Once installed, the
transformation starts immediately! We recommend one EMF protection strip for your water source
and one for your power. The Energy Strip can be placed directly on the water pipe where it enters the
home; this reduces toxic EMF’s and increases the life force in your water.
"I recently received the SafeSpace product and put it on my water and electric lines. I am someone
who was already treating my house with other products, so I was skeptical. I didn’t expect to notice a
difference. Immediately upon putting the products up, I felt more relaxed, as if my house was
suddenly enveloped in a protective bubble. My skin feels different, washing in the water. My hair does
too. I am very impressed with the product and intend to recommend it to many of my clients and
friends. This is a product that works!"
Joyce Tattelman, Pembroke Pines, FL, Chiropractor
"I got a set of your Energy Strips because of my increasing discomfort with the tap water to brush my
teeth, rinse vegetables, bathe and shower. Even my cats have not been given tap water to drink in
many years. On the third day, when I turned on the tap for the first time, the water felt like silk to me.
So I tasted the water and can honestly say it tasted just as good as the spring water that I have
delivered and the after taste was gone and still is My cats are now given tap water to drink and two of
them are drinking more. When I bathe I don’t want to add anything else to the water – it feels great as
Leslie Connell, Atlanta, Artist
Why Electric Wiring?
Harmful electromagnetic fields from the 60 Hz AC current of the electrical wiring that runs between
the walls can emanate harmful EM radiation 1–2 feet out from the wall. Using the Energy strip on the
main circuit breaker or fuse box resolves this toxic health issue. The SafeSpace Energy Strip will
convert the EM radiation running through the wiring of your home or office and help to create a
soothing stress free environment making appliances plugged into the electric sockets safe to use.
Use on circuit breakers: The Energy Strip radiates a harmonizing field at the source of the electric
wiring that counteracts and transforms the toxic effect of the electromagnetic pollutants, harmonizing
the electrical current running through walls.
Why does our water need EMF protection?
There are two issues with water pipes; the first is electromagnetic radiation. The fact is, water pipes
can be a major source of EMFs due to nearby power lines that are poorly grounded. The other issue
has to do with the water itself, which is often biologically dead due to its passage through toxic energy
fields of all kinds as well as the toxins in the water itself. Even when the water is purified by
conventional methods, the energetic imprint of toxic substances is still present. When we bathe in or
drink EMF polluted water, it has a weakening affect on the biosystem. The SafeSpace Energy Strip is
designed handle both issues, clearing EMF toxins in the water and making the water safer and
healthier to use.
Research has shown that electromagnetic radiation from a power strip inhibits the electrical
properties of DNA. In an independent laboratory study, the SafeSpace Energy Strip not only reversed
the damage but improved the DNA.
The SafeSpace Energy Strip more than completely (110%) reversed the damaging effects from
power line radiation. Thus, not only did the Energy Strip bring the biological system back to normal
values (control values before exposure to power line radiation), but the conductivity values were
enhanced above normal.
Quantum Biology Research labs
Appliance Patch
EMF protection from large and small appliances, creating life enhancing fields
Appliances of all kinds produce toxic electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can cause a range of health
problems and side effects, especially when they’re near the body for long periods of time. Placing the
SafeSpace Energy Patch near the source of power on appliances, computers, TVs and more, as well
as electric outlets, will help protect you against the dangerous effects of EMFs.
radiates a transformative field into the appliance’s wiring
$19.95 (3-pack)
If it has an electric cord or a battery, it needs an appliance patch
Electromagnetic field protection from:
Electric tools
Office equipment
Entertainment equipment
Surge protectors
Telephone wires
Send a corrective resonance through the wiring and circuitry of any appliance!
How it works
The SafeSpace Energy Patch creates a deprogramming and reprogramming effect, whereby the
energetic properties of an EMF are dramatically altered. The damaging vibrational frequencies from
the electromagnetic field are converted and transformed into a coherent, life enhancing field. In short,
the pattern of the EMF itself is changed from harmful to harmless. Transformed EMFs like these are
beneficial, and have been shown to restore equanimity and balance in the body–mind.
