
이 책의
PartⅠ 유형편
ㅣ01강ㅣ 글의 목적 파악
심영숙, 방찬석, 양승찬
ㅣ02강ㅣ 주제 추론
박선하, 신문섭, 방찬석
ㅣ03강ㅣ 요지 추론
양승찬, 김옥환, 심영숙, 신문섭
ㅣ04강ㅣ 제목 추론
양승찬, 박선하, 김설
ㅣ05강ㅣ 어조・분위기・심경 파악
신문섭, 양승찬, 김옥환, 박태영
ㅣ06강ㅣ 문맥 속 어휘 추론
양승찬, 박선하, 김옥환, 심영숙
ㅣ07강ㅣ 문맥 속 문법성 판단
박선하, 심영숙
ㅣ08강ㅣ 지칭 대상 파악
김설, 신문섭, 박선하, 심영숙
ㅣ09강ㅣ 세부 내용 파악
양승찬, 박선하, 신문섭, 심영숙
ㅣ10강ㅣ 도표 정보 파악
신문섭, 심영숙
ㅣ11강ㅣ 빈칸 채우기
양승찬, 심영숙, 김옥환, 신문섭
ㅣ12강ㅣ 연결어(구) 넣기
신문섭, 김옥환, 양승찬, 김은하
ㅣ13강ㅣ 무관한 문장 찾기
심영숙, 양승찬, 신문섭, 김옥환
ㅣ14강ㅣ 문단 내 글의 순서 정하기
신문섭, 양승찬, 김옥환, 박선하
ㅣ15강ㅣ 문단 속에 문장 넣기
박선하, 심영숙
ㅣ16강ㅣ 문단 요약
박선하, 심영숙, 이현우, 신문섭
ㅣ17강ㅣ 장문 독해 (1)
박선하, 이현우, 김은하
ㅣ18강ㅣ 장문 독해 (2)
이현우, 김은하, 신문섭
이 책의
Part II 주제・소재편
ㅣ19강ㅣ 인물, 일화, 기담
신문섭, 김옥환, 김설
ㅣ20강ㅣ 철학, 종교, 역사, 풍습, 지리
심영숙, 양승찬, 신문섭
ㅣ21강ㅣ 환경, 자원, 재활용
김설, 방찬석
ㅣ22강ㅣ 물리, 화학, 생명과학, 지구과학
신문섭, 심영숙, 양승찬, 방찬석
ㅣ23강ㅣ 스포츠, 레저, 취미, 여행
방찬석, 박선하, 김설
ㅣ24강ㅣ 음악, 미술, 영화, 무용, 사진, 건축
양승찬, 심영숙
ㅣ25강ㅣ 교육, 학교, 진로
김은하, 박태영, 심영숙
ㅣ26강ㅣ 언어, 문학, 문화
김설, 방찬석
ㅣ27강ㅣ 컴퓨터, 인터넷, 정보, 미디어, 교통
박태영, 심영숙, 양승찬
ㅣ28강ㅣ 심리, 대인 관계
박선하, 심영숙, 박태영
ㅣ29강ㅣ 정치, 경제, 사회, 법
방찬석, 김설
ㅣ30강ㅣ 의학, 건강, 영양, 식품
박태영, 김옥환, 심영숙
Part III 테스트편
ㅣTest 1ㅣ
심영숙, 방찬석, 김설, 박태영, 김은하, 김옥환, 이현우
ㅣTest 2ㅣ
방찬석, 박선하, 김설, 박태영, 신문섭, 김은하, 김옥환, 이현우
ㅣTest 3ㅣ
방찬석, 신문섭, 김설, 박태영, 김은하, 양승찬, 김옥환, 이현우
문항별 해설 강의 검색 : 문항코드 활용 가이드
EBS에서 제공하고 있는 해설 강의를 문항코드로 빠르게 확인할 수 있는 검색서비스입니다.
문항코드 서비스와 본 교재의 프로그램은 EBSi PC/모바일 사이트 및 APP에서 자세한 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다.
2 PC/스마트폰에서
1 교재에서
문항별 고유코드를 교재에서
문항코드를 검색창에 입력하
| 2015학년도 6월 모의평가 18번 |
3 해설 강의를 수강합니다.
이 책의
구성 과 특 징
본 교재는 대학수학능력시험을 준비하는 데 도움을 주고자 제작되었으며, 교육과정에 부합하는 내용으로
구성되었다. 특히 학생들의 읽기 능력 신장을 목적으로 다양한 주제・소재의 글과 정보를 제시하고 있으
며, 교육과정상의어휘 범주를고려하여개발되었다. 교과서로기본개념을 익힌후본교재를 활용하여실
제 응용력을 키우게 함으로써, 교육과정 성취 목표 도달과 함께 대학수학능력시험 대비에 도움이 되도록
■ 본 방송 교재의 구성과 활용법
본 교재는 EBS 수능특강 영어영역 프로그램을 위한 방송 교재로서, 수험생들이 2016학년도 대학수학능력시험 영
어영역의 출제 경향과 유형에 효율적으로 대처할 수 있게 다양한 소재와 적절한 수준의 지문으로 종합적 읽기 학
습이 가능하도록 하였다. 본 교재의 구성과 특징은 다음과 같다.
전체 구성
본 교재는 18강의 유형편과 12강의 주제・소재편, 그리고 3개의 테스트편으로 구성되어 있다. 유형편은 읽기 문제
의 출제 유형을 중심으로 구성되었고, 주제・소재편은 다양한 주제나 소재의 글에 대한 적응력을 기를 수 있도록
구성되었으며, 테스트편은 3회분의 수능 대비 실전 테스트를 통하여 자신의 읽기 능력을 점검해 보도록 하였다.
또한 본 교재는 영어 읽기의 기본서이므로 읽기의 세부 영역에 따라 다음의 순서로 교재 내용을 제시하였다.
글의 대의 파악 - 어휘 및 문법 - 글의 세부 내용 이해 - 글의 종합적 이해 - 글의 흐름 파악
각 강 1쪽의 Gateway를 통해, 해당 유형 및 주제・소재에 부합하는 2015학년도 대수능 혹은 모의평가 기출 문항
을 제시하여 각 유형 및 소재별 문제에 대비하는 능력을 높이고자 하였다.
Problem - Solving Strategies
Part Ⅰ 유형편의 각 강 2쪽의 Problem-Solving Strategies를 통해, Gateway에 소개된 예제의 답을 도출해 가
는 과정을 단계별로 제시하여 학습자의 문제 해결 능력을 신장시키고자 하였다.
Vocabulary in Context &
uick Review
Part Ⅱ 주제・소재편의 각 강 2쪽에는 해당 주제 및 소재와 관련된 읽기 지문에서 주로 다루어지는 필수 어휘와
예문을 소개하고, Quick Review를 통해 간단히 해당 어휘를 복습해 볼 수 있는 코너를 마련하였다.
각 강에서 문제 유형이나 주제・소재에 적합한 다양한 종류의 지문을 활용하여 읽기 문제를 제시하였다. 문제 풀
이에 더욱 효과적으로 집중할 수 있도록 지문의 단어와 어구를 따로 떼어‘영단어・숙어’
의 별책으로 제시하였다.
영어 읽기 문제를 유형별, 주제・소재별로 풀어 본 다음, 자신의 읽기 시험 능력을 자가 진단해 볼 수 있도록 3회
분의 테스트를 제시하였다. 각 테스트는 2016학년도 대수능 체제에 맞추어 읽기 28문항으로 구성하였으며, 테스
트를 통해 이제까지 학습한 내용을 총정리하고 실력을 점검하는 기회로 활용하도록 하였다.
■ 본 방송 교재의 효과적인 활용법
본 방송 교재로 영어 읽기 시험 능력을 향상시키기 위해서는 다음 사항에 유의해야 한다.
적극적이고 능동적인 강의 참여
수동적이고 소극적으로 강의를 듣기만 할 것이 아니라 강의하는 선생님과 토론하고 대화한다는 자세로 임하는 것
이 중요하다. 이와 같은 자세는 핵심적인 부분의 이해와 학습 내용의 기억에 도움이 된다. 또한 필요할 경우 중요
한 사항을 교재 여백에 메모하여 강의를 듣는 것이 좋다. 이것은 학습 내용의 심층적인 이해와 효율적인 복습을 위
해 꼭 필요하다.
예・복습과 정리를 통한 내재화
영어 학습은 유의미한 내재화가 중요하다. 따라서 학습한 내용을 여러 번 복습하면서 주요 어휘와 문장 구조를 파
악하고 글의 내용을 자신이 이미 알고 있는 지식 내용과 문제 풀이에 연관시킬 수 있어야 한다.
EBSi 홈페이지(www.ebsi.co.kr)에 들어오셔서 회원으로 등록하세요.
본 방송 교재의 강의 프로그램은 EBS 인터넷 방송을 통해 다시 보실 수 있습니다.(VOD 무료 서비스 실시)
교재 내용에 대한 문의는 EBSi 교재 강좌의 Q&A 게시판을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.
수능특강 영어영역
Ⅰ 유형편
글의 목적 파악
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 6월 모의평가 18번 |
Dear Ms. Mattie,
Thank you very much for offering me the research engineer position at ABC
Company. However, after a great deal of thought, I have decided not to accept the
position. Your company has an excellent reputation as a research institution and
has many aspects that are very attractive to me. Unfortunately, I cannot accept
your offer because I have decided to pursue another opportunity. Once again,
thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
Christine Mahoe
① 입사 제안을 거절하려고
② 계약 조건을 확인하려고
③ 업무 조정을 요청하려고
④ 입사 시험 결과를 문의하려고
⑤ 입사 지원 절차를 알아보려고
Words & Phrases
•a great deal of
•aspect 측면, 양상
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
많은, 다량의
•reputation 평판
•pursue 추구하다
•institution 기관, 단체, 협회
•consideration 배려, 고려
Problem - Solving Strategies
반복적인 어휘와 표현을 통해 글에서 중점적으로 다루고 있는 소재를 파악한다.
글의 소재: 입사 제안(job offer)
전자메일의 수신인 및 발신인의 관계를 파악한다.
수신인: Ms. Mattie, 발신인: Christine Mahoe
전자메일 본문의 첫 문장 Thank you very much for offering me the research engineer position at ABC Company의
내용으로 미루어 보아 수신인 Ms. Mattie는 회사 인사 관계자이고 발신인 Christine Mahoe는 입사 지원자임을 짐작할 수
필자(발신인)의 상황이 무엇인지 파악한다.
Thank you very much for offering ~ at ABC Company.
입사 제안을 받음
제안을 거절하기로 결정
I have decided not to accept the position.
I cannot accept your offer because I have decided to pursue another
제안 거절의 이유 설명
소재 및 전자메일의 수신인과 발신인의 상황 등을 종합하여 글의 목적을 파악한다.
감사의 말(Thank you very much for offering ~)을 쓴 것으로 보아 입사 제안에 대한 응답의 글임을 알 수 있고 I have
decided not to accept the position과 I cannot accept your offer 등의 내용으로 보아 글의 목적은 입사 제안을 거절하는
것임을 알 수 있다.
01강_글의 목적 파악
| 정답과 해설 2`쪽 |
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
As the weather begins to get nicer and more and more residents are walking or jogging in
town, we are taking this opportunity to remind you that it is illegal to walk or jog in the street
when a sidewalk is available on a road. The state law requires that a pedestrian may not walk
along or on an adjacent roadway where a sidewalk is provided. The Cheverly Police have been
receiving numerous complaints from residents fearing that they are going to hit a pedestrian as
a result of those individuals not walking on the sidewalk. We want all our pedestrians and
motorists to be safe. So, please use the sidewalks. Not honoring the above noted law will
result in a fine being issued.
인도의 확대를 요청하려고
경찰의 무분별한 단속에 항의하려고
주행 흐름의 개선 방안을 건의하려고
규칙적인 운동의 중요성을 강조하려고
사람들이 차도로 다니는 불법성을 경고하려고
글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 다음Doing
any career takes time and effort, but doing music requires you to work harder. It’s not
a 9 to 5 existence. The first priority is to be a good teacher and to let your students know that
you are actually interested in them, and care about them. Once you build this connection, it’s
not as important where you teach or how much you charge. Realize your students are unique
individuals, and work on the music they want to play. Most people don’t want to be a master,
they just want to play the guitar. The relationship with a teacher is something a student won’t
get with a computer. It’s important for students to know that they have a teacher that knows
what they are doing and has a passion for the guitar.
현대인의 음악 소비 행태를 비판하려고
조기 음악 교육의 효과를 강조하려고
음악을 이용한 치료 과정을 소개하려고
컴퓨터를 활용한 음악 수업을 권장하려고
음악 지도자의 마음가짐에 대해 조언하려고
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Your mobile device probably holds sensitive information like addresses and phone numbers,
passwords, account numbers, email, voicemail, and text message logs. When getting rid of
your old device, it’s important to take steps to help ensure this information doesn’t fall into the
wrong hands. First, try to use the factory reset. Many devices allow you to “wipe” your device
and clear nearly all the information in its memory. Sometimes, this is called a “hard reset,” or
“factory reset.” Second, remove or erase SIM and SD cards. Even when you “wipe” your
device, your SIM card or SD cards may retain information about you. Remove them from
your device or delete the data that’s stored on them. If you’re keeping your phone number, ask
your mobile provider about transferring your SIM card to your new device.
card 휴대전화 속의 개인 정보 카드
모바일 범죄의 위험성에 대해 경고하려고
개인 정보 유출 시 대처 방법에 대해 조언하려고
모바일 기기에 정보를 안전하게 보관하는 방법을 설명하려고
모바일 기기 폐기 시 개인 정보를 삭제하는 방법을 알려주려고
기존 모바일 기기에 저장된 정보를 새 기기로 옮기는 방법을 안내하려고
가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음Dr.글의Ted목적으로
Estess, founding dean of the University of Houston Honors College, has long
emphasized the importance of stories and storytelling, including using a Samuel Beckett
quotation: “To have lived is not enough. We have to talk about it.” Come hear how Dr. Estess
talks about that living. He will read from his new book — The Cream Pitcher: Mississippi
Stories. Some of the book is devoted to Estess family stories, as well as stories passed down
from family and friends. According to a review in The Tylertown Times, these stories “passed
down as an Estess family tale would be suited to any other family,” especially in the
Mississippi area where the Estess family lived. Of course, the book and its stories are not
limited to Mississippi and its inhabitants — you might see your own story or family, if you
imagine a few details differently.
도서관 개관식에 초대하려고
독서 동아리 회원을 모집하려고
저자 낭독회 개최를 홍보하려고
한 작가의 신간을 소개하려고
새 책의 출간 연기를 공지하려고
01강_글의 목적 파악
Ⅰ 유형편
주제 추론
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 20번 |
Many disciplines are better learned by entering into the doing than by mere abstract study.
This is often the case with the most abstract as well as the seemingly more practical
disciplines. For example, within the philosophical disciplines, logic must be learned
through the use of examples and actual problem solving. Only after some time and struggle
does the student begin to develop the insights and intuitions that enable him to see the
centrality and relevance of this mode of thinking. This learning by doing is essential in
many of the sciences. For instance, only after a good deal of observation do the sparks in
the bubble chamber become recognizable as the specific movements of identifiable
① history of science education
② limitations of learning strategies
③ importance of learning by doing
④ effects of intuition on scientific discoveries
⑤ difference between philosophy and science
Words & Phrases
•discipline 교과, (학문의) 분야
•seemingly 표면적으로, 외관상
•logic 논리(학)
•insight 통찰력
•intuition 직관(력)
•centrality 중요성, 중심임
•bubble chamber [물리학] 거품[기포] 상자(방사선의 궤적(軌跡)을 측정하기 위한 원자핵 실험 장치)
•identifiable 확인 가능한
•particle 미립자
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
Problem - Solving Strategies
글 전체에 걸쳐 반복되는 핵심 소재를 파악한다.
여러 교과의 학습
Many disciplines are better learned ~
logic must be learned ~
~ is essential in many of the sciences
논리학의 학습
여러 과학 분야의 학습
핵심 소재와 관련하여 필자가 제시하는 견해를 찾는다.
by entering into the doing ~
through the use of examples and actual problem solving
(This learning) by doing ~
실행을 통해
사례의 사용과 실제적 문제 해결을 통해
실행에 의한
실행(doing)의 중요함
핵심 소재와 필자의 견해를 종합하여 주제를 추론해 낸다.
많은 교과에서 단지 추상적인 학습보다는 실행을 통해서 학습이 더 잘 이루어진다는 점을 각각 논리학과 과학(물리학)의 사례
‘실행을 통한 학습의 중요성’
이 글의 주제로 가장 적절하다.
를 들어 설명하고 있으므로 ③
① 과학 교육의 역사 → 후반부에 제시된 일부 내용을 활용했지만 지문에서 다루지 않은 내용(역사)까지 포함한 선택지
② 학습 전략의 한계 → 바람직한 학습 전략을 제시하는 지문의 내용과 반대되는 선택지
④ 직관력이 과학적 발견에 미치는 영향 → 지문의 일부 어휘를 사용했지만 내용상 관계없는 선택지
⑤ 철학과 과학의 차이 → 지문의 일부 어휘를 사용했지만 내용상 관계없는 선택지
02강_주제 추론
| 정답과 해설 4`쪽 |
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
To many people, television is just flickering wallpaper, moving pictures in the corner of the
room. As a medium, television is extremely easy to watch without, apparently, requiring a
great deal of effort from the viewer. However, while it is easy to watch television, it is hard to
write analytically about it. If you are studying communications, media studies, social studies,
humanities or English, you will probably need either to write about a television programme,
or to prepare and present a project about television at some point in the course of your studies.
Most students find this very difficult. Precisely because television is so easy to watch, it seems
to resist our efforts to analyze it critically.
✽flicker 깜박이다 ✽✽analytically 분석적으로
텔레비전의 기술적 진보
텔레비전 매체의 영향력
텔레비전 분석의 어려움
텔레비전 연구의 최근 경향
텔레비전 시청자의 다양한 요구
가장 적절한 것은?
02 다음Slip글의and주제로
trip accidents are a major problem for large retail stores for both customers and
employees. The provision of non-slip flooring, a good standard of lighting, and minimizing
the need to block aisles during the restocking of merchandise are typical measures that many
stores use to reduce such accidents. Other measures include the wearing of suitable footwear
by employees, adequate handrails on stairways, the highlighting of any floor level changes,
and procedures to ensure a quick and effective response to any reports of floor damage or
spillages. Good housekeeping procedures are essential. The design of the store layout and any
associated warehouse can also ensure a reduction in all types of accidents. Many of these
measures are valid for a range of workplaces.
✽handrail 난간
직원에 대한 예절 교육의 필요성
대형 할인점이 인기를 끄는 이유
매장 내 안전사고 예방 조치 사항
고객 유치를 위한 다양한 광고 전략
고객 편의 시설이 판매에 미치는 영향
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
When a person watches a television movie or listens to a compact disc, it is reasonably clear
that the prime purpose of the communication is entertainment. Television news shows might
be watched to gain information, but the television stations are well aware of the importance of
presenting news in an entertaining fashion. Are television news and newspaper reporting
really just other forms of entertainment? You might argue that listening to the radio in the
morning to check traffic conditions is information gathering. Calling a travel agent to make an
airline reservation clearly is an example of using the telephone as an information tool. But
talking by telephone for hours with a distant friend is an entertaining way to keep in contact
and exchange information of what is happening.
multi-purpose nature of communication
various ways of gaining new information
side effects of passive media consumption
role of mass media in providing entertainment
telephone as a primary means of communication
글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음Small
children have smaller stomachs. They need concentrated foods, high in calories but
low in volume. This is one of the main causes of infant malnutrition. In many countries,
children are poorly fed but adults are not. It would be a mistake to believe that adults eat
everything and leave nothing for the children. Parents (and especially mothers) watch out for
their children. They would happily give up their own food in order to feed their children. The
problem is that many times the only food available to families consists of vegetables and roots
high in fibre but low in calories. Adults can eat all they need, as their stomachs are big
enough. And in enough quantity, any food will fatten a person. Small children, as hard as they
try, cannot eat the amount of vegetables needed, because they don’t have enough room in their
✽malnutrition 영양실조
types of foods that are good for small eaters
simple ways to lose weight in the healthy way
development of eating habits among children
importance of regular health exams for the elderly
reasons that small children may not get enough calories
02강_주제 추론
| 정답과 해설 6`쪽 |
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
The universal appeal of sports, together with its inherent link to health and well-being,
makes it the ideal transmitter of messages about the environment. We are already accustomed
to ‘hearing’ messages about national pride and fair play through sport. Sport, and in particular
the sporting event industry, now represents the front line for sustainable development
campaigns. Environmental sustainability is not only making sporting events more marketable,
but it is attracting the kind of corporate sponsors who are keen to use public approval to
enhance corporate reputation. The environmental ‘virus’ is made more infectious when
sporting heroes are used to transmit the ‘disease’ — a notable example being Planet Ark, an
Australian not-for-profit environmental group, set up by retired Wimbledon tennis champion
Pat Cash.
development of international sports marketing
sports as a means for sustainable development
perfect conditions for a virus to spread quickly
contribution of sports to restoring national pride
demand for environmentally friendly sporting goods
글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
06 다음Within
the societal cultures of the United States, subcultural differences once ignored by
many managers now command significant attention and sensitivity. Historically, the U.S.
workforce has consisted primarily of white males. Today, however, white males make up far
less than 50 percent of business new hires in the United States, whereas women and African
American, Hispanic, and Asian men account for increasingly large portions of the U.S.
workforce. Moreover, in the last ten years the number of women and minorities assuming
managerial positions in the U.S. workforce has grown by over 25 percent. It is becoming ─
and will continue to become ─ even more important for managers to know about and be ready
to respond to the challenges deriving from individual differences in abilities, personalities,
and motives. Knowledge about the workplace consequences of these differences can provide
managers with help in this regard.
unique nature of U.S. culture as a melting pot
racial discrimination in employment in the U.S.
good and bad examples of organizational behavior
conflicts between labor and management in the U.S.
growing awareness of diversity in the U.S. workforce
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Suppose you wish to determine which brand of microwave popcorn leaves the fewest
unpopped kernels. You will need a supply of various brands of microwave popcorn to test, and
you will need a microwave oven. If you used different brands of microwave ovens with
different brands of popcorn, the percentage of unpopped kernels could be caused by the
different brands of popcorn or by the different brands of ovens. Under such circumstances, the
experimenter would be unable to conclude confidently whether the popcorn or the oven
caused the difference. To eliminate this problem, you must use the same microwave oven for
every test. In order to reasonably conclude that the change in one variable was caused by the
change in another specific variable, there must be no other variables in the experiment. By
using the same microwave oven, you control the number of variables in the experiment.
✽kernel 낱알
importance of safety in experimental work
need for controlling variables in experiments
influence of prior knowledge on experiments
benefits of combining experimental methods
difficulty in interpreting experimental results
가장 적절한 것은?
08 다음If we글의are주제로
planning on reducing congestion on a busy roadway, the best possible thing to do
is to simply widen the road. Surprisingly, though, the more one widens the road, the more
congested the road becomes. This is because wider roads reduce barriers to driving. This, in
turn, increases the demand for cars. Increased demand for cars tends to increase competition
among carmakers and drive down prices, leading to still more cars on the road. Without
regulations, carmakers are unlikely to invest in reducing emissions, even if their profits rise
and technology advances. Wider roads and cheaper cars also allow people to move to cheaper
places farther from major downtown economic areas. This increases driving time and puts
more cars on the road still. People become more and more dependent on the car until it is
strange not to own one. So, more infrastructure still is devoted to the car and more cars end up
on the road.
✽congest 정체시키다
need for more transportation infrastructure
practical policies for reducing traffic accidents
adverse effects of widening roads to reduce congestion
relationship between land use policies and house prices
ways of improving traffic conditions and their implementation
02강_주제 추론
Ⅰ 유형편
요지 추론
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 18번 |
One difference between winners and losers is how they handle losing. Even for the best
companies and most accomplished professionals, long track records of success are
punctuated by slips, slides, and mini-turnarounds. Even the team that wins the game might
make mistakes and lag behind for part of it. That’s why the ability to recover quickly is so
important. Troubles are ubiquitous. Surprises can fall from the sky like volcanic ash and
appear to change everything. That’s why one prominent scholar said, “Anything can look
like a failure in the middle.” Thus, a key factor in high achievement is bouncing back from
the low points.
① 경영의 전문화는 일류 기업의 조건이다.
② 위기 관리에는 전문가의 조언이 필요하다.
③ 합리적 소비는 필요와 욕구의 구분에서 비롯된다.
④ 폭넓은 인간 관계는 성공의 필수 요소이다.
⑤ 실패를 빨리 극복하는 것이 성공의 열쇠이다.
Words & Phrases
•accomplished (기량이) 뛰어난
•track record (개인・기관의 모든) 실적, 업적
•punctuate (중간중간에) 방해하다
•slip 작은 실수
•slide 저하, 하락
•lag behind
•ubiquitous (동시에) 어디에나 있는
•prominent 저명한
•high achievement 대성공
•bounce back from ~에서 곧 회복하다
•low point 최악의 상태
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
Problem - Solving Strategies
도입 문장을 통해 글의 화제를 파악한다.
One difference between winners and losers is how they handle losing.
글의 화제: 승자와 패자의 차이 → 패배를 처리하는 방식의 차이
예시를 통해 글의 요지를 파악한다.
최고의 기업과 가장 뛰어난 전문가
경기에서 이기는 팀
(the best companies and most
accomplished professionals)
(the team that wins the game)
글의 요지: (실패에서) 빨리 회복하는 능력을 갖추는 것이 중요함(the ability to recover quickly is so important)
추가 설명과 결론을 통해 파악한 요지의 적절성을 확인한다.
■ 추가 설명: 실패(패배)한 것처럼 보이는 과정상의 골칫거리(Troubles)나 뜻밖의 일(Surprises)이 있기 마련임
■ 결론: 높은 성취를 이루기 위해서는 최악의 상태에서 곧 회복할 수 있어야 함
(a key factor in high achievement is bouncing back from the low points)
따라서, 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤‘실패를 빨리 극복하는 것이 성공의 열쇠이다.’
03강_요지 추론
| 정답과 해설 8`쪽 |
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Paying attention to one thing necessarily comes at the expense of another. Letting your eyes
get too taken in by all of the scientific equipment in the laboratory prevents you from noticing
anything of significance about the man in that same room. We cannot allocate our attention to
multiple things at once and expect it to function at the same level as it would were we to focus
on just one activity. Two tasks cannot possibly be in the attentional focus at the same time.
One will inevitably end up being the focus, and the other — or others — more like irrelevant
noise, something to be filtered out. Or worse still, none will have the focus and all will be,
although slightly clearer, noise, but degrees of noise all the same.
관찰이 과학적 방법의 기본이다.
판단에 있어서 직관이 가장 믿을 만하다.
호기심으로 인해 창의적 통찰력이 생긴다.
꾸준한 노력을 통해 집중력이 향상될 수 있다.
주의력은 여러 가지 일에 동시에 할당될 수 없다.
글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 다음Building
the body’s cells with raw foods naturally protects us from bacterial infections and
viruses of every kind. It strengthens the cells in ways that only raw foods can because the
human body, as well as all life on Earth, has been conditioned to receive its nutrients in that
way for billions of years. However, highly processed foods first appeared in the 1930s. The
rise of chronic disease of all kinds correlates precisely with the increased consumption of
processed foods. Cancer is a perfect example of this. It has continued its sudden rise since the
1930s, and now one of every three people in the United States will get cancer in their lifetime.
Switch to a raw food diet and disease will disappear from your life for good, or for as long as
you remain a raw foodist.
적게 먹는 것이 건강에 좋다.
가공된 식품은 장기 보존에 효과적이다.
가공되지 않은 음식을 먹어야 건강에 이롭다.
가공되지 않은 식품은 병원균에 노출되기 쉽다.
가공된 식품은 그렇지 않은 것보다 소화가 더 잘 된다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Formal appraisals are a very important part of the overall communications an employee
receives concerning job performance. However, if feedback is received only once during the
year, it will fall short of meeting its ultimate objective. For an employee to receive feedback
that can truly help him or her improve performance, it must be provided on a regular and more
frequent basis. If there are areas of improvement to be addressed, they should not be “saved
up” until the time of the annual appraisal before being communicated to the employee.
Similarly, feedback about an individual’s good job performance should also be communicated
and reinforced on a frequent and regular basis. Set up quarterly discussions, for example, or
be careful to do them as projects come to an end or at other appropriate times.
✽appraisal 평가
포상은 개인의 성과에 걸맞아야 한다.
특정 행동에 대한 피드백은 즉각적이어야 한다.
사례와 함께 제시하는 피드백이 더 효과적이다.
칭찬은 다른 사람들 앞에서 직접 해 주어야 한다.
업무에 관한 피드백은 자주 규칙적으로 주어져야 한다.
요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음In 글의
1879 Thomas Edison announced that he would publicly display the electric lightbulb by
December 31, even though all his experiments had, to that point, failed. He threw his
knapsack over the brick wall ─ the numerous challenges that he still faced ─ and on the last
day of that year, there was light. In 1962, when John F. Kennedy declared to the world that the
United States was going to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade, some of the
metals necessary for the journey had not yet been invented, and the technology required for
completing the journey was not available. But he threw his ─ and NASA’s ─ knapsack over
the brick wall. Though making a verbal commitment, no matter how bold and how inspiring,
does not ensure that we reach our destination, it does enhance the likelihood of success.
✽knapsack 배낭
성공하는 사람들은 말보다 행동이 앞선다.
과학기술의 발전은 끊임없는 재도전의 결과이다.
허황된 꿈을 버리고 실현 가능한 목표를 세워야 한다.
목표를 내세우고 이를 공언하는 것이 성공에 도움이 된다.
위대한 발명은 종종 터무니없어 보이는 아이디어에서 비롯된다.
03강_요지 추론
| 정답과 해설 10`쪽 |
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Imagine encountering a piece of fruit that seems to be a lemon. It has the right shape, the
right smell, the right color, and the right texture. “It’s a lemon,” you think. But then we paint it
with red nail polish, we coat it with ammonia, and we squash it flat. Is it still a lemon? Of
course it is. It’s just a lemon that has been abused. But note that it is no longer similar in any
obvious ways to other members of the category. What makes it a lemon is a narrative we
construct about how it started and how it came to be the way it is now. Or consider a fake $20
bill that you have just seen come off your friend’s color laser printer. It’s a perfect copy, to
your eyes, of a real $20. It looks right, it feels right, it even smells right. So is it a $20 bill? Of
course not. It’s a fake $20 bill.
✽squash 짓누르다 ✽✽fake 가짜의
Our judgment is almost always relative.
We categorize items based on their history.
The whole is more than the sum of its parts.
Categorization prevents us from seeing details.
The scarcer things are, the more they are valued.
글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
06 다음Nicholas
Humphrey suggests that color preferences arise because of the different signals
that colors convey to organisms in nature. He argues that colors can send “approach” signals,
such as the colors of flowers that attract pollinating bees, or “avoid” signals, such as the colors
of poisonous toads that warn off potential predators. The underlying idea is that because
colors carry information about which kinds of objects an organism should or should not
interact with, it would be of benefit if the organism “liked” the colors that send approach
signals and “disliked” the ones that send avoid signals, as these aesthetic experiences will lead
the organism to behave adaptively. The bottom line is that the relevance of color-related
information for the organism’s health and well-being makes it beneficial for the organism to
behave in accord with such color preferences.
✽pollinating 꽃가루를 매개하는 ✽✽aesthetic 미적인
어린 시절의 경험이 색깔에 대한 인상을 결정하는 주요 요인이다.
색깔이 전달하는 정보의 내용과 성격은 모든 문화에서 매우 유사하다.
선호하는 색깔을 통해 한 사람의 성격 유형을 구분하는 것이 가능하다.
유기체의 색깔에 대한 선호는 그 유기체의 건강 및 안녕과 관련이 있다.
인간은 대부분의 동물보다 색깔을 인식하는 감각이 더 잘 발달되어 있다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Mass political opinion can be sort of like guessing the number of marbles in a glass jar. Most
people’s guesses will miss the mark, but the average guess of a large enough crowd is
generally very accurate. The idea that the masses generally come up with good overall
decisions is sometimes referred to as the “wisdom of crowds,” and it really does work
amazingly well for some things. The problem is that in politics we don’t see the glass jar for
ourselves — we view it through the lens of the media, and the media show us a distorted view
of politics. Thus, we should be aware of such media biases in order to minimize the likelihood
that they’ll throw off our political judgment, even though there’s no way to permanently “fix”
✽marble 구슬
일반 시민의 정치 참여 기회가 확대되어야 한다.
다양한 매체를 통해 균형 잡힌 정보를 습득해야 한다.
소수의 정치적 견해를 존중하고 폭넓게 수용해야 한다.
정치적 안목을 기르기 위해 미디어를 적극 활용해야 한다.
정치적 판단을 할 때 미디어의 여론 왜곡을 인식해야 한다.
글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
08 다음If you
plant a seed in the ground and water it every day, it starts to grow towards the surface.
If you don’t know and trust that this seed is growing, you will doubt whether anything at all is
happening underneath the surface. You may start to say: “I don’t believe in this! I water this
piece of ground every day, but I never see any results for all my hard work!” Part of life is
trusting that if you put in the effort, the outcome is already happening with your very intention
and then your action. Eventually, one day, that little plant breaks through the soil with its
green, new stem. And from there, you watch it grow stronger and more vital every day (as
long as you keep looking after it and watering it!).
어떤 일이든 실행에 앞서 세부 계획을 세우라.
평소에 성실함과 정직함을 통해 신뢰를 쌓으라.
노력은 반드시 결실을 맺는다는 믿음을 가지라.
중요도에 따라 해야 할 일의 우선순위를 정하라.
불가능하다고 판단되는 일은 과감하게 중단하라.
03강_요지 추론
| 정답과 해설 12`쪽 |
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
When we talk about global warming we seem obsessed with regulating just one parameter
─ namely, CO2. But while reducing the CO2 level in the atmosphere may be part of the
solution, surely our primary concern ought to be to advance human and environmental wellbeing the most, where many other factors are in play. While cutting CO2 will save some
people from dying of heat, it will at the same time cause more people to die from cold. This
highlights how reducing CO2 means blindly eliminating both negative and positive effects of
global warming. We ought at least to consider adaptive strategies that would allow us to hold
on to the positive effects of climate change while reducing or eliminating its damages.
✽obsessed 집착하는
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Some tennis players believe that the first chance of serving is for trial and invariably use the
second chance. The result is that they make a mistake with both serves quite often. Once you
have faltered in serving, there is no question of playing further. At times they commit a double
fault at such a crucial stage of the game that it becomes suicidal. The lesson to be learnt is
that, first of all, one should avoid committing mistakes in life and the opportunity should be
grabbed in the first instance itself. If a mistake has been committed, however, it should not be
repeated because life does not give you many chances. If you miss all your chances, you lose
the game of life. Therefore one has to be watchful in order to make use of the opportunities
offered by life. In no case should any opportunity be lost in the hope that more opportunities
will come.
✽falter 실패하다 ✽✽suicidal 자멸을 초래하는
기후 변화의 긍정적 효과를 고려한 지구 온난화 대책을 모색해야 한다.
온실가스 감축 방안에 대한 연구 사업을 범국가적으로 지원해야 한다.
지구 온난화 방지를 위해 이산화탄소 배출량을 줄여야 한다.
기상재해에 대비한 예방 및 복구 시스템을 구축해야 한다.
지구 온난화를 일으키는 다양한 원인을 규명해야 한다.
최초의 시도에서 성공하겠다는 생각을 버리라.