"Since putting appliance patches and energy strips into our kitchen 3 months ago, we have noticed a
significant shift in its ambience. It feels much brighter and the energy lighter, and I don’t get so weary
anymore. This has been confirmed by visitors (young and mature) who spontaneously comment on
the feeling they receive there. We treated our whole home, but the kitchen is where we really notice
Julie Lewin, Mother, Australia
"My wife and I both started experiencing insomnia and stress as soon as we moved into our new
condo. At first we thought we needed a new mattress, but that didn’t make a bit of difference. We
tried melatonin, milk before bed, you name it. Then we heard a radio program on EMFs, and we
started looking out the windows at all the electrical stuff, and all the gadgets around our bed. Your
company came up best in our research, and since we added SafeSpace I in our living room,
SafeSpace 2 above our bed and appliance patches to everything around us, we’ve slept like babies,
and we wake up refreshed. It’s changed our lives."
Vaughn Wortham, Account Executive, Bangor Maine
Use: With its adhesive back, the SafeSpace Appliance Patch is simple to use. Place 1 patch where
the electric cord enters the housing on appliances, electronic tools, office and entertainment
equipment or surge protectors. Place on or near the battery on wireless devices. Note that for the
special EMF challenges of cell phones and related mobile communication devices, the SafeSpace
Cell Patch is recommended over the appliance patch.
$19.95 (3-pack)
Clear yards, parks, farms and neighborhoods from dangerous EMF’s
Clear dangerous electromagnetic fields where you live, work and play. When placed in the ground,
GeoResonators neutralize EMF radiation pollution, restore balance to areas of geopathic stress, and
support healthy biological processes in and above the land. Each 2 x 2" patch is encoded with the
polarizing patterns of very senior subtle energies that specifically address imbalanced energies in the
earth, surrounding space and provide superior EMF protection.
can be planted 2 acres or up to a half mile apart
2"x 2"
$80.00 (4-pack)
Get protection from geopathic stress zones and earth energy distortions
When planted in a matrix of 4, they resonate & interact with each other
Clears computer stations and laptops from harmful EMF’s
Transforms EMFs in work areas with electrical appliances
Neutralizes the interiors of cars and other passenger vehicles
Clears sleeping areas
Provides protection on planes
Clean energy enhances productivity, concentration and well–being
Helps prevent EMF energy drain during work hours and commutes
"The SafeSpace products come highly recommended by the most discriminating and sensitive
experts we know. But when I picked up the SafeSpace Device and closed my eyes, I was amazed. I
felt its field instantly: its unmistakable 'flavor' of light and sweetness reminded me of a lovely
meditation hall or sacred place."
Gerry Satten – Massage therapist, Minneapolis
Found to have a strengthening and calming effect on all life systems within the treated area.
Each GeoResonator is imprinted with a range of harmonizing and resonant patterns that positively
influence the underground environment, including:
Full color spectrum that supports life processes
Energy imprints of 64 minerals corresponding to the 64 resonant minerals in the earth
Geomagnetic earth pattern to balance soil & land
Patterns to support atmospheric balance and geopathic stress protection
"We put four georesonators on the four corners of our yard–we were thinking about our kids, who
spend all day out there...we saw this as extra protection, because we live in a pretty built up area. We
noticed three things over the summer: more kids would come play here than ever before (we were
suddenly the fun yard!) Our flower garden produced twice the blooms. We don’t like using chemical
fertilizers, and I swear, I thought somebody had put some in without my knowing until we realized it
was probably your device. I have been telling everybody about this product. Thank you!"
Corrine, homemaker, Boise Idaho
How they protect you from geopathic stress zones:
GeoResonators are designed to influence and interact with all types of energy fields found in the
earth and soil. Each GeoResonator is encoded with a comprehensive program of transformative
subtle energies that resonate with the elements of the earth and atmosphere. When planted in the
earth a profound balancing and healing effect occurs in the soil, plants, trees and waterways.
Because they resonate with each other setting up a matrix of 4 is suggested. Once planted everything
within the matrix is positively affected and potentially transformed. Toxic vibrations in the earth are
transmuted and the natural life force is restored. They are particularly effective in clearing Geopathic
stress zones and toxic electromagnetic waves from ground current. Once the area is energy
balanced, the transformed earth energy imprints into conductive materials such as metal, concrete
and brick structures in and above the ground. More GeoResonators can be planted beyond the
original matrix to extend the effect out over larger geographic areas. Single GeoResonators can also
be used on sick plants, trees, or in gardens. Planting them in small waterways, brooks and ponds is
also suggested.
Plant them around your home your neighborhood and specific toxic areas to transform and
balance your environment
$80.00 (4-pack)
SafeSpace II
For clearing small areas in the home, the office and vehicles from EMF’s
Don’t be fooled by its tiny size this device packs a powerful protective punch! The SafeSpace II is one
of our most versatile products. Use the adhesive–backed clear pouch to affix it to most any vertical or
horizontal surface, from laptops to the travel bag you bring on the train or the plane. Slip it out of the
pouch and set it on your desk as you work, or your car dashboard when you drive. Use it in any small
area with electronics or electrical appliances; you’ll feel the difference as it clears toxic
electromagnetic fields around you.
harmonizes a 9 foot radius in all directions
2"x 2"
Creates coherent fields and EMF protection in small spaces
EMF Shielding for:
Computer stations
Motel rooms
Balance the energy in the spaces where you spend the most time
Clears computer stations and laptops from harmful EMF’s
Transforms EMFs in work areas with electrical appliances
Neutralizes the interiors of cars and other passenger vehicles
Clears sleeping areas
Provides protection on planes
Clean energy enhances productivity, concentration and well–being
Helps prevent EMF energy drain during work hours and commutes
"I’m a chauffer, so I spend hours behind the wheel, and I’d often feel exhausted while driving. The
growing fatigue and monotony on the job was troubling, not to mention unsafe. My wife ordered your
car–clearing device and stuck it to the case I carry into the car at the start of my day, and since then I
have noticed better alertness and a more even mood when interacting with my clients. This is
significant given my profession."
Thanks, Steve Townley, Lombard, Illinois
"I always became zapped of energy in a very short time. Now I have put the SafeSpace II in my car,
and my energy remains stable and I feel much better when driving. Thanks for having such great
products that really work."
JP; Healing Practitioner, Fargo, ND
Using SafeSpace II
The SafeSpace II contains a framed 2"x 2" holographic grid that is permanently encoded with
vibrational information designed to interact with and influence EMFs in small spaces. Effective in
clearing, reenergizing and balancing energies for EMF protection in up to a nine–foot radius. Because
it addresses a limited area, the clearing starts immediately. Can be used in its clear pouch or taken
out of the pouch and transferred to different areas. Commonly placed on the base of computer
monitors, workspace surfaces, in cars below the dashboard where toxic EMFs are the strongest. Note
that when it’s removed from an area, that area will likely return to its original incoherent state. Self
energizing; does not require recharging.
VitaPlex Life Force Pendant
Our most comprehensive solution for personal protection and vibrant well–being!
Wrap yourself in fields of soothing, clearing and rebalancing energy throughout the day. It’s an added
layer of protection for environments you can’t control, and so much more. In addition to guarding
against EMFs, jet lag and other health threats, it helps purify, rebalance, and raise the life energy of
your entire body–mind. And unlike other pendants, magnets or gems, the Vitaplex continually
changes and adapts its "broadcasting" to your unique energy field and your changing condition
throughout the day. The proprietary vibrational program in our handsome Vitaplex pendant is
imprinted on a holographic circuit and permanently encased in Sterling Silver. Comes with an 18”
flexible black rubber necklace (2mm wide). The clasp works by inserting metal reinforced tip into
open tube end, as in photo. Carrying case and holographic card included for protecting and storing
the pendant.
radiates a protective field around your body
L 1 1/4" x W 1/4" Sterling Silver
Has the unique ability to continually adjust to your body and surroundings.
When it comes to balancing, one frequency does not fit you at all times! For example, sometimes it is
most important to reduce the stress your life in order to heal. At other times chemical imbalances,
toxic exposure, or dietary indiscretions might be the primary block to your daily health. The range of
frequencies available within the Vitaplex enable it to interact with you and adapt its "broadcasting"
frequencies to your changing needs and outside circumstances. Other devices on the market—
pendants, magnets, gems and more—simply can’t match the long term balancing and harmonizing
"smart" power of the Vitaplex.