끈기를 갖고 최고의 기회가 올 때까지 기다리라.
최후의 순간까지 성공에 대한 희망을 잃지 말라.
기회가 오기를 기다리기보다는 스스로 만들라.
주어진 기회는 어떤 것이라도 최선을 다해 잡으라.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Stabilizing our climate would help resolve what many scientists consider to be the gravest
environmental danger humankind has ever faced. Each of us has a part to play in shifting our
culture toward a way of life that respects the natural world. The choices we make and the way
we live can play roles in turning the tide. By eating in a way that is suitable both for our own
health and for the health of the biosphere, we can help our society to face and to overcome the
enormous environmental challenges of our times. The more people move toward plant-based
food choices, the greater the possibility that our species will not only survive but will thrive. A
cultural shift toward a plant-based diet would be a step toward environmental sanity. It would
be an act of love for all generations yet to come.
✽biosphere 생물권 ✽✽sanity 건전성
음식 문화의 차이가 존중되어야 한다.
동물성 사료의 사용이 금지되어야 한다.
정부는 식량 자원을 확보하기 위해 노력해야 한다.
국제 사회가 공조하여 기후 변화에 대처해야 한다.
환경을 위해 음식 문화를 채식 위주로 바꿔야 한다.
다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Buildings are everywhere, large and small, ugly and beautiful, ambitious and dumb. We
walk among them and live inside them but are largely passive residents in cities of towers,
houses, open spaces, and shops we had no hand in creating. But we are their best audience.
Architecture critics can praise and pick on new designs, but their readership has lately been
too limited. We talk about homes as investments, building sites as opportunities, unsold
condos as an economic disaster, but all that kind of chatter avoids the physical reality of
projects built and unbuilt. Rather than just talking about money, we should also be talking
about height and bulk, style and sustainability, openness of architecture and of process.
Design is not the icing on the cake but what makes architecture out of buildings, what turns
them into places where we want to live and eat and shop. Instead of less talk, what we need
are more critics ─ citizen critics ─ equipped with the desire and the vocabulary to remake the
전통 건축물을 잘 복원하고 보존해야 한다.
건축물의 경제적 가치를 공정하게 평가해야 한다.
건축 시 건물의 예술성과 실용성을 모두 고려해야 한다.
주변 환경과의 조화를 고려하여 건물을 디자인해야 한다.
도시 건축 디자인에 대한 시민의 비판 의식이 높아져야 한다.
03강_요지 추론
Ⅰ 유형편
제목 추론
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 23번 |
The key to successful risk taking is to understand that the actions you’re taking should be
the natural next step. One of the mistakes we often make when confronting a risk situation
is our tendency to focus on the end result. Skiers who are unsure of themselves often do
this. They’ll go to the edge of a difficult slope, look all the way down to the bottom, and
determine that the slope is too steep for them to try. The ones that decide to make it change
their focus by analyzing what they need to do to master the first step, like getting through
the first mogul on the hill. Once they get there, they concentrate on the next mogul, and
over the course of the run, they end up at the bottom of what others thought was an
impossible mountain.
✽mogul 모굴(스키의 활주 사면에 있는 단단한 눈 더미)
① Separating the Possible from the Impossible
② Focus on the Next Step, Not the Final Result
③ Start with Ultimate Goals in Mind!
④ The Wonders of Committed Efforts
⑤ Success Through Risk Avoidance
Words & Phrases
•risk taking 위험 감수
•end result 최종 결과
•steep 가파른
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•confront 맞닥뜨리다
•edge 끝
•analyze 분석하다
•tendency 성향, 경향
•difficult slope 급경사면
•run (스키 등의 스포츠에서) 비탈 코스
Problem - Solving Strategies
도입부를 통해 필자의 의견을 확인한다.
The key to successful risk taking is to understand that the actions you’re taking should be the natural next step.
▶ 필자의 의견: 성공적으로 위험을 감수하기 위해서는 취하고 있는 행동이 당연히 취해야 할 다음 단계이어야 한다.
글의 전개 방식을 파악하여 글의 요지를 파악한다.
■ 도입부: 필자의 의견
▶ ▶
■ 위험 상황에 맞닥뜨릴 때 우리가 자주 범하는 실수: 최종 결과에 초점을 맞추려는 우리의 성향
(our tendency to focus on the end result)
■ 예시: 두 스키어의 예
•첫 번째 스키어: 스스로에 대해 확신
•두 번째 스키어: 해내기로 마음먹은 스
하지 못하는 스키어(Skiers who are
unsure of themselves)의 태도
→ 급경사의 맨 아래를 내려다보고는
시도할 수 없다고 단정함
키어(The ones that decide to make
it)의 자세
→ 단계별로 집중하여 급경사를 내려옴
▶ 글의 요지: 성공하기 위해서는 최종 결과가 아니라 각 단계에 집중해야 한다.
선택지를 분석한 다음, 글의 요지를 정확하게 담고 있는 제목을 선택한다.
① 가능한 것과 불가능한 것을 구별하기
② 최종 결과가 아닌, 다음 단계에 집중하라
③ 궁극적인 목표를 염두에 두고 시작하라!
④ 헌신적인 노력의 경이로움
⑤ 위험 회피를 통한 성공
2단계에서 확인한 글의 요지를 가장 정확하게 담고 있는 제목은 ②이다.
04강_제목 추론
| 정답과 해설 14`쪽 |
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Plug-in hybrids have the potential to make a huge leap over current hybrids. They were first
made available to the public in 2010 and were initially quite expensive. It is hoped, though,
that models will be available within a few years that will be cost competitive with regular cars.
They get 100 miles per gallon or more, but the advantages go way beyond fuel efficiency. It is
not an exaggeration to say that plug-in hybrids could help save us from oil dependence, air
pollution, and a deteriorating atmosphere. By doing without 80 to 90 percent of the gasoline
used by conventional cars, these vehicles could play a key role in our getting unhooked from
fossil fuels.
✽deteriorate 악화되다
How Hybrid Cars Work
The History of Hybrid Cars
Plug-in Hybrids: The Next Wave
Benefits of Doing Without Your Car
Energy Crisis: The Future of Fossil Fuels
가장 적절한 것은?
02 다음Over글의the제목으로
years I have asked thousands of people to do a simple exercise of stating how they
intend to influence others every day. I am always both amazed and inspired by the answers
people give. A receptionist in a law firm, for example, told me that her intention was that
every person who met her all day long got a “shot of friendliness” so that they felt the world
was a friendlier place because they encountered her. The list of intentions is inspiring. Some
say they want to bring kindness, others goodness, compassion, energy, courage, or hope. Your
position does not limit the way you can influence others. This woman was only a receptionist,
but she could influence others in a profound way by holding that intention.
Encourage Others by Your Writings
Don’t Impose Your Thoughts on Others
Facial Expressions Reveal Hidden Intentions
Good Intentions Don’t Always Lead to Good Results
Your Intention to Influence People Can Make a Difference
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Has your creativity ground to a stop? Instead of letting frustration get the better of you, try
to sit back and take a few deep breaths. Did you know that drawing a deep breath gives your
creativity a boost by increasing the negative ions in oxygen? The negatively charged oxygen
circulates throughout the brain, refreshing the neurons and, because these negative ions
promote alpha waves of longer amplitude in the brain, which are associated with creative
thinking, suddenly your creativity receives a boost. So, next time your creative spirit feels
burdened, spend two minutes taking deep breaths, breathing in and out every five seconds, and
repeat the cycle at least 12 times.
✽boost 활력 ✽✽amplitude 진폭
A Myth of Creativity
Frustration Makes Hope
Can Memory Be Boosted?
Don’t Fear Ridiculous Ideas
Breathe Deep for Inspiration
글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음If patience
is not already part of your nature, you’ll have to develop it quickly or you’ll
never survive the teaching profession. Your students will try your patience in ways you never
considered. There will be times during your first year when you will want to scream at your
students or show your anger and frustration in other physical ways. Obviously, you’ll have to
curb these impulses. You’ll also need to develop a system for dealing with your frustrations.
One method of reducing stress is to deal with students one at a time. Another is to stop
whenever you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath, and give yourself a minute to figure out
how to best handle the situation. Decide what works best for you, and don’t hesitate to use it!
Your patience is critical for your effectiveness as a teacher.
✽curb 억제하다
It’s a Matter of Trust
Teacher as a Lifelong Learner
Teachers under Heavy Pressure
Share Your Experiences with Students
Patience: A Necessary Virtue for Teachers
04강_제목 추론
| 정답과 해설 16`쪽 |
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Most of the world does not have access to the education afforded to a small minority. For
every Albert Einstein, Yo-Yo Ma, or Barack Obama who has the opportunity for education,
there are uncountable others who never get the chance. This vast waste of talent translates
directly into reduced economic output. In a world where economic ruin is often tied to
collapse, societies are well advised to exploit all the human capital they have. The Internet
opens the gates of education to anyone who can get her hands on a computer. This is not
always a trivial task, but the mere feasibility redefines the playing field. A motivated teen
anywhere on the planet can walk through the world’s knowledge, from Wikipedia to the
curricula of MIT’s OpenCourseWare.
✽feasibility 실행 가능성
More Efficient, But to What End?
Past, Present and Future of the Web
The Web Helps Us See What Isn’t There
The Internet: Is It for the Privileged Few?
The Internet Can Make Education Democratic
가장 적절한 것은?
06 다음Since글의for제목으로
the Egyptians the Nile was central for existence, it is natural to expect a variety of
recreations in and on the water. The management of the great river’s gifts was the basis of
Egypt’s security and its pleasures. Swimming was therefore not only a pleasure for the
playful, but also a necessity in case of an accident on the water. We have wall paintings of
young girls swimming below the surface to catch water birds by surprise. Several museums
have small sculptures of silver or of wood in the form of girl swimmers who hold in their
outstretched arms a container for ointments. Some documents suggest that swimming was
required for royal princes. That swimming was regularly taught is also suggested by many
depictions of the crawl stroke ─ a form of swimming that is not natural to man and which was
invented again for competition less than a century ago.
✽ointment 연고
Swimming: Essential Part of Egyptian Life
The Nile: Where Ancient and Modern Times Meet
How Egyptians Created Many Great Works of Art
What Made Egyptian Royal Princes Take Swimming Lessons
The Emergence of Competitive Sports Games in Ancient Times
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Copyright is the primary vehicle for protecting a writer’s literary creations. Unless writers
have the legal ability to prevent others from copying their work, it would be very difficult to
hinder others from using the fruits of the writer’s labor without compensation. Fortunately,
there are strong copyright laws that enable writers to prevent others from wrongfully
appropriating their work. But, on the other hand, overly restrictive copyright laws may chill
the writer’s creative endeavors. Writers frequently use the works of others as the basis for
research and literary development, sometimes to the extent of quoting portions of other works
exactly. From this perspective, unless the copyright law provides some flexibility, many
writers could be inhibited for fear they may infringe on another work and be exposed to legal
✽infringe on ~을 침해하다
What Can Be Copyrighted?
It Is Time to Share Your Ideas!
Remember: Copying Is a Crime
Copyright Law: A Double-Edged Sword
You Can Protect Your Intellectual Property
제목으로 적절한 것은?
08 다음No글의
one could deny, once they’ve given it any thought at all, that women are responsible for
the majority of consumer purchases. The proof is in the numbers: Women account for roughly
80 percent of all consumer buying. The Center for Women’s Business Research indicates that
working women and female businesswomen are the primary decision makers in households,
making 95 percent of the purchasing decisions. To be more specific and drive home that point:
Women are responsible for 70 percent of all travel decisions, 57 percent of all consumer
electronics purchases, and they buy 50 percent of all new vehicles (influencing 80 percent of
overall automobile sales). Finally, women write an estimated eight out of ten personal checks
in the United States, making their financial power even greater. Women in most households
today not only control the spending of their own paychecks, but a good deal of their husband’s
as well.
✽paycheck 급료, 지불 수표
Advertisers’ Primary Target: Moms
Do Women Really Earn Less than Men?
More Education Leads to More Spending
It Is Mostly Women That Make the Call on Spending
Economic Success Centers around Women’s Spending
04강_제목 추론
Ⅰ 유형편
어조・분위기・심경 파악
다음 글에 드러난‘I’
의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 19번 |
As I walked to the train station, I felt the warm sun on my back. I caught my train on time.
It arrived at my destination ten minutes early, which was perfect, as I was due to present my
new idea to the company at 10 a.m. The presentation went better than expected, and my
manager seemed particularly pleased. Later that day, my manager called me into her office.
She smiled at me and said, “James, you’ve been with us for six years now. How would you
feel if I were to offer you the Sales Director position in London?” Sales Director in
London! Wow! This was a dream come true for me. I couldn’t believe what I had just
① joyful
④ confused
② jealous
⑤ indifferent
③ outraged
Words & Phrases
•destination 목적지
•particularly 특히
•position (일)자리
•confused 혼란스러워 하는
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•be due to ~하기로 되어 있다
•offer 제의하다
•jealous 시기하는
•indifferent 무관심한
•present 발표하다
•sales director 영업 부장
•outraged 격분한
Problem - Solving Strategies
사건이나 상황 파악
필자가 겪은 사건이나 그가 처한 상황을 파악한다.
■ 회사에 새로운 아이디어를 발표했는데 기대했던 것보다 더 잘 되었다.
(The presentation went better than expected, ~.)
■ 이 발표에 대해 경영자가 특히 만족해하는 것 같았다.
(~, and my manager seemed particularly pleased.)
■ 경영자가 런던의 영업 부장 자리를 제의했다.
(“How would you feel if I were to offer you the Sales Director position in London?”)
심경 관련 표현 확인
필자의 심경을 추측할 수 있는 표현을 찾는다.
■ 필자는 런던의 영업 부장 자리가 자신에게 꿈이 실현된 것이라고 생각했다.
(Sales Director in London! Wow! This was a dream come true for me.)
■ 필자는 이 제의가 (너무 좋아서) 믿어지지 않았다.
(I couldn’t believe what I had just heard!)
상황과 표현 종합
▶ 필자의 심경 판단
필자가 회사에서 발표를 잘했고 경영자도 만족해했다. 더욱이 자신이 꿈꾸던 일자리까지 제의받게 된 이 상황이 너무 좋아서
필자는 믿어지지 않을 지경이다.
필자의 심경이‘아주 기뻐하는( joyful)’것이라고 판단할 수 있다.
05강_어조・분위기・심경 파악
| 정답과 해설 18`쪽 |
다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
Toys lay scattered on the floor. The glass eyes of a wooden rocking horse stared out at
nothing in particular, waiting for its next rider. An incomplete jigsaw puzzle sat on the floor a
few feet from the windows, its image faded nearly white by the southern sunlight that had
moved slowly across the room every day for the past fifteen or so years. To the right of the
windows, a metal shelf was packed with a large variety of dolls and stuffed animals, some of
which had fallen to the ground, lying like corpses at a murder scene. The rest of the creatures
seemed to wait, as if their dormant lives could be reactivated by someone picking them up and
offering to play.
✽dormant 잠자는, 휴면의
warm and cozy
funny and joyful
lively and noisy
dangerous and urgent
deserted and neglected
드러난 Boon Huat의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 다음Boon글에Huat
was outside the conference room waiting to be interviewed for the post of sales
manager. His mind began to race as a hundred thoughts went through his mind at once. “What
would they expect of me as a sales manager? Would they be kind, and would I be able to
impress them, or make a fool of myself instead?” He kept his eyes fixed on the door, waiting
for it to be opened any moment. Each time a telephone nearby rang, he was startled. His heart
began beating faster and faster as he listened to his shallow and rapid breathing. His mouth
felt dry. Quickly he rushed to the toilet. And looking into the mirror, he realised that he was
sweating in the cold air-conditioned room. His hands trembled as he inspected his hair and
adjusted his tie.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글에 드러난 Kino의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The beauty of the pearl, winking and flashing in the light of the little candle, dulled his
brain. So lovely it was, so soft, and its own music came from it ─ its music of promise and
delight, its guarantee of the future, of comfort, of security. Its warm light promised a pill
against illness and a wall against insult. It closed a door on hunger. And as he stared at it
Kino’s eyes softened and his face relaxed. He could see the little image of the consecrated
candle reflected in the soft surface of the pearl, and he heard again in his ears the lovely music
of the undersea, the tone of the scattered green light of the sea bottom. Juana, glancing
secretly at him, saw him smile. And because they were in some way one thing and one
purpose, she smiled with him.
✽consecrate (미사에서) 봉헌하다
pleased and hopeful
bored and indifferent
refreshed and grateful
surprised and satisfied
disappointed and envious
드러난 필자의 어조로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음They글에were
wonderfully happy. The stolen meetings and secret, tearful love letters were now
things of the past. To God and man they were one; they could walk arm in arm in broad
daylight and drive in the same carriage, and they would walk and drive so till the end of their
days. Their distant paradise had descended to earth and had proved, surprisingly, to be filled
with the things of everyday life: with jokes and teasing acts or remarks, with breakfasts and
suppers, with dogs, haymaking, and sheep. Sigismund, the young husband, had promised
himself that from now there should be no stone in his bride’s path, nor should any shadow fall
across it. Lovisa, the wife, felt that now, every day and for the first time in her young life, she
moved and breathed in perfect freedom because she could never have any secret from her
ironic and playful
serious and critical
emotional and poetic
solemn and objective
forgiving and sympathetic
05강_어조・분위기・심경 파악
Ⅰ 유형편
문맥 속 어휘 추론
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015 대수능 30번 |
While the eye sees at the surface, the ear tends to penetrate below the surface. JoachimErnst Berendt points out that the ear is the only sense that (A) fuses / replaces an ability to
measure with an ability to judge. We can discern different colors, but we can give a precise
number to different sounds. Our eyes do not let us perceive with this kind of
(B) diversity / precision . An unmusical person can recognize an octave and, perhaps once
instructed, a quality of tone, that is, a C or an F-sharp. Berendt points out that there are few
‘acoustical illusions’ ─ something sounding like something that in fact it is not ─ while
there are many optical illusions. The ears do not lie. The sense of hearing gives us a
remarkable connection with the invisible, underlying order of things. Through our ears we
gain access to vibration, which (C) underlies / undermines everything around us. The
sense of tone and music in another’s voice gives us an enormous amount of information
about that person, about her stance toward life, about her intentions.
✽acoustical 청각의
Words & Phrases
•surface 표면
•discern 분간하다
•unmusical 음악에 소질이 없는
•illusion 착각, 환각
•connection 연결
•vibration 진동
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•penetrate 침투하다, 스며들다
•precise 정확한
•instruct 가르치다
•optical 시각의
•underlying 근본적인, 기저를 이루고 있는
•stance 태도, 자세
•measure 측정하다
•perceive 인지하다
•tone 음정, 음색
•remarkable 놀라운
•gain access to ~에 접근하다
•intention 의도, 의향
Problem - Solving Strategies
전반적인 글의 내용, 즉 주제나 요지를 파악한다.
전반적인 글의 내용
▶ 눈은 정확성이 없고 시각적 착각(optical illusion)은 많은 반면에, 귀는 측정 능력(an ability to
measure)과 판단 능력(an ability to judge)을 결합하는 유일한 감각 기관으로 눈에는 보이지 않는 사물의 근본적인 질서(the
invisible, underlying order of things)에 우리를 연결시킴으로써 다른 사람에 관한 많은 정보를 준다.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모가 있는 문장의 내용을 파악한다.
⑴ Joachim-Ernst Berendt points out that the ear is the only sense that (A) fuses / replaces an ability to measure
with an ability to judge.
▶ (A)가 있는 문장은 측정 능력과 판단 능력을‘~하는’유일한 기관이라는, 귀의 특성을 서술하는 내용이다.
⑵ Our eyes do not let us perceive with this kind of (B) diversity / precision .
▶ (B)가 있는 문장은 우리의 눈은 앞에서 서술된 이러한‘~을’가지고 사물을 지각하도록 해 주지는 않는다는 내용이
⑶ Through our ears we gain access to vibration, which (C) underlies / undermines everything around us.
▶ (C)가 있는 문장은 우리는 귀를 통해서 우리 주변에 있는 모든 것을‘~하는’진동에 접근한다는 내용이다.
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 앞과 뒤의 문장을 통해 문맥상 자연스러운 연결을 만드는 낱말을 선택한다.
⑴ fuses / replaces : 귀는 눈과 달리 표면 아래로 침투하는 경향이 있다는 앞 문장과, 서로 다른 소리에 정확한‘숫자’
여할 수 있다는 뒤 문장의 내용을 통해서, 귀는 측정 능력과 판단 능력을‘결합하는’것임을 알 수 있다. 그러므로 fuses가
적절하다. cf. replace ~ with ... ~을 …으로 대체하다
⑵ diversity / precision : 우리가 서로 다른 소리에 정확한‘숫자’
를 부여할 수 있다는 앞 문장과, 옥타브와 음정의 예를 들
어 음악에 소질이 없는 사람도 그런 것을 귀를 통해서 인지할 수 있다는 뒤 문장의 내용을 통해, 눈과는 달리 귀는‘정확성’
을 갖고 사물을 지각한다는 것을 알 수 있다. 그러므로 precision이 적절하다. cf. diversity 다양성
⑶ underlies / undermines : 청각을 통해 눈에 보이지는 않지만 사물의 기저를 이루고 있는 질서를 알게 된다는 앞 문장과,
다른 사람이 말을 할 때 생기는 음조와 음악적 음향을 감지하면 그 사람에 대해 많은 정보를 얻게 된다는 뒤 문장의 내용을
통해, 진동이 우리 주변의 모든 사물의‘기저를 이루고 있다’
는 것을 알 수 있다. 그러므로 underlies가 적절하다.
cf. undermine 손상[훼손]하다
06강_문맥 속 어휘 추론
| 정답과 해설 21`쪽 |
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The agony of waiting on the day of the race is almost unbearable. It is so
(A)` valuable / intense that I used to say to myself, ‘Why do I put myself through this? I don’t
want ever to do it again.’ Yet in the subsequent high spirits of winning, the agony of the period
of waiting beforehand is (B)` forgotten / remembered . For some athletes this tension was too
great. Lennart Strand, part of the Swedish mile record-breaking team, eventually found the
strain of races (C)` less / more than he could bear. After helping Arne Andersson and Gunder
Hagg to their records he was forced to retire and became a concert pianist, which he found
much less stressful!
✽agony 극도의 고통
(B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 (A),Some
risks can be transferred to another company or even to the consumer. A park wanting
to host a fireworks display may (A) ` contract / compete with another company to be
responsible for the show. In this way, the park is transferring liability to the fireworks
company. One method of transferring the risk to the fans is the (B)` inclusion / omission of a
statement on the back of the event ticket saying that the promoter is not responsible for any
harm to the ticket holder. By accepting the ticket, the attendee (C)` refuses / agrees to accept
liability for possible risks. However, neither of these examples of transferring risk relieves the
facility or event management from providing a reasonably safe environment.
✽liability 법적 책임
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
People are social beings. We appreciate the company of our own kind. How physically close
we tolerate or enjoy the presence of others, for how long and under what conditions vary
noticeably from culture to culture. In a sparsely settled part of the world, the Kalahari Desert,
the Kung Bushmen live under (A)` crowded / uncrowded conditions. In a Bushman camp the
average space each person has is only 188 square feet, which is far less than the 350 square
feet per person regarded as the desirable standard by the American Public Health Association.
Space in a Bushman camp is arranged to (B)` avoid / ensure maximum contact. Typically huts
are so close that people sitting at different hearths can hand items back and forth without
getting up. The desert does not lack space. Bushmen live close by (C)` choice / force , and
they do not show symptoms of biological stress.
✽sparsely (인구가) 희박하게 ✽✽hearth 화덕
(B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 (A),Studies
have shown that as anger increases, cognitive processing speed goes down, fine
motor coordination and sensitivity to pain decrease, and muscle strength often increases. So
for some athletes doing some tasks, anger can be (A)` harmful / helpful . For example, the
defensive lineman who must make his way past a blocker to make a tackle might benefit from
having some level of anger. For other tasks, anger would be a (B)` hindrance / motivation . The
quarterback who needs to read the defense before deciding which receiver to throw to would
likely perform better if he were not angry. In fact, some research supports this thesis. Players at
football positions that require a lot of decision making tend to demonstrate (C)` higher / lower
levels of anger than players at positions that do not.
06강_문맥 속 어휘 추론
| 정답과 해설 23`쪽 |
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Why do so many people dislike public speaking? Perhaps the biggest fear is ①`exposure .
Standing up in front of a large group of people, with a hundred or more pairs of eyeballs all
staring in our direction can be very ②` intimidating . There is also the risk of ③` losing face or
making complete idiots of ourselves in a public forum. Sir George Jessel, a famous public
speaker, once said, ‘The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never
④` stops until you stand up to speak in public.’ But it’s also important to emphasize that few
people experience no ⑤` satisfaction when performing in public and this includes the greatest
actors and political leaders. Winston Churchill, for example, had to overcome his fear of
public speaking to become one of the greatest speakers of the 20th century.
글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
06 다음Taking
steps to keep others connected with the rational part of their brain, even in intense
conflict situations, helps ①` minimise the impact of behaviours acted out in anger. A key step
is to re-enter the conversation under the ②` tone of the other person. Imagine you’re having a
conversation with someone and you or your conversational partner is whispering and the other
person is shouting. It is clear that the shouter is having by far the more ③` comfortable
experience. Individuals do not usually ④` sustain shouting for very long if the other party does
not reciprocate the intensity or loudness of voice. So keep your volume ⑤` down and your
voice even and others will start to reciprocate.
✽reciprocate 똑같은 방식으로 응대하다
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
In many industries within the service economy, competition stays very intense. This factor,
when combined with the pressure from investors for higher returns on capital, has resulted in
①` pressure to increase productivity and reduce costs. In many cases, managers seek to reduce
labor costs by running leaner operations or using technology to ②`replace humans for some
tasks. An example of this was when several domestic airlines encouraged passengers to check
in via the Internet, thereby ③` reducing the number of passengers who wanted to check in at
the airport. They offered an incentive of 1,000 extra frequent-flyer miles to any passenger who
④`refused this service. Later, they ⑤ added fees for customers that accessed their services in
person, but offered the services for no cost if customers used the Internet or non-face-to-face
글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
08 다음In discussing
coffee varieties, it should be kept in mind that nearly all the coffee in the New
World is ①` descended from just a few beans and two varieties ─ ‘Typica’ and ‘Bourbon.’
This extremely ②` narrow genetic base has been crossed within itself and with a very few
other varieties. Almost no ③` additions have come from the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of
varieties existing in coffee’s original home, Ethiopia. Since New World coffee has been more
or less the same for the past 200 years, the only factors ④`affecting quality have been cultural
and climatic ─ not much else was possible. In turn, this led to very ⑤`distinct differences in
taste and to the appearance of very fine-tuned cups of coffee. Few can tell the difference
between a Jamaican Blue and a Kona coffee.
✽Kona coffee (하와이의) 코나 커피
06강_문맥 속 어휘 추론
Ⅰ 유형편
문맥 속 문법성 판단
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 28번 |
During the early stages when the aquaculture industry was rapidly expanding, mistakes
were made and these were costly both in terms of direct losses and in respect of the
industry’s image. High-density rearing led to outbreaks of infectious diseases that in some
cases ①`devastated not just the caged fish, but local wild fish populations too. The negative
impact on local wildlife inhabiting areas ②`close to the fish farms continues to be an
ongoing public relations problem for the industry. Furthermore, a general lack of
knowledge and insufficient care being taken when fish pens were initially constructed
③`meaning that pollution from excess feed and fish waste created huge barren underwater
deserts. These were costly lessons to learn, but now stricter regulations are in place to
ensure that fish pens are placed in sites ④`where there is good water flow to remove fish
waste. This, in addition to other methods that decrease the overall amount of uneaten food,
⑤`has helped aquaculture to clean up its act.
Words & Phrases
•aquaculture 수산 양식, 양어
•expand 팽창하다
•in respect of ~의 측면에 있어, ~에 관하여
•rearing 사육, 양육
•lead to ~을 초래하다
•devastate 황폐화하다
•insufficient 불충분한
•excess 초과한; 초과
•barren 불모의, 황폐한
•regulation 규정, 규제
•ensure 반드시 ~하게 하다, 확실하게 하다
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•costly 대가가 큰, 비용이 많이 드는
•high-density 고밀도의
•outbreak 발발, 발생
•pen 우리, 작은 우리
•feed 사료, 먹이
•in place 시행되고 있는
•overall 전반적인, 일반적인
Problem - Solving Strategies
글의 전반적인 내용을 개략적으로 파악한다.
글의 내용
▶ 수산 양식 산업이 초기에는 자연 환경에 부정적인 영향을 초래하였으나 그 경험을 교훈 삼아 현재는 엄격한
규제 등을 통해 그러한 문제를 많이 완화시키고 있다.
밑줄 친 부분이 포함된 문장의 구조를 파악하여 문법성을 판단한다.
① 관계절 내의 동사
▶ High-density rearing led to outbreaks of infectious diseases [that in some cases
devastated not just the caged fish, ~].
[ ]는 주어의 역할을 하는 관계사 that이 이끄는 관계절이며 devastated는 선행사 outbreaks of infectious diseases에
이어지는 동사 → OK
② 형용사
▶ The negative impact on local wildlife inhabiting areas close to the fish farms continues to be ~.
부사구 to the fish farms의 수식을 받는 형용사 close가 명사구 local wildlife inhabiting areas를 뒤에서 수식하고 있음
→ OK
③ 문장의 동사
▶ Furthermore, [a general lack of knowledge and insufficient care being taken when fish pens
were initially constructed] meaning that pollution ~.
[ ]는 문장의 주어 → 주어에 상응하는 문장의 동사가 보이지 않음 → 정밀 분석이 필요 → Step 3
④ 관계사
▶ ~ to ensure that fish pens are placed in sites [where there is good water flow] to remove fish waste.
[ ]로 표시된 관계절이 sites를 수식하는데, 이 관계절에서 sites는 의미상 장소를 나타내는 것으로 이해되므로 관계사
where 사용 → OK
⑤ 문장의 동사
▶ This, [in addition to other methods that decrease the overall amount of uneaten food], has
helped aquaculture to clean up its act.
[ ]는 문장의 주어와 술어 동사 사이에 삽입된 부사구이며 has (helped)는 주어 This에 이어지는 동사 → OK
문맥상 적절해 보이지 않는 ③을 정밀하게 분석하여 문법성을 판단한다.
③ meaning
▶ Furthermore, [{a general lack of knowledge and insufficient care being taken} when fish pens
were initially constructed] meaning [that pollution from excess feed and fish waste created huge barren
underwater deserts].
문장의 주어 → 첫 번째 [ ]로 표시된 부분
주어의 핵 → { }로 표시된 부분
문장의 목적어 → 두 번째 [ ]로 표시된 부분
시제의 정보가 표시된 문장의 술어 동사 → 보이지 않음
문맥상 meaning이 동사 역할을 해야 함
meaning 대신에 시제 정보가 반영된 meant가 사용되어야 한다.
07강_문맥 속 문법성 판단
| 정답과 해설 25`쪽 |
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
We often get instructions and tasks passed to us verbally. Though not always the best way,
it’s certainly the most common. Unfortunately, however, in the heat of the daily battle,
sometimes these things can (A) ` forget / be forgotten . So it’s always a good policy to
immediately make a note about any task given to you verbally. This begins your work record
for the task or project and (B)` allows / allowing you to have a document to remind you of it.
It should be written as soon as possible after it is given so the memory of the instructions
(C)` is / are fresh and you can capture all the detail you were provided.
be forgotten
be forgotten
be forgotten
(B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 (A),However
intelligently a building is designed to use natural light, it will always need artificial
light as well, partly for the dark parts of the day and partly because (A)` it / there may be
areas where natural light cannot reach or where it is not desirable. For example, in buildings
that display precious artworks strong ultraviolet light (B)` is / being one of the chief causes of
degradation, so using a series of diffusers to scatter the natural light or going for entirely
artificial light is a possible solution. Other spaces where natural light may not be desirable
include entertainment spaces such as concert halls and theatres, (C)` where / which the
lighting needs to focus entirely on the performances. In the times between performances, it is
possible to build excitement with a dramatic lighting scheme.
✽degradation 변질 ✽✽diffuser 산광기
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
In the near future, older people will become the norm rather than the exception. More than
half of today’s baby boomers will live past age 85, but unless they take the proper steps, many
of (A)` them / whom will bear a heavy burden of chronic disease along the way. Enjoying the
longer life afforded to us by new public health measures and technology (B)` mean / means
maintaining a high standard of health and independence for many more years than most
people ever anticipated. Centenarians, who represent the gold standard for aging well, should
be society’s role models. They are our “resident experts,” who can help shape the way we live.
People who are serious about remaining productive, enjoying life, and (C)` manage / managing
health care costs must learn to follow their admittedly long steps. ✽centenarian 나이가 100세가 넘는 사람
① them
…… mean
…… manage
② them
…… means …… managing
③ them
…… means …… manage
④ whom …… mean
…… managing
⑤ whom …… means …… managing
(B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 (A),Often
the distinction between science and technology is said to be like (A)` that / it between
basic and applied knowledge. However, careful historical study reveals that all knowledge is
applied. Thus the question turns to communities of practice, with attention to who makes what
distinction, where, and why. For example, new knowledge produced in physics might be
applied to problems only of interest to theorists and thus be (B)` labeling / labeled “basic,”
while more “applied” work is relevant to a larger network of communities of practice that
might include health professionals, manufacturers or materials science engineers. For a
contemporary example of the convergence of knowledge and practice, consider the
biotechnology industry, (C)` where / which fundamental processes of genetics and protein
chemistry are explored with the goal of developing therapeutic products. Is biotechnology
science? Technology? Or both? A new word, technoscience, entered our language toward the end
of the twentieth century to help us answer these questions and more.
✽convergence 융합
① that …… labeling …… where
② that …… labeled
…… which
③ that …… labeled
…… where
④ it
…… labeled
…… which
⑤ it
…… labeling …… where
07강_문맥 속 문법성 판단
| 정답과 해설 27`쪽 |
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
In all honesty, teachers would not enjoy their work environment quite as much with
someone constantly looking over their shoulder, and ①` neither do the students. Likewise,
though group or committee work often ②` leads to positive results, some tasks are better dealt
with by only one person. In ③` both cases, the same is true for the creative process of art
making in school. Elementary- and middle-school art rooms should provide adequate space
for students ④` work in small groups, while accommodating individual work space as well.
Sometimes, students want and/or need to work alone. This should ⑤`be honored .
친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
06 다음Ideas글의are밑줄abundant.
A highly creative person will have a couple of good ①`ones before he or
she finishes breakfast. And because ideas are all around us in abundance, the practical people
who have made enough money to finance your idea ②`is not likely to be attracted to it unless
you take certain steps to develop it and demonstrate that it is not just another “me, too”
concept. You need to show that your brainstorm has the potential ③` to generate extraordinary
profit. In short, you must take your great idea beyond its “Eureka!” phase. ④` Just as a
chemical process begins with natural material and is processed into a plastic, your idea must,
as much as possible, evolve toward its predictable end. Its predictable end is the point at
⑤` which the device is most attractive to consumers and investors.
✽abundance 풍부
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Being able to look at situations using different frames is ①`critically important when
tackling all types of challenges. Consider the fact that before 1543 people believed that the
sun and all the planets ②`revolving around the earth. To all those who looked to the sky, it
seemed obvious that the earth was the center of the universe. But in 1543, Copernicus changed
all of that by proposing that the sun ③` is actually at the center of the solar system. This was a
radical change in perspective ─ or frame. This shift in point of view dramatically changed the
way individuals thought about the universe and their individual roles within ④`it . It opened up
the world of astronomy and ⑤`provided a new platform for inquiry. You, too, can spark a
revolution by looking at the problems you face from different perspectives.