An extra layer of personal protection, plus balancing and harmonizing energy.
Helps to regulate and restore integrity to the body through the energy field
Helps cells to regenerate and function correctly
Engenders positive emotions; promotes calm and relaxation
Protects you from electromagnetic radiation
Counters jet lag and eases travel
Smart balancing energy!
As soon as you put on the Vitaplex, its encoded frequencies begin to interact with your unique energy
field to balance and harmonize your physical body. It continues to adapt to your needs and keeps you
protected from toxic fields that can compromise your health throughout the day. It is important to use
the Vitaplex regularly, preferably daily.
"With my Vitaplex, I have more energy, and feel sharper. I feel like I have a guardian angel with me,
operating through the pendant. My emotional reactions seem healthier and I feel calmer and more at
ease on a deeper level. It is difficult to quantify exactly what is happening, I just know that this
necklace is something I do not take off."
J.Tattleman, D.C.
Like a cocoon of protection that harmonizes and balances you.
Some of our users say it’s perfect for wearing all day and all night. It’s just the right size for children to
wear at school, acting like a shield against the effects of fluorescent lights and exposure to any
number of antibioenergy infections!
"Extensive HRV testing on people wearing a Vitaplex demonstrated an overall improvement in heart
function indicating that the Vitaplex supports greater health and a more relaxed heart as well as
improvement in the health of the nervous system and energy field."
Dr. Michael Nokken, D.C.
Carrying case and holographic card for protecting and storing the pendant included.
Cell Phone Patch
Proven protection against cell phone radiation
Our laboratory-tested and clinically proven cell phone patch has been proven to
transform and neutralize cell phone radiation - without affecting reception. The SafeSpace Cell Phone
Patch features a non-electric metal substrate hologram encoded with frequency information that
interacts with and influences EMFs, effectively protecting you against their harmful effects. The coded
hologram is encased in a clear plastic tab with an adhesive back. Place it on the back of the phone or
other device. Works immediately.
radiates a 24" field use 1 per mobile device
Converts harmful cell phone radiation to safe EMFs
For use on all types of wireless handheld devices:
all cell phones
smart phones
bluetooth tech.
cordless phones
and more
Peace of mind for wireless and mobile phone users
Cell phones emit potentially dangerous radiation from the antenna that connects to the cell tower
signal, the phone circuitry and battery. The most intense radiation occurs when your signal is being
sent or received (dialing and ringing). But the continuous EM radiation from wireless phones turned
on has been shown to cause serious health effects, even when the phone is sitting in your pocket.
Earphones and speakers don’t eliminate the dangers.
Protect Your Health from Electromagnetic Radiation
If you’re like most people, you’re living and working in a soup of toxic radiation. The
PROTECTOPLEX Environmental Protection holographic card serves as a baseline of strength, taking
you safely through environments you can’t control. Its protective field helps guard you against
electromagnetic fields (EMFs), geopathic stress zones, and environmental stress. Because ambient
toxins like these can deplete your vitality, keeping the card on you can minimizes fatigue. Ideal for
work situations and other wi–fi saturated environments, as well as travel on planes, trains, cars and
more. (Even helps counter jet lag!) Excellent for anybody who is overly sensitive to energies.
a protective field that shields the body
2"x 2"
Excellent frontline protection!
The protective field our Protectoplex sets up around your body reduces the negative effects of
electromagnetic energies and a host of other ambient threats. And by keeping your body’s subtle
energy and electrical system in balance, it helps you stay energized and strong throughout the day.
Keep it on your body—ideally in a pocket. Buy one for your friends and family members.
Protects you from harmful electromagnetic fields
Enhances your energy in stressful environments
Protects you from radiation during travel
Prevents jet lag
Protects you from drained energy in electronic environments
Accessories: Each card comes with 2 plastic pouches for storing or wearing the card.
"Until I discovered your Protectoplex Card it was extremely difficult for me to go out. I used to become
profoundly fatigued and even confused in public places like shopping centers—it wasn't until I read
your material that it occurred to me that I might have some environmental sensitivity to all the wi fi
and fluorescent lighting. With your card, I can enjoy shopping and coffeeshops again without feeling
run down!!"
Holly Balough–Kent, Sacramento, CA, Homemaker
"I've been looking for something like this, and it makes me feel good that you have actual research. I
personally know somebody in my office (a major cellphone user) who was diagnosed with a tumor on
the side of his head where he'd hold his phone. It scares me, but I'm a real estate agent with two
teenagers. Ditching cellphones is not an option. "
Jeannie Drayton, real estate agent, parent - Granville, CA
Proven Effective in DNA Testing
Independent laboratory testing showed that the detrimental effect was completely neutralized when
the SafeSpace patch was attached to the cell phone In fact, normal rewinding was enhanced when
the DNA exposed to neutralized EMF from the cell phone with the SafeSpace attached. More about
Since the 1950’s, it’s been known that heat shock unwinds the two strands of DNA. As the DNA
cools, it recovers by rewinding into an intact double helix.
EMFs from cell phones were shown to have a statistically significant detrimental effect on DNA
rewinding. In fact the cell phone energy was so toxic to the DNA that it not only prevented the natural
rewinding process, it caused the DNA to further unwind.
"I've been looking for something like this, and it makes me feel good that you have actual research. I
personally know somebody in my office (a major cellphone user) who was diagnosed with a tumor on
the side of his head where he'd hold his phone. It scares me, but I'm a real estate agent with two
teenagers. Ditching cellphones is not an option. "
Jeannie Drayton, real estate agent, parent - Granville, CA
Food / Liquid Energizer
Dramatically raise the life energy of everything you eat and drink
You can taste the difference! By cancelling out negative radiations and patterns that have lodged in
your food and beverages, the vitality and nutritional value of what you consume is increased. Users
report that our Food Liquid Energizer makes food more flavorful, improves the taste of water,
removes the acid taste from coffee, wine and more. Best of all, many claim more energy and well
being after meals. The secret is an energetically imprinted hologram that radiates a corrective energy
field—a field specifically designed to clear the toxins in foods and liquids and raise the life energy.
Testing has shown that the Food Liquid Energizer effectively clears the negative energetic imprint of
chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, heavy metals and electromagnetic
radiation from food and liquids, restoring the original energetic pattern. Testing has also
demonstrated that "charging" supplements with the Food/Liquid Energizer card strengthens their
nutritional value.
The energy in supplements, vibrational remedies like homeopathics or flower essences can be
weakened or destroyed from electromagnetic stress fields, from airport scanners when traveling or
from shipping. This card also restores the original energetic pattern to 100% effectiveness into
substances that have been energetically weakened.
large - 6 inch hologram framed , small - credit card size
large card radiates a 6' field , small card radiates a 3' field
Dramatically raise the life energy of everything you eat and drink.
"I find my food card makes everything smoother in taste, but what really blows me away is my
improved digestion–this product just brings more harmony to the eating experience all around. I love
it! "
Peter Cooper, Waiter, Seattle, WA
Enjoy better taste—and more energy, too.
Restores vitality to foods and liquids
Clears toxic residues
Raises vitality and nutritional value
Leads to better digestion and energy after meals
Keeps foods fresh longer
Enhances supplements
Restores the original energy imprint to 100%
How the card works:
The Food Liquid Energizer is programmed with a hologram that radiates a range of permanently
imprinted vibrational frequencies that are specifically honed to foods and beverages. When the
vibratory level of the energy in food, liquids or supplements is heightened, a positive change in the
energy structure of food or liquid occurs: energetic disturbances are harmonized and life force is
raised within minutes.
The level of vitality in a substance before ’charging’ will influence the degree to which the item can be
enhanced. Charging healthy, vital foods will increase their value tremendously–the life force is
enhanced and the toxic effect is lessened. Depleted foods do not absorb as much energy from the
Food/Liquid Energizer, but toxic patterns will be neutralized, and the life force raised to whatever
degree is possible. The card can also be used in the refrigerator or pantry to keep foods fresh longer.
"My friend and I used the Food-Liquid card at dinner. We couldn’t believe the difference in the water
that had been treated with the Food card versus the water that had not. The untreated water smelt so
strongly of chlorine and tasted just as bad. The treated water had been totally transformed. There
was no chlorine smell, the texture of the water was smooth and it tasted great."