중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
08 다음Diet글의has밑줄been친 부분
known for many years ①` to play a key role as a risk factor for chronic
diseases. What is apparent at the global level is ②` that great changes have swept the entire
world since the second half of the twentieth century, inducing major modifications in diet,
first in industrial regions and more recently in developing countries. Traditional, ③`largely
plant-based diets have been swiftly replaced by high-fat, energy-dense diets with a substantial
content of animal-based foods. But diet, while ④` critical to prevention, is just one risk factor.
Physical inactivity, now ⑤` is recognized as an increasingly important determining factor of
health, is the result of a progressive shift of lifestyle towards more sedentary patterns, in
developing countries as much as in industrialized ones.
✽sedentary 주로 앉아서 하는
07강_문맥 속 문법성 판단
Ⅰ 유형편
지칭 대상 파악
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 29번 |
Nancy was struggling to see the positive when ①`her teen daughter was experiencing a
negative perspective on her life and abilities. In her desire to parent intentionally, ②`she
went into her daughter’s room and noted one positive accomplishment she had observed. “I
know you’ve been having a hard time lately, and you aren’t feeling really good or positive
about your life. But you did a great job cleaning up your room today, and ③`I know that
must have been a big effort for you.” The next day, to Nancy’s surprise, the teen girl seemed
somewhat cheerful. In passing, ④`she said, “Mom, thanks for saying the positive thing
about me yesterday. I was feeling so down and couldn’t think of anything good about
myself. After ⑤`you said that positive thing, it helped me see one good quality in myself,
and I’ve been holding onto those words.”
Words & Phrases
•struggle 애쓰다, 분투하다
•accomplishment 성과, 업적
•quality 자질, 특성
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•perspective 시각, 관점
•observe 알아차리다, 관찰하다
•hold onto 의지하다, 매달리다
•intentionally 의도적으로
•in passing 지나가는 말로
Problem - Solving Strategies
글의 등장인물을 찾는다.
Nancy, Nancy의 십 대 딸(her teen daughter)
인물 간 관계나 글 속 상황을 대략적으로 파악한다.
엄마인 Nancy가 건넨 긍정적인 말 덕분에 자존감을 잃고 우울해 하던 딸이 다시 힘을 내게 됨
~ her teen daughter was experiencing a negative perspective on her life and abilities.
~ she went into her daughter’s room and noted one positive accomplishment she had observed.
~ “Mom, thanks for saying the positive thing about me yesterday. I was feeling so down and couldn’t think of
anything good about myself. After you said that positive thing, it helped me see one good quality in myself, ~.”
전후 맥락을 고려하여 각 지시대명사가 가리키는 대상을 파악한다.
■ Nancy was struggling to see the positive when ① her teen daughter was experiencing a negative perspective on
her life and abilities.
Nancy의 십 대 딸은 자신의 인생과 능력을 부정적으로 생각하고 있는 반면 엄마인 Nancy는 긍정적인 면을 보려고 애쓰고
있다는 내용이다. her teen daughter에서 her는 Nancy를 가리킨다.
■ In her desire to parent intentionally, ② she went into her daughter’s room and noted one positive
accomplishment she had observed.
엄마가 딸의 방에 들어가서 긍정적 얘기를 건네는 장면이므로 주어 she는 엄마인 Nancy를 지칭한다.
■ But you did a great job cleaning up your room today, and ③ I know that must have been a big effort for you.”
엄마의 말을 그대로 옮긴 직접 화법이므로 I는 엄마인 Nancy를 지칭한다.
■ In passing, ④ she said, “Mom, thanks for saying the positive thing about me yesterday.
직접 화법으로 표시된 부분은 딸이 한 말이므로 말을 한 행위의 주체인 주어 she는 딸을 가리킨다.
■ After ⑤ you said that positive thing, it helped me see one good quality in myself, and I’ve been holding onto
those words.”
딸이 엄마에게 한 말을 직접 화법으로 나타낸 부분이므로 you는 청자인 엄마 Nancy를 지칭한다.
①, ②, ③, ⑤가 가리키는 대상은 엄마 Nancy이고, ④가 가리키는 대상은 Nancy의 딸이다.
08강_지칭 대상 파악
| 정답과 해설 29`쪽 |
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Brenda, a young single mother, used fear and love to help her daughter. In the process,
①` she overcame a childhood fear and discovered an unlikely passion and a new career.
Brenda had always had trouble keeping up in school, and ②` her weakest subject was always
math. She enrolled in a remedial mathematics course at the local community college because
she loved her daughter and feared she wouldn’t be able to assist ③` her with her homework.
She earned an A in the course, which inspired ④` her to set a higher goal. ⑤`She decided to
earn her college degree.
친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
02 밑줄Richard
Porson, a famous classical scholar, was once traveling with a young Oxford student.
In an attempt to impress the ladies present, the young man let slip a Greek quotation which
①`he said was from Sophocles. The professor was not taken in by the young man’s bluff and,
pulling a pocket edition of Sophocles from the folds of his coat, challenged ②`him to find the
passage in question. Not discouraged, the student said that ③`he had made a mistake and that
the quotation was in fact from Euripides. To the great amusement of the young ladies, Porson
immediately produced a copy of Euripides from ④` his pocket and issued the same challenge.
In the last attempt to save face, the young man announced that the passage was, of course,
from Aeschylus. However, on seeing the inevitable copy of Aeschylus emerge from Porson’s
pocket, ⑤`he finally admitted defeat. “Coachman!” he cried. “Let me out! There’s a fellow
here who has the whole Bodleian Library in his pocket.”
✽bluff 허세
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
When musician Buddy Collette was a child, ①` his parents knew a very good musician
named Dootsie Williams. Mr. Williams was a good man as well as a good musician. Buddy’s
father mentioned to ②` him , “Our son is 12 and plays the saxophone,” and Mr. Williams said,
“I’ve got a lot of music. I can send you some music for ③` him .” He then gave Buddy’s parents
a trunk full of music arrangements to take home to ④` him . The music had all the instruments
laid out ─ what the trombone would play, what the trumpet would play, what the saxophone
would play, and so on. Buddy was excited to get the music, and since ⑤`he had friends who
played music, he started a band and eventually played with people such as Frank Sinatra and
Ella Fitzgerald.
친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
04 밑줄A 79-year-old
woman sought counseling to deal with her lifelong distress about her older
sister, whom she described as a bitter, envious woman who had never been a friend to her.
When the 83-year-old sister broke her hip and had other medical complications, ① the
younger sister thought that this was an opportunity to be of real help and perhaps to get the
recognition for which she had longed for more than 75 years. Her offers were rejected, and
②` the sister died several months later. Counseling, using life review techniques, helped the
younger woman mourn the loss not only of ③` her 83-year-old sister but of the sister she
wished for but had never had. For the first time, ④` the woman realized how much thought and
energy she had devoted to the distress concerning her sister. She felt that a lifelong ache had
been relieved, and now ⑤`she had more energy for other people and activities.
✽mourn 애도하다
08강_지칭 대상 파악
Ⅰ 유형편
세부 내용 파악
Georg Dionysius Ehret에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 24번 |
The 18th century is called the Golden Age of botanical painting, and Georg Dionysius
Ehret is often praised as the greatest botanical artist of the time. Born in Heidelberg,
Germany, he was the son of a gardener who taught him much about art and nature. As a
young man, Ehret traveled around Europe, largely on foot, observing plants and developing
his artistic skills. In Holland, he became acquainted with the Swedish naturalist Carl
Linnaeus. Through his collaborations with Linnaeus and others, Ehret provided illustrations
for a number of significant horticultural publications. Ehret’s reputation for scientific
accuracy gained him many commissions from wealthy patrons, particularly in England,
where he eventually settled.
✽horticultural 원예(학)의
① 18세기의 가장 위대한 식물 화가로서 칭송받는다.
② 정원사의 아들이었다.
③ 젊은 시절 주로 마차로 유럽을 여행하였다.
④ 다수의 원예 출판물에 삽화를 제공하였다.
⑤ 영국에 정착하였다.
Words & Phrases
•botanical 식물의
•naturalist 박물학자
•publication 출판(물)
•patron 후원자
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•acquainted with ~을 아는, ~에 익숙한
•collaboration 공동 작업
•illustration 삽화
•reputation 명성
•commission (그림 제작 등의) 의뢰[주문]
Problem - Solving Strategies
글의 전반부에서 소재를 파악하고 무엇에 관한 정보인지 확인한다.
식물화의 황금기인 18세기의 가장 위대한 식물 화가로 칭송받는 Georg Dionysius Ehret에 관한 글이다.
선택지의 핵심 정보를 확인하고 글의 내용을 예측한다.
① 18세기의 가장 위대한 식물 화가로서 칭송받음
▶ the 18th century, the greatest botanical artist, praised
② 정원사의 아들
▶ the son, a gardener
③ 젊은 시절 주로 마차로 유럽을 여행함
▶ young, traveled, Europe, carriage(wagon)
④ 다수의 원예 출판물에 삽화 제공
▶ horticultural publications, illustrations, provided
⑤ 영국에 정착하였다.
▶ England, settled
글에 담겨 있는 정보 중에서 선택지의 서술 내용에 해당되는 부분을 찾아 비교하면서 일치하지 않는 진술을 찾는다.
①: The 18th century is called the Golden Age of botanical painting, and Georg Dionysius Ehret is often praised
as the greatest botanical artist of the time.
▶ 18세기가 식물화의 황금기로 불리는데, 그 시대의 가장 위대한 식물 화가로 흔히 칭송받는다고 했으므로 글의 내용
과 일치한다.
②: Born in Heidelberg, Germany, he was the son of a gardener ~
▶ 독일의 Heidelberg 태생으로, 정원사의 아들이었으므로 글의 내용과 일치한다.
③: As a young man, Ehret traveled around Europe, largely on foot, ~
▶ 젊었을 때 주로 걸어서 유럽을 여행했으므로 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.
④: ~ Ehret provided illustrations for a number of significant horticultural publications.
▶ 다수의 중요한 원예 출판물에 삽화를 제공하였으므로 글의 내용과 일치한다.
⑤: ~ particularly in England, where he eventually settled.
▶ 특히 영국에서 많은 의뢰를 받았고, 결국 그곳에 정착하였으므로 글의 내용과 일치한다.
따라서 ①, ②, ④, ⑤의 진술은 글의 내용과 일치하고, ③은 일치하지 않는다.
09강_세부 내용 파악
| 정답과 해설 31`쪽 |
Igor Sikorsky에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Born in Kiev, Igor Sikorsky grew up in a household where intellectual curiosity was
encouraged. As a boy he developed an interest in flight through reading the science fiction of
French novelist Jules Verne and accounts of Leonardo da Vinci’s designs for helicopters. After
studying engineering, he failed in his attempts to make a helicopter and turned to more
conventional fixed-wing designs. In 1913, he constructed the world’s first four-engined
airplane that could fly. Known as the Grand, it formed the prototype for the Il’ya Muromets,
later adapted as a long-range bomber for World War I. In 1918, Sikorsky emigrated to the
United States to escape the Bolshevik Revolution. After some years of teaching, he founded
his own engineering company, producing many successful flying boats. In the 1930s he
returned to his original goal, producing the prototype of the first mass-produced helicopter in
✽prototype 원형
지적 호기심을 펼칠 수 없는 가정에서 성장했다.
성인이 되어 Leonardo da Vinci의 헬리콥터 설계에 대한 기록을 처음으로 접했다.
세계 최초로 엔진이 네 개 달린 날 수 있는 비행기를 만들었다.
혁명에 참가하기 위해 미국을 떠났다.
대량 생산 헬리콥터의 원형 개발에 실패했다.
Amazon Explorer호 유람에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
02 Emerald
The Emerald Amazon Explorer, specifically designed for adventures in the Amazon, is a
30-meter-long riverboat that cruises the Napo River in Ecuador. Up to 35 guests stay in
comfortable cabins with private bathrooms, running hot water and even Internet and satellite
TV connections. Tours vary in length from five to nine days and explore the world’s largest
rainforest. Guests can see abundant wildlife, guided by experts speaking many languages,
including freshwater dolphins, 500 species of birds, half a dozen species of monkeys, and
butterflies. This is an ideal way of exploring the rainforest without having to camp or even
suffer from mosquitos as the ship is surrounded by flowing water and is fully air-conditioned.
It aims to have only a minimal environmental and social impact by travelling up and down the
river, staying as a ‘temporary guest’ beside the indigenous communities.
✽indigenous 토착의
유람선이 승객을 최대 30명까지 수용할 수 있다.
유람선의 객실에서는 인터넷을 이용할 수 없다.
최장 5일간의 여행을 제공한다.
여러 언어를 사용하는 전문가들이 안내를 한다.
현지 마을에서의 야영 체험을 제공한다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
Austin Local Farm Tour에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Austin Local Farm Tour
Spend the day exploring beautiful farms, orchards and wineries!
•Holy Terrain Farm: See an amazing number of crops and new baby animals
•Joyful Orchard: Pick fruit and eat lunch in the pleasant shade
•Golden Winery and Art Gallery: Drink some wine, view modern artworks, and buy
The tour will take place on Saturday, June 13, 2015, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be a
van leaving from the KG Visitor’s Center parking lot at 9:30 a.m., or drive solo. Feel free
to bring your bikes to cycle between farms.
This event is free for Local Farms First members and children aged 12 and under. Except
for them, $10 per person must be paid.
Reservations are necessary, and should be made by Friday afternoon, June 12: 972-614✽winery 포도주 양조장
7248 or localfarmsfirst@me.com.
Holy Terrain Farm에서 점심을 먹는다.
Joyful Orchard에서 기념품을 살 수 있다.
개인 차량을 이용할 수 없다.
12세 이하의 아이들의 참가비는 10달러이다.
예약은 6월 12일 금요일 오후까지 해야 한다.
09강_세부 내용 파악
| 정답과 해설 33`쪽 |
04 일치하는 것은?
Farmington Chamber of Commerce 3rd Annual Pizza Contest에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과
Farmington Chamber of Commerce
3rd Annual Pizza Contest
Farmington Chamber of Commerce will hold the 3rd Annual Pizza Contest. Local
restaurants will serve up their best pizzas, and you get to vote for your favorite! Trophies
will be presented to the winners based on your votes.
All proceeds from this event will benefit the Farmington Chamber of Commerce
Scholarship Fund for Farmington High School students.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Farmington Gardens: 999 Farmington Avenue, Farmington
All the pizza you can eat!
$10 for 13 and older
$5 for kids aged 3 to 12
Two & under are free
Soda, beer and wine available.
No reservations needed!
For more information, visit www.FarmingtonChamber.com.
올해 들어서만 세 번째로 열리는 행사이다.
전문가로 구성된 별도의 심사위원단이 수상자를 선정한다.
수익금의 일부를 장학 기금으로 쓴다.
10세의 어린이가 내야 할 요금은 10달러이다.
행사에 참여하기 위해 미리 예약을 할 필요가 없다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
2015 Poster Contest, Local to State Rules에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
2015 Poster Contest
Local to State Rules
The National Conservation Poster Contest is open to kindergarten through grade twelve.
Posters advance through three judging levels: local, state and national. Artwork entered
into the national competition must have gone through a poster contest sponsored by a local
conservation district and another contest sponsored by a state conservation association.
2015 Contest Theme
The National Poster Contest theme is “Where does your water come from?”
Poster category by grade: K-1; 2-3; 4-6; 7-9; 10-12
Contest Rules
•Any media may be used to create a flat or two-dimensional effect on regular posters.
•All posters must be created by an individual student rather than a team of students.
•The 2015 theme title “Where does your water come from?” must be on your poster.
This is the only title eligible for the national poster contest.
•Mail first place posters from each category, as well as the County to State Form, to the
address below. Entries must be postmarked by October 8, 2015:
PO Box 91123
✽eligibility (대회 참가 등의) 자격
Seattle, WA 98111-9223
주 대회를 거치지 않고 곧바로 전국 대회에 참가할 수 있다.
표현 수단에는 제한이 없으며 입체적인 작품도 가능하다.
모든 포스터는 팀이 아닌 개인의 창작물이어야 한다.
포스터의 제목은 대회 주제에 맞게 자유롭게 붙일 수 있다.
출품작은 2015년 10월 8일부터 우편으로 접수한다.
09강_세부 내용 파악
| 정답과 해설 34`쪽 |
John Ericsson에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Born in Sweden, John Ericsson served for several years in the Swedish army before moving
first to England in 1826 and then to the United States in 1839 to pursue a career as a designer
of machinery. He did pioneering work on steam engines and hot-air engines, built locomotives
and fire engines, and invented range finders and instruments for depth finding. He invented
the screw propeller and built the first screw-powered steamship to cross the Atlantic, as well
as the first ship powered by twin screws. He designed steam warships and naval big guns, on
speculation, for the American and French navies in the 1840s and 1850s, but failed to win
contracts for them. His principal income came from hot-air engines and small screw-driven
steamships that he built with his friend and business partner Cornelius H. “Harry” DeLamater.
✽pioneering 선구적인 ✽✽locomotive 기관차
타국으로 이주하기 전에 스웨덴 군대에서 복무했다.
거리 측정기와 수심 측정용 도구를 발명했다.
최초로 두 개의 스크루로 추진되는 배를 건조했다.
증기 군함을 설계하여 미국과 프랑스의 해군과 계약을 체결했다.
열기 기관과 소형 스크루 추진 증기선이 주요 수입원이었다.
Wiles에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
07 Andrew
When he was ten years old, Andrew Wiles became interested in the solution to the problem
known as Fermat’s Last Theorem. Although he worked on other parts of mathematics while
obtaining his Ph.D. at Cambridge University in 1980, he remained interested in the Fermat
theorem. He began teaching mathematics at Princeton University in New Jersey in 1982. In
1986 he learned of new results that might lead to a proof of the Fermat theorem and began a
secret project to use this approach to make a proof. It took seven years of intense
concentration to produce a proof, but other mathematicians pointed out flaws in his 1993
publication. In collaboration with his former student Richard L. Taylor, Wiles resolved all the
difficulties and published the final proof in 1995.
✽theorem (수학에서의) 정리 ✽✽collaboration 공동 작업
10살 때 페르마의 마지막 정리의 풀이에 관심을 갖게 되었다.
케임브리지 대학에서 페르마의 정리 문제로 박사 학위를 받았다.
1986년에 페르마의 정리를 증명하는 비밀 연구를 시작했다.
다른 수학자들이 그의 1993년 간행물에 있는 증명의 오류를 지적하였다.
이전에 가르친 제자와 함께 페르마의 정리에 대한 증명을 완성하였다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
Sky Band’
s Annual Young Artist Competition에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Sky Band’s Annual Young Artist Competition
For students who play band instruments
Winners will perform their pieces at the Sky Band’s Autumn Concert, which will be on a
Saturday afternoon in November, 2015.
$500 for the winning soloist
$300 for the winning ensemble (of 2 to 5 players)
Applications are due: October 1, 2015
Competition Date: October 18, 2015
The Sky Band offers this opportunity to students from the surrounding area, including
only Franklin, Cumberland, Adams, Fulton and Perry Counties in PA, and Washington
County in Maryland.
Phone or email for more information:
Paul Berg 715-716-5029
✽PA = Pennsylvania
밴드 악기를 연주하는 학생들을 대상으로 한다.
수상자들은 Sky Band의 가을 콘서트에서 연주한다.
솔로 우승자는 500달러의 상금을 받는다.
2015년 10월 18일까지 신청할 수 있다.
더 자세한 내용에 대해 Paul Berg에게 이메일로 문의할 수 있다.
09강_세부 내용 파악
| 정답과 해설 35`쪽 |
졸업 파티를 위한 사진 제출에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Attention All Parents of Seniors!
Project Graduation Needs Your Photos!
Photos will be used to decorate the party the night of graduation. Help us make it great!
What we need YOU to do
•Deadline: Photos must be received by May 31st.
•Find pictures that you would like to share and/or embarrass your child with one last
•Get your photos enlarged to 11×17 inches and printed on card stock.
(Limit 2 per student, and please write the student’s name on the back.)
•Drop off the enlargements. A drop box will be available at the entrance of our school
Help your child relive all the great memories of their youth and high school years! If you
✽project graduation 졸업식 날 밤에 열리는 파티
have questions, please call us at (624) 543 - 4321.
졸업 예정 학생을 둔 학부모에게 공지하는 안내문이다.
사진은 5월 31일까지 접수한다.
제출에 필요한 사진 크기는 11×17인치이다.
학생당 두 장의 사진까지만 제출이 허용된다.
사진은 담당자에게 직접 제출되어야 한다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
Fall Shade Tree Distribution 프로그램에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Free Shade Trees for Your Yard
We’re pleased to offer you free shade trees this fall through our Fall Shade Tree
Distribution program. Remember you should plant it in your yard, not on public property.
3 Easy Steps to Get a Shade Tree
Step 1: Measure Your Property
•Plant on the east or west side of your home to maximize shade cover.
•Your shade tree should be planted at least 30 feet away from other trees.
•Plant at least 20 feet away from power lines in the air.
Step 2: Submit a Form
Availability is limited. Applications must be received by September 1, 2015. Please
complete the request form and submit it online. You can download the form from our
website at www.theparkpeople.org.
Step 3: Pick Up Your Tree
In mid-September, if your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation letter
specifying which species you will receive and where to pick up your tree(s) on October 6,
무료로 햇빛 차단용 나무를 제공하는 프로그램이다.
나무를 심는 위치로 집의 동편이나 서편을 권장한다.
공중의 전선에서 20피트 이상 떨어진 곳에 나무를 심을 것을 권장한다.
신청서는 9월 1일까지 온라인으로 접수한다.
신청서가 승인되면 9월에 원하는 나무를 받을 수 있다.
09강_세부 내용 파악
Ⅰ 유형편
도표 정보 파악
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Social Media Profiles: What Americans Aged 12-17 Post
| 2015학년도 대수능 25번 변형 |
Photos of
City or Town
Cell Phone
The above graph shows the percentages of Americans aged 12-17 who posted certain
types of personal information on social media sites in 2006 and in 2012. ①`The year 2012
saw an overall percentage increase in each category of posted personal information. ②`In
both years, the percentage of the young Americans who posted photos of themselves was
the highest of all the categories. ③`In 2006, the percentage of those who posted city or town
names was higher than that of those who posted school names. ④`Regarding posted email
addresses, the percentage of 2012 was three times higher than that of 2006. ⑤`Compared to
2006, 2012 recorded an eighteen percentage point increase in the category of cell phone
Words & Phrases
•post (웹사이트에 정보나 사진을) 올리다, 발송하다
•category 범주, 부문
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•overall 전반적인
Problem - Solving Strategies
도표의 제목, 종류 및 내용을 파악한다.
■ 도표의 제목: Social Media Profiles: What Americans Aged 12-17 Post, 소셜 미디어 프로필: 12세부터 17세까지의
미국인이 올린 것
■ 도표의 종류: 막대그래프 → 2006년과 2012년 두 해의 비율
■ 도표의 내용: 12세부터 17세까지의 미국인이 소셜 미디어 사이트에 올린 개인 정보의 유형
글의 도입부를 통해 도표 이해를 위한 개요를 파악한다.
The above graph shows the percentages of Americans aged 12-17 who posted certain types of personal
information on social media sites in 2006 and in 2012. (위 그래프는 2006년과 2012년에 소셜 미디어 사이트에 특정 유
형의 개인 정보를 올린 12세부터 17세까지의 미국인의 비율을 보여 준다.)
도표와 선택지 내용의 일치 여부를 비교한다.
① 2012년에는 올라온 개인 정보가 각 범주에서 전반적인 비율의 증가를 보였다.
▶ 일치
② 두 해 모두 자신의 사진을 올린 젊은 미국인들의 비율이 모든 범주 중에서 가장 높았다.
▶ 일치
③ 2006년에 도시나 읍의 이름을 올린 십 대들의 비율은 학교 이름을 올린 십 대들의 비율보다 더 높았다.
▶ 일치
④ 전자 우편 주소를 올린 것에 관하여는, 2012년의 비율이 2006년의 비율보다 3배 더 높았다.
▶ 불일치
▶ 2006년에는 29%이고 2012년에는 53%이므로 두 배를 넘지 않는다.
⑤ 2006년과 비교하여, 2012년은 휴대전화 번호 범주에서 18퍼센트포인트 증가했다.
▶ 일치
따라서 ④가 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.
10강_도표 정보 파악
| 정답과 해설 36`쪽 |
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
World Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market Share by Country, 2012 and 2013
India 4%
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding
✽photovoltaic 광발전의 ✽✽ROW=Rest
of the World
The two pie charts above show the relative market share for solar PV installations by
country in 2012 and 2013. ①`Germany was the biggest market for solar PV installations in
2012, but its share sharply declined to 14 percent in 2013. ②`Compared to the previous year,
the Chinese market share more than doubled in 2013, making China the biggest PV
installations market in the world. ③`Japan experienced a big increase in 2013, and its market
share grew to 19 percent. ④`The U.S. market share increased from 11 percent in 2012 to 12
percent in 2013, while India’s market share remained the same. ⑤`The rest of the world
accounted for a bit more than a quarter of the global market for solar PV installations in both
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
How Important Would Each of These Features Be to You
If You Were Going to Buy a New Smartphone?
Long-lasting batteries
Well-known or trusted brand name
Fast processor
High quality camera
Large screen
Operating system links easily
with my other devices
The graph above shows how men and women rated the importance of various features of a
smartphone when buying a new one. ①`Both men and women picked battery life as the most
important factor in their purchase decisions. ②`Women ranked brand name ahead of processor
speed while men thought the latter was more important than the former. ③`Camera quality
was considered more important for women than for men — it ranked third for women and the
lowest for men. ④`When asked about the importance of screen size, 56% of women said that it
would be an important consideration while less than half the men thought it important. ⑤`The
least important feature to women was the ease of linking the operating system with other
devices they already owned, with only half of the female respondents choosing this feature.
10강_도표 정보 파악
| 정답과 해설 37`쪽 |
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors in Purchasing Insurance
Question: Do you plan to renew or purchase your insurance products
with your current provider?
I don’
t know yet but plan to look around
I currently don’
t have a provider`(i.e. first purchase)
The graph above shows the proportion of consumers who plan to renew or purchase their
insurance from their current providers. ①`While 46 percent of global consumers intend to buy
their insurance from their existing providers, only six percent have made up their minds to
switch. ②`Loyalty is highest in France, where more than three out of five customers will buy
from their current providers. ③`Loyalty is lowest in the UK and Germany, and in fact, 15
percent of German consumers have already decided to switch insurance providers. ④`The
percentage of consumers who don’t know yet but plan to look around is higher in Germany
than in any other country listed on the graph. ⑤`The percentage of Spanish consumers who
plan to renew or purchase their insurance products with their current providers is higher than
that of their Brazilian counterparts.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
Sub-Saharan Africa’
s Total Trade (Exports + Imports)
with Major Partners
European Union
U.S. Dollars (in Billions)
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
The graph above shows sub-Saharan Africa’s total trade with its major partners in the world
during the period from 2004 to 2013. ①`The EU has been a leading traditional trading partner
of sub-Saharan Africa, and over the period its trade with this region has more than doubled.
②`The U.S. had been the second biggest partner with this region, but was surpassed by China
in 2009. ③`In 2013, the total U.S. trade with sub-Saharan Africa was less than one-fourth of
the total EU trade with this region. ④`China started from a smaller base but has seen much
more explosive growth — moving from approximately $25 billion in 2004 to about $170
billion in total trade in 2013. ⑤`Compared to the other partners, sub-Saharan Africa’s total
trade with Japan has not changed significantly over the period.
10강_도표 정보 파악
| 정답과 해설 38`쪽 |
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Total Number of Children Enrolled in State-Funded Pre-K in“the Big Four”
New York
00 `200 `200 `200 `200 `200 `200 `200 `201 `20
`````````01 002 003 004 005 006 007
09 2010
The graph above shows the total number of children enrolled in state-funded pre-K in
“the Big Four” from 2001 to 2011. ①`Four states in very different regions largely dominated
state-funded pre-K enrollment numbers in the United States, and each served more than
100,000 children in the 2010-2011 year. ②`During the given years, Texas always served more
children in state-funded pre-K programs than any other state in the United States. ③`Florida
started its state-funded pre-K programs late but had the second largest enrollment after its
programs began in 2005. ④`New York and California had a similar pattern of state-funded
pre-K enrollment until the 2008-2009 year, but there was a big difference in the 2009-2010
year, with the former seeing a much bigger increase than the latter. ⑤`New York was the only
state that showed a decrease in state-funded pre-K enrollment in the 2010 - 2011 year
compared to the previous year.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
= pre-kindergarten 유아원 프로그램(의)
Greenhouse Gas Intensity by Food Group
Relative Intensity
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Dairy Products
Red Meat
This graph shows greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts of different food groups normalized by
cost and calories (all shown comparative to the absolute figure for red meat). ①`No matter
how they are normalized, red meat is more GHG-intensive than any other food group.
②`Dairy products are an interesting second, as normalization by cost produces a GHG
intensity fairly similar to that of red meat, but normalization by calories produces a number
around half as intensive as red meat. ③`The relative intensity of cereals/carbs is higher when
normalized by cost than when normalized by calories. ④`On a per-calorie basis, the impacts
of non-red meat protein sources (chicken/fish/eggs) and fruits/vegetables are quite similar.
⑤`Oils/sweets are the least GHG-intensive for both types of normalization, with their impacts
recording below 0.25 on both counts.
✽carbs 탄수화물 식품
10강_도표 정보 파악
Ⅰ 유형편
빈칸 채우기
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 32번 |
My friend was disappointed that scientific progress has not cured the world’s ills by
abolishing wars and starvation; that gross human inequality is still widespread; that
happiness is not universal. My friend made a common mistake — a basic misunderstanding
in the nature of knowledge. Knowledge is amoral — not immoral but morality neutral. It
can be used for any purpose, but many people assume it will be used to further their favorite
hopes for society — and this is the fundamental flaw. Knowledge of the world is one thing;
its uses create a separate issue. To be disappointed that our progress in understanding has
not remedied the social ills of the world is a legitimate view, but
To argue that knowledge is not progressing because of the African or Middle Eastern
conflicts misses the point. There is nothing inherent in knowledge that dictates any specific
social or moral application.
① to confuse this with the progress of knowledge is absurd
② to know the nature of knowledge is to practice its moral value
③ to remove social inequality is the inherent purpose of knowledge
④ to accumulate knowledge is to enhance its social application
⑤ to make science progress is to make it cure social ills
Words & Phrases
•abolish 없애다
•starvation 기아
•universal 보편적인
•amoral 도덕과 관계없는, 도덕관념이 없는
•assume (증거는 없으나) 사실이라고 생각하다
•flaw 잘못, 결함
•understanding 지식
•legitimate 타당한, 정당한
•inherent 내재적인, 타고난
•absurd 말도 안 되는, 부조리한
•accumulate 축적하다
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•gross 엄청난
•neutral 중립적인
•further 증진하다
•remedy 치유하다, 치료하다
•dictate 영향을 끼치다, 좌우하다
•enhance 강화하다
Problem - Solving Strategies
도입부에서 친구와 많은 사람들의 실수(오해)에 대한 필자의 의견을 찾아낸다.
■ 친구 이야기
•친구의 실망: 내 친구는 과학의 발전이 사회적 불행을 치유하지 못했다는 점에 실망함
•친구의 실수: 지식의 본질에 대한 근본적인 오해(a basic misunderstanding in the nature of knowledge)를 함
■ 친구 이야기의 확장
•지식은 도덕 중립적인 것임에도 많은 사람들은 지식이 자신이 사회에 대해 선호하는 희망을 증진하는 데 사용될 것이라고
생각함(many people assume it will be used to further their favorite hopes for society)
이에 대한 필자의 의견: 세상의 지식과 그것의 사용은 별개의 문제이다.
(Knowledge of the world is one thing; its uses create a separate issue.)
빈칸을 완성하기 위해 필자의 의견을 적용한다.
•지식에 있어서의 발전이 세상의 사회적 불행을 치유하지 못한 것에 실망하는 것은 타당한 견해이지만(To be disappointed
that our progress in understanding has not remedied the social ills of the world is a legitimate view, but)
→ 지식의 본질에 대해 오해하고 있는 친구와 많은 사람들의 견해
→ 빈칸에는 세상의 지식과 그것의 사용은 별개의 문제라는 필자의 의견이 반영되어야 함
▶ 필자의 의견과 일맥상통하는 ①이 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것으로 보임
추가 설명과 결론을 통해 빈칸 내용을 확인한다.
추가 설명: 아프리카나 중동의 갈등이 지식 발전에 대해 회의를 품는 이유가 될 수 없음
결론: 지식 내에는 사회적 또는 도덕적 적용에 영향을 주는 내재적인 요소가 없음(There is nothing inherent in
knowledge that dictates any specific social or moral application.)
따라서, 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ①‘이것을 지식의 발전과 혼동하는 것은 말도 안 된다’
11강_빈칸 채우기
| 정답과 해설 39`쪽 |
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
A dentist friend of mine is famous for being one of the few pain-free dentists in the country.
People flock from everywhere to come and see him. In his office he has a button on the
dentist’s chair which you can hold on to during treatment. Whenever you feel the slightest
discomfort, you can push the button and he will respond to your pain. He has fewer requests
for painkillers than any other dentist. The truth is that people very seldom make use of the
button. The reason behind this is that, by having access to the button, people feel they have
. They are not helpless and, because of that, the biggest pain-inducer of all,
anxiety, disappears.
① praise
④ reward
② control
⑤ reputation
③ dignity
빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 다음A common
myth most of us intuitively accept is that there is a negative correlation between
intelligence and belief: as intelligence goes up belief in superstition or magic goes down. This,
in fact, turns out not to be the case, especially as you move up the IQ spectrum. When people
with above-average IQ encounter claims that they know little about (which is most claims for
most of us), intelligence is usually not a factor in belief, with one exception: once people
commit to a belief, the smarter they are the better they are at rationalizing those beliefs. Thus,
smart people believe weird things because they are skilled at
beliefs they
arrived at for nonsmart reasons.
✽intuitively 직관적으로
① analyzing
④ challenging
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② defending
⑤ abandoning
③ identifying
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Scientific experiments should be designed to show that your hypothesis is wrong, and
should be conducted completely objectively with no possible subjective influence on the
outcome. Unfortunately few, if any, scientists are truly objective. They have often decided
long before the experiment is begun what they would like the result to be. This means that
very often bias is (unintentionally) introduced into the experiment, the experimental
procedure or the interpretation of results. It is all too easy to justify to yourself why an
experiment which does not fit with your expectations should be ignored, and why one which
provides the results you ‘hoped for’ is the right one. This can be partly avoided by conducting
experiments ‘
’ and by asking others to check your data or repeat experiments.
① approved
④ informed
② blinded
⑤ isolated
③ deceived
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음Even빈칸에
if you have cast-iron willpower, the mere fact that the Internet is lying in wait on your
computer causes damage to your work performance. The very act of
eats up concentration and leaves you mentally exhausted. Psychologists demonstrated this in a
2011 study. Participants at the University of Copenhagen were told to perform a computer
task. Afterward, some of them were allowed to watch a funny video, while the others were
faced with a play button for the video, but had to resist pressing it. When confronted with an
additional task afterward, those who had to resist the video performed worse than those who
were allowed to watch it.
increasing noises
starting new tasks
using your computer
resisting temptations
repeating the same thing
11강_빈칸 채우기
| 정답과 해설 41`쪽 |
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
An edge that happy people have for building physical resources is how well they deal with
unexpected, difficult events. How long can you hold your hand in a bucket of ice water?
The average duration before the pain gets to be too much is between sixty and ninety seconds.
Rick Snyder, a professor at Kansas and one of the fathers of Positive Psychology, used this test
on Good Morning America to demonstrate the effects of positive emotion on
. He first gave a test of positive emotion to the regular cast. By quite a
margin, Charles Gibson, host of Good Morning America, outscored everybody. Then, before
live cameras, each member of the cast put his or her hand in ice water. Everyone, except
Gibson, pulled their hands out before ninety seconds had passed. Gibson, though, just sat there
grinning, and still had his hand in the bucket when a commercial break was finally called.
✽grin 싱긋 웃다
① coping with difficulty
③ promoting physical fitness
⑤ accomplishing more tasks
② cooperating with others
④ coming up with new ideas
빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
06 다음Psychologist
Daniel Gilbert says that our brains must believe something in order to process
it, if only for a split second. Imagine I tell you to think of pink elephants. You obviously know
that pink elephants don’t actually exist. But when you read the phrase, you just for a moment
had to picture a pink elephant in your head. In order to realize that it couldn’t exist, you had to
believe for a second that it did exist. We understand and believe in the same instant. Benedict
de Spinoza was the first to conceive of this necessity of
, and, writing
a hundred years before Gilbert, William James explained the principle as “All propositions,
whether attributive or existential, are believed through the very fact of being conceived.” Only
after the conception do we effortfully engage in disbelieving something ─ and, as Gilbert
points out, that part of the process can be far from automatic.
✽existential 존재와 관련된
① doubt for faith
③ conformity to group norms
⑤ acceptance for comprehension
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② arbitrary relationship
④ consensus through bargaining
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Research into the impact of Twitter covers the content of the billions of messages found on
the microblog. Such research reveals
. The sentiments
expressed in the tweets regarding political issues can be as accurate a measure as is found with
traditional telephone surveys. One study analyzed one billion tweets from 2008 through 2009
and found that on issues such as consumer confidence and presidential approval, opinions
expressed in the tweets matched survey findings on the same topics. This result suggests that
Twitter users should not be considered an unusual subset of the general population, but rather
a group whose opinions are (at least collectively) fairly mainstream and representative.
✽mainstream 주류의
how Twitter projects a distorted view of reality
how politicians use Twitter to influence public sentiment
that Twitter is potentially dangerous to political authorities
why Twitter is a valuable tool for measuring public opinion
that Twitter users are the most influential online consumers
빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
08 다음Indeed,
abstracting is difficult for people in every discipline. Many famous novelists ─
Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway come to mind ─ have written to their editors that they
regretted the extreme length of their manuscripts; if they had had more time, the work would
have been half as long. Winston Churchill is supposed to have said that he could talk for a day
with five minutes’ notice but needed a day to prepare if he had only five minutes in which to
speak. The poet Edwin Arlington Robinson shifted from writing short verse to lengthy works
as he got older, remarking, “I am over sixty now, and short poems require too much effort.”
The essence of writing, these individuals say, is not putting words on the page but
✽manuscript 원고
translating brain signals into speech
making use of other people’s resources
making the choice between good and bad
communicating all your thoughts to the world
learning to recognize and erase the unnecessary ones
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| 정답과 해설 43`쪽 |
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
One lesson I learned early on is that
. If you become unhappy
because someone in a room or in your class or in your group of friends is smarter than you,
better looking than you, or richer than you, you are bound to be unhappy all of your life
because inevitably someone will be smarter, richer, etc. Each of us has some exceptional
talent ─ some of us are good at one thing and not another, some excel at kindness to others,
some at sports, some at math, some at selling, and some at managing others. Develop your
best talents and do not dwell on what you are not good at. And do not become distracted by
people who try to make you feel inferior just because you cannot do precisely what they can
do. Eleanor Roosevelt put it well, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
So don’t consent to it.
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The fact that we’ve heard a claim repeated over and over again doesn’t make it correct. But
it can lead us to accept this claim as correct even when it’s not, because we can confuse a
with its accuracy. Advertisers who tell us repeatedly that “Seven
of eight dentists surveyed recommended Brightshine Toothpaste above all other brands!”
employ this principle without mercy. Furthermore, research shows that hearing one person
express an opinion (“Joe Smith is the best qualified person to be President!”) 10 times can
lead us to assume that this opinion is as widely held as hearing 10 people express this opinion
once. Hearing is often
, especially when we hear a statement over and over
hard work beats talent
all human beings are equal
no one is good at everything
happiness increases self-confidence
it is important to nurture young talent
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다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Every individual has a biologically based inner nature comprised of elements that are
common to the species and those that are unique to that individual. Charles Darwin referred to
humans possessing an ‘instinct of
,’ and this would appear to be an important
survival instinct for the species. However, much of Western thinking sees human nature as
self-centered, selfish and destructive, summed up in one of Freud’s favourite quotes, which
came from the Roman writer Plautus: ‘Man is a wolf to man.’ This ‘bad-animal’ view of
humans might be seen as based on humans who are not at a high level rather than on the
healthiest human beings. Furthermore, it
the mountain of evidence that
humans can be cooperative and caring as well as unfriendly and uncaring. How people act
appears to be largely a matter of training and of how much their animal nature is nourished or
✽nourish 기르다
① competition
③ ownership
⑤ sympathy
② competition
④ sympathy
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
When you seek a partner, you need to evaluate a prospective partner’s temperament.
Temperament refers to a person’s characteristic manner of thinking, behaving, or reacting. An
effective and satisfying partnership depends on the compatibility of the partners’
temperaments. There is no set combination that works, but
often work well. A partner who doesn’t do well with managing emotions is a good match for
one who does. A partner quick to jump to conclusions works well with one who is more
considered in his judgments. In contrast, partners who are inclined to be both short-tempered
and impulsive are likely to have a stormy and unstable relationship. If both tend to be
indecisive, they will have difficulty making timely decisions. If both are guided by the pursuit
, they will fall far short of their goals.
✽temperament 기질, 성미
① similar
③ various
⑤ complementary
② similar
④ complementary
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Ⅰ 유형편
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다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 34번 |
New media can be defined by four characteristics simultaneously: they are media at the
turn of the 20th and 21st centuries which are both integrated and interactive and use digital
code and hypertext as technical means. It follows that their most common alternative names
are multimedia, interactive media and digital media. By using this definition, it is easy to
identify media as old or new.
, traditional television is integrated as it
contains images, sound and text, but it is not interactive or based on digital code. The plain
old telephone was interactive, but not integrated as it only transmitted speech and sounds
and it did not work with digital code. In contrast, the new medium of interactive television
adds interactivity and digital code.
, the new generations of mobile or fixed
telephony are fully digitalized and integrated as they add text, pictures or video and they are
connected to the Internet.
For example
For example
In other words
In other words
Words & Phrases
•simultaneously 동시에
•integrated 통합적인, 통합된
•interactive 쌍방향의, 상호작용하는
•hypertext 하이퍼텍스트(문장 중의 어구나 그것에 붙은 표제, 표제를 모은 목차 등이 서로 연결된 문자 데이터 파일)
•transmit 전송하다, 송신하다
•telephony 전화 통신[통화] 방법
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Problem - Solving Strategies
전반적인 글의 내용, 즉 주제나 요지를 파악한다.
⑴ 반복 어구 또는 특정 주제와 관련된 어구
digital code, hypertext, multimedia, interactive media, digital media, integrated
→ 새로운 매체 및 그 특성에 관한 어구들이 반복해서 나오는 것을 알 수 있다.
⑵ 주제문 또는 요지
새로운 매체는 통합적이고 쌍방향이며 기술적 수단으로 디지털 코드와 하이퍼텍스트를 사용한다는 특징을 갖고 있다.
(첫 번째 문장)
빈칸 (A)가 있는 문장과 바로 앞 문장의 관계를 파악한다.
⑴ 빈칸 (A) 바로 앞의 문장
By using this definition, it is easy to identify media as old or new.
→ 이 정의를 사용하면 매체가 구식인지 신식인지를 확인하는 것이 쉽다는 내용이다.
가 있는 문장
⑵ 빈칸 (A)가
, traditional television is integrated as it contains images, sound and text, but it is not
interactive or based on digital code.
→ 전통적인 텔레비전은 이미지, 소리, 글을 포함하고 있기 때문에 통합적이지만, 쌍방향이 아니며 디지털 코드에 기반을
두고 있지도 않다는 내용이다.
문장 ⑵는 구식 매체임을 확인하는 방법으로 전통적인 텔레비전의 예를 들어 문장 ⑴을 설명하고 있으므로 (A)에는 For
example이 들어가야 한다.
빈칸 (B)가 있는 문장과 바로 앞 문장의 관계를 파악한다.
⑴ 빈칸 (B) 바로 앞의 문장
In contrast, the new medium of interactive television adds interactivity and digital code.
→ 대조적으로, 쌍방향 텔레비전이라는 새로운 매체는 쌍방향성과 디지털 코드라는 특징을 추가하고 있다는 내용이다.
가 있는 문장
⑵ 빈칸 (B)가
, the new generations of mobile or fixed telephony are fully digitalized and integrated as
they add text, pictures or video and they are connected to the Internet.
→ 새로운 세대의 이동 또는 유선 전화 통신은 글, 그림 또는 영상을 더하고 인터넷과 연결되기 때문에 완전히 디지털화되고
통합적이라는 내용이다.
문장 ⑵는 문장 ⑴의 내용에 또 다른 새로운 매체인 이동 또는 유선 전화 통신의 경우를 추가 설명하고 있으므로 (B)에는
Additionally가 들어가야 한다.
12강_연결어(구) 넣기
| 정답과 해설 46`쪽 |
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Adults provide feedback to children regarding the appropriateness of the ways they choose
to express their emotions. Such feedback is offered through gestures, sounds, and words.
, when a baby’s smile is greeted with the excited voice of the caregiver, the
adult’s tone serves as a social reward. If this happens often, the baby will smile more
frequently. If the infant’s smile is consistently ignored, his or her smiling behavior will
, when Carmen giggles out loud at a funny cartoon, her teacher
laughs along with her. However, when she laughs at another child who is struggling to recite a
poem by heart, her teacher frowns slightly and shakes his head no.
✽giggle 키득거리다
In addition
For instance
For instance
In fact
글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 다음Robert
Zajonc argues that smiling causes facial muscles to increase the flow of air-cooled
blood to the brain, a process that produces a pleasant state by lowering brain temperature.
, frowning decreases blood flow, producing an unpleasant state by raising
temperature. To demonstrate, Zajonc and his colleagues conducted a study in which they
asked participants to repeat certain vowels 20 times each, including the sounds ah, e, u, and
the German vowel ü. In the meantime, temperature changes in the forehead were measured
and participants reported on how they felt. As it turned out, ah and e (sounds that cause people
to imitate smiling) lowered forehead temperature and lifted mood, whereas u and ü (sounds
that cause us to imitate frowning) increased temperature and darkened mood.
people need not infer how they feel. Rather, facial expressions give rise to physiological
changes that produce an emotional experience.
✽physiological 생리적인
① Conversely
③ Similarly
⑤ Furthermore
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In short
In short
② Conversely
④ Furthermore
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Michelangelo created many masterpieces, mostly on a grand scale. When Pope Julius II
asked Michelangelo to design a tomb for him, Michelangelo devised a design calling for 40
sculptures, only a few of which were completed before Pope Julius decided not to spend any
more money.
, he asked Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
in the Vatican. The chapel had a rounded ceiling high above the floor. Michelangelo was
insulted at being asked to paint a ceiling, which was not considered a very prestigious
assignment. He also did not know how he could paint a ceiling so far off the ground.
, the pope insisted and Michelangelo gave in. He built a high scaffold and lay
on it to paint the wet ceiling plaster. He created nine different sections on the ceiling, each
telling a Biblical story, including the creation of the world.
✽scaffold 비계
① Instead
③ Similarly
⑤ Therefore
② Instead
④ Similarly
글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음I propose
that the reason people enjoy the book version of a story more than the film version
is that each reader creates the details in his or her favorite scenes. The characters ─ the way
they look, talk, dress ─ and everything else in the story are guided by the writer but are
constructed by the reader according to his or her individual tastes. Here,
, the
reader also becomes the director and the producer and fixes everything to his or her liking.
When a director converts the story into a film, however, all these rights are taken from the
reader, and everything is constructed according to the taste of people other than the reader.
The more these details are solidified in a certain way, the more the artist invades the
audience’s domain, and confines the reader’s imagination to what is presented to them by
, the art, the artist, and the audience lose out.
✽solidify 굳히다
① in effect
③ for example
⑤ in contrast
In sum
In sum
② in effect
④ in contrast
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Ⅰ 유형편
무관한 문장 찾기
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 35번 |
A currently popular attitude is to blame technology or technologists for having brought on
the environmental problems we face today, and thus to try to slow technological advance by
blocking economic growth. We believe this view to be thoroughly misguided. ①` If
technology produced automobiles that pollute the air, it is because pollution was not
recognized as a problem which engineers had to consider in their designs. ②`Solar energy
can be a practical alternative energy source for us in the foreseeable future. ③`Obviously,
technology that produces pollution is generally cheaper, but now that it has been decided
that cleaner cars are wanted, less polluting cars will be produced; cars which scarcely
pollute at all could even be made. ④`This last option, however, would require several years
and much investment. ⑤`Although technology is responsive to the will of the people, it can
seldom respond instantaneously and is never free.
Words & Phrases
•currently 현재
•misguided 오도된, 잘못 알고 있는
•foreseeable future 가까운 장래
•responsive 반응하는
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•bring on ~을 야기하다, ~을 초래하다 •thoroughly 철저하게
•alternative energy source 대체 에너지원
•scarcely 좀처럼 ~않는
•investment 투자
•instantaneously 즉각적으로
Problem - Solving Strategies
도입부에서 제시된 통념에 대한 필자의 주장을 찾아낸다.
■ 현재의 일반적인 태도: 환경 문제들을 초래한 것에 대해 기술 혹은 기술자들을 비난하고, 따라서 경제 성장을 막아 기술 발
달의 속도를 늦추려고 함(to blame technology or technologists for having brought on the environmental problems
we face today, and thus to try to slow technological advance by blocking economic growth)
이에 대한 필자의 주장: 우리는 이러한 관점이 철저하게 오도된 것으로 믿는다.
(We believe this view to be thoroughly misguided.)
글의 흐름과 필자의 주장과의 연관성을 고려하면서 흐름에서 벗어난 문장을 찾는다.
문장 ①
▶ 공기 오염 문제가 자동차 설계 당시에 고려해야 하는 문제로 인식되지 않았다(pollution was not recognized
as a problem which engineers had to consider in their designs)는 내용으로 필자의 주장의 근거가 됨
문장 ②
▶ 태양 에너지의 실용적인 대체 에너지원으로서의 가능성(Solar energy can be a practical alternative
energy source for us)을 언급하고 있는 내용으로 환경 문제와 기술 발전의 관계를 다루고 있는 글의 전체 흐
름과는 관계가 없음
문장 ③
▶ 더 청정한 자동차에 대한 요구가 있으므로(now that it has been decided that cleaner cars are wanted) 거
기에 부응하는 기술이 나타나게 될 것이라는 내용으로 필자의 주장의 근거가 됨
문장 ④, ⑤
▶ 문장 ③에서 제시한 내용에 대한 추가적인 설명에 해당함. 즉, 사람들의 요구에 부응하는 기술이 출현하는
데에는 시간과 투자가 필요하다고 언급함(This last option, however, would require several years
and much investment. Although technology is responsive to the will of the people, it can
seldom respond instantaneously and is never free.)
글의 전개 방식을 환기하면서 문장 ②가 없이 글의 흐름이 자연스러운지 확인한다.
도입부: 기술 혹은 기술자에 대한 통념
주장의 첫 번째 근거:
문장 ①
주제문: 통념과 상반되는 필자의 주장
주장의 두 번째 근거:
문장 ③
주장의 두 번째 근거에 대한 추가 설명:
문장 ④와 ⑤
따라서, 글의 전체 흐름과 관계가 없는 문장은 ②이다.
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| 정답과 해설 48`쪽 |
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
What characterizes the social lives of humans is the intense interest we show in each other’s
doings. ①`We spend literally hours in each other’s company, stroking, touching, talking,
murmuring, being attentive to every detail of who is doing what with whom. ②`You might
think that this marks us out as a cut above the rest of life, but you would be wrong. ③`If we
have learned anything from the last thirty years of intensive research on monkeys and apes, it
is that we humans are anything but unique. ④`Even though they are well known for their
intelligence and sociability, they still do not compete with humans on the verbal scale.
⑤`Monkeys and apes are just as social as we are, just as intensely interested in scores of social
activities around them.
글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
02 다음American
hospitals aren’t as dangerous as Kenyan minibuses, but they’re far less safe than
you’d think. ①`Each year, about 1 out of every 20 hospitalized patients contracts an infection
in a U.S. hospital, and the resulting toll is very surprising: 99,000 annual deaths and a yearly
cost of upward of $40 billion. ②`Fortunately, many U.S. hospitals have systems to allow
doctors quick access to the complete medical information of a patient. ③`The most costeffective way to prevent these infections is for doctors, nurses, and other health care
professionals to regularly wash their hands. ④`But the frequency of hand washing in U.S.
hospitals is astonishingly low. ⑤`And many of the efforts to get more people washing their
hands more often have been sadly ineffective.
✽toll 사상자 수
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다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
We can see the occasional clash between compassion and morality in the lab.
①`Experiments by the psychologist C. Daniel Batson and his colleagues find that being asked
to adopt someone else’s perspective makes participants more likely to favor that person over
others. ②`For example, they are more prone to move a suffering girl ahead of everyone else on
a waiting list for a lifesaving procedure. ③`This is compassionate, but it’s not moral, since this
sort of decision should be based on objective and fair procedures, not on who causes the most
intense emotional reaction. ④`Morality is an end in itself, and without humanity, there would
be no morality. ⑤`Part of being a good person, then, involves overriding one’s compassion,
not cultivating it.
✽prone to ~하는 경향이 있는
글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
04 다음Children
of Native American parents are traditionally socialized through an extensive
network of relatives. ①`Along with grandparents, uncles and aunts participate with parents in
child care, supervision of children, and assurance of love, and cousins are thus considered as
close as siblings. ②`Members of this extended family also teach children their tribal values
and beliefs along with traditions and rituals. ③`Reflecting a group-oriented culture, the values
of cooperation and sharing are emphasized, while competitive behavior is discouraged. ④`As
a result, one-third of all Native Americans who marry outside their ethnic group have adopted
either white values completely or a mixture of white and traditional values. ⑤`Children
and adolescents are further encouraged to participate in tribal ceremonies and develop an
appreciation for their cultural heritage.
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| 정답과 해설 50`쪽 |
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
History shows that new communications technologies strengthen some forms of
interpersonal communication while disrupting others. ①`The advent of the Internet has the
potential for bringing about a situation in which everyone is our neighbor in a small,
electronically mediated global village. ②`The virtual communities that have formed on the
Internet are an initial indication that new types of human relationships may be created. ③`The
convenience and freedom enabled by wireless communications technologies are changing the
way we access networks and use electronic devices in the enterprise, the home and on the
road. ④`However, there is also the danger that the world could evolve into an extremely
divided postmodern society in which chaos dominates. ⑤`Information technologies may also
lower the sense of social presence we experience when we talk to people face to face.
✽disrupt 지장을 주다 ✽✽chaos 대혼란
글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
06 다음Numerical
reasoning becomes easier when you visualize mathematical concepts. ①`Quite
famously, Einstein once claimed that his thinking process took place through visualization
and that he very rarely thought in words at all. ②`Crucially, brain scans show that during
calculations activity is not merely confined to the left hemisphere, but is also present in the
visual, auditory, and motor areas of the brain. ③`Furthermore, graph-reading and geometry by
their nature require you to use your visual skills to understand complex numerical data, which
immediately involves regions of the right temporal lobe. ④`Overcoming the fear of numbers
needs an ongoing commitment to learning, to acknowledging the fear and working through it.
⑤`What we do know is that when a math problem is presented visually, it becomes clearer,
more accessible, and the brain is more capable of recalling the knowledge later on.
✽auditory 청각의 ✽✽temporal
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
lobe (뇌의) 측두엽
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
While fat is essential to any child’s diet, the type of fat does make a difference. ①`A lot of
research has looked into the role of fat in health, and while choosing better fats is more critical
for adults who need to worry about chronic diseases, making a healthy start with the best fats
is also important for children. ②`Like adults, children need to eat a variety of foods from
different food groups to get all the nutrients necessary for growth and good health. ③`The
developing bodies of children have different fat requirements than adults, because fats are
used in constructing new tissues. ④`At the same time, establishing good habits by avoiding
excess fat (especially saturated and trans fats) is important for a child’s future health. ⑤`While
infants and young toddlers need more fat in their diet, children over two or three years of age
should start eating the kinds of healthy fats that are recommended for adults.
fat 포화 지방 ✽✽toddler 걸음마를 배우는 아이
글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
08 다음Global
warming has been driven by the enormous growth in energy use which has gone
hand in hand with the rise in human population over the last half century in particular. Yet it’s
the way energy is used that is a problem, not the sheer number of people. ①`In fact, quite a
small proportion of people in the developed world are responsible for the massive energy
consumption that has started the global warming ball rolling. ②` Most of the world’s
population has played very little part as yet. ③`Experts cautiously predict that fast-growing
developing countries like China and India will contribute more than half of global CO2
emission by 2050. ④`So even a dramatic fall in the world’s population would not necessarily
ease the problem of global warming ─ unless the remaining few changed their consumption
patterns. ⑤`And a rise in the world population does not necessarily have to bring further
global warming.
13강_무관한 문장 찾기
Ⅰ 유형편
문단 내 글의 순서 정하기
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 대수능 36번 |
The impact of color has been studied for decades. For example, in a factory, the
temperature was maintained at 72˚F and the walls were painted a cool blue-green. The
employees complained of the cold.
(A) The psychological effects of warm and cool hues seem to be used effectively by the
coaches of the Notre Dame football team. The locker rooms used for half-time breaks
were reportedly painted to take advantage of the emotional impact of certain hues.
(B) The home-team room was painted a bright red, which kept team members excited or
even angered. The visiting-team room was painted a blue-green, which had a calming
effect on the team members. The success of this application of color can be noted in the
records set by Notre Dame football teams.
(C) The temperature was maintained at the same level, but the walls were painted a warm
coral. The employees stopped complaining about the temperature and reported they
were quite comfortable.
✽hue 색조, 색상
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
Words & Phrases
•break 휴식 시간
•application 적용, 응용
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•reportedly 전하는 바에 의하면
•coral 산호색(분홍이나 주황색)
•take advantage of ~을 이용하다
•comfortable 편안한
Problem - Solving Strategies
주어진 글을 통해 글의 주제나 개략적인 윤곽을 파악한다.
주어진 글
▶ 주제: 색깔의 영향(The impact of color)
(한 공장에서 72˚F를 유지하면서 벽을 시원한 청록색으로 칠했더니 직원들이 추위를 불평함)
지시어구, 대명사, 연결어구, 어구 사이의 논리적 관계 등을 활용하여 주어진 글 바로 다음에 이어질 글을 찾아본다.
▶ at the same level은 at 72˚F를 대신하고, a warm coral은 a cool blue-green과, were quite comfortable은
complained of the cold와 논리적으로 대조된다.
(동일한 온도에서 벽을 따뜻한 산호색으로 칠했더니 직원들이 불평을 멈추고 아주 편안하다고 보고함)
글 사이의 논리적 연계성을 추론한다.
▶ The psychological effects of warm and cool hues는 주어진 문장과 (C)에서 기술한 내용을 요약하여 보여 주
는 어구이다.
(따뜻한 색조와 시원한 색조의 심리적 효과를 Notre Dame 미식축구 팀의 코치들이 이용함)
마지막 부분을 연결하여, 글의 전체적인 흐름이 자연스러운지 또 글의 완결성이 있는지를 확인한다.
▶ The home-team room과 The visiting-team room은 (A)에 언급된 The locker rooms used for half-time
breaks를 대신한다.
(A)의 Notre Dame 미식축구 팀 코치들이 색조의 심리적 효과를 이용한다는 말에 대한 구체적 내용에 해당한다.
(홈 팀 라커 룸은 선홍색으로 칠해 팀 구성원들의 기분을 격앙시키고, 방문 팀 라커 룸은 청록색으로 칠해 기분을 가
최종 단계: 다른 순서도 가능한지 검토한 후, 정답을 최종적으로 결정한다.
14강_문단 내 글의 순서 정하기
| 정답과 해설 52`쪽 |
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
As people began to settle in one place instead of ranging over wide areas in search of
food, they began to realize that in order to have food year-round, methods of storing food
had to be developed.
(A) They discovered that if the fermentation process could be halted at the correct time, the
juice could be stored in a usable state.
(B) One of the first methods was the storage of fruit juice, such as grape juice. They noticed
that as the juice began to spoil a change occurred in the juice. This process later became
known as fermentation.
(C) This was the beginning of the wine industry. As with the processing of cheese, new
methods born from these discoveries led to newer and better products.
✽fermentation 발효
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
02 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Psychologist Benjamin Bloom found that the first steps toward high achievement begin
when parents expose their children to music, swimming, scientific ideas, and so forth,
“just for fun.”
(A) After more successes, the young people began “living” for their talent and practiced many
hours daily. This continued for many years before they reached truly outstanding heights
of achievement.
(B) At first, many of the children had very ordinary skills. One Olympic swimmer, for
instance, remembers repeatedly losing races as a 10-year-old.
(C) At some point, however, the children began to actively cultivate their abilities. Before
long, parents noticed the child’s rapid progress and found an expert instructor or coach.
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Many things motivate human beings: the need for food, the need for shelter, the need to
eat ice cream while watching late-night television (obviously some needs are more
fundamental than others).
(A) In addition, people excluded from groups were, almost by definition, unlikely to
reproduce themselves. Thus the solitary hunters were, most likely, no one’s ancestors,
even if they did manage to live out a normal lifespan.
(B) These needs might have arisen from evolutionary pressures; our ancestors who were
excluded from social groups often died because they found it difficult to hunt, gather, and
defend themselves against predators with only an army of one.
(C) After primary needs such as food and shelter are satisfied, the need to belong is among the
strongest of human motivations. People go to extraordinary lengths to connect with
others, be liked by others, and belong to groups.
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
04 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
A perceptually subjective view gives the audience a closer awareness of what a character
is experiencing. Filmmakers may use this technique if they want the audience to feel a
stronger sense of connection with a character.
(A) The entire screen goes black as the lead character, Tom Reagan, is knocked unconscious,
so that the audience is effectively ‘blacked out’ as well. The rest of the scene is not shown
until Tom comes around.
(B) For example, in Joel and Ethan Coen’s gangster drama Miller’s Crossing, creative editing
makes the audience experience the sudden disorientation of being knocked out and then
waking up in a confused state.
(C) The audience therefore has a degree of perceptual subjectivity in this scene because it sees
only what Tom sees and not the events that occur while he is unconscious.
✽disorientation (정신적) 혼미
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
14강_문단 내 글의 순서 정하기
| 정답과 해설 54`쪽 |
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Let’s move on to the concept of how we create our own reality. A good example is exam
tension. This is a very common stress that has a clear cause: mild tension or anxiety is
normal during an exam.
(A) This can in turn have a severe impact on performance. For some, the fear will become real
and they will indeed fail the exam and thus confirm their negative beliefs. In other words,
fear can create precisely what we don’t want.
(B) These thoughts can often create physical symptoms such as fear, sleep loss, lack of
appetite, nausea, restlessness, frequent urination, headaches, aggression, irritability and
(C) It helps students improve their focus and pace. But when this stress is severe, students
may experience negative thoughts or beliefs such as ‘I will fail’ or ‘I can’t remember
✽nausea 메스꺼움 ✽✽urination 배뇨
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
06 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
I’ve probably spent months of my life exploring beaches and tide pools, but there is
always something new.
(A) Eventually I noticed that the barnacles themselves were moving. They were stuck to the
rock, so they couldn’t actually go anywhere, but hundreds of them were rotating in circles
inside their shells.
(B) One day I heard a low-level, constant, scraping noise. I looked around. No one else on the
beach, no birds or large animals in sight. What could it be? It sounded like it was coming
from the rocks, so I looked closer.
(C) They appeared to be scraping the insides of their shells. I don’t know why — perhaps to
clean them or to make them bigger — but, amazingly, the sound came from their scraping.
✽barnacle 따개비
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
We often think of science as exploration and experiment. Classrooms that represent only
this view of science, however, fail to catch an essential feature of science: evidence-based
(A) They involve a leap of imagination. Scientists explain by building and testing models of
how the world works. Scientific explanations emphasize evidence and employ accepted
(B) When scientists encounter patterns in the world, they construct theories to explain them.
What does it mean to explain something in science? Explanation is more than
summarizing the data that have been collected. Explanations tell why phenomena occur.
(C) For example, different states of matter are explained by the arrangement and movement of
molecules. The best explanations are the simplest and take into account the most
evidence. The central role of explanation in science should be part of the classroom
✽molecule 분자
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
08 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
René Descartes is the French philosopher who wrote the famous line “I think, therefore I
am.” Fortunately for psychology, this was not his only contribution.
(A) Thus, Descartes’ notion of mind-body dualism proposes that some human behaviors are
automatic reactions that are driven by external stimulation, while other behaviors are
freely chosen and controlled by the mind.
(B) On the one hand, he claimed, we have a body that functions like a machine and produces
automatic, involuntary behaviors in response to external stimulation (such as coughing in
response to dust). On the other hand, we have a mind that has free will and produces
behaviors that we regard as voluntary (such as choosing what to eat for dinner).
(C) In Descartes’ time, many people assumed that human behavior was governed entirely by
free will or “reason.” Descartes disputed this notion and proposed a dualistic model of
human nature.
✽dualism 이원론
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
14강_문단 내 글의 순서 정하기
Ⅰ 유형편
문단 속에 문장 넣기
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
| 2015 대수능 38번 |
The researchers had made this happen by lengthening the period of daylight to which
the peach trees on whose roots the insects fed were exposed.
Exactly how cicadas keep track of time has always intrigued researchers, and it has
always been assumed that the insects must rely on an internal clock. Recently, however, one
group of scientists working with the 17-year cicada in California have suggested that the
nymphs use an external cue and that they can count. ( ① ) For their experiments they
took 15-year-old nymphs and moved them to an experimental enclosure. ( ② ) These
nymphs should have taken a further two years to emerge as adults, but in fact they took just
one year. ( ③ ) By doing this, the trees were “tricked” into flowering twice during the
year rather than the usual once. ( ④ ) Flowering in trees coincides with a peak in amino
acid concentrations in the sap that the insects feed on. ( ⑤ ) So it seems that the cicadas
keep track of time by counting the peaks.
✽nymph 애벌레 ✽✽sap 수액
Words & Phrases
•lengthen 늘리다
•cicada 매미
•assume 추측[추정]하다
•cue 신호, 단서
•emerge 나타나다
•peak 최고점
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•period 기간
•keep track of ~을 파악[추적]하다
•internal 내부의
•experiment 실험
•be tricked into 속아서 ~하다
•concentration 농도, 농축
•be exposed to ~에 노출되다
•intrigue 흥미를 불러일으키다
•external 외부의
•enclosure (울타리로 쳐 놓은) 구역
•coincide with ~와 일치하다
Problem - Solving Strategies
글의 소재와 요지를 포함한 전반적인 내용을 개략적으로 파악한다.
글의 소재: 매미(cicada)의 시간 파악
글의 요지: 매미의 애벌레는 외부의 신호를 사용하고 계산을 함으로써 시간을 파악한다.
▶ 이 글은 매미의 애벌레가 어떻게 시간을 파악하는지에 관한 실험 내용이다.
글의 요지를 염두에 두고 문장과 문장 사이의 글의 흐름이 부자연스럽거나 단절되는 곳을 파악한다.
문장 1~2
매미는 체내 시계에 의존하여 시간을 파악한다고 여겨져 왔지만, 매미를 연구하는 한 과학자 집단이 애벌레가 외
부의 신호를 사용한다는 것과 계산을 할 수 있다는 설을 제기했다.
문장 3
15년 된 애벌레들을 잡아 실험용 구역으로 옮겼다.
문장 4
15년 된 애벌레들이 성체가 되려면 2년이 더 있어야 했지만, 실제는 불과 1년밖에 걸리지 않았다.
× (③)
문장 5
이 일을 함으로써 나무들은 '속아서' 한 해에 두 번 꽃을 피웠다.
문장 6
나무에 꽃이 피는 것은 곤충들이 먹는 수액의 아미노산 농도가 최고점에 달하는 시점과 일치한다.
문장 7
매미는 최고점을 계산하여 시간을 파악하는 것 같다.
주어진 문장과 주어진 문장 다음 문장의 단서를 활용하여 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고른다.
The researchers had made this happen by lengthening the period of daylight to which the peach trees on whose
roots the insects fed were exposed.
▶ 주어진 문장의 this는 앞 문장의 they(= these nymphs) took just one year to
emerge as adults라는 내용을 가리킨다. 또한 다섯 번째 문장(By doing this, the trees were “tricked” into flowering
twice during the year rather than the usual once.)에서 By doing this는 주어진 문장의 by lengthening the period of
daylight to which the peach trees on whose roots the insects fed were exposed를 가리킨다.
그러므로, 주어진 문장은 ③에 들어가야 한다.
15강_문단 속에 문장 넣기
| 정답과 해설 56`쪽 |
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Stories, however, are equally important because they allow other people to know us.
The most effective leaders are those who are in touch with their leadership stories. ( ① )
This is in part because, as Gail Sheehy once said, the story we tell to ourselves “becomes the
story we are living.” ( ② ) The story itself shapes our attitudes, actions and reactions.
( ③ ) When we know our stories, we know ourselves. ( ④ ) Stories create real, human
connections by allowing others to get inside our minds and our lives. ( ⑤ ) With their
human leading characters, dramas, and climaxes, they engage listeners on an emotional and
intuitive level that is rarely touched by the purely rational argument.
✽intuitive 직관적인
02 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Children who do not exhibit competence in language and logic are often identified as
at-risk for school failure.
Walk into a typical preschool classroom and what are you likely to find? ( ① ) A variety
of learning centers and materials, such as an art table, a nature area, blocks, a math area, a
reading corner, and a writing table, among others. ( ② ) Despite the diversity suggested by
this arrangement, much of the assessment of children’s cognitive development has focused on
two symbolic domains: language and mathematics. ( ③ ) This conception of development
is based on traditional notions of intelligence that take a unitary view of the human mind.
( ④ ) This model has had enormous impact not just on the way children are viewed in
school but on Western thinking about intelligence in general. ( ⑤ ) Some of these children
may eventually fall through the cracks of the educational system if their strengths in other
areas go unrecognized.
✽unitary 단일의
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
We tend to associate faith with religious discussions, but there are all kinds of ways to
distinguish between faith and belief.
The social scientist George Vaillant suggests that faith comes from the emotion of trust,
while belief ─ which may come from the six senses ─ is really a cognition. We all have faith
or trust in something. ( ① ) Even nonbelievers have faith in their mind, in nature, in the
universe, or in some other kind of thing. ( ② ) For example, I might stand at the bottom of
a rock-climbing wall and tell someone, “I believe in the rock-climbing techniques I’ve just
been taught.” ( ③ ) But when I’m fifty feet up that wall, I may be thinking (if not saying),
“I have faith in these rock-climbing techniques.” ( ④ ) Maybe faith is about holding belief
with enough confidence to take action, even when the outcome is not known. ( ⑤ )
Depending upon how we use our intellect, we may never climb the wall at all.