J. Carnes, Massage Therapist, Minneapolis
Simply place the hologram near the foods or liquids you are treating for a few minutes (1 to 5
minutes) to balance and structure them with a new vitality. Keep the Energizer on the counter during
food preparation or in bags of groceries. Place it in the refrigerator or pantry to treat stored items.
The 6–inch holographic plate clears and reenergizes foods and liquids within a 6 foot area, and is
housed in a protective acrylic frame. The small 2" x 31/2 " hologram clears in a 3’ area and is perfect
for dining out or traveling.
"I love the Food Liquid Energizer – I place all my foods and vitamins on it and really notice the
energizing effect on it! When I drank the water I place on this card I loved the buzz I felt when I drank
it I felt ’charged’."
Annie Lombardo, Sedona
$74.95 (large card)
$44.95 (small card)
A multifunctional flexible tool for anytime, anyplace energy balancing
A refined level of energy balancing that goes above and beyond EMF clearance. The ECO Laser’s
focused, structured light beam emits a powerful, fast-acting coherent energy. This energy
neutralizes toxic patterns, creates balance and raises the vibration—literally raises the life energy—
of living and inanimate objects of all kinds—plants, pets, clothes, food, furnishings and more. Light
has been shown to be one of the greatest carriers of frequency and energy ever harnessed. It’s why
fiber optic wire was chosen for the world’s most critical communications platforms, sending pulses of
information-laden light around the world in milliseconds.
Buy now $297.00
Use coherent light to clear, balance, and raise the life force of anything
Through Dimensional
Design's proprietary
process all internal
elements within the
laser are cleared and
energy balanced so that
the laser light emits
harmonious balancing
A truly unique energy laser
Other lasers simply can’t do what the ECO Laser can, thanks to our advanced technology and
proprietary programming. And the EcoLaser never emits harmful electromagnetic radiation fields like
so many other lasers on the market. What’s more, the EcoLaser light is permanently imprinted and
cannot be weakened, altered or neutralized.
WOW—that’s all I can say about the EcoLaser. The first time I used it, I felt this profound sense of
relaxation and overwhelming peace. I’m a professional Feng Shui practitioner, so my everyday use
for the laser is in my work in people’s home to create a higher layer of balance and flow. But frankly, I
take this product to restaurants, theaters, to sick friends’ homes—with such powerful balancing and
life enhancing effects, the uses are unlimited.
~ Jim Braken Feng Shui consultant, Chicago, IL
5 FOCUSING TIPS let you customize the EcoLaser for different types of jobs and treatments! Each of
our 5 interchangeable tips has specific clearing applications, and each tip has been encoded and
carries a specific geometric pattern and energy quality.
GeoResonator Tip
Intensified balancing for the natural world!
Like light food for flora and fauna of all kinds! Treat outdoor environments (or indoor houseplants!)
The GeoResonator tip on the EcoLaser also makes a great pairing with GeoResonators, supporting
and amplifying their effect. The SafeSpace GeoResonator pattern is imprinted into a hologram inside
the GeoResonator Tip. When the laser light shines through the tip, it carries the imprinted wave
pattern of the GeoResonator to the area being treated. Laser can be directed onto soil, plants, trees,
water, gardens.
The GeoResonator emission contains several harmonizing and resonant patterns that positively
influence the environment, including:
Full Color spectrum that supports life processes
Energy imprints of 64 minerals–the core DNA building blocks
Geomagnetic earth pattern to balance the soil and land
Patterns to support atmospheric balance
64-Mineral Tip
Core health patterning for all living things!
Bring healing and balancing energy to pets, plants, water, food and any other biosystem. Feeling
stressed? Beam the EcoLaser with 64-Mineral Tip into your bathwater for super relaxation. The 64
Mineral Tip's hologram is imprinted with the energy of the 64 minerals that represent the basic
components of health at the genetic level. The energetic formulation of the imprinted minerals is
based on the research of Richard Olree, a genetic pioneer who showed that there are 64 specific
minerals that are extremely important, if not essential for creating balance. The laser light acts as a
carrier wave for this complex pattern. The area that is being treated absorbs the specific mineral
pattern that is needed based on the principle of resonance.