04 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
But sometimes the object requested was unsuited for the task, such as a cup with a crack in
Researchers have evidence that suggests that helping by children really is motivated by
genuine care for others. ( ① ) My colleagues conducted an experiment in which an adult
played with a three-year-old and asked him or her to hand over certain objects for certain
tasks. ( ② ) For example, the adult had a pitcher of water next to her and asked the child,
“Can you hand me the cup so that I can pour the water?” ( ③ ) When the object requested
was suitable ─ an unbroken cup, for example ─ children usually handed it over. ( ④ ) The
researchers found that children often ignored the requested item and reached for a suitable
one, such as an intact cup in another part of the room. ( ⑤ ) So the children weren’t just
dumbly complying with the adult; they wanted to actually help her complete the task.
✽intact 온전한
15강_문단 속에 문장 넣기
| 정답과 해설 58`쪽 |
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Until recent times, psychology was unimportant philosophical verbiage ─ the academic
stuff that I learnt in youth was not worth learning.
The power of physics has been due to the fact that it is a very definite science, which has
profoundly altered daily life. ( ① ) But this alteration has proceeded by operating on the
environment, not on man himself. ( ② ) Given a science equally definite, and capable of
altering man directly, physics would be put in the shade. ( ③ ) This is what psychology
may become. ( ④ ) But now there are two ways of approaching psychology which are
obviously important: one that of the physiologists, and the other that of psychoanalysis.
( ⑤ ) As the results in these two directions become more definite and more certain, it is
clear that psychology will increasingly dominate man’s perspective.
✽verbiage 장광설, 장황함
06 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Although fear can encourage a negative attitude and even an intention to change, such
feelings tend to disappear over time and when faced with a real decision-making situation.
Many health education campaigns have attempted to motivate people to change their
behavior through fear or guilt. ( ① ) Anti-drinking and driving campaigns at Christmas
show the devastating effects on families of road accident victims; smoking prevention posters
urge parents not to ‘teach your children how to smoke.’ ( ② ) Increasingly hard-hitting
campaigns are used amongst others to raise awareness of the consequences of heavy drinking,
smoking and drug use. ( ③ ) Whether such campaigns do succeed in shocking people to
change their behavior is the subject of ongoing debate. ( ④ ) Being very frightened can
also lead people to deny and avoid the message. ( ⑤ ) Protection Motivation theory
suggests that fear only works if the threat is perceived as serious and likely to occur if the
person does not follow the recommended advice.
✽devastating 엄청난 충격을 주는
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Luckily, humans can eat just about anything, and each group of people around the globe
has its distinct diet, with its own mix of fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and sugars.
A better understanding of basic human genetics might help explain what kind of diet is best
for human bodies. ( ① ) Due to a lot of overly simplified storytelling, many people have
come to believe that there was one way of eating that was “natural” for all humans. ( ② )
As a result, many believe that there is one “natural” healthy diet that should be eaten if we
want to become and stay healthy and active. ( ③ ) This belief may, in fact, not be true at all.
( ④ ) When modern humans migrated out of Africa, they quickly expanded to all corners
of the earth, including some places where there was no whole grain bread, lean beef, or
gardens full of leafy greens! ( ⑤ ) People with beautiful skin have been raised on each of
these many different diets.
✽carbohydrate 탄수화물
08 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
During the 1960s and 1970s, automation also reached the office, with the same results.
Technology influenced and even rearranged the traditional divisions between professions
and the workforce. ( ① ) The introduction of automation in manufacturing allowed many
manufacturing processes to be done by less skilled workers. ( ② ) Also, the new, more
complicated technology associated with automated manufacturing required more know-how.
( ③ ) Technical know-how became the domain of an increasingly powerful but small group
of people. ( ④ ) For example, when the first computers appeared in management, banking,
and administration, they were completely puzzling to the average worker, and the few
computer “specialists” gained considerable earning power. ( ⑤ ) Meanwhile, some of the
tasks secretaries and bookkeepers normally do could now be handled by word-processing and
spreadsheet programs that a manager could use himself or herself.
15강_문단 속에 문장 넣기
Ⅰ 유형편
문단 요약
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015 대수능 40번 |
Plato and Tolstoy both assume that it can be firmly established that certain works have
certain effects. Plato is sure that the representation of cowardly people makes us cowardly;
the only way to prevent this effect is to suppress such representations. Tolstoy is confident
that the artist who sincerely expresses feelings of pride will pass those feelings on to us; we
can no more escape than we could escape an infectious disease. In fact, however, the effects
of art are neither so certain nor so direct. People vary a great deal both in the intensity of
their response to art and in the form which that response takes. Some people may indulge
fantasies of violence by watching a film instead of working out those fantasies in real life.
Others may be disgusted by even glamorous representations of violence. Still others may be
left unmoved, neither attracted nor disgusted.
Although Plato and Tolstoy claim that works of art have a(n)
people’s feelings, the degrees and forms of people’s actual responses
① unavoidable
③ temporary
⑤ favorable
② direct
④ unexpected
impact on
Words & Phrases
•assume 생각[가정]하다
•representation 묘사, 표현
•pride 오만, 자만
•infectious disease 전염병
•intensity 세기, 강도
•disgust 혐오감을 느끼게 하다
•converge 한데 모아지다, 집중되다
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•establish (사실・이론 등을) 입증[확립]하다
•cowardly 비겁한
•suppress 억누르다
•no more ~ than ... …가 아닌 것처럼 ~도 아니다
•neither ~ nor ... ~도 …도 아니다
•vary 다르다, 다양하다
•response 반응
•indulge 충족시키다, 채우다
•glamorous 매력적인
•unmoved 흔들리지 않는, 냉정한
Problem - Solving Strategies
먼저 요약문을 읽으면서 이 글의 소재를 파악하고, 지문을 읽을 때 빈칸에 해당하는 부분을 설명하는 문장을 중점적으로
플라톤과 톨스토이는 예술 작품이 사람들의 감정에
술 작품에 대한) 사람들의 실제 반응의 정도와 형식은 크게
영향을 끼친다고 주장하지만, (예
( A)
① 피할 수 없는 …… 다르다
② 직접적인
…… 집중된다
③ 일시적인
…… 변동된다
④ 뜻하지 않은 …… 집중된다
⑤ 호의적인
…… 다르다
▶ 이 글은 특정한 예술 작품이 사람들의 감정에 특정한 영향을 끼친다고 여기는 플라톤과 톨스토이의 생각과 그에 대한
필자의 의견에 초점을 맞추어 읽어야 한다.
글의 전개 방식을 이해한다.
플라톤과 톨스토이의 공통된 생각 제시
▶ 특정 작품이 특정한 영향을 끼치는 것이 확고하게 입증될 수 있다.
- 플라톤: 비겁한 사람들에 대한 묘사는 우리를 비겁하게 만든다.
- 톨스토이: 오만함의 감정을 표현하는 예술가는 우리에게 그 감정을 전달한다.
전염병을 피할 수 없는 것처럼, 사람들은 예술가가 표현하는 오만함의 감정을 받아들일 수밖에 없다.
필자의 반론 제시(In fact, however, ~)
작품이 사람들에게 끼치는 영향은 확실하지도 직접적이지도 않으며, 예술 작품에 대한 사람들의 반응의 세기와 그 반응이 취하는
형식은 매우 다양하다.
▶ 폭력에 대한 반응을 통한 예시
- 영화를 보면서 폭력에 대한 공상을 충족시킨다.
- 영화에서 폭력이 매력적으로 표현되더라도 혐오감을 느낀다.
- 영화에 표현된 폭력에 전혀 영향을 받지 않는다.
글의 내용을 바탕으로 요약문의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고른다.
(A) 플라톤과 톨스토이는 예술 작품이 사람들의 감정에 특정한 영향을 끼친다고 생각하는데, 톨스토이는 그것이 우리가 전염
병을 피할 수 없는 것과 마찬가지로 피할 수 없는 일이라고 주장한다. → unavoidable(피할 수 없는)
(B) 폭력이 묘사된 영화를 보면서 사람들의 반응이 다른 것처럼, 사람들이 예술 작품에 대해 실제로 느끼는 반응은 크게 다르
다. → differ(다르다)
그러므로 요약문의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ①이다.
16강_문단 요약
| 정답과 해설 60`쪽 |
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
In one classic experiment, people watched a series of car accidents from a driving-safety
video. After watching it, the viewers estimated how fast the cars were traveling before the
accident. Everyone saw exactly the same video, but the questionnaire that they completed
used one of five different terms to describe how the vehicles interacted. Some of the viewers
were asked to estimate how fast the cars were going when they hit each other; others were
asked to estimate how fast the cars were going when they smashed, collided, bumped, or
contacted each other. Though everyone saw the same cars involved in the same accidents,
their estimates differed widely. When the accidents were sensationalized, the cars seemed to
be traveling faster: in the minds of viewers, a “smashed” car must have been traveling faster
than a merely “contacted” or “hit” car.
Although the participants watched the same car accidents on video, their
of how fast the cars involved in the accidents were traveling varied according to how
the accidents were described.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Anyone would be totally dismayed on hearing that many young people do not know the
capital of France or think that the Second World War was two hundred years ago. The shock is
not the lack of this specific knowledge itself but rather the fact that it is taken to be expressive
or indicative of a more general state of deep-seated ignorance, a set of qualities such as lack of
interest in what is around one, indifference and low self-expectation. If one imagined instead a
young person expressing interest in learning that Paris is the capital of France, and going on to
ask lots of questions about the city and what a capital is, then in this case, one would not feel
shock or horror, but rather surprise. The point is that the knowledge in itself is less important
than the state of mind that it illustrates.
✽dismay 실망시키다
What primarily concerns us about young people is the state of mind underlying their
, not merely their lack of
16강_문단 요약
| 정답과 해설 61`쪽 |
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
In one study in 1959 by Dr. J. C. Wright who was then in charge of cancer research at
Bellevue Medical Center in New York, 15 terminal cancer patients were given instructions to
spend as much time as possible out of doors during the warmer months. They were to avoid
artificial light or light received by the eyes through glass, including sunglasses or reading
glasses. Dr. Wright had become attracted to the idea that light energy entering the eyes might
possibly be a growth-regulating factor as far as tumor development was concerned. Dr. Wright
and her assistants observed that at the end of summer, 14 of the 15 patients showed no further
advancement in tumor development. Afterward it was discovered that the one patient whose
condition had gotten worse had continued to wear prescription glasses which blocked the
ultraviolet portion of natural sunlight from reaching the eyes.
✽tumor 종양
The study carried out by Dr. J. C. Wright on fifteen terminal cancer patients suggested that
entering directly to the eyes may be very effective in
progression of their cancers.
natural sunlight
artificial light
natural sunlight
heat therapy
artificial light
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
An Egyptian executive, after entertaining his Canadian guest, offered him joint partnership
in a new business venture. The Canadian, delighted with the offer, suggested that they meet
again the next morning with their respective lawyers to finalize the details. The Egyptian
never showed up. The surprised and disappointed Canadian tried to understand what had gone
wrong: Did Egyptians lack punctuality? Was the Egyptian expecting a counter-offer? Were
lawyers unavailable in Cairo? None of these explanations proved to be correct; rather, the
problem was caused by the different meaning Canadians and Egyptians attach to inviting
lawyers. The Canadian regarded the lawyers’ presence as facilitating the successful
completion of the negotiation; the Egyptian interpreted it as signaling the Canadian’s mistrust
of his verbal commitment. Canadians often use the impersonal formality of a lawyer’s
services to finalize agreements. Egyptians, by contrast, more frequently depend on the
personal relationship between bargaining partners to accomplish the same purpose.
✽punctuality 시간 엄수
The Egyptian executive and his Canadian counterpart failed to
a joint
venture because unlike the latter, the former considered the presence of a lawyer as
the potential partnership of mutual trust.
16강_문단 요약
| 정답과 해설 62`쪽 |
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Man differs from the lower animals because he preserves his past experiences. What
happened in the past is lived again in memory. About what goes on today hangs a cloud of
thoughts concerning similar things undergone in bygone days. With the animals, an
experience perishes as it happens, and each new doing or suffering stands alone. But man lives
in a world where each occurrence is charged with echoes and reminiscences of what has gone
before, where each event is a reminder of other things. Hence he lives not, like the beasts of
the field, in a world of merely physical things but in a world of signs and symbols. A flame is
not merely something which warms or burns, but is a symbol of the enduring life of the
household, of the abiding source of cheer, nourishment and shelter to which man returns from
his casual wanderings.
✽reminiscence 회상(담), 추억(담)
Unlike the lower animals, man is able to
the present with the past in terms
of the mental process that codes and decodes what he has
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Human beings have a deep capacity for isolationism, for splitting into groups that diverge
from each other. In New Guinea, for instance, there are more than 800 languages, some
spoken in areas just a few miles across yet as not understandable to those on either side as
French and English. There are still 7,000 languages spoken on earth and the people who speak
each one are remarkably resistant to borrowing words, traditions, rituals or tastes from their
neighbors. ‘Whereas vertical transmission of cultural traits goes largely unnoticed, horizontal
transmission is far more likely to be regarded with suspicion or even fierce anger,’ say the
evolutionary biologists Mark Pagel and Ruth Mace. ‘Cultures, it seems, like to shoot
messengers.’ People do their best to cut themselves off from the free flow of ideas,
technologies and habits, limiting the impact of cultural exchange.
✽diverge 갈라지다
As is shown by the presence of a wide variety of languages on earth, human beings tend to
have an
attitude towards cultural exchange or transmission, seeking to
from others.
16강_문단 요약
Ⅰ 유형편
장문 독해 (1)
01~02 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
| 2015 대수능 41~42번 |
Increased size affects group life in a number of ways. There is evidence that larger groups
(five or six members) are more productive than smaller groups (two or three members).
Members of larger groups tend to offer more suggestions than members of smaller groups,
and although they seem to reach less agreement, they also show less tension. These
differences may reflect the greater need of larger groups to solve organizational problems.
Members may realize that their behavior must become more goal-directed, since it is
unlikely that they can coordinate their actions without making a special effort to do so.
Larger groups also put more pressure on their members to conform. In such groups, it is
harder for everyone to take part equally in discussions or to have the same amount of
influence on decisions.
There is evidence that groups with an even number of members differ from groups with
an odd number of members. The former disagree more than the latter and suffer more
deadlocks as a result. Groups with an even number of members may split into halves. This
is impossible in groups with an odd number of members — one side always has a numerical
advantage. According to some researchers, the number five has special significance.
Groups of this size usually ____________ the problems we have just outlined. Moreover,
they are not plagued by the fragility and tensions found in groups of two or three. Groups of
five rate high in member satisfaction; because of the odd number of members, deadlocks
are unlikely when disagreements occur.
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Why the Number of Group Members Counts
② Individuality vs. Collectivity in the Workplace
③ Equal Opportunities: Toward Maximum Satisfaction
④ How to Cope with Conflicts in Groups
⑤ Agreement on Group Size Pays Off!
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① probe
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② escape
③ mirror
④ trigger
⑤ escalate
Words & Phrases
•a number of 많은
•evidence 증거
•productive 생산적인
•suggestion 제안
•reflect 나타내다, 반영하다
•coordinate 조정하다
•conform 순응하다
•the former 전자
•deadlock 교착 상태
•advantage 우위, 이점
•plague (고통・문제로) 괴롭히다
•satisfaction 만족(도)
•agreement 의견 일치
•tension 긴장 (상태)
•organizational 조직의
•goal-directed 목표 지향적인
•put pressure on ~ to ... ~가 …하도록 압력을 넣다
•even 짝수의
•odd 홀수의
•disagree 의견이 일치하지 않다
•the latter 후자
•split into halves 반반으로 나뉘다
•numerical 수의, 숫자의
•significance 중요성, 의미
•outline 개략적으로 설명하다
•rate 등급[순위]을 매기다
•disagreement 의견 충돌
•occur 발생하다
Problem - Solving Strategies
주어진 글의 내용을 파악한다.
■ 첫 번째 문단
1. 규모가 더 큰 집단이 규모가 더 작은 집단보다 더 생산적이다.
2. 규모가 더 큰 집단의 구성원들은 규모가 더 작은 집단의 구성원들보다 제안을 더 많이 하며, 긴장 상태가 더 적다.
3. 규모가 더 큰 집단의 구성원들은 자신들의 행동이 더 목표 지향적이 되어야 함을 깨달을 수도 있다.
4. 규모가 더 큰 집단의 구성원들은 조직에 순응하라는 압력을 더 많이 받는다.
■ 두 번째 문단
1. 구성원이 짝수인 집단이 구성원이 홀수인 집단보다 의견 불일치가 더 많고 더 많은 교착 상태를 겪는다.
2. 구성원이 다섯 명인 집단은 특별히 중요하다.
집단의 구성원의 수가 큰지, 구성원의 수가 홀수인지는 중요한 요소이다.
글의 종합적인 내용을 파악하여 제목으로 적절한 선택지를 고른다.
첫 번째 문단은 구성원이 많은 집단과 적은 집단을 비교하고, 두 번째 문단은 구성원이 짝수인 집단과 홀수인 집단을 비교하면
서, 집단 구성원의 수가 집단과 집단 구성원에게 영향을 끼친다고 서술하고 있으므로, 두 문단을 종합할 때 이 글의 제목으로는
①‘집단 구성원의 수가 중요한 이유’
가 가장 적절하다.
글의 중심 내용과 연관하여 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고른다.
두 번째 문단은 구성원이 홀수인 집단과 짝수인 집단을 비교하는 내용으로, 구성원이 다섯 명인 집단이 갖는 특별한 중요성에
관한 내용에 빈칸이 있다. 그 앞의 내용은 구성원이 짝수인 집단이 구성원이 홀수인 집단보다 의견 불일치가 더 많고 더 많은 교
착 상태를 겪는다는 것이다. 위에서 방금 개략적으로 설명했던 문제들(the problems we have just outlined)은 바로 이것을 나
타내며, 다섯 명의 구성원으로 된 집단은 이런 문제에서 벗어난다는 내용이므로, 빈칸에 들어갈 말로는 ②‘escape(벗어나다)’
가 가장 적절하다.
17강_장문 독해 (1)
| 정답과 해설 64`쪽 |
01~02 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Some people make few intentional changes in life. Sure, over time they may get fatter
and flabbier, gather lines, and go gray. But they wear their hair the same way, buy the same
brand of shoes, eat the same breakfast, and stick to routines for no reason other than the
ease of a comfortable, predictable life. Yet as both research and real life show, many others
do make important changes. They train for marathons, quit smoking, switch fields, write
plays, take up the guitar, or learn to tango even if they never danced before in their lives.
What is the difference between these two groups of people? Their
People who change do not question whether change is possible or look for reasons they
cannot change. They simply decide on a change they want and do what is necessary to
accomplish it. Changing, which always stems from a firm decision, becomes job number
one. When people do not change, the reason is not that change isn’t possible; it’s that they
put the brakes on change or limit their possibilities by presuming they cannot change and
looking for reasons to prove it.
Of course, there are things you can’t change. You can’t alter when and where you were
born. You can’t do anything but complain about the weather. You cannot fly no matter how
hard you flap your arms. But often you think you cannot do something simply because
you have never done it before.
✽flabby (근육 등이) 축 늘어진
제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
01 위① 글의
Do What Your Heart Says
Why Some but Not All Change
Change: The Poison of Modern Life
Things Change Slowly and Then All at Once
The Only Thing That Doesn’t Change Is Change Itself
빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 위① 글의
③ perspective
⑤ environment
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② experience
④ intelligence
03~04 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
We say we know something when we have acceptable reasons or proof for what we
claim. I can say that I know that my computer is sitting in front of me because I can see it.
I also know that the great English humanist Sir Thomas More died in 1535 because I’ve
done research on More for years, and that is what the historical records show. I even know
that the sum of the interior angles of every triangle that ever has existed or ever will exist
is 180 degrees. Have I measured them all? Not very likely. How do I know it? Because this
is, in fact, the definition of a triangle.
Each of these three examples involves knowledge, but each example is different. I claim
to know something in each case, but the reasons I give
. My first
claim is based on direct sense experience. The second involves secondhand evidence, or
hearsay, ultimately based on someone else’s firsthand experience. And the third doesn’t
rely on sense experience at all. If they’re all so different, do all these examples involve
knowledge? The same kind of knowledge? As you see, questions about knowledge can be
quite complicated.
✽interior angle 내각
제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
03 위① 글의
There Is No End to Learning
We Can’t See What’s Ahead of Us
Improve Your Knowledge Constantly
What Is Involved in Knowing Something?
Your Desire for Truth Is All That Matters
빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 위① 글의
are personal
are historical
keep changing
do not really matter
have the same conclusion
17강_장문 독해 (1)
| 정답과 해설 65`쪽 |
05~06 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Americans who follow swimming had high hopes for Matt Biondi, a member of the U.S.
Olympic Team in 1988. Some sportswriters were touting Biondi as likely to match Mark
Spitz’s 1972 feat of taking seven gold medals. But Biondi finished a heartbreaking third in
his first event, the 200-meter freestyle. In his next event, the 100-meter butterfly, Biondi
was inched out for the gold by another swimmer who made a greater effort in the last
Sportscasters speculated that the defeats would discourage Biondi in his successive
events. But Biondi sprang from defeat and took a gold medal in his next five events. One
viewer who was not surprised by Biondi’s recovery was Martin Seligman, a psychologist
at the University of Pennsylvania, who had tested Biondi for optimism earlier that year. In
an experiment done with Seligman, the swimming coach told Biondi during a special
event for the public viewing of Biondi’s best performance that he had a worse time than
was actually the case. Despite the disappointing feedback, when Biondi was asked to rest
and try again, his performance ─ actually already very good ─ was even better. But when
other team members who were given a false bad time ─ and whose test scores showed
they were
─ tried again, they did even worse the second time.
✽tout 극구 칭찬하다
제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
05 위① 글의
Ensure Fair Play in Sports
Repeated Success Ruins You
Hope Makes All the Difference
Put More Effort into Your Work
How to Use Feedback to Your Advantage
빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
06 위① 글의
② nervous
④ indifferent
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
⑤ aggressive
③ pessimistic
07~08 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
A lot of popular writing on traditional diets implies that the foods that go into them have
been carefully chosen over the years to promote good health. That’s not the whole story.
People eat what they can grow, gather, kill, or buy, and their choices are affected by
weather, soil, economics, and even politics. Given these
, various cultures
have developed many different combinations of healthy foods. Keep in mind, however,
that virtually all of these choices were for short-term health, not for living a full life into
old age. Also keep in mind that diets that seem to be good for people whose days are full
of hard physical labor aren’t necessarily good for people who slave at a desk all day.
In northern Europe, for example, the short growing season makes it difficult to eat fruits
and vegetables year-round. It is, though, a fine climate for raising livestock, and meat and
dairy products made a good match for the energy needs of people who had to survive long,
cold winters. In the small island nation of Japan, the main components of the diet are fish,
naturally, and rice, a plant that can yield large amounts of grain from small plots of land.
In both cases, the traditional diet kept people healthy for long enough to reproduce and
raise children and also to develop complex societies. Yet their
don’t imply
that either of these diets would yield the best health for contemporary people whose main
occupation involves sitting for most of the day.
제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
07 위① 글의
We Are What We Eat
What Is the Perfect Anti-Aging Diet?
Healthy Food Trends Worth Following
Do Traditional Diets Really Suit Modern Living?
The Growing Demand for a Wider Variety of Foods
빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
08 위 글의(A)
17강_장문 독해 (1)
Ⅰ 유형편
장문 독해 (2)
01~03 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
| 2015학년도 대수능 43~45번 |
(A) In my office, I have a framed letter from a couple of children I have never met. The
letter holds a special significance for me. It reads, “Dear Dr. Brown, thanks for teaching
Mr. Wills to teach Tisha and Kelly.” Mr. Wills is Jeremy Wills, and (a) he is one of my
former students. A few years back, he took my positive psychology class in college.
(B) Before long, the reality hit Jeremy hard. Even after spending many hours each day
preparing lesson plans, it became clear that his methods were not working. One of the
worst moments was when (b) he distributed a math test. Many students didn’t even look
at the exam. They just put their heads on their desks and slept. Jeremy became so
stressed that he even dreaded going into his classroom.
(C) After graduation, Jeremy joined an organization that recruits future leaders to teach in
low-income communities. (c) He was assigned to a small school in a poor rural county
in North Carolina. Later, his assistant principal took note of Jeremy’s high expectations
and asked him to take over (d) his math class. He took charge of about a dozen failing
“special ed” kids, and Tisha and Kelly were among them. His idealism ran high, and he
thought he would be able to magically fix all of their problems.
(D) Jeremy knew something had to change. (e) He then thought back to my class,
remembering how negative emotions can drag you down, leaving positive emotions
unnoticed. That’s when he decided to focus more on building positive attitudes within
the classroom. He borrowed lessons from my positive psychology class and even
mentioned my name to his students. As the students’ attitudes became more optimistic,
their confidence with math grew too. At the end of the school year, 80 percent of
Jeremy’s students passed the state’s math test.
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① (B) - (D) - (C)
② (C) - (B) - (D)
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① (a)
③ (C) - (D) - (B)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 Jeremy에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 대학에서 긍정 심리학을 수강했다.
② 많은 시간을 들여 수업 계획서를 준비했다.
③ 스트레스로 인해 교실에 들어가기를 두려워했다.
④ 저소득 지역에서 가르칠 미래 지도자를 모집하는 단체에 가입했다.
⑤ 학년말에 그의 학생의 80퍼센트가 수학 시험에 불합격했다.
Words & Phrases
•framed 액자에 넣은, 틀에 끼운
•dread 두려워하다
•assign 배정하다
•take note of ~에 주목하다
•idealism 이상주의
•significance 의미, 중요성
•former 예전[옛날]의
•recruit (신입 사원・회원・신병 등을) 모집하다[뽑다]
•rural 시골의, 전원의
•assistant principal 교감
•take over ~을 인수하다
•take charge of ~을 떠맡다, ~을 돌보다
•drag down
•optimistic 낙관적인
Problem - Solving Strategies
주어진 문단 (A)를 읽고 전체 글이 무엇에 관한 것인지 추측해 본다.
필자가 두어 명의 아이들로부터 그의 수강생이었던 Jeremy Wills가 자신들을 가르치도록 필자가 그를 지도해 준 것에 대해서
감사를 표하는 편지를 받았다는 내용임
→ 이후의 문단에서 Jeremy Wills가 어떻게 아이들을 가르쳤는지에 관한 내용이 이어질 것임
나머지 문단의 첫 문장과 마지막 문장을 통해 글의 흐름을 추측해 본다.
(A)-(C): After graduation, Jeremy joined an organization that recruits future leaders to teach in low-income
communities. → Jeremy의 졸업 후 이야기가 시작되는 문단이기 때문에 (A) 바로 다음에 (C)로 이어져야 함
(C)-(B): His idealism ran high, and he thought he would be able to magically fix all of their problems. Before
long, the reality hit Jeremy hard. → Jeremy가 자신이 가르치는 아이들의 문제를 해결할 수 있을 것이라는 생각을 가졌었
다는 내용 바로 다음에 곧 이와는 다른 현실에 부딪혔다는 내용이 이어져야 함
(B)-(D): Jeremy became so stressed that he even dreaded going into his classroom. Jeremy knew something had
to change. → Jeremy가 너무 스트레스를 받아서 교실에 들어가는 것을 두려워하기까지 했다는 내용 바로 다음에 뭔가 변화
해야만 한다고 깨닫게 되었다는 내용이 이어져야 함
세부 내용을 이해하면서, 글이 추측해 본 순서로 자연스럽게 읽히는지 확인한다.
글의 순서에 따라 이해한 내용을 바탕으로 나머지 문항을 푼다.
■ (a), (b), (c), (e)는 Jeremy를 가리키지만, (d)는 Jeremy가 근무한 학교의 교감을 가리킨다.
■ 학년말에 Jeremy의 학생 중 80퍼센트가 주(州)의 수학 시험을 통과했다(At the end of the school year, 80 percent of
Jeremy’s students passed the state’s math test.)는 내용으로 보아 ⑤가 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.
18강_장문 독해 (2)
| 정답과 해설 68`쪽 |
01~03 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Steven Spielberg’s early movie mentor was Chuck Silvers, head librarian at Universal
Pictures. In the summer of 1965, 17-year-old Steven, visiting his cousins in Canoga Park,
took a tram ride around Universal Pictures. The tram was not stopping at the sound stages,
where Steven wanted to go, so (a)`he sneaked away during a bathroom break and started
wandering around.
✽sneak 슬그머니 빠져나가다
Mr. Sheinberg saw the film, was impressed, and offered Steven a seven-year contract.
Steven says, “I quit college so fast I didn’t even clean out my locker.” Steven told Mr.
Silvers about the contract and asked what (b)`he could do to repay him. Mr. Silvers
replied, “I want two things. I want you to help, in any way you can, young people like
yourself.” What was the second thing? “Whenever we meet, I want a hug.” Later ─ in fact,
26 years later ─ Mr. Silvers says, “(c)`He kept his word. Every time I see Steven, I get my
Even that early in his life, Steven had talent, and Mr. Silvers recognized it. Eventually,
Steven made a 35mm film to demonstrate (d)` his talent to movie studio executives. Mr.
Silvers saw it, was impressed, and telephoned the President of Universal TV, Sidney J.
Sheinberg, to say, “I have a 26-minute film here that you must see. You’ve got to see it
tonight because someone else is liable to see it tomorrow.”
✽liable 자칫하면 ~하는, ~하기 쉬운
Steven remembers, “I met a man who asked what I was doing, and I told him my story.
Instead of calling the guards to throw me off the lot, (e)`he talked with me for about an
hour. His name was Chuck Silvers.” One of the things they talked was the films that
Steven made in his spare time. Mr. Silvers gave him a studio pass, and Steven showed him
some of his films.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
01 ① (B)-(D)-(C)
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
③ (C)-(D)-(B)
⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)
② (C)-(B)-(D)
④ (D)-(B)-(C)
친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
02 밑줄
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
Chuck Silvers에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
03 위① 글의
Universal Pictures의 수석 사서로 일하였다.
⑤ (e)
Steven으로부터 그의 7년짜리 계약에 대해 듣지 못했다.
Steven이 제작한 35밀리 영화를 보고 감명을 받았다.
Sheinberg 씨에게 Steven의 영화를 보라고 권하였다.
Steven에게 스튜디오 통행권을 주었다.
18강_장문 독해 (2)
| 정답과 해설 68`쪽 |
04~06 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
In 1931, a young Japanese violinist and instructor named Shinichi Suzuki was teaching a
violin class composed mostly of young men. After class one day he was approached by
the father of a four-year-old boy: would he consider teaching the gentleman’s son? Suzuki
was startled and a little speechless at the moment. He had no idea if a four-year-old could
learn to play violin and little idea how to instruct (a)`him .
A few years later, Suzuki featured seven-year-old Toshiya and several other young
students in a public performance. A local newspaper trumpeted the wonders of three-year˘
old Koji Toyoda, who played one of Dvorák’s
“Humoresques” on a one-sixteenth-size
violin. “A Genius Appears!” ran the headline. Suzuki was horrified by this interpretation.
“Before the concert, I had told journalists: talent is not inherent or inborn, but trained and
educated... I had put emphasis on this and had repeated it.” The message was just as
important to Suzuki as his method: gifts and talents, (b)`he was convinced, were not
exclusive to the privileged few; with the right training and persistence, anyone could
achieve remarkable success.
✽persistence 끈기, 버팀
While rehearsing shortly afterward, though, a profound thought struck (c)`him : virtually
all Japanese children learn to speak Japanese ─ early, and with precision. “The children of
Osaka speak the difficult Osaka dialect,” Suzuki thought to himself. “They are unable to
speak the Tohoku dialect, but the Tohoku children speak it. Isn’t that something of an
accomplishment?” The obvious lesson, Suzuki guessed, was this: through extraordinary
repetition, parental persistence, and strong cultural reinforcement, every young child
masters this steep technical challenge. Why couldn’t this lesson apply just as directly to
So Suzuki did accept four-year-old Toshiya Eto as a pupil and began to develop a
method of instruction (d)`he called the “Mother-tongue method.” He emphasized heavy
parent involvement, steady practice, memorization, and lots of patience. Little Toshiya Eto
responded beautifully, prompting Suzuki to teach more young pupils and refine his
methods further. (e)`He came to quickly believe, in fact, that early musical training has an
unusually powerful advantage over later training and that it was a road to an enriching life.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
04 ① (B)-(D)-(C)
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
③ (C)-(D)-(B)
⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)
② (C)-(B)-(D)
④ (D)-(B)-(C)
친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
05 밑줄
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
Shinichi Suzuki에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
06 위① 글의
바이올린 연주자이면서 바이올린을 지도했다.
⑤ (e)
② 7세의 Toshiya와 어린 학생들을 대중 공연에 세웠다.
③‘천재 나타나다!’
라는 지역 신문 기사에 만족했다.
④ 학생 지도 과정에서 꾸준한 연습, 암기, 인내 등을 강조했다.
⑤ Toshiya를 가르치는 것을 계기로 더 많은 어린 학생을 가르치게 되었다.
18강_장문 독해 (2)
| 정답과 해설 69`쪽 |
07~09 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
When Roger Crawford was born, his limbs were not fully developed. He had just a
thumb-like projection coming directly out of his right wrist and a thumb and one finger
sticking out of his left wrist. He had only three toes on his right foot and a deformed left
leg, which would later be amputated below the knee so that he could wear an artificial leg.
The doctor warned his father that (a)`he might never be able to walk or participate in
normal activities.
✽amputate (수술로 손・발 등을) 자르다
He got so good that he began winning tournaments in high school and college and
became a tennis professional. He got so good that he once played John McEnroe, when
John was advancing in (b)` his career. Roger says that the night before the tennis match, “I
slept like a baby. I woke up every two hours and cried.” Eventually Roger won a special
award for his tennis and he was given the honor of carrying the Olympic torch during the
opening ceremony of the Olympics in Los Angeles.
Yet Roger’s parents kept a positive attitude and always believed that their son could
learn to do almost anything anyone else could do. “My parents never allowed me to feel
sorry for myself or take advantage of people because of my handicap,” said Roger. “Once I
got in trouble because my school papers were continually late,” explained Roger, who had
to hold (c)` his pencil with both “hands” to write slowly. “I asked Dad to write a note to my
teachers, asking for a two-day extension on my assignments. Instead Dad made me start
writing my paper two days earlier.”
Not surprisingly, Roger’s father always encouraged (d)` him to get involved in sports,
teaching Roger to catch and throw a volleyball and play backyard football after school.
Then Roger learned how to play tennis. His “hands” each look as if he has one giant finger
─ with no thumb. He learned a two-handed grip. He put the “finger” from one hand into
the end of a tennis racket and wrapped the other “hand” around the throat of the racket.
Roger would not allow himself to believe that he was limited by his disability. (e)` He
played his hardest.
✽grip 잡는 법
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
07 ① (B)-(D)-(C)
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
③ (C)-(D)-(B)
⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)
② (C)-(B)-(D)
④ (D)-(B)-(C)
친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
08 밑줄
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
Roger Crawford에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
09 위① 글의
태어날 때부터 오른발에 발가락이 세 개뿐이었다.
⑤ (e)
John McEnroe와의 시합 전날 밤에 곤히 잤다.
긍정적인 마음가짐을 가진 부모를 두었다.
학교에 다닐 때 숙제가 밀려 고생한 적이 있었다.
테니스 라켓을 두 손으로 잡는 법을 배웠다.
18강_장문 독해 (2)
| 정답과 해설 70`쪽 |
10~12 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
When the Japanese came flocking into Shanghai in 1942, Galen Litchfield, one of the
most successful American businessmen in the Far East, was the manager of the Asia Life
Insurance Company in Shanghai. The Japanese sent an admiral to close down the
company and sell all its assets, and gave Galen orders to assist this man. (a)`He didn’t have
any choice in the matter; he could not but cooperate. He went through the motions of
doing what he was told, because he had no alternative.
✽admiral 해군 장성, 제독
Galen wasn’t in the office when the discovery was made, but his head accountant was
there. The accountant told him that the Japanese admiral flew into a rage, and stamped and
swore, and called (b)`him a thief and a traitor! He had defied the Japanese Army! He knew
what that meant. He would be thrown into the Bridge house, the torture chamber of the
Japanese Gestapo! He had had personal friends who had killed themselves rather than be
taken to that prison.
✽defy 거역하다
When Galen heard the frightening news on Sunday afternoon, he spent hours thinking
out all the various courses of action (c)`he could take, and what the probable consequence
of each action would be. He calmly decided to go down to the office as usual on Monday
morning, reasoning acting as if nothing had gone wrong would be the best to escape the
Bridge house. When Galen entered the office the next morning, the Japanese admiral sat
there. (d)`He glared at him as he always did, but said nothing. Apparently, he was so busy
that he didn’t think of what Galen had done. Six weeks later, he went back to Tokyo and
his worries were ended.
But there was one block of securities, worth $750,000, which he left off the list he gave
to the admiral. He left that block of securities off the list because they belonged to a Hong
Kong organization and had nothing to do with the Shanghai company’s assets. All the
same, (e)`he feared that he might be in hot water if the Japanese found out what he had
done. And they soon found out.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① (B)-(D)-(C)
③ (C)-(D)-(B)
⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)
② (C)-(B)-(D)
④ (D)-(B)-(C)
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
⑤ (e)
위 글의 Galen에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
일본인들이 내린 명령대로 따를 수밖에 없었다.
일본 비밀경찰의 고문실에 끌려갈 것이라고 생각했다.
월요일 아침에 평소와 달리 늦게 출근하기로 결정했다.
일본 해군 장성이 도쿄로 돌아가자 근심에서 벗어나게 되었다.
유가 증권 한 묶음을 일본 해군 장성에게 준 목록에서 제외했다.
18강_장문 독해 (2)
수능특강 영어영역
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
인물, 일화, 기담
Tammy Rahr에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
| 2015학년도 6월 모의평가 26번 |
During her childhood years, the artist Tammy Rahr spent a lot of time outdoors making
things from flowers and dirt. Then Tammy and her family moved from the woodlands of
New York State to an urban city outside of Los Angeles, California. The experience made
her more aware of what was going on in the world. After returning to New York State with
her family, Tammy faced another lesson in growing up. A gifted student, she was sent to
college when she was just 14. Tammy was able to earn her high school diploma and some
college credit before trying her hand at a number of different jobs. Eventually, she moved to
Santa Fe, New Mexico, and studied at the Institute of American Indian Arts. After
graduating from the institute, she remained active with it and the museum there.
① 어린 시절에 꽃과 흙으로 무언가를 만들면서 많은 시간을 보냈다.
② New York 주에서 California로 이사했다.
③ 가족과 함께 New York 주로 되돌아갔다.
④ 고등학교 졸업장을 받지 못했다.
⑤ Institute of American Indian Arts에서 공부했다.
Words & Phrases
•childhood 어린 시절
•urban 도회지의, 도시의
•lesson 교훈
•diploma 졸업장
•eventually 결국
•active 활발한, 왕성한
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•dirt 흙, 먼지
•aware of ~을 알고 있는
•gifted 재능이 있는
•credit 학점
•institute (교육) 기관, 대학
•woodland 삼림지대
•face (상황에) 직면하다
•earn 얻다
•try one’s hand at ~을 시도해 보다
•remain 계속[여전히] ~이다
Vocabulary in Context
• timid: 소심한, 용기가[자신감이] 없는 (shy and nervous; lacking confidence)
People often are timid, lack self-esteem, and are uncomfortable in large groups of people.
사람들은 많은 사람들 속에 있게 되면 흔히 소심해지고, 자신감이 없어지고, 불편해한다.
• reputation: 평판, 명성 (the opinion that people in general have about someone or something)
He did not have a good reputation in his hometown.
그는 고향에서 좋은 평판을 얻지 못했다.
• inherent: 내재적인, 고유한, 타고난 (existing as an essential constituent or characteristic)
Every business has its own inherent risks.
모든 사업은 자체의 내재된 위험을 가지고 있다.
• committed: 헌신적인, 열정적인 (loyal to a belief, organization, or group, and willing to work hard for it)
They are all committed to helping the people of this country.
그들은 모두 이 나라의 사람들을 돕는 데 헌신하고 있다.
• celebrated: 유명한 (widely known and esteemed)
The garden became celebrated for its exotic plants.
그 정원은 이국적인 식물들로 인해 유명해졌다.
• sympathetic: 동정적인, 동정어린, 호의적인 (caring and feeling sorry about someone’s problems)
I did not feel at all sympathetic towards Susan.
나는 Susan에게 전혀 동정심을 느끼지 못했다.
• commentary: (라디오・텔레비전의) 실황 방송 (a spoken description of an event on radio or television that is
broadcast as the event happens)
The commentary on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel.
올림픽 경기의 실황 방송은 다른 채널이 훨씬 더 나았다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. She may well be called a(n)
wildlife conservationist because of her great love of wolves.
2. This painting made him one of the most
artists in England.
3. I’m afraid the problems you mention are
in the system.
4. He suffered from back trouble too, so he was very
5. He’s a very
about my problem.
boy, so I never thought he would escape like that.
19강_인물, 일화, 기담
| 정답과 해설 72`쪽 |
Tina McElroy에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Born in Macon, Georgia, in 1949, the youngest of five children, Tina McElroy grew up
listening to her mother read books and to her grandfather tell stories. She earned an English
degree from Spelman College in Atlanta in 1971. After graduating, she joined the Atlanta
Constitution’s copy desk ─ the first black woman on the newspaper’s staff. In nearly two
decades with the daily, she supervised news design, wrote entertainment features, and
reported news. She also worked as an editor and copy editor for the Charlotte Observer in
North Carolina. In 1982, she began writing freelance articles and newspaper columns. She
instructed people at writing workshops at Brunswick College, Spelman College, and Emory
University. She contributed to the CBS Sunday Morning program her “Postcards from
✽supervise 관리하다
Georgia 주에서 다섯 아이 중 막내로 태어났다.
Spelman College에서 영문학 학위를 취득했다.
Atlanta Constitution 최초의 흑인 여성 직원이었다.
1982년에 자유 계약으로 기사 쓰는 일을 그만두었다.
대학의 글쓰기 워크숍에서 사람들을 가르쳤다.
02 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
This little fact evidently caused no end of headaches as Barry’s career unfolded.
Barry Mazur, one of the world’s leading mathematicians, has always been a prodigy. He left
the Bronx High School of Science after his junior year in order to go directly to MIT. ( ① )
He left MIT after his sophomore year to go to Princeton for graduate studies. ( ② ) Barry
told me that he also left Princeton after one year to go study in England. ( ③ ) To make a
long story short, the only degree that Mazur ever got was the PhD from Princeton. ( ④ )
When he would submit his NSF grant proposals, they would invariably be returned with a
request for information about his high school diploma and college degree. ( ⑤ ) The
Administrative Assistant, Mary McQuillen, would write back and say, “This is not an
omission; PhD is Professor Mazur’s only degree.”
✽prodigy 영재
✽✽NSF 전미과학재단(National Science Foundation)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Elizabeth Gibson was walking down a street on Manhattan’s Upper West Side and spied
a piece of art squeezed between two garbage bags.
(A) So Gibson took it home, where she hung it on her wall. Years later she discovered that the
painting was “Three People,” which had been painted by the celebrated 20th-century
Mexican artist Rufino Tamayo. The painting had been stolen and later thrown away.
(B) Had Gibson come along twenty minutes later, it would have already been picked up by
garbage collectors. Instead, the painting was returned to the original owners and auctioned
by Sotheby’s for over a million dollars.
(C) She was tempted to walk away, but then she stopped to reflect about the art. She had a real
debate with herself. It had a cheap frame, but she felt it was so overpowering.
✽auction 경매에 부치다
① (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
04 밑줄Long친 부분이
ago, Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski decided to go to medical school despite having a wife
and two children (and a third child on its way). He managed to pay the bills, including tuition,
for a while, but in the middle of his third year, ①`he was no longer able to do so. In addition,
he was deep in debt. However, his wife called him and told him that comedian Danny Thomas
had pledged $4,000 to help ②` him finish medical school. Mr. Thomas had met with officials
from Marquette University, and they had told ③` him about a Rabbi who needed financial help
to get through medical school. Mr. Thomas asked, “How much money does ④` he need?”
Hearing the answer ─ $4,000 ─ he said, “Tell your Rabbi ⑤``he ’s got it.” Mr. Thomas is a
Christian, but he generously helped a Jew.
19강_인물, 일화, 기담
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
철학, 종교, 역사, 풍습, 지리
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 6월 모의평가 31번 |
The origins of contemporary Western thought can be traced back to the golden age of
ancient Greece, when Greek thinkers laid the foundations for modern Western politics,
philosophy, science, and law. Their novel approach was to pursue rational inquiry through
adversarial discussion: The best way to evaluate one set of ideas, they decided, was by
. In the political sphere, the result was democracy, in which
supporters of rival policies vied for rhetorical supremacy; in philosophy, it led to reasoned
arguments and dialogues about the nature of the world; in science, it prompted the
construction of competing theories to try to explain natural phenomena; in the field of law,
the result was the adversarial legal system. This approach is the foundation for the modern
Western way of life, in which politics, commerce, science, and law are all rooted in orderly
✽adversarial 대립 관계의 ✽✽vie 다투다, 경쟁하다
① forcing it upon the opponents
② pursuing a conventional standard
③ testing it against another set of ideas
④ promoting a consensus among supporters
⑤ rejecting competing theories without discussion
Words & Phrases
•contemporary 현대의
•foundation 토대
•inquiry 탐구
•rhetorical 수사적인
•prompt 자극하다, 고무하다
•orderly 질서를 지키는
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•be traced back to (기원이) ~로 거슬러 올라가다
•novel 새로운
•rational 합리적인
•sphere 영역
•supremacy 우위, 패권
•reasoned 논리 정연한
•construction 정립, 구성
•competing 상충하는, 경쟁하는
Vocabulary in Context
• approach: 접근법 (a way of dealing with something; a way of doing or thinking about something)
They tried to find out a logical approach to the problem.
그들은 그 문제에 대한 논리적인 접근법을 찾으려고 노력했다.
• awareness: 인식, 자각 (the mental state of knowing about something)
Due to increasing environmental awareness, it is becoming more and more important to develop products less
damaging to the environment.
증대되고 있는 환경에 대한 자각으로 인해, 환경에 피해를 덜 끼치는 제품을 개발하는 것이 점점 더 중요해지고 있다.
• bias: 편견, 편향 (a tendency to support or oppose someone or something in an unfair way)
Interviewers must consider all candidates without bias.
면접관들은 편견 없이 모든 지원자를 고려해야 한다.
• dominate: 지배하다 (to control or have power over someone or something)
He said a lot in the meeting, but he didn’t dominate the meeting.
그는 회의에서 말을 많이 했지만 회의를 지배하지는 못했다.
• migrate: 이주하다, 이동하다 (to travel from one place to another in order to find work or to live somewhere)
Many people migrated from rural to urban areas in search of work.
많은 사람들이 일을 찾아 시골 지역에서 도시 지역으로 이주했다.
• progress: 발전, 진보 (the process of improving or developing something over a period of time)
We have to admit our errors if progress is to be made.
발전을 이루고자 한다면 우리는 우리의 잘못을 인정해야 한다.
• relative: 상대적인 (considered in relation to something else; comparative)
Beauty is relative and determined by custom. 아름다움은 상대적이고 관습에 의해 결정된다.
• tolerance: 관용, 용인 (willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that differ from one’s own)
We seek a society with religious tolerance. 우리는 종교적 관용을 지닌 사회를 추구한다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. Poverty is a(n)
concept in that it is related to the standard of living of one’s society.
2. Our culture has little
3. You need to take a more flexible
4. The ambitious leader wanted to
5. The workers had to
for failures or losers.
to the problem.
the masses rather than serve them.
to another place if they wanted to survive.
20강_철학, 종교, 역사, 풍습, 지리
| 정답과 해설 75`쪽 |
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Why did Columbus not immediately realize he was not in Asia? Surely the plants and
animals and people he discovered were nothing at all like what Marco Polo had reported
from his travels eastward from Europe where he had met the Great Khan and absorbed
Asian culture.
(A) Marco Polo’s reports of Asia were imperfect at best, allowing huge amounts of wiggle
room for interpreting New World data as Old World facts.
(B) The answer can be found in the twofold problem of data and theory. What threw
Columbus off was poor-quality data coupled with incorrect theory.
(C) Plus, there was no theory of a New World, so in Columbus’s mind when he made first
contact with the New World on that fateful day in October 1492, where else could he be
but in Asia?
✽wiggle room 해석의 여지
① (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
02 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Our growing environmental awareness casts a colder light on these accomplishments,
The United States was founded on a spirit of dominion over nature. ( ① ) “My family, I
believe, have cut down more trees in America than any other name!” boasted John Adams.
( ② ) Benjamin Lincoln, a Revolutionary War general, spoke for most Americans of his
day when he observed in 1792, “Civilization directs us to remove as fast as possible that
natural growth from the lands.” ( ③ ) The Adams-Lincoln mode of thought did make
possible America’s rapid expansion to the Pacific, the Chicago school of architecture, and
Henry Ford’s assembly line. ( ④ ) Since 1950 more than 25 percent of the remaining
forests on the planet have been cut down. ( ⑤ ) Recognizing that trees are the lungs of the
planet, few people still think that this represents progress.
✽dominion 지배
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Just as population growth has been unevenly distributed in the past, growth is likely to be
unevenly distributed in the decades ahead. Ninety percent of future population increase will
be in developing countries, the areas least able to cope with the resource demands of
additional numbers. The increase in population numbers has been (and will be) greatest in
, population growth in Europe seems to have stopped and population
numbers have actually started to decline in Europe. About eighty percent of the world
population today lives in less developed countries. People in industrialised countries comprise
only twenty percent of the world population, and this proportion seems certain to come down
to sixteen percent in 2020, even though there will be more industrialised countries then.
, it is worth remembering that each baby born in the USA today will consume
eighty times more resources in their lifetime than a baby born today in India.
✽unevenly 고르지 않게
In contrast
In contrast
글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
04 다음Ancient
cultures devoted much time and effort to teaching their children family history. It
was thought that the past helps a child understand who he is. Modern society, however, has
turned its back on the past. We live in a time of rapid change, a time of progress. We ①` prefer
to define ourselves in terms of where we are going, not where we come from. Our ancestors
hold no importance for us. They lived in times so different from our own that they are
②` capable of shedding light on our experience. Man is so much smarter now than he was even
ten years ago that anything from the past is outdated and ③` irrelevant to us. Therefore the
past, even the relatively recent past, is, in the minds of most of us, only very ④`vaguely
perceived. Our ignorance of the past is not the result of a lack of information, but of
indifference. We do not believe that history ⑤` matters .
20강_철학, 종교, 역사, 풍습, 지리
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
환경, 자원, 재활용
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2014학년도 6월 모의평가 B형 38번 |
Organic farmers grow crops that are no less plagued by pests than those of
conventional farmers; insects generally do not discriminate between organic and
conventional as well as we do.
(A) However, most organic farmers have no choice but to rely on chemicals as necessary
supplements to their operations. With pests often consuming up to 40 percent of the
crops grown in the United States, they do so as a matter of course.
(B) They might refer to these substances as “botanical extracts.” But according to Ned
Groth, a senior scientist at Consumers Union, these toxins “are not necessarily less
worrisome because they are natural.”
(C) It is true that they are far more likely than conventional farmers to practice
environmentally beneficial forms of biological control, and that they are also more
likely to sensibly diversify their crops to reduce infestation.
✽infestation 만연, 횡행
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
Words & Phrases
•organic 유기 농법의
•crop 작물
•plague 괴롭히다, 고통을 주다
•pest 해충
•have no choice but to ~하지 않을 수 없다
•chemical 화학 물질; 화학의
•supplement 보충물
•operation 작업
•consume 먹다, 소비하다
•botanical 식물의, 식물에서 채취한
•extract 추출물
•Consumers Union (미국) 소비자 동맹
•toxin 독소
•worrisome 걱정스러운
•beneficial 유익한
•biological 생물학의, 생물학적인
•sensibly 현명하게
•diversify 다양하게 하다
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
Vocabulary in Context
• renewable: 재생 가능한 (capable of being replaced by natural ecological cycles or sound management practices)
The wood in our furniture all comes from renewable sources.
우리가 사용하는 가구의 나무는 모두 재생 가능한 자원에서 온다.
• devastate: (한 장소나 지역을) 완전히 파괴하다 (to destroy a place or thing completely, or cause great damage)
A few days before, a fire had devastated a large area of the old part of the city.
그 며칠 전에 화재가 구시가지의 많은 지역을 파괴하였었다.
• release: 방출하다 (to let a substance or energy spread into the area or atmosphere around it, especially as part of
a chemical reaction)
Oxygen from the water is released into the atmosphere.
물에서 산소가 공기로 방출된다.
• potential: 가능성, 잠재력 (the possibility that something will develop in a particular way)
Denmark recognised the potential of wind energy early.
덴마크는 일찍이 풍력 에너지의 가능성을 인식했다.
• deposit: 쌓다, 퇴적시키다 (to leave a layer of a substance on the surface of something, especially gradually)
As the river slows down, it deposits a layer of soil.
강물이 느려질 때 토양층을 쌓게 된다.
• deforestation: 삼림 벌채 (the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area)
Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rainforest.
삼림 벌채가 열대 우림의 많은 지역을 파괴하고 있다.
• flexibility: 적응력, 융통성 (the ability to change or be changed easily to suit a different situation)
We need to be given greater flexibility in the use of resources.
우리에게는 자원의 이용에 있어서 더 큰 융통성이 주어질 필요가 있다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. Natural resources such as wind, water, and sunlight are
2. Solar energy has great
3. The seas store heat and
ones in that they are always available.
in becoming a main source of energy in the future.
it gradually during cold periods.
is important to be able to react to changes.
5. A volcanic eruption can
an ecosystem and kill a number of animals.
21강_환경, 자원, 재활용
| 정답과 해설 78`쪽 |
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The preservation ethic considers nature special in itself. Nature has (A)` practical / intrinsic
value or worth apart from human dependence on it. Preservationists have varied reasons for
wanting to preserve nature. Some have a strong respect for all life and respect the right of all
creatures to live, no matter what the social or economic costs. Other preservationists’ interest
in nature is primarily (B) educational / recreational . They believe that nature is beautiful and
should be available for picnics, camping, fishing, or just for peace and quiet. Some
preservationists value the (C) scientific / symbolic importance of nature. They argue that the
human species depends on and has much to learn from nature. Rare and endangered species
and ecosystems, as well as the more common ones, must be preserved because of their known
or assumed long-range practical utility.
✽utility 유용성
02 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
A significant problem with alternative fuels produced from crops is that they can
decrease the supply of important foods.
(A) Higher demand for alternative fuels may also mean that more forests are destroyed to
grow biofuel crops. Destruction of tropical rainforests may worsen global warming since
these forests absorb carbon dioxide as they grow.
(B) The World Food Programme has already warned that its ability to respond to famine is
decreased by having to pay fuel prices for food, although some studies disagree with such
claims that demand for biofuels increases food prices.
(C) Crops like corn are increasingly being diverted from food uses to be made into biofuels.
This has increased the overall price of food, making it more difficult for the world’s poor
to afford adequate nutrition.
✽divert 전환시키다
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
There is an odd disconnection between theory and practice when it comes to recycling. On a
practical level, it is increasingly the case that everyone does it; on a theoretical level, neither
environmental advocates ①` nor their critics talk much about it. The disconnection can be
found on the shelves in bookstores. Recycling is a favorite topic of books full of “household
hints to help ②` save the planet”; nothing, it seems, is better suited for do-it-yourself
environmental improvement than household waste. But books ③` analyze the fate of the earth
and the state of the environmental movement have almost nothing to say about recycling and
solid waste. While recycling is by far the most common practical step ④` that people take to
help the environment, the hopes and fears of environmentalists are focused elsewhere. In part,
this is as it should be: other problems, much more difficult to address at the household level,
⑤`are clearly more urgent than recovery of materials from trash.
✽disconnection 단절, 분리
글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음When
oil is discovered beneath some wildlife reserve, it is no longer enough to argue that
the wildlife is worth preserving because it brings an economic return. It may be possible to
argue that with a 100-year projection, for oil fields run dry while ecosystems can persist
forever. But as the saying goes, people eat in the short term. When this happens, then ─ and it
will happen more and more ─ the only argument left is the ethical one: that the animals
should be conserved because it is right to conserve them. Of course they should probably
bring some economic return; but it is the ethical point ─ that their conservation is ‘good’ ─
that will enable them to prevail even when their destruction could bring even greater return.
The economic return from tourism, in short, should not be seen as the reason for conserving
animals. Tourism merely makes it economically possible to do what is right.
✽prevail 널리 퍼지다
growing consciousness about ethical foods
approaches to natural energy conservation
fundamental reasons for conserving animals
effects of the destruction of forests on animals
strategies for improving the economic return from tourism
21강_환경, 자원, 재활용
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
물리, 화학, 생명과학, 지구과학
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
| 2015학년도 6월 모의평가 36번 |
It is difficult to appreciate what a temperature of 20,000,000℃ means. ①`If the solar
surface, not the center, were as hot as this, the radiation emitted into space would be so
great that the whole Earth would be vaporized within a few minutes. ②`Indeed, this is just
what would happen if some cosmic giant were to peel off the outer layers of the Sun like
skinning an orange, for the tremendously hot inner regions would then be exposed. ③`It is
believed that the brightness of the Sun can be predicted theoretically. ④`Fortunately, no
such circumstance is possible, and the outer layers of the Sun provide a sort of blanket that
protects us from its inner fires. ⑤`Yet in spite of these blanketing layers, some energy must
leak through from the Sun’s center to its outer regions, and this leakage is of just the right
amount to compensate for the radiation emitted by the surface into surrounding space.
Words & Phrases
•appreciate 이해하다
•vaporize 증발시키다
•layer 층
•expose 노출시키다
•circumstance 상황
•leakage 유출량
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•radiation 복사 에너지
•cosmic 우주의
•tremendously 엄청나게
•predict 예측하다
•blanket 담요; 덮다
•compensate for ~을 보충하다
•emit 방출하다, 방사하다
•peel off ~을 벗겨 내다
•region 지역, 지대
•theoretically 이론상으로
•leak 새어 나오다
•surrounding 주위의, 인근의
Vocabulary in Context
• atmosphere: 대기 (the layer of air or other gases around it)
The atmosphere of Mars could not support life.
화성의 대기는 생명체를 존재하게 할 수 없을 것이다.
• element: 요소, 성분 (an important quality or feature that something has or needs)
Cells are elements of all living organisms. 세포는 모든 살아있는 유기체의 요소이다.
• experiment: 실험 (a scientific test which is done in order to discover what happens to something in particular
The experiment had the reverse effect on what was intended.
그 실험은 의도되었던 바와 정반대의 영향을 가져왔다.
• evaporate: 증발하다 (to change from a liquid state to a gas, because its temperature has increased)
The river began to evaporate, exposing the rocky bottom.
강물이 증발하기 시작하면서 바위투성이인 바닥이 모습을 드러냈다.
• emit: (빛・열・가스・소리 등을) 방출하다, 배출하다 (to produce and send out heat, light, gas, or a smell by means of
a physical or chemical process)
Plants absorb carbon and emit oxygen. 식물은 탄소를 흡수하고 산소를 배출한다.
• observe: 관찰하다 (to watch a person or thing carefully, especially in order to learn something about them)
As a child, I used to observe insects. 어렸을 때, 나는 곤충들을 관찰하는 버릇이 있었다.
• simulate: 모의 실험하다 (to create a set of conditions artificially, for example in order to conduct an experiment)
Computer software can be used to simulate conditions under the sea.
컴퓨터 소프트웨어는 바다 속의 상황을 모의 실험하는 데 사용될 수 있다.
• deny: 부인[부정]하다 (to state that something is not true)
Most scientists don’t deny global warming. 대부분의 과학자들은 지구온난화를 부정하지 않는다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. The scientist developed one model to
2. These factories
3. A safari is a trip to
4. No one can
5. The
a full year of the globe’s climate.
roughly 550 million tonnes of CO2 per year.
wild animals.
the fact that science is the product of group efforts.
is becoming more polluted each day.
22강_물리, 화학, 생명과학, 지구과학
| 정답과 해설 81`쪽 |
Siberian ginseng에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Siberian or Russian ginseng is a popular medicinal plant growing up to six meters tall, found
in forests. This species is native to eastern Siberia, South Korea, and parts of China. A
member of the ginseng family, it is claimed to have some properties similar to those of
ginseng. Its roots, and less commonly its leaves, are used medicinally in China, Russia, and
elsewhere. It was described as the mystery herb taken by Soviet athletes that allowed them to
win the 1980 Olympics. Millions of Russians have consumed Russian ginseng in one form or
another in the belief that it has desirable medicinal effects. Siberian ginseng is now widely
available in North America as an imported herbal product.
시베리아 동부, 한국, 그리고 중국의 일부 지역이 원산지이다.
뿌리와 잎이 중국과 러시아 등에서 약용으로 사용된다.
구소련 운동선수들이 복용한 신비의 약초로 기술되었다.
바람직한 약리 효과를 믿는 많은 러시아인들이 복용해 왔다.
현재 북아메리카에서 약초로 널리 재배되고 있다.
02 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
As it turns out, the law of conservation of energy isn’t completely accurate. Energy and
matter are actually interchangeable. In other words, energy can be created (made out of
matter) and destroyed (turned into matter).
(A) This is one of the most important laws you will ever learn. Nevertheless, in chemistry we
are rarely concerned with converting matter into energy or energy into matter.
(B) As a result, the law of conservation of energy has been changed into the law of
conservation of matter and energy. This law states that: the total amount of mass and
energy in the universe is conserved (does not change).
(C) Instead, chemists deal primarily with converting one form of matter into another form of
matter (through chemical reactions) and converting one form of energy into another form
of energy.
① (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Some of these creatures are useful to the ants, cleaning up the nests and doing other duties,
while others seem to be mere boarders, doing nothing for their keep.
Those who have studied the ways of ants tell us strange things about their social life. ( ① )
Just as in ancient days men kept slaves to work for them, so some ants raid the homes of other
ants, and, making them captives, bring them back to their own nests and compel them to work
for their captors. ( ② ) Ants, indeed, are by no means the only inhabitants of ants’ nests.
( ③ ) We are told that several hundreds of other small creatures, such as beetles and
crickets, make their homes with ants. ( ④ ) Why the ants allow these mere boarders to stay
no one knows. ( ⑤ ) Is it sheer good nature or is it the feudal spirit of keeping a large group
of servants?
✽raid 습격하다 ✽✽feudal 봉건적인
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음The빈칸에
whole field of Darwinism/evolution is based on the critical assumption that life is
shaped by the outer environment. This generated the sociology of ‘the environment’ as
determining the character of living beings. And yet, in a pure sense, what is life? Life is the
unfolding of the inner potential. Potential is fulfilled by action, just as a seed, with its inward
certainty of bursting life and future fruit generation, is fulfilled by action through water, soil,
and Sun. The environment does not determine the inner potential ─ it can only help or hinder
its expression. The physical world of Nature is in reality the materialization of the inner
spiritual potential of all living things. The inner world
evolves with time
is like a blank sheet
creates the outer world
reveals genetic information
represents the circumstances
22강_물리, 화학, 생명과학, 지구과학
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
스포츠, 레저, 취미, 여행
다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 6월 모의평가 30번 |
The true champion recognizes that excellence often flows most smoothly from
, a fact that can get lost in these high-tech days. I used to train with a
world-class runner who was constantly hooking himself up to pulse meters and pace
keepers. He spent hours collecting data that he thought would help him improve. In fact, a
good 25 percent of his athletic time was devoted to externals other than working out. Sports
became so complex for him that he forgot how to enjoy himself. Contrast his approach with
that of the late Abebe Bikila, the Ethiopian who won the 1960 Olympic Marathon running
barefoot. High-tech clothing and digital watches were not part of his world. Abebe Bikila
simply ran. Many times in running, and in other areas of life, less is more.
① talent
④ generosity
② patience
⑤ confidence
③ simplicity
Words & Phrases
•recognize 인식하다
•excellence 탁월함
•flow 흐르다
•high-tech 최첨단의
•world-class 세계 일류의
•constantly 끊임없이
•hook oneself up to 자신을 ~에 연결하다
•pulse 맥박
•pace keeper 평균 속도 계측기(달린 거리, 시간, 열량 소모량 등 각종 지표를 보여 주는 장치)
•good (수・양적으로) 상당한, 충분한
•athletic 운동의, 경기의
•devote ~ to ... ~을 …에 바치다[쏟다]
•external 외적인 것, 외부 사항
•complex 복잡한
•contrast 대조하다
•barefoot 맨발로; 맨발의
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
Vocabulary in Context
• capture: 포착하다, 포획하다 (to catch someone or something)
The accident was captured on film. 그 사고가 사진에 포착되었다.
• exhaust: 다 써 버리다, 고갈시키다 (to use or finish all of something)
Within three days they had exhausted their supply of food.
사흘 만에 그들은 비축된 식량을 소진해 버렸다.
• overwhelm: 압도하다, 제압하다 (to gain complete control or victory over a place or another group)
Our team overwhelmed the opponent in the first game. 우리 팀은 첫 번째 경기에서 상대를 압도했다.
• explore: 답사하다, 탐험하다 (to travel around a place to find out what it is like)
We explored the whole town, mindless of the cold and rain.
우리는 추위와 비를 개의치 않고, 마을 전체를 답사했다.
• delicate: 섬세한 (fine or precise in action or execution; capable of responding to the slightest influence)
This type of painting requires a delicate touch. 이런 종류의 그림은 섬세한 손길을 요한다.
• lasting: 영속적인, 지속적인 (continuing to exist or having an effect for a very long time)
His works left a lasting impression on me. 그의 작품들은 나에게 영속적인 인상을 남겼다.
• endurance: 인내, 참을성 (the ability to continue with an unpleasant or difficult situation, experience, or activity
over a long period of time)
The match tested both physical and mental endurance.
그 시합은 육체적, 정신적 인내력 둘 다를 시험했다.
• consistent: 한결같은, 일관된, 거듭되는 (always acting or behaving in the same way)
We must be consistent in applying the rules. 우리는 규칙을 적용함에 있어서 일관성이 있어야 한다.
• sensitive: 세심한, 예민한 (showing understanding and awareness of other people’s needs, problems, or feelings)
She is very sensitive to other people’s feelings. 그녀는 다른 사람들의 기분에 대해 아주 세심하다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. When people
by the enemy in number.
4. Their limited resources were quickly
5. The marathon is a test of
and discover, their knowledge is built up as well.
2. After years of war, the people long for a
3. Soldiers were
23강_스포츠, 레저, 취미, 여행
| 정답과 해설 83`쪽 |
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Today in a highly competitive sporting world where one mistake or one slow reaction
can ruin a sporting career, good vision is as important to sporting performance as good
physical conditioning and consistent mental concentration.
(A) It has also been observed that athletes with excellent vision perform better than other
athletes. In fact, today at the elite levels, vision is the one thing that makes a difference
between a good athlete and an exceptional one.
(B) As physical conditioning has already proved its worth, more and more athletes will find
value in visual conditioning. Many studies show that athletes have better visual abilities
than the normal population.
(C) They are better at focus flexibility, and reveal greater depth perception or better eye-hand
coordination, as well as many other excellent visual skills. Their visual system is finetuned to aim, anticipate, and respond more quickly to complete a visual task.
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
02 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
The defining feature, however, is that the culture of the host community becomes part of
the tourism product.
In contrast to nature tourism, cultural tourism emphasizes human rather than natural
environments. Specifically, it refers to tourism products where the primary attraction is the
opportunity for tourists to experience a culture different from their own. ( ① ) The
difference in the new culture may be relatively small if, for example, tourists are traveling
between regions within Europe or North America. ( ② ) On the other hand, it may be quite
considerable if wealthy urban tourists from developed nations are traveling to remote rural
areas in developing nations. ( ③ ) The degree of cross-cultural interaction between tourists
and host community may also differ greatly between tours. ( ④ ) The term ‘cultural
tourism’ does not in itself indicate whether the host culture is authentic or whether any crosscultural interactions are mutually educational and respectful. ( ⑤ ) These are issues that are
incorporated in some conceptual approaches to ecotourism, but they refer to social impacts,
not product packaging.
✽authentic 정통을 잇는
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
03 다음It wasn’t
many years ago that dog-talking owners would have been considered the crazy
people on the block. Even now, people with old-fashioned misconceptions might still consider
you a crazy person on the corner if you discuss your problems with your canine companion.
But there’s no reason in the world not to have an extended conversation with your pet. Go
ahead, talk about religion, politics, or the latest joke you heard at work. Many recent medical
studies say you just might be better off if you and your pet get into a few heavy conversations.
After all my years of being pulled into dialogue with my dogs, the “prove it to me” scientific
community is finally agreeing with me that you could actually end up happier, healthier, and
better adjusted emotionally if you talk to your loving companion.
✽canine 개의
Dogs: The Most Faithful Pets
Dog Owners Having No Sincere Conversations
Abandon Misconceptions About Talking with Dogs
The More Feedback a Dog Gets, the More It Learns
New Scientific Basis for Assessing Dogs’ Talking Ability
글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
04 다음Dramatic
changes and controversial developments are ①` transforming the ways in which
sport is experienced and understood. Many of the old ideas about sport embracing ‘noble’ and
‘educational’ values, offering disadvantaged peoples ‘a way out,’ bringing nations closer
together, or creating healthy bodies seem increasingly to ②` lack credibility. In particular,
there are widespread concerns that economic and political forces are becoming too influential
and are ③` enhancing the role and place of sport in societies across the world. Further, there
are anxious and often confused debates about the impact of new technologies and cultures of
consumption on the ④` integrity of sport. In short, as we move through the twenty-first
century, sport faces the most serious and important ⑤` challenges since its emergence in its
modern form in the nineteenth century.
23강_스포츠, 레저, 취미, 여행
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
음악, 미술, 영화, 무용, 사진, 건축
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
| 2013학년도 대수능 21번 |
We take it for granted that film directors are in the game of recycling. Adapting novels
①` is one of the most respectable of movie projects, while a book that calls itself the
novelization of a film is considered barbarous. Being a hybrid art as well as a late one, film
has always been in a dialogue with ②` other narrative genres. Movies were first seen as an
exceptionally potent kind of illusionist theatre, the rectangle of the screen corresponding to
the proscenium of a stage, ③` which appear actors. Starting in the early silent period, plays
were regularly “turned into” films. But ④` filming plays did not encourage the evolution of
what truly was distinctive about a movie: the intervention of the camera — its mobility of
vision. As a source of plot, character, and dialogue, the novel seemed more ⑤` suitable .
Many early successes of cinema were adaptations of popular novels.
✽proscenium 앞 무대
Words & Phrases
•take ~ for granted ~을 당연하게 여기다
•respectable 존경할 만한
•novelization 소설화
•hybrid 혼합의; 혼합물
•narrative 서사, 서술; 이야기체의
•illusionist 마술사
•evolution 발전, 진화
•intervention 개입, 중재
•mobility 유동성, 이동성
•adaptation 각색 (작품)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•adapt 각색[개작]하다
•barbarous 세련되지 못한, 미개한
•potent 강력한
•distinctive 독특한
•plot (소설・극・영화 등의) 줄거리, 구성
Vocabulary in Context
• release: 출시하다, 공개하다 (to make a movie, game, album, etc. available for people to see or buy)
The band’s latest album will be released next week.
그 밴드의 최신 앨범이 다음 주에 출시될 것이다.
• narrative: 이야기 (a story or description of events)
He is writing a detailed narrative of his life on the island.
그는 그 섬에서 지낸 자신의 생활에 대한 상세한 이야기를 집필 중이다.
• shoot: (영화・사진을) 촬영하다, 찍다 (to take photographs, or to make a movie or video)
All the outdoor scenes were shot in California.
모든 야외 장면이 캘리포니아에서 촬영되었다.
• lyrics: 가사, 노랫말 (words of a song)
He wrote the lyrics for almost all of his own songs.
그는 거의 모든 자신의 노래의 가사를 썼다.
• inspiration: 영감 (someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something)
Nature is a source of inspiration for his painting.
자연은 그의 그림에 영감을 주는 원천이다.
• plot: 구성 (a series of related events that make up the main story in a book, film, etc.)
The plots of his books are basically all the same.
그의 책들은 구성이 기본적으로 다 똑같다.
• adaptation: 각색 (작품) (a film, TV programme, etc. that has been made from a book or play)
Last year he starred in the film adaptation of the best-selling novel.
그는 작년에 그 베스트셀러 소설을 영화로 각색한 작품에서 주연을 맡았다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. This program will show you how to
2. The television
5. The movie is an interesting
and edit music videos.
of the stage play was very successful.
3. The novel has a complicated
4. They plan to
that is sometimes difficult to follow.
a new album by the Christmas holidays in 2015.
of wartime adventure.
24강_음악, 미술, 영화, 무용, 사진, 건축
| 정답과 해설 86`쪽 |
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
It is said that a music student once approached Mozart and asked him for advice on what he
should compose and how he should do it to create something really good. Mozart took a good
look at him and said, “You are still young. I think you should start with composing a duet.”
This young man got upset and told Mozart that he too was still young, and that since he had
composed more serious music than duets, why shouldn’t he? Mozart replied, “That is true, but
I did not go around asking people what to compose. I knew what to do.” The point is that
many have attempted to create great art, but only a very tiny percentage have become true
Who Laughs Last?
Mozart’s Only Mistake
No One Can Enter the Musician’s Mind
Appropriate Advice Can Make a Great Artist
What Distinguishes a Master from a Beginner
글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 다음When
musicians record, their invisibility to listeners
an important channel
of communication, for performers express themselves not only through the sound of their
voices or instruments but with their faces and bodies. In concert, these gestures color the
audience’s understanding of the music. The violinist Itzhak Perlman, for example, is effective
in concert in part because his face registers and reinforces every expressive nuance in the
music. Perlman himself once remarked that “people only half listen to you when you play ─
the other half is watching.” The
aspect of performance is especially important
for pop musicians. What would pop be without the wriggling and jiggling, the leaping and
strutting, the leather and skin, the smoke and fire? It would merely be sound, and so much the
poorer for it.
✽wriggling and jiggling 몸을 뒤틀고 흔들어대기 ✽✽strutting 거들먹거리며 걷기
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Taking photographs is enjoyable and challenging in all sorts of ways. It’s a powerful means
of storing memories, showing situations or expressing views which does not insist that you be
good at words. But don’t fall into the trap of thinking you must have the latest, expensive
camera to get the most telling shots. What photography demands of you are skills of a
different sort that are independent of the technology used to capture the picture. Of these, the
most important is the ability to observe ─ sharpen up your ‘seeing’ of surroundings, people
and simple everyday objects in the world around you. Avoid taking these things for granted
just because they are familiar. Develop your awareness of the way lighting and viewpoint can
transform appearances, and be quick thinking enough to sum up a fast-changing situation by
selecting the right moment to shoot. Become skilled in these areas and you will be a good
Lighting is the most important technical aspect of photography.
Professional photographers are not always better photographers.
The more photos you take, the better photographer you become.
Getting familiar with your camera functions helps you take better pictures.
Excellent observational skills are necessary to be a successful photographer.
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
There are many aspects of sustainability and, even if you decide you want to address all of
them, the problem is that buildings are complex assemblies of different elements. There will
always be a series of factors to balance. For example, if you put a building in a business park
in the middle of nowhere, it will be possible to align it perfectly to make the most of the sun
and to have windows that open because there will be very little noise. It will not, however, be
possible for most users of the building to reach it by public transport or to walk or cycle there.
Almost everyone will have to drive. Studies show that the overall carbon footprint of a supergreen building in such a location will be greater than that of a less-than-ideal building in a city
center well served by public transport.
✽sustainability 지속 가능성
how to choose a profitable location for business
things to examine when setting up a new business
factors to consider when constructing green buildings
necessity for architectural design in harmony with nature
benefits and drawbacks of taking public transport to work
24강_음악, 미술, 영화, 무용, 사진, 건축
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
교육, 학교, 진로
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 6월 모의평가 38번 |
Since group performance in problem solving is superior to even the individual work
of the most expert group members, it should not be surprising that students learn better
when they cooperate. However, there is one issue that needs further consideration.
(A) In addition to that benefit, helping lower-ability students often pulls higher-ability
students to a more sophisticated understanding of the material. The clichè that teachers
learn as much as their pupils is certainly true.
(B) Not quite. Knowledge, happily, is not a zero-sum product. Higher-ability students can
reinforce their own knowledge by teaching those with lower ability.
(C) Specifically, the technique of having students help one another raises the question of
whether students with lower ability are being helped at the expense of those with higher
ability. Is this true?
① (A)-(C)-(B)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
Words & Phrases
•superior 우수한, 보다 나은
•sophisticated 수준 높은, 정교한
•zero-sum 제로섬의, 한쪽의 득점이 다른 쪽에는 같은 수의 실점이 되는
•reinforce (감정・생각 등을) 강화하다, (구조 등을) 보강하다
•specifically 구체적으로 말하자면, 분명히
•at the expense of ~을 잃어 가며, ~을 훼손시키면서
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•cliche′상투적인 말
Vocabulary in Context
• aptitude: 적성 (natural ability or skill, especially in learning)
Becky has a real aptitude for mathematics.
Becky는 정말로 수학에 적성이 있다.
• curriculum: 교육과정 (the subjects that are taught at a school, college, etc. or the things that are studied in a
particular subject)
The curriculum includes art and music classes.
교육과정은 미술과 음악 수업을 포함하고 있다.
• discipline: 훈육하다 (to train someone to obey rules and control their own behavior)
Fear was one of the ways to discipline children in the past.
과거에는 두려움이 자녀들을 훈육하는 방법 중의 하나였다.
• facilitate: 용이[가능]하게 하다 (to make it easier for a process or activity to happen)
Dividing students into small groups helps facilitate discussion.
학생들을 소집단으로 나누는 것이 토론을 용이하게 하는 데 도움이 된다.
• occupation: 직업 (a job or profession)
The occupation of the third suspect is not known.
세 번째 용의자의 직업은 알려져 있지 않다.
• rate: 평가하다 (to have the stated opinion about)
The university is highly rated for its research.
그 대학은 연구 활동으로 높은 평가를 받고 있다.
• undergraduate: 대학생 (a student in the first four years of college, who is working for their first degree)
They offer more programs in different areas of study, for undergraduate and graduate students.
그들은 대학생과 대학원생에게 다양한 학문 분야에서 더 많은 프로그램을 제공한다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. It is the parents’ duty to
their children.
2. She became a teacher, in line with her
3. It would
matters if he were more cooperative.
4. Some people think that a good
5. Music is an integral part of the school’s
is one which gives a good income.
25강_교육, 학교, 진로
| 정답과 해설 89`쪽 |
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Japanese preschools give their students a strong feeling of being part of a group. One way
this feeling is created is with school uniforms. ①`Each preschool has its own uniform, and
they vary in design and color. ②`In preschools where the parents cannot afford uniforms,
name tags are issued; these have the child’s family name, given name, preschool name, and
name of the class written on them. ③`The children are often collectively called by this class
name when the teachers are speaking to them. ④`As the children get used to their routine, they
are able to describe their feelings and emotions to their teachers and other people in the
school. ⑤`All of this provides the children with a sense of belonging.
(B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 (A),Grant
writers are expert at asking for money. They approach carefully selected
corporations, foundations, the government, and wealthy individuals to request money for
(A)` nonprofit / commercial organizations. The catch is that the giver gets nothing in return
except the knowledge that he or she has used money to do something good (and get a few tax
breaks); therefore, soliciting grant money works best when the grant writer asks someone to
(B)` evaluate / support programs that fit with the interests of that individual. For instance, a
grant writer for a university might ask a former graduate (who also happens to be a
multimillionaire) to help fund a new science facility. This simple strategy changes the
dynamics of the process from begging for money to matching money with opportunities to
make a (C)` difference / fortune .
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
School physical education programs should offer a balanced variety of activities that allow
young people to develop competency in lifetime activities that are personally meaningful and
enjoyable. A balance should exist in any physical education program among team, dual, and
individual (lifetime) sports. Team sports such as basketball and soccer provide an
opportunity for students to develop skills and to enjoy working and competing together as a
team. However, in many school physical education programs, team sports dominate the
curriculum at the expense of various individual and dual sports, like tennis, swimming,
badminton, and golf. In such cases the students are deprived of the opportunity to develop
skills in activities that they can participate in throughout their adult lives. Only through a
balanced program of team, dual, and individual sports is it possible to develop well-rounded
✽dual sports 두 사람 또는 두 조가 마주 대하고 하는 경기
importance of positive attitude in team sports
effects of a balanced diet on physical development
necessity of balanced physical education curriculum
fewer school sports opportunities due to budget cuts
improving sports skills through varied practice methods
글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
04 다음Ensuring
that the process of learning is itself enjoyable is, in part, the responsibility of each
student, especially in college and graduate school, where they have more independence.
①`Yet by the time students are mature enough to take responsibility for their education, most
have already internalized the inability to enjoy what they are doing. ②`Students at every age
take advantage of educational opportunities to enrich their lives and accomplish important
life goals. ③`They learn from their parents that grades and prizes are the measure of success,
that their responsibility is to produce outstanding report cards rather than to enjoy learning
for learning’s sake. ④`Educators ─ teachers and parents ─ who care about helping children
lead happy lives must first themselves believe that happiness is the ultimate end. ⑤`Children
are extremely sensitive to cues and will internalize their educators’ beliefs even when
these beliefs are implicit.
25강_교육, 학교, 진로
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
언어, 문학, 문화
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 6월 모의평가 33번 |
When there is a discrepancy between the verbal message and the nonverbal message, the
latter typically weighs more in forming a judgment.
, a friend might react to
a plan for dinner with a comment like “that’s good,” but with little vocal enthusiasm and a
muted facial expression. In spite of the verbal comment, the lack of expressive enthusiasm
suggests that the plan isn’t viewed very positively. In such a case, the purpose of the
positive comment might be to avoid a disagreement and support the friend, but the lack of a
positive expression unintentionally leaks a more candid, negative reaction to the plan. Of
course, the muted expressive display might also be strategic and intentional.
, the nonverbal message is deliberate, but designed to let the partner know
one’s candid reaction indirectly. It is then the partner’s responsibility to interpret the
nonverbal message and make some adjustment in the plan.
In addition
In addition
In contrast
For example
For example
That is
That is
Words & Phrases
•discrepancy 차이, 모순
•verbal 언어적인
•nonverbal 비언어적인
•typically 보통, 일반적으로
•weigh 비중을 차지하다, (의견・결과에) 영향을 주다
•react 반응하다, 반응을 보이다
•enthusiasm 열의, 열정
•muted (표정, 표현에) 활기가 없는, 소리 없는
•unintentionally 자신도 모르게, 무심코
•candid 솔직한
•deliberate 고의의, 계획적인
•adjustment 조정, 조절
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•strategic 전략적인
•responsibility 책임, 책무
•intentional 의도적인
•interpret 해석하다, 통역하다
Vocabulary in Context
• distinction: 차이, 구별 (a difference between two things)
Do other countries have the same distinction between amateur and professional athletes that we do?
다른 나라들도 우리가 하는 것처럼 아마추어와 프로 선수들 사이에 똑같은 차이를 두나요?
• represent: 묘사하다, 기술하다 (to describe someone or something in a particular way, especially when this
influences other people’s opinions)
His novels have been criticized for the negative way in which they represent women.
그의 소설들은 여성을 묘사하는 부정적인 방식 때문에 비판을 받아 왔다.
• implicit: 내포된, 암시된 (not stated directly, but expressed in the way someone behaves, or understood from what
they are saying)
His suggestions may be seen as an implicit criticism of government policy.
그의 제안들은 정부 정책에 대한 비평이 내포된 것처럼 보일 수 있다.
• privilege: 특권 (a special advantage that is given only to one person or group of people)
Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege.
의료 서비스는 하나의 권리여야 하지 특권이 되어서는 안 된다.
• accumulate: 축적하다, 모으다 (to collect a large number of things over a long period of time)
As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes.
사람들은 더 많은 부를 축적할수록 수입 중 더 많은 비율을 소비하는 경향이 있다.
• compelling: 설득력 있는, 강력한 (able to persuade someone to do something or persuade them that something is
There was compelling evidence in her defense.
그녀의 변호에는 설득력 있는 증거가 있었다.
• contemporary: 현대의, 당대의 (modern or relating to the present time)
Although it was written hundreds of years ago, it still has a contemporary feel to it.
몇 백 년 전에 쓰여졌음에도 불구하고 그것에는 현대적인 느낌이 있다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. This assumption is often
2. If I grant you this
3. I did not yet make a
4. In this way we can
5. He does
in the way a person addresses a woman.
, will you disclaim all other rights?
between the pleasures of reading and of writing fiction.
wealth within our community.
himself as an expert, but he knows nothing.
26강_언어, 문학, 문화
| 정답과 해설 92`쪽 |
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Until the eighteenth century it was correct to say “you was” if you were referring to one
person. It sounds odd today, but the logic is faultless. Was is a singular verb and were a plural
one. Why should you use a plural verb when the sense is clearly singular? “I’m hurrying, are
I not?” is hopelessly ungrammatical, but “I’m hurrying, aren’t I?” ─ merely a contraction of
the same words ─ is perfect English. Many is almost always a plural (as in “Many people
were there”), but not when it is followed by a, as in “Many a man was there.” There’s no
inherent reason why these things should be so. They are not defensible in terms of grammar.
They are because they are.
Grammar: To Teach or Not
Don’t Give Up Speaking English!
Are Grammatical Rules Always Logical?
Why Do People Make Grammatical Errors?
The Best Age to Learn a Foreign Language
02 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
People read books for any number of reasons; finding out how the story ends is one
among many and not even the most important.
On the spoiler issue, both hacker and publisher share a key misunderstanding of what
reading is all about. ( ① ) If it were otherwise, nobody would ever bother to read a book
twice. ( ② ) Reading is about spending time with characters, entering a fictional world,
playing with words, and living through a story page by page. ( ③ ) The idea that someone
could ruin a novel by revealing its ending is like saying you could ruin the Mona Lisa by
revealing that it’s a picture of a woman with a center part. ( ④ ) Spoilers are a myth: they
don’t spoil. ( ⑤ ) No elaborate secrecy campaign is going to make Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows any better than it already is, and no website could possibly make it useless
and boring.
✽secrecy campaign 비밀 엄수 작전
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Every exchange in Javanese systematically defines the ①`hierarchical relations between the
speakers. A speaker must ②`adjust his speech level according to the status of the person
addressed. Basically, there are two speech levels: ngoko and kromo. Ngoko is the basic form of
that language, used to talk to people of equal status whom one knows intimately or to social
inferiors. Kromo is used to talk to older people, people of higher status, or those whose status
relative to one is yet ③`unknown . While the great majority of vocabulary items do not change
between levels, the ones that do are the most common. Thus, the most basic sentences differ
④`slightly , e.g., “Where [are you] coming from?” is “Soko ngendi?” in ngoko and “Saking
pundi?” in kromo. “I cannot do [it]” translates as either “Aku ora iso” or “Kulo mboten saged.”
Moreover, the very texture of the two levels contrasts: ngoko can sound rough, even harsh, and
is very ⑤`precise ; kromo, on the other hand, is always spoken softly and slowly and is
deliberately vague.
✽Javanese (인도네시아) 자바 어
빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음One-shot
media are unique in that ─ unlike other consumer goods and unlike continuing
media ─ there is
. A film or book promotion can be
moderately successful, up to a point, even if the promoted film or book disappoints the
purchasers. (It is not likely to be a wild success, of course.) Unlike the television executive
whose advertising income depends on the ratings, the film-maker or publisher may feel that
the promotion has done its job if the public has put its money down. Even though some
additional sales will be lost because of bad reputations, people will tend to rationalize the
wisdom of purchases they have already made. The book may remain on the shelf unread, but
the buyer plans to get around to it some day. Few movie-goers walk out on even the most
disappointing film, once they have paid to see it.
an absence of reality
public concern about risks
no expectation of repeat sales
something considered morally right
too much emphasis on success stories
26강_언어, 문학, 문화
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
컴퓨터, 인터넷, 정보, 미디어, 교통
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 6월 모의평가 21번 |
For many years now, mediated entertainment such as TV and film has been able to
stimulate our optical and auditory senses with sights and sounds. Some forms of new
media, however, even engage our senses of touch and smell. The view the wearer of some
special device sees is projected on the screen behind him. Wearers become immersed in the
computerized scene and use the gloves to pick up and move simulated objects. Many virtual
reality games and rides now allow audiences and players to feel sensations of motion and
touch. New media may also include aromas, such as Disney’s “Soaring Over California”
attraction at the California Adventure theme park, where audiences smell orange orchards
and pine forests while enjoying a simulated hang-gliding experience across the countryside.
Makers of emerging forms of entertainment will likely continue to experiment with ways
they can simulate and manipulate reality by stimulating our senses.
① TV and Film: Blessing or Curse?
② How We Operate an Audio System
③ Seeing Is More Important Than Touching
④ “Soaring Over California,” a Theme Park Adventure
⑤ New Mediated Entertainment: Stimulate More Senses!
Words & Phrases
•mediated 매체에 의한, 매개된
•stimulate 자극하다
•engage (주의・관심을) 끌어들이다, 사로잡다
•immerse 몰입시키다, 담그다
•simulate 가장하다, 흉내 내다
•sensation 감각
•aroma 향기, 방향
•orchard 과수원
•curse 저주; 저주하다
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•optical 시각의, 광학의
•project (빛을) 투사하다, 비추다
•virtual (컴퓨터를 이용한) 가상의
•soar 솟아오르다, 급증하다
•emerging 새롭게 등장하는
Vocabulary in Context
• confidential: 기밀의 (spoken or written in secret and intended to be kept secret)
The contents of the information will be treated as strictly confidential.
그 정보의 내용은 엄격히 기밀로 다루어질 것이다.
• auditory: 청각의, 청력의 (perceived through or resulting from the sense of hearing)
The teacher used the bell sound to appeal to the auditory senses of the students.
그 선생님은 학생들의 청각에 호소하기 위해 벨 소리를 이용했다.
• compatible: 호환성이 있는 (able to be used together without causing problems)
The new software will be compatible with all PCs.
그 새로운 소프트웨어는 모든 PC와 호환될 것이다.
• artificial: 인공의, 인위적인 (created by people; not happening naturally)
This is a robot with artificial intelligence.
이것은 인공지능을 가진 로봇이다.
• manipulate: 조작하다, 다루다 (to work skillfully with information, systems, etc. to achieve the result that you
He can manipulate the gears and levers of a new machine.
그는 새 기계의 기어와 레버를 조작할 수 있다.
• shipment: 선적, 수송 (the process of sending goods from one place to another)
When do you think shipment will be possible?
언제쯤 수송이 가능할 것 같습니까?
• congestion: 혼잡 (the state of being crowded and full of traffic)
The opening of the subway has greatly eased traffic congestion.
지하철의 개통은 교통 혼잡을 크게 덜어 주었다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. They will launch a(n)
2. I was late to school due to the traffic
3. The new system will be
4. We would like to confirm
5. The chair is so easy to
satellite this month.
with existing equipment.
before making payment.
that it can be widely used.
27강_컴퓨터, 인터넷, 정보, 미디어, 교통
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The rise of computer technologies and networking is due to collective action similar to that
of other social movements, such as the environmental movement, the anti-tobacco
movement, the movement against drinking and driving, or the women’s movement, for
example. While each has its own particular goals, for example, clean air, elimination of
smoking in public places, reduced traffic accidents and deaths from drunk driving, or
equality of opportunity, they all focus on correcting some situation to which they object or
changing the circumstances for a group that suffers some sort of social disadvantage.
Similarly, advocates of computerization focus on the creation of a new world order where
people and organizations use state-of-the-art computing equipment and the physical
limitations of time and space are overcome.
✽state-of-the-art 최첨단의
Emerging Trends in Social Media Use
Global Inequalities Deepened by Technology
Participation: A Necessity in the Age of Information
Underlying Computerization Is the Desire for Social Reform
Try to Keep Up with the Ever-Changing Computing Technology!
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Strong evidence from survey research consistently shows that heavy viewers of violence on
television are more likely to engage in aggressive behavior than are light viewers. Moreover,
viewers of violent television express more willingness to use violence to resolve real
interpersonal conflicts. However, these correlational studies simply say that television
violence viewing is associated with holding favorable attitudes toward the use of violence
and aggressive behavior. Such studies alone are not sufficient evidence that media violence
causes aggression. Furthermore, correlational evidence does not provide evidence of the
direction of the causal relationship. It might be that people inclined to act violently are more
likely to watch television violence, and so it is their predisposition toward violence that leads
to viewing violent TV, and not the other way around.
✽predisposition 성향, 경향
| 정답과 해설 95`쪽 |
청소년기에 TV를 자주 시청하면 학습 능률이 떨어진다.
폭력 예방 교육을 위해 TV를 더욱 적극적으로 활용해야 한다.
경쟁적인 사람은 선정적이거나 폭력적인 시각 매체를 선호한다.
TV 시청으로 인해 대인관계를 소홀히 하는 사람이 증가하고 있다.
폭력적인 TV 장면 시청과 폭력적인 행동에는 인과관계가 불충분하다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Paradoxically, one of the biggest reasons for being optimistic about our future is that there
are systemic (A) ` flaws / shifts in the reported worldview. Certain types of news (for
example, dramatic disasters and terrorist actions) are significantly overreported; others (such
as scientific progress and meaningful statistical surveys of the state of the world) are
significantly underreported. Although this (B)` imbalance / tension leads to major problems
─ such as distortion of rational public policy and a continuing, irrational fear of the end of
the world ─ it is also reason to be optimistic. Once you realize you’re being misguided into
believing that things are (C)` brighter / worse than they are, you can, with a little courage,
step out into the sunshine.
✽paradoxically 역설적으로
04 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
But mass transit may be more enjoyable than many of us realize.
It remains unfortunately true that public transportation often takes longer than driving a
private automobile, particularly in regions where public transportation spending has not been
made a government priority. ( ① ) One family I know relies almost entirely on bus service
for all their transportation needs. ( ② ) The mom told me that she has wonderful
conversations with her children while riding the bus. ( ③ ) They talk about whatever they
want to, including the people and things they see along the way. ( ④ ) She said she enjoys
these conversations far more than she did when she was driving because her attention isn’t
split. ( ⑤ ) And she has been highly encouraged by how her kids have responded to
having her undivided attention.
27강_컴퓨터, 인터넷, 정보, 미디어, 교통
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
심리, 대인 관계
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 9월 모의평가 32번 |
Empathy is a character trait that we value in ourselves and in our friends, colleagues, and
the professionals who serve us. The know-how to be empathetic is central to practical
wisdom: unless we can understand how others think and feel, it’s difficult to know the right
thing to do. But empathy has its dark side: too much understanding and sensitivity, too
much seeing things from the other’s perspective, can
Edmund Pellegrino, a scholar of bioethics, explains it like this: “If a physician identifies too
closely as co-sufferer with the patient, she loses the objectivity essential to the most precise
assessment of what is wrong, of what can be done, and of what should be done to meet
those needs. Excessive co-suffering also impedes and may even paralyze the physician into
a state of inaction.”
✽impede 방해하다
① block everlasting friendship
② justify doctors’ abuse of power
③ cloud judgment and paralyze choice
④ lead to a hasty but correct diagnosis
⑤ decrease doctors’ compassion for patients
Words & Phrases
•empathy 공감, 감정이입
•empathetic 공감적인
•identify with ~와 공감하다
•paralyze 마비시키다, 무력하게 하다
•abuse 오용, 남용; 학대하다
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•trait 특성
•bioethics 생명윤리(학)
•assessment 평가, 판단
•inaction 활동하지 않음, 나태
•hasty 성급한
•colleague 동료
•physician 의사
•excessive 과도한
•justify 정당화하다
•diagnosis 진단
Vocabulary in Context
• sensitivity: 세심함, 민감성 (the tendency to become upset about things that are done to you, are said about you,
or relate to you)
I have the sensitivity of female dancers as well as a male strong part.
나는 남성적인 강한 면뿐만 아니라 여성 댄서의 섬세함도 지니고 있다.
• conscience: 양심 (the part of your mind that tells you whether your actions are morally right or wrong)
His conscience reminded him of his moral standards.
그의 양심은 그에게 자신의 도덕적 기준을 생각나게 해 주었다.
• perspective: 관점 (a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person
you are or your experiences)
He always sees things only from his own perspective.
그는 항상 자신의 관점으로만 상황을 바라본다.
• objectivity: 객관성 (the state or quality of being objective)
Objectivity is expected to be achieved by the scientific method.
객관성은 과학적 방법에 의해 성취되어야 한다.
• deliberate: 신중한 (done slowly and carefully)
She spoke in a slow and deliberate way. 그녀는 천천히 신중하게 말했다.
• confess: 고백하다, 시인하다 (to admit that you have done something wrong or illegal)
She was reluctant to confess her ignorance. 그녀는 자신의 무지를 고백하는 것을 꺼렸다.
• isolation: 고립 (the condition of being alone, especially when this makes you feel unhappy)
The debate led to his political isolation. 그 토론은 그의 정치적 고립을 가져왔다.
• compassion: 동정, 연민 (a feeling of wanting to help someone who is sick, hungry, in trouble, etc.)
Understanding and helping other people is the essence of compassion.
다른 사람들을 이해하고 돕는 것이 연민의 본질이다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. He spent the majority of his time in
2. This sensor has a great
5. When they were alone, he tried to
to sound.
3. You should always try to see an issue from a different
4. Telling a lie bothered his
for a long time.
his love for her.
28강_심리, 대인 관계
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Accepting that emotions and feelings are a normal and natural part of existence is central to
their effective management. This will ①`allow you to deal with them more effectively, rather
than constantly responding in a shocked, negative or reactive way. Experiments with animals
show that when given a red light to warn them in advance that a shock is coming, they will
show ②` less stress compared to those who are given no warning. The signal allows the
animals to ③` predict the shock, and with their anxiety thus removed, their bodies can relax.
Those subjected to unpredictable shocks remain ④` careless all the time. Practicing
acceptance provides you with a type of generalized warning system which will enable you to
⑤` minimize the impact of painful emotions.
✽generalize 일반화하다
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
If your emotional life is governed by guilt, you are wasting too much energy on that
emotion. That’s not to say that all guilt is bad ─ some guilt is a good thing. Guilt may have
evolved because it helps us to change our course of action and make compensations. When
our guilt stems from situations like overeating, postponing, or wasting money, it signals us
that there has been a breakdown in self-control. It forces us to pause and provides us the
opportunity to regain control of ourselves. We’ve all experienced the “internal brake”
function of guilt. Remember the last time that you skipped going to the gym, or had too
many drinks? Guilt, and the accompanying grief and regret, is the emotion that gets us to
drag our heavy bodies onto the treadmill, and to pay the bartender and leave. Guilt is a
✽treadmill 회전식 벨트 위를 달리거나 걷는 운동 기구
① complete waste of energy
② powerfully motivating emotion
③ normal response to painful events
④ feeling from the loss of self-control
⑤ universal feeling that everyone experiences
| 정답과 해설 98`쪽 |
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Lighting helps structure our perceptions of an environment, and these perceptions may
influence the type of messages we send. If we enter a dimly lit or candlelit room, we may
talk more softly, sit closer together, and presume that more personal communication will take
place. When the dim lights are brightened, however, the environment tends to invite less
intimate interaction. When dimly lit nightclubs flash on bright lights, it is often a signal that
closing time is near and allows patrons some time to make the transition from one mood to
another. Psychologists Carr and Dabbs found that the communication of intimate questions
in dim lighting with nonintimates caused a significant hesitancy in responding, a significant
decrease in eye contact, and a decrease in the average length of a gaze. All of these nonverbal
behaviors appear to be efforts to create more psychological distance and decrease the
perceived inappropriateness of the intimacy
✽dim (빛이) 어둑한 ✽✽intimate 친밀한
displayed by their expressions
destroyed by a conflict of interest
implied by frequently delayed responses
developed by uncomfortable eye contact
created by the lighting and the questions
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Instead, we have to let go of our own perspective and perceptions long enough to enter the
world of another person.
When we take the perspective of others, we try to grasp what something means to them and
how they perceive things. ( ① ) This requires suspending judgment at least temporarily.
( ② ) We can’t appreciate someone else’s perspective when we’re imposing our own
evaluations of whether it is right or wrong, sensible or crazy. ( ③ ) Doing this allows us to
understand issues from another person’s point of view, so that we can communicate more
effectively with her or him. ( ④ ) At a later point in interaction we may choose to express
our own perspective or to disagree with another’s views. ( ⑤ ) This is appropriate and
important in honest communication, but voicing our own views is not a substitute for the
equally important skill of recognizing another’s perspective.
28강_심리, 대인 관계
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
정치, 경제, 사회, 법
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
| 2015학년도 9월 모의평가 23번 |
Traditional consumption was not particularly thrifty. The concept of thrift emerged out of
a more affluent money culture. In traditional societies where resources continued to be
scarce, consumption was more seasonally and communally orientated. In years of bountiful
crops people ate heartily, and in lean years they starved. People were not particularly
motivated to produce more goods for stockpiling, as there was little incentive to do so
where there was little security from raids. When times were good, celebrations of gluttony
were held in the winter season when stocks could not be refilled. These rituals were more
important than the potential hardships such celebrations might later bring, as they served to
bind people together and distribute resources. Holiday rituals were typically structured
around cultural practices such as song, dance, theater, and feasting, and took a great deal of
time away from work.
✽affluent 풍요로운 ✽✽gluttony 폭식
① What Motivated Traditional Consumption?
② Communal Production of Winter Foods
③ Refilling Stocks: A Survival Necessity
④ How to Survive after a Bad Harvest
⑤ What Constitutes Holiday Rituals?
Words & Phrases
•thrifty 검소한, 절약하는
•orientated 지향적인
•motivate 동기를 부여하다
•refill 다시 채우다
•distribute 분배하다
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•scarce 부족한
•bountiful 풍부한
•incentive 유인책
•ritual 의례
•feasting 잔치, 연회
•communally 공동체적으로, 공동으로
•heartily 마음껏
•raid 약탈, 급습
•hardship 어려움
Vocabulary in Context
• consumption: 소비 (the act of buying and using things)
Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather.
날씨가 추울 때는 항상 가스와 기름 소비가 증가한다.
• tendency: 경향, 기질 (a habit or action that keeps occurring)
There is a tendency for this disease to run in families.
이 질병은 유전되는 경향이 있다.
• mutual: 상호 간의, 서로의 (shared between two or more people or groups)
Our relationship was based on mutual dependence.
우리 관계는 상호 의존에 기반을 두고 있었다.
• anticipate: 예상하다, 기대하다 (to realize in advance that an event may happen)
We anticipate that sales will rise next year. 우리는 내년에 매출이 오를 것으로 예상한다.
• govern: 통치하다, 지배하다 (to be officially in charge of a place such as a country, or its people)
All his decisions have been entirely governed by self-interest.
모든 그의 결정은 전적으로 사리사욕의 지배를 받아 왔다.
• guarantee: 보장하다 (to promise that something will definitely happen)
The coupon will guarantee you free entry. 그 쿠폰이 있으면 무료입장이 보장될 것이다.
• promotion: 홍보, 승진 (an attempt to make a product or event popular or successful, especially by advertising)
Her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion.
그녀의 직업은 주로 판매와 홍보에 관련된 것이다.
• merge: 합치다, 합병되다 (to become joined or united)
The banks are set to merge next year. 그 은행들은 내년에 합병될 예정이다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. The laws have led to a reduction in fuel
2. There’s a growing
in the US.
for women to marry later.
3. At the time we couldn’t have
4. The colony was
5. We
the result of our campaigning.
directly from Paris.
to refund your money if you are not delighted with your purchase.
6. He showed me how to
the graphic with text on the same screen.
29강_정치, 경제, 사회, 법
| 정답과 해설 101`쪽 |
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
We may argue that man was not the first to create laws. The universe is built on natural laws,
and animals had them long before men did. We call natural laws “mechanisms,” the enactment
of cause and effect. They constitute our mechanistic environment. Animals often seem to have
laws. For example, animals move in groups and post guards, fly in formations, care for the
young, and organize kingdoms (as ants or bees do). These are different from man’s laws. They
come from instinctive actions created through survival. Only humans are able to create factual
laws, coming from reason and feeling for others.
✽enactment 법규, 법령
Needs for Practical Laws
Love Animals Beyond Laws!
Do We Have to Protect Animals?
Mechanisms: The Basic Rule in the World
How Human Laws Differ from Animal Laws
02 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
A very old and typically European method for producing landmarks is a guild symbol. A
large key on a store front used to say ‘a locksmith works here.’
(A) Featuring binoculars large enough to walk into which cover most of the store frontage,
this spectacular building by star architect Frank Gehry says: what is going on behind the
main front has to do with insight, far-sightedness and forward thinking.
(B) Guild symbols instantly trigger the brain script of a place, its meaning and the activities
expected to happen there. The symbol signals what is going on behind the front.
(C) The principle has survived to this day, in the form of the building’s header. The header of
an advertising agency in Venice Beach, California in fact became something to be admired
and even worshiped in itself.
✽frontage (건물의 특히 도로나 강을 향한) 정면
① (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
In his book The 5000 Year Leap, Skousen explains that throughout history, governments
have typically been monarchies or aristocracies, with the occasional attempt at pure
democracy. While each of these forms of government has their strengths, there are enormous
dangers attached to each as well.
, a monarchy with its strong center of power
is useful for important central needs, such as war. On the other hand, an aristocracy, with its
wealthy nobles, will be concerned with protecting the wealth and the development of the
nation’s natural resources. Both of these areas of focus are important for a healthy nation.
, if not restrained, each can (and will) develop into an oppressive system. As
for democracy, the masses may have their say, but the views of the minority have no voice,
resulting in democracy spoiled by the rule of passion over reason.
✽aristocracy 귀족정 ✽✽oppressive 억압적인
For example
For example
As a result
As a result
글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
04 다음China’s
per-person income is only a tenth of America’s but because it has more than four
times as many people, its ①`economy is almost half as large. When China’s per-person
income passes a quarter of America’s, its economy will be larger. Because ②`productivity in
China is rising so quickly and the value of its currency is rising against the dollar, that point
will probably be reached by the end of this decade. That is not a sign of American decline but
of China ③`ignoring the time-tested recipe of education, urbanization, and industrialization to
graduate from poor- to middle-income status. Many countries like Mexico have done the
same, only to ④`stumble before becoming rich. To avoid the same trap, China has a delicate
⑤`transition : Having grown through exports, investment, and manufacturing, it must now rely
more on services and consumers, which are less easily steered by government policy.