Cancel harmful toxic energies in materials
Ideal solution for people with sensitivities to metals, perfumes, dyes, formaldehyde and more. Great
for health practitioners and others seeking to provide a free and clear environment for visitors—and
anybody who wants to treat materials that cause allergic reactions. The Neutralizer is truly one of our
most job-specific products; whereas other devices address EMFs or energy balance, this one is
honed specifically for the toxic materials in an environment. This flexible, versatile device radiates a
neutralizing field, which means it can be used on almost anything: fabrics, cosmetics, jewelry, eye
glasses, watches, body care products, medications, liquids and more. Goes to work instantly to clear
negative energetic effects and repolarize materials so they are no longer harmful.
Radiates a two foot field in all directions
6" x 6"
Like an antidote for toxins!
Use on:
Bedding Materials, Synthetic materials, Fabrics
Jewelry, watches & metal objects
Medications, toiletries, cosmetics
Metal frames on eye glasses
…and more!
Coded interference signals literally neutralize toxins.
The Neutralizer Card is embedded with a range of subtle energy frequencies specific to materials;
that is, the coded frequencies neutralize the harmful effect of toxins impregnated in materials. The
Neutralizer brings toxic vibrations to a neutral state. Result: The harm is cancelled out—and the life
force of the material's natural components is raised. So easy to use! If the items to be cleared are
small, simply place them on the card for the recommended time. If the item or area to be cleared is
larger, set the card on the material you are treating for the suggested time. The Neutralizer hologram
is encased in a plexiglass frame
I have this beautiful ring that unfortunately
turned my finger green and even caused the
skin to open, like a cut. After I placed it on the
Neutralizer Card for thirty minutes I’ve been
able to wear it daily with no problems at all!
~ Amy Barnes, Dancer, Amherst, MA
Clearance time:
1-3 foot area 15 minutes
3-6 foot area 30 minutes
6-9 foot area 60 - 120 minutes
Resonator Patches
Transform the quality of the materials that surround you
A simple, affordable way to go a step beyond EMF clearance and balance and enhance your
environment on a higher level. The Resonator Patches are designed to treat and transform the
materials that make up the structures you live in and around; they neutralize toxic patterns, create
balance, and raise the vibration—literally raise the life energy—of materials of all kinds, so you
experience a more calming, peaceful environment. Resonator Patches utilize the same proprietary
color harmonic programming as the EcoLaser for a powerful, fast–acting coherent energy. Patches
effectively neutralize the negative effects of chaotic energy fields, clear toxins, and imprint the area
with life enhancing color qualities. Materials are transformed within minutes.
harmonizes a 9 foot radius in all directions
2" x 2"
$29.95 (3-pack)
The Resonator patch quickly and effectively turns toxic energies into beneficial energies.
Clearing: Neutralizes toxins embedded in materials
Balancing: Establishes energetic balance and harmony in areas
Imprinting: Energetically transforms by imprinting life–enhancing color qualities
USE: a Resonator on a tiny section of any material, and the corrective energy process immediately
transfers to all of that material. The secret lies in the principle of Resonance; all materials that are in
perfect resonance (same exact qualities, e.g. shape, color, material) are converted in the process.
Ideal for use on the core materials in any space (tile, carpet, floor, wall, beams, etc.)
Affix a single Resonator patch to:
Tile or wood floor – Single tile or sample of the wood radiates pattern through all like tile or wood
Refrigerator interior – clearing and balancing the refrigerator helps raise the life energy of your food
Windows –Single pane of glass – resonates to similar shapes and material
Mirrors – Place on the back of a mirror
Rugs and carpets – back or front of wall to wall – raditates to all carpet – very calming!
Painted walls or wallpaper – each color or pattern
Drapes – made with the same fabric
Cupboards – for similar shelves
"I quietly put the resonator patches around in my office, and I noticed a shift in the behavior of my
associates right away—generally more sensitivity and generosity. Especially our supervisor, who was
smiling much more and putting more attention on people—everybody noticed it! And a couple of my
co–workers have far more energy and enthusiasm. One co–worker felt there was less negativity in
the air. A definite improvement."