29강_정치, 경제, 사회, 법
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
의학, 건강, 영양, 식품
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
| 2015학년도 6월 모의평가 27번 |
In the twentieth century, advances in technology, from refrigeration to sophisticated ovens
to air transportation ①` that carries fresh ingredients around the world, contributed
immeasurably to baking and pastry making. At the beginning of the twenty-first century,
the popularity of fine breads and pastries ②`are growing even faster than new chefs can be
trained. Interestingly enough, many of the technological advances in bread making have
sparked a reaction among bakers and consumers ③`alike . They are looking to reclaim some
of the flavors of old-fashioned breads that ④` were lost as baking became more
industrialized and baked goods became more refined, standardized, and — some would say
— flavorless. Bakers are researching methods for ⑤` producing the handmade sourdough
breads of the past, and they are experimenting with specialty flours in their search for
Words & Phrases
•advance 발전, 진보
•ingredient 재료, 성분
•popularity 인기
•reclaim 되찾다, 환원하다
•standardized 표준화된
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
•sophisticated 고성능의, 정교한
•contribute to ~에 공헌하다
•spark 촉발하다, 유발하다
•old-fashioned 구식의
•sourdough 시큼한 맛이 나는 반죽
•transportation 수송
•immeasurably 헤아릴 수 없을 정도로
•look to ~하기를 원하다, 기대하다
•industrialized 산업화된
•flour 밀가루
Vocabulary in Context
• diagnose: 진단하다 (to find out what physical or mental problem someone has by examining them)
The test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases.
그 검사는 여러 가지의 질병을 진단하는 데 이용된다.
• supplement: 보충(제) (something that you add to something else to improve it or make it complete)
He takes nutritional supplements to recover his health.
그는 건강을 회복하기 위해 영양 보충제를 복용한다.
• compound: 화합물, 복합체 (a thing consisting of two or more separate things combined together)
This book helps understand the structure of organic compounds.
이 책은 유기 화합물의 구조를 이해하는 데 도움이 된다.
• refrigeration: 냉장, 냉동 (the process of cooling or freezing for preservative purposes)
Refrigeration can preserve raw foods for a few weeks.
냉장을 하면 가공하지 않은 음식을 몇 주간 보존할 수 있다.
• squeeze: 짜내다 (to get liquid out of something by pressing or twisting it hard)
Squeeze as much juice out of the lemon as you can.
그 레몬에서 가능한 한 많은 즙을 짜내어라.
• flavor: 맛, 향 (the quality of something that you can taste)
Don’t just drink it all up but try to appreciate its flavor.
그냥 쭉 마시지만 말고 맛을 음미하려 해 보세요.
• refined: 정제된 (free of unwanted substances)
The company deals in refined petroleum products such as gasoline.
그 회사는 휘발유와 같은 정제된 석유 제품을 거래한다.
uick Review
다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 보기에서 고르시오.
1. The advent of
in the human body.
sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly.
4. Consult a doctor before taking a health
5. I’ll try to
brought about the decline of the ice business.
2. Water is the most important
3. It is well-known that
out a little toothpaste on my toothbrush.
30강_의학, 건강, 영양, 식품
| 정답과 해설 104`쪽 |
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Some people find that exercising when they have a mild cold makes them feel better.
Illnesses vary in severity and people react differently to them, so listen to your body. If you
have a minor problem, such as a cough or a tight muscle, and otherwise feel fine, it is probably
acceptable to work out. Avoid exercise to the point of exhaustion. Avoid exercise if you have
the flu, have a fever, have a body ache, feel extremely tired, have a breathing problem, or have
swollen glands. Exercise does not cure illness. The old saying that “you can sweat out a cold”
with exercise is untrue. When you recover from illness, do not start exercising at the same
level as before. Give yourself a few days to build back to normal levels.
✽gland 내분비선
Prevention Is the Best Treatment
This Is How Your Body Responds
Workout: An Alternative Medicine
Importance of Living an Active Life
Exercising When Sick: A Good Move?
(B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 (A),More
than 2 million poisonings and over 9,000 poison-related deaths occur every year in the
United States. Poisons come in many forms, some of (A)` them / which are not typically
considered poisons. For example, medications are safe when used as prescribed, but
overdosing and (B)` incorrectly / incorrect combining medications with another substance
may result in poisoning. Other poisonous substances in the home include cleaning agents,
petroleum-based products, insecticides and herbicides, cosmetics, nail polish and remover,
and many house plants. All potentially poisonous substances should (C)` be used / use only as
directed and stored carefully, out of the reach of children.
✽insecticide 살충제 ✽✽herbicide 제초제
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
be used
be used
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
When people move from one country to another or from one area to another, their economic
status may change. They will be introduced to new foods and new food customs. Although
their original food customs may have been nutritionally adequate, their new environment may
cause them to change their eating habits. For example, if milk was a staple food in their diet
before moving and is unusually expensive in the new environment, milk may be replaced by a
cheaper, nutritionally inferior beverage such as soda, coffee, or tea. Candy, possibly a luxury
in their former environment, may be inexpensive and popular in their new environment. As a
result, a family might increase consumption of soda or candy and reduce purchases of more
nutritious foods. Someone who is not familiar with the nutritive values of foods can easily
make such mistakes in food selection.
✽staple food 주식(主食) ✽✽nutritive value 영양가
importance of a balanced diet
effects of relocation on food habits
impacts of immigration on family budgets
misconceptions about the nutritive values of foods
relationships between food prices and nutritive values
(C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 (A),The(B),distribution
of health and ill health has been analyzed from a historical and social
science perspective. It has been argued that medicine is not as (A)` effective / scientific as is
often claimed. The medical writer, Thomas McKeown, showed that most of the fatal diseases
of the 19th century had disappeared before the arrival of antibiotics or immunization
programmes. He concluded that social (B) ` advances / differences in general living
conditions, such as improved sanitation and better nutrition made available by rising real
wages, have been responsible for most of the reduction in mortality achieved during the last
century. Although his claim has been disputed, there is little disagreement that the
contribution of medicine to reduced mortality has been (C)` minor / significant , when
compared with the impact of improved environmental conditions.
✽sanitation 위생 시설
30강_의학, 건강, 영양, 식품
수능특강 영어영역
Part Ⅲ 테스트편
목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
01 다음Each글의year,
Society for Arts provides millions of dollars of supplies as well as inspiration to
our city’s artistic and educational communities. Nonprofit organizations with significant arts
programming, government agencies and public schools may become Society for Arts
recipients through a simple application process. Recipients can schedule shopping
appointments to visit our center and obtain items through the online Direct Donations listing.
There is no charge for any item obtained by a recipient through Society for Arts. To apply to
become a recipient, please use our online application form. New recipients should register for
the welcome orientation. For more information, click the links below or contact the Donations
team at donations@sfa.gov.
✽recipient 수령자
미술 교육 프로그램을 소개하려고
미술가 양성 프로그램을 공지하려고
미술용품 지원 프로그램을 안내하려고
미술용품 기부 행사에 동참을 촉구하려고
미술협회 신규회원 가입 절차를 설명하려고
글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 다음Because
people use the media out of habit and conformity, and for the comfort of spending
time agreeably, they often come to them for reasons that have very little to do with their
specific content. Unless the breaking news is of great personal urgency, the morning paper is
read in much the same fashion regardless of what is happening on a given day. The level of
newspaper reading is about the same in cities whose newspapers range from poor to excellent
in quality. The car radio is tuned to a favorite station regardless of what tunes are being
played. A great deal of movie-going merely provides young audiences with an excuse for
leaving the house or for being together with someone in the dark. A couple checks to see
what’s at the movies because they want to go out that evening, or they might watch television
at home because it is an effortless way of spending time.
✽conformity 순응
emergence of new media technologies
effects of media content on young people
the contemporary taste for leisure activities
production of new genres of film and television
use of the media with no regard to their content
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 106`쪽
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Science is all about possibilities. We propose theories, conjectures, hypotheses, and
explanations. We collect evidence and data, and we test the theories against this new evidence.
If the data contradict our theory, then we change the theory. In this way science advances, and
we gain greater and greater understanding. But there is always the possibility of new evidence
arising which contradicts the existing theories. It’s the very essence of science that its
conclusions can change, that is, that its truths are not absolute. The intrinsic good sense of this
is contained within the remark reportedly made by the distinguished economist John Maynard
Keynes, responding to the criticism that he had changed his position on monetary policy
during the 1930s Depression: “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do,
✽conjecture 추측 ✽✽monetary 통화[화폐]의
경제 안정은 과학 발달에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다.
과학은 자료의 수집보다 자료의 해석을 더 중시한다.
과학 이론은 새로운 증거에 의하여 항상 변할 수 있다.
기존의 과학 이론에서 끊임없이 모순이 발견되고 있다.
과학자는 확고부동한 과학적 이론 확립을 위해 노력해 왔다.
필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음I can글에서
see personalizing license plates. I can see personalizing address tags. But why do we
personalize the bad things that happen to us? Life is random. Not everything is personal. Yet
we don’t seem to get it. Why does this always happen to me? Why can’t I ever catch a break?
What did I do to deserve this? Get over it. It’s not about you. It’s about life. Some days you’ll
find the nectar in its flowers. Did you ever see a golf course without hazards? You won’t see a
life without them either. You aren’t alone in your misery or your joy. Be glad that you are a
part of it all. Take comfort that your experiences are universal. Rise to the challenges and
develop the skills necessary to survive and thrive.
✽hazard (골프) 장애 구역
결과보다는 노력의 과정에 의미를 부여하라.
과거의 경험을 토대로 구체적인 계획을 세우라.
현재 상황에 절망하지 말고 자신의 잠재력을 믿으라.
자신에게 맞는 방법을 찾아 위기를 기회로 만들라.
역경은 누구에게나 일어날 수 있으므로 받아들여 대처하라.
Test 1
Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Some people believe that when they are alone they are lonely. However, if we accept our
aloneness, we can give ourselves to our projects and our relationships out of our freedom
instead of running to them out of our fear. In writing about solitude, Father William
McNamara says that it is a misunderstanding to equate solitude with isolation. In his view, the
opposite is true. When we enter into genuine solitude, we then have the ability to enter into the
center of our being and connect in a meaningful way with others. Silence and solitude provide
a means for coming to know ourselves better, for becoming centered, and for forming
meaningful relationships. The Dalai Lama stresses that to make changes in our lives we need
solitude, by which he means “a mental state free of distractions, not simply time alone in a
quiet place.”
Positive Aspects of Being Alone
Don’t Be Lonely — Get Involved
How to Overcome Your Loneliness
What Causes People to Be Isolated?
Effects of Solitude on Concentration
글에 드러난 필자의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
06 다음When
the New York Giants, a team you would give your right arm to beat, and vice versa,
sends you a gift ─ that’s something. When everybody down to the groundskeepers and those
boys in white coats remember you with trophies ─ that’s something. When you have a
wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter ─
that’s something. When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so you can
have an education and build your body ─ it’s a blessing. When you have a wife who has been
a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed ─ that’s the finest I
know. So I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I’ve got an awful lot
to live for.
✽squabble 시시한 말다툼
① critical
④ humorous
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② peaceful
⑤ appreciative
③ objective
| 정답과 해설 107`쪽
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
The stories about Edison’s capacity to work long hours and endure thousands of frustrations
are almost like legends. What’s not as well known are his ①` methods for sustaining himself
while working on his famous scientific breakthroughs. Edison kept a folding bed in his
laboratory. He took frequent pauses on it because he knew that only when the mind is in a
②` restful state does it work most creatively. Edison also discovered that ③` humor put his mind
at ease. In addition to maintaining hundreds of notebooks full of scientific equations, he filled
several others with nothing but jokes. He found that comic relief was ④` unsuitable for both him
and his staff. He used it as a tension breaker and as a morale builder. He said later that people
who laugh together can work longer and harder together, and with more ⑤` effectiveness .
✽morale 사기, 의욕
(B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
08 (A),Zoos
were once nothing more than entertainment places where people could go and look at
exotic species, sometimes even seeing them put on wildlife acts. In recent decades, that has
changed considerably. Zoos are now (A)` being played / playing an increasing role in the
effort to preserve vanishing wildlife. For the most part, animals are no longer captured in the
wild, but are instead bred at zoos, which exchange them through the Species Survival Plan for
breeding purposes. Exhibits are being constructed to closely (B)` simulate / simulating natural
surroundings, so that animals are more comfortable. Some zoos have even become facilities
for scientific research so that biologists can better understand different species’ needs. This, in
turn, helps conservationists decide (C)` which / for which remaining habitats are most critical
to set aside for wildlife reserves, and also helps zookeepers provide better care for their
✽exotic 이국적인, 외래의
being played
being played
for which
for which
Test 1
Ⅲ 테스트편
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Cecil John Rhodes was a stickler for correct dress and behavior, but not at the expense of
someone else’s feelings. A young man invited to eat dinner with ①` him in Kimberley arrived
by train and had to go directly to Rhodes’s house in his travel-stained clothes. Here ②` he was
very shocked and upset to find the other guests already assembled, wearing full evening dress.
Feeling very uncomfortable, ③` he waited with the rest of the company for their host to
appear. After what seemed a long time, Rhodes finally appeared, in a shabby old blue suit.
④` The young man later learned that when he arrived Rhodes had been dressed in evening
clothes and was about to welcome his guests. Told of ⑤` the traveler’s dilemma, Rhodes had
at once returned to his room and put on an old suit.
✽stickler 엄격한`[까다로운] 사람
Luce Irigaray에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Luce Irigaray was born in Belgium in 1930. She earned her master’s degree from the
University of Louvain in 1955 and taught high school in Brussels until 1959. She then moved
to Paris to continue her studies, receiving a psychology diploma in 1962 from the University
of Paris. She attended Jacques Lacan’s seminars, became a member of his École freudienne,
and trained to become an analyst. In 1968, she earned her doctorate in linguistics with a work
entitled “Le langage de déments.” This led to a teaching post at the University of Paris Ⅷ at
Vincennes. Upon publishing Speculum of the Other Woman she lost her faculty position.
Throughout her career Irigaray has been involved in many women’s groups and struggles. Her
work has established her as one of the most famous feminist philosophers in the postwar
1930년에 Belgium에서 태어났다.
University of Louvain 졸업 후 고등학교에서 근무하였다.
Lacan의 세미나에 참석했고 심리 분석가가 되기 위한 훈련을 받았다.
심리학 박사 학위로 Vincennes의 파리 8대학에서 교편을 잡았다.
전후 시대 가장 유명한 페미니스트 철학자들 중 한 명이다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 109`쪽
7th ANNUAL GRAD PARTY에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
This is a special event for graduating seniors and their family and friends to celebrate
together. At this time, your sons and daughters can thank their parents and friends for all
the help and support they have provided throughout the years. It takes both parents and
students to make this evening a success.
The party includes a multi-course dinner, unlimited soft drinks, musical performances, a
fashion show, a dance, door prizes and a 50/50 draw. All for just $45.00 per person. A
vegetarian meal can be reserved in advance.
Thursday, April 9th, 2015
Location: Blueacre Seafood Restaurant
Times: 6:00 p.m. Social 7:00 p.m. Dinner 11:00 p.m. End
If you cannot attend the Grad Party, your support, by way of a financial donation or
prizes, to this event will be greatly appreciated.
졸업 예정자와 그 가족 외에는 파티에 참석할 수 없다.
식사와 그 밖의 모든 행사가 무료로 진행된다.
채식 식사는 파티 전에 예약할 수 있다.
오후 6시에 저녁식사가 시작된다.
파티 참석자에 한해서 모금 행사에 참여할 수 있다.
Test 1
Ⅲ 테스트편
Giving for Life Blood Drives에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Giving for Life Blood Drives
It is easy to save a life and only takes a few minutes when you participate in a Giving for
Life Blood Drive. The Town of Jackson Valley has scheduled six bi-monthly events for
our residents and neighbors to come by this year and see how simple it is to give the gift of
Healthy individuals at least 15 years of age may give blood. Those 15 and 16 years of
age must provide Giving for Life with written parental consent. Parent consent forms are
available at any donor center or community blood drive. All prospective donors should be
free of infections or illness, weigh at least 110 pounds, and not be at risk for AIDS or
hepatitis. Donors receive a free mini-physical as part of the donation process. Giving
blood takes about an hour, yet gives someone a lifetime.
Appointments are not necessary, but still encouraged. For appointments or more
✽hepatitis 간염
information call 1-800-Giving-Life or visit www.lifegiving.org.
금년에는 격월제로 진행된다.
16세 이상의 참가자는 부모의 서면 동의가 필요 없다.
일정 체중 이상이어야 헌혈을 할 수 있다.
헌혈 참가자는 무료 약식 건강 검진을 받을 수 있다.
행사 참여를 위한 사전 예약이 권장된다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 110`쪽
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Distribution of the Main Livestock Groups
in the UK, 2010
Northern Ireland
The graph above shows the distribution of the population of the main livestock groups
across the four countries in the UK in 2010. ①`Scotland had a higher share of cattle and sheep
than pigs and poultry. ②`Of the four countries, England had the highest share of all livestock
groups, with higher percentages of pigs and poultry than those of cattle and sheep.
③`Furthermore, England’s livestock composition was completely opposite to that of Wales,
with pigs ranking first, poultry second, cattle third, and sheep last. ④`Compared to Scotland,
Wales had a higher share of sheep and a lower share of all other livestock groups. ⑤`Northern
Ireland’s shares of cattle, pigs, and poultry were similar to those of Scotland, but Northern
Ireland held a much higher share of sheep.
Test 1
Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The rate of change in skin temperature influences the perceived temperature of objects in the
hand. Thus, metal at room temperature feels cooler than wood at room temperature because
the hard metal surface is a better conductor of heat, including the heat from your skin.
Temperature also modifies the perceived
of an object, as you can experience
by performing the following simple experiment. Place a coin on a piece of ice (to cool it)
while maintaining another similar coin at room temperature. Now place both coins on the
underside of your bare forearm. You should find that the cool coin feels heavier than the
neutral coin. This observation suggests that tiny nerve endings that respond to pressure also
respond to changes in temperature.
✽underside 밑면, 안쪽 면
① touch
④ position
③ weight
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
As far as we know, the best way to reap the benefits of plants is by eating them
. When new research demonstrates a benefit of eating
particular fruits and vegetables, many people are quick to attribute that benefit to one
particular ingredient. For instance, studies have shown that consuming fruits and vegetables
high in carotenoids lowers the risk of developing several kinds of cancer. This finding created
a lot of interest in beta-carotene (vitamin A) and led many people to start taking vitamin A
supplements to lower their risk of cancer. But fruits and vegetables contain at least forty
different carotenoids, sometimes at higher levels than beta-carotene. We simply can’t assume
that one ingredient will do the same thing in isolation as it will when it is part of a complex
package like a plant. It’s not just a matter of isolating one component and packaging it in a pill
at high doses.
✽carotenoid 카로테노이드
② space
⑤ distance
on a regular basis
as much as possible
in their natural forms
following expert advice
as a type of powder or pills
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 111`쪽
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Thinking for yourself doesn’t require you to come up with the solutions yourself. All
you need to do is get out of the box of traditional thinking. One way to do that is to
. Talk with lots of people. Get their feedback, ideas, and
inspirations. Ask world-class experts, not just your roommate. This is research, not
brainstorming. What you want to do here is not simply adopt the solution of some wiser
person but learn enough from experts to form your own independent opinion so you can
choose the solution that’s best for you and your unique situation. If you talk with just a few
people, you will get a perspective that’s too narrow to help you form your own viewpoint. If I
was thinking of becoming a marine scientist, I would talk with at least a dozen of them to get a
wide and deep variety of perspectives.
consult with specialists for the next move
provide as many creative ideas as you can
include others in the process of devising solutions
modify the physical environment to explore independently
find a solution as soon as possible in whatever way necessary
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Over the preschool period (roughly ages 3 -5 years), friends come to occupy a more
important place in children’s social world. Spending any amount of time around preschool
children quickly leads one to the conclusions that most preschoolers have friends and that
their friends are highly valued. Friendship at this age typically centers around play.
Preschoolers’ expectations for friends are not as mature or complex as older children’s.
, they focus on enjoying common interests and activities together. Friends are
people who are fun to play with and who like to play the same things; thus, both play and
similarity are important for choosing friends in the first place and then spending time with
, friendships provide preschool children someone with whom to “test
out” various behaviors and emotions while at play.
Last of all
As a result
As a result
On the contrary
On the contrary
Test 1
Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Often, much of the instruction necessary for engaging in a game or activity in an educational
CD-ROM is presented in the form of verbal instructions that are spoken by a narrator or
on-screen character. ①`Yet, as some experts observed, the situation is different for interactive
materials delivered online. ②`Online sound files can take considerable amounts of time to
download, which can discourage use of the materials. ③`Likewise, the appeal of educational
media products is likely to be greater if they avoid the use of lengthy dialogue. ④`For this
reason, rather than relying heavily on spoken dialogue, designers of online materials often
rely much more heavily on written text to deliver instructions and information. ⑤`Thus, the
ability to read can be a stronger prerequisite for the use of online materials than for a
✽prerequisite 전제 조건
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
The human mind is marvelously complex. It can perform all kinds of creative tasks such
as imagining the future, constructing fantasies, and contemplating an infinitely wide range
of if-then speculations.
(A) As we learn to do something, we are writing the instructions like a computer code in our
minds. Once that code is written, it can later be loaded into our minds and run
automatically to guide us through the task with very little thought.
(B) It also performs many ordinary tasks with remarkable efficiency by using automatic
routines, which are sequences of behaviors or thoughts that we learn from experience and
then apply again and again with little effort.
(C) Once you have learned a sequence ─ such as tying your shoes, brushing your teeth, or
playing a song on the guitar ─ you can perform it over and over again with very little
effort compared to the effort it took you to learn it in the first place. ✽contemplate 심사숙고하다
① (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
| 정답과 해설 113`쪽
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
It is just after work and you are on your way to an event that you believe will be a major
networking opportunity.
(A) While there will no doubt be food in abundance at this event, remember, you are not there
to eat. You are there to work, artfully network, and contribute. You are there because you
and others can benefit from and contribute to this event.
(B) You are dressed appropriately, have brought plenty of business cards, and have arrived on
time; however, you have failed to take one crucial preparation step before you left to help
ensure your evening’s success. What is it? You did not eat.
(C) Therefore, be certain your actions are consistent and communicate this message. Making
a beeline for the buffet only communicates that you are hungry and less interested in
meeting and speaking with others.
✽in abundance 풍부하게
① (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
21 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
But with more people to coordinate, hierarchical structures are required.
Indeed, there is a well-established principle in sociology suggesting that social groupings
larger than 150-200 become increasingly hierarchical in structure. ( ① ) Small social
groups tend to lack structure of any kind, relying instead on personal contacts to oil the wheels
of social intercourse. ( ② ) There must be chiefs to direct, and a police force to ensure that
social rules are followed. ( ③ ) And this turns out to be an unwritten rule in modern
business organization too. ( ④ ) Businesses with fewer than 150-200 people can be
organized on entirely informal lines, relying on personal contacts between employees to
ensure the proper exchange of information. ( ⑤ ) But larger businesses require formal
management structures to channel contacts and ensure that each employee knows what he or
she is responsible for and whom they should report to.
✽intercourse 교류
Test 1
Ⅲ 테스트편
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
And he must be efficient and careful about removing the actors’ makeup because the
cleaning-up phase nowadays can be crucial.
A makeup artist’s work must be practical and lasting, but his obligations do not end there.
He should be well prepared, both on and off the set. ( ① ) He has to be on time, he has to
coordinate with the assistant director, he has to stay on schedule. ( ② ) He has to take care
of the actors properly and maintain makeup through take after take. ( ③ ) The adhesives
are so strong that unless they are removed with great care the actors’ skin can be so badly
affected that shooting may be held up. ( ④ ) This happened recently during the production
of a Hollywood film in which a makeup artist was careless. ( ⑤ ) The next day the actor’s
face was swollen like a balloon, and he was out of action for about ten days.
✽adhesive 접착제
내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
23 다음As글의
scientific understanding has grown, so our world has become dehumanized. Man feels
himself isolated in the universe, because he is no longer involved in nature and has lost his
emotional “unconscious identity” with natural phenomena. These have slowly lost their
symbolic implications. Thunder is no longer the voice of an angry god, nor is lightning his
punishing missile. No river contains a spirit, no tree is the life principle of a man, no snake the
symbol of wisdom, no mountain cave the home of a great devil. No voices now speak to man
from stones, plants, and animals, nor does he speak to them believing they can hear. His
contact with nature has gone, and with it has gone the great emotional energy that this
symbolic connection supplied.
knowledge has kept us from having a symbolic connection with nature
any longer, we have come to suffer from emotional
① religious
③ practical
⑤ scientific
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② religious
④ scientific
| 정답과 해설 115`쪽
24~25 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Paul Galvin, a founder of Motorola, never intended to be anything more than a
successful small businessman, but learned that failures can become growth experiences
which ultimately lead to success. He experienced several early business failures before his
ultimate success. Those failures helped him develop the ability to invite helpful ideas from
his employees. In the course of running his business, Paul Galvin managed to convince his
associates that he did not consider himself arrogant. They soon learned that they could go
to him and say, “Paul, your decision yesterday was wrong.” If the new facts they supplied
stood the test of his inspection, he would accept their analysis. Some recall his words,
“Tell the fellows we’re changing. My decision yesterday was wrong.” He pursued good,
clear thinking and did not stand on his position or office, because he was not too arrogant
or proud to back down or accept other ideas. Results were what he was after. Paul Galvin
often said, “Follow the right decisions regardless of when, or how, or by whom these
decisions were arrived at.” Here was a man who was particularly impatient with those who
could not
. This might sound like strange advice in our
competitive world. What happens to people who act this way? It might surprise you. They
are admired and they move ahead.
제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
24 위① 글의
Many Hands Make Light Work
Stay Positive from Start to Finish
Focus on the Present, Not the Past
Being Open-Minded Critical for Business
Failures Can Be Stepping Stones to Success
빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
25 위① 글의
keep their word
admit their own mistakes
sacrifice for the common good
see the merits of their colleagues
perform to the standards of the company
Test 1
Ⅲ 테스트편
26~28 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Swept up in a creative surge, Kyle was completely revising and upgrading a major
website that he had created. Because he needed to accomplish a lot in a very short period,
he hired a talented young web designer, Rick. The two of them worked together very
closely and productively day and night for several months. Then Kyle, who was much
older than Rick, began to lose (a)`his enthusiasm, despite his ongoing passion, excitement,
and dedication to the work.
The young person was a little at a loss at first. But encouraged by Kyle’s previous praise
and his emotional openness, Rick took a leap of faith and decided to trust him with the
truth that (b)`he was now getting in his way. Because his working relationship with Kyle
had always been based on honesty and goodwill, Rick suggested to him that if he left him
alone for the rest of the day (c)`he could be more productive.
Kyle was a terrific boss ─ direct, emotionally open about his feelings, funny, and, best
of all, grateful for Rick’s efforts and accomplishments. Nonetheless, he began to get on
Rick’s nerves as he stood over him, watching his every move. Fatigued at this point, Kyle
did almost nothing but point out what wasn’t going to work, which put a damper on the
creative process of web design. Being creative himself, Kyle understood that the freedom
to make mistakes is crucial during the creative process, but (d)`he was running on one
✽put a damper on ~에 찬물을 끼얹다
To Kyle’s credit, he was aware of his physical fatigue and able to recognize that it was
clouding his ability to work well with Rick as a team. He laughingly acknowledged that he
was tired and went home early. As a result, when Kyle went into the office the next
morning, (e)`he found that the work on his website had progressed nicely without him.
Ultimately, the incident further facilitated the highly productive working relationship of
his creative team.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 117`쪽
26 ① (B)-(D)-(C)
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
④ (D)-(B)-(C)
② (C)-(B)-(D)
⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)
친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
27 밑줄
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
Kyle에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
28 위① 글의
젊은 웹디자이너 Rick을 고용했다.
③ (C)-(D)-(B)
⑤ (e)
이전에 Rick을 칭찬했다.
Rick의 작업에 대해 무감각했다.
창작 과정에서의 실수의 가치를 알고 있었다.
피곤하다는 것을 인정하고 일찍 퇴근했다.
Test 1
Part Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
If we’re serious about greatly reducing water use, it’s obvious that the only way to
accomplish this is to reduce the size of ─ or eliminate entirely ─ green lawns. And now is the
time for the state and the city to act. State and city building codes must be changed to require
eliminating green lawns or reducing their size to a small percentage of a residential lot.
Ideally, the lawns would be replaced by plant species native to the respective areas of the state,
thereby restoring natural habitat and protecting endangered bird and insect species. Cities and
towns should lead by example and replace lawns with native plants except where grass is
required. We can wait until water rates rise sharply and cause people to just let their lawns go
brown, or we can take action in advance. The time to do this is now, before the taps run dry.
친환경적인 잔디밭 관리 방법을 홍보하려고
과도한 수자원 절약 정책의 폐해를 지적하려고
도심 내 녹지 조성 계획의 실효성을 비판하려고
외래종의 토착 생태계 파괴의 실태를 보고하려고
잔디밭의 제거나 축소를 위한 법규 개정을 촉구하려고
주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
02 다음A 글의
message is transferred from facts to language, from language to written words, from
written words to language in another mind, and out of that language into stored information.
Just how efficient the transfer is at these stages no one knows. It would also be very difficult to
devise an experiment to find out the efficiency. Nonetheless, in the real world, such transfers
are never 100% efficient. If we allow them to be as good as 90%, losses at the four stages still
reduce the overall efficiency to less than 65%. By a rough guess, only a little over half the
original message arrives in the reader’s mind, and probably much less. Just reflect for a
moment on the proportion of the total information you retain after reading a book or listening
to a lecture. Information transfer is often a very inefficient process.
inefficiency of message transfer
ways to identify facts and opinions
proper understanding of speech styles
difficulties in learning a new language
inequalities in information distribution
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 118`쪽
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
A study by two researchers at the Graduate School of Social Work at Boston College found
that a child’s sense of well-being is affected less by the long hours their parents put in at work
and more by the mood their parents are in when they come home. Children are better off
having a parent who works into the night in a job they love than a parent who works shorter
hours but comes home unhappy. This is the influence our jobs have on our families. Working
late does not negatively affect our children, but rather, how we feel at work does. Parents may
feel guilty, and their children may miss them, but late nights at the office or frequent business
trips are not likely the problem. If you don’t like your work, for your kids’ sake, don’t go
Excessive work can interfere with your family life.
Parents play a vital role in their children’s career choices.
Parents have to stay together for their children’s well-being.
Children’s happiness comes from their parents’ job satisfaction.
The level of parents’ income has an influence on children’s performance.
글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음In order
that the reader may not be misled, it should be emphasized that I am not opposed to
science. Scientific knowledge has been extremely useful to me as I try to understand my world
and the way it works. I conduct scientific research myself, and I support many lines of
scientific inquiry. Distinguishing facts from values and keeping our inquiries from being
biased by values is very useful. But we must not deceive ourselves; we should be quite
conscious of the way science is shaped by values. Science is not a sacred cow; it does make
mistakes; it can lead us into difficulties we would do better to avoid. We had better learn how
to control it or it will lead us in directions that have the effect of controlling us.
cow 신성불가침의 영역
Scientists should promote public engagement with science.
Although based on facts, science should be guided by values.
Observation and reasoning should be linked together in science.
Scientific advances have become a serious threat to human values.
It is essential to distinguish between theory and fact in scientific research.
Test 2
Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Most people think of words as having meanings, so when we use a word we expect others to
understand. There’s a saying in the communication discipline, though, that states, “Words
don’t have meaning, people do.” If you remember any of the misunderstandings that you’ve
had because of differences in meanings of words, then you should recognize how true that
saying is. Often people do share the meaning of words, so communication usually works
pretty well. Sometimes, though, your meaning for a word is different than someone else’s,
which could pose trouble. A better understanding of language and its use can help you make
arguments more effectively, avoid some misunderstandings that can harm relationships, and
repair other misunderstandings without trying to blame the other person.
Use Proper Words for Coherent Writing
How to Make Yourself Understood Clearly
Cultural Differences in Classifying Word Meanings
Poor Vocabulary Results in Insufficient Reading Skills
Language Meaning: At the Mercy of People’s Understanding
글에 드러난 Vicky의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
06 다음Vicky
held her breath, and then took deep breaths to calm down. Slowly she pushed the
chair out and slid along the inside of the reception station. She heard the clamor of many feet
coming down stairs and the ding of an elevator. She could hear people talking and
complaining, and the guards explained the situation as the employees assembled. A short
distance from Vicky, there were many sets of feet and hands holding cardkeys and photo
identifications. The noise became very loud and Vicky hid behind a massive station with fax
machines, then she slid toward the back of the line, and kept out of sight. Briefly, she looked
ahead. The guards were carefully examining the cardkeys and photo identifications, and
banging on a small laptop computer. Any moment they would notice her and it would be all
over. They would have her.
① angry
④ curious
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② relieved
⑤ disappointed
③ tense
| 정답과 해설 119`쪽
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Skill in reading is like skill in chess in many respects. Good reading, like good chess,
requires the rapid activation of background knowledge that has already been ①`acquired and
does not have to be worked out on the spot. Good readers, like good chess players, quickly
recognize typical patterns, and, since they can ②`notice many small-scale features of the text,
they have space in short-term memory to take in an overall structure of meaning. They are
able to do all of this because, like expert chess players, they have ready ③` access to a great
deal of relevant background information. By contrast, ④` unskilled readers lack this large
store of relevant prior knowledge and must therefore work out many small-scale meaning
relationships while they are reading. These ⑤` demanding tasks quickly overload their shortterm memories, making their performance slow, hard, and ineffective.
안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
08 (A),In(B),time,(C)의those각 네모
exposed to Western cultural practices influenced the development of music in
Africa. Adjustments were made. African composers created choral music in the Western
classical style. African popular songs were fashioned in Western styles while
(A)` retaining / retained some African elements. Western harmonic practices and Western
instruments, notably the guitar, became commonplace. These outside influences brought
native Africans new ways of viewing their world, new tastes in music, new
performer/audience relationships, and new ways of (B)` appreciation / appreciating music
performed in new contexts. Changes in music reflected the changes in society, and new songs
reflected these changes, bringing an expansion of repertoire to traditional African music. The
new repertoire reflected a receptiveness to outside influences, notably (C)` ones / those of
Western music.
✽choral music 합창 음악 ✽✽receptiveness 수용성, 감수성
Test 2
Ⅲ 테스트편
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Lace sat in the middle of the long bench against the wall under the stairs. ①` Her black eyes
followed every movement of the young girl rocking back and forth on the three-legged stool
near her son, Jason. At his request she had come up from the field to meet ②`Stella . Not that
she did not know Stella. She had seen ③` her about the roads of Bowsville since Stella was
able to start to walk. But she and Stella had never before sat in a room together and visited.
There was a reason for it now. Jason was in love with Stella. They had kissed and made
promises. Lace listened while ④` the girl prattled. She watched her restless gestures and the
shifting lines of her light blonde hair against ⑤` her delicately pink smooth cheek, while Stella
seemed not to sit upon her stool but to fly above it.
✽prattle 재잘거리다
sunflower에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
The sunflower’s scientific name, Heliantbus, literally means “sun