Baumann – systems analyst, Chicago
$29.95 (3-pack)
VitaPet Pet Pendant
Help protect your pet, too!
Did you know that pets are even more sensitive and more attuned to EM radiation and toxic fields
than we are? And thanks to chemicals, pesticides, irradiation, preservatives and metallic residues
animals today are being adversely affected by the food they eat, the air they breathe, the water they
drink and the places they sleep and play. All this contamination zaps an animal's vitality, creating
serious health issues.
The Vitapet sets up a protective shield, clearing and protecting your pet from detrimental
environmental energies and toxin, balancing any abnormal energy flows and combating other harmful
effects of electromagnetic pollution. But our Vitapet vibrational pendant goes beyond simple
protection to clear your pet’s energy, maintain and restore your pet’s vitality and open the way for new
heartfelt bonding with you.
Attach to your animal’s collar
3/4" bronze tube
VitaPet Holographic Card
EMF Protection for your pet's water dish.
The Vitapet card is designed for pets that don’t wear collars, and can also serve as an extra layer of
protection in addition to the pendants for pets living in highly toxic environments. The Vitapet card is
imprinted with the same vibrational program as the Vitapet pendant. Simply slip it under your pet’s
water bowl; within minutes, the encoded frequencies from the card begin transferring into the water.
When your pet drinks this charged water, energetic imbalances begin clearing, and the flow of your
pet’s natural energy and vital life force begins. Charging your pet’s water regularly is advisable.
2 foot field radiates the Vitapet energy pattern into the pet’s water bowl
2" x 2"
How it works:
The Vitapet contains a permanently imprinted quartz chip that is sealed within the 3/4"bronze tube. A
series of frequency–specific subtle energetic signals are infused into the quartz to support your pet’s
optimum health. As soon as this pendant is placed on the animal’s collar, the encoded frequencies
begin to interact with the animal and balancing begins. Because of the wide range of pollutants
affecting your pet, full time use of the Vitapet is suggested for optimum benefit. The Vitapet has no
known adverse side effects: your pet’s biosystem will absorb only the frequencies needed to restore
order and well–being. The Vitapet cannot be weakened, altered or neutralized.
"After using the Vitapet, I found my dog to be less sluggish and more attentive—and his appetite has
really improved!"
Art Kaufman – owner of 15–year–old terrier
The VITAPET is designed to:
Protect your pet from detrimental environmental toxins
Dissolve stress and vitalize your pet’s immune system
Reduce fatigue and enhance alertness, energy and vitality
Create a positive, calming effect
"I highly recommend it...something as simple as this tag improves the vitality of man’s best friend. It
really works –there was quite a difference in my dog’s energy after only two of weeks use."
Carl Stamke – owner of 14 year old Cockapoo
A Course in Life
Christopher D’Orta
POB 1605, West Babylon, NY 11704
*Always consult your medical doctor before taking any new food recommendation, particular type of
food, or supplement, any information whatsoever, or any mental or emotional concept at all, whether
recommended in A Course in Life or not. It is highly recommended that you seek the guidance of your
medical doctor before implementing any change in your diet, or incorporating or taking any of the above
mentioned. Under no circumstances should any person under 18 ever put into practice any part of A
Course in Life whatsoever without strict guidance of a medical doctor. If pregnant DO NOT do anything
in A Course in Life without the guidance of your doctor. If sick in any way, do not do any part of A
Course in Life with guidance of your doctor. Do not recommend any part of A Course in Life without
guidance of a medical doctor. In fact, EVERYONE should seek the guidance of a medical doctor before
doing ANY part of A Course n Life. Any and all parts of A Course in Life are not to be construed as
prescriptive in nature, nor should such ever be construed as replacement for medical advice, medical
care, or medically prescribed drugs or protocols. It is to be understood that in no way does A Course in
Life, any written or oral statement whatever herein and therein, make(s) any claim of the ability to heal
anything in any way.
*All of the statements above have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any mentioned product(s) food(s) or
supplement(s), are not a medicine(s). Any product, food recommendation, or anything else stated in any
way, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease-physical or mental. We make no
curative claims whatsoever, nor any ability to heal anything whatsoever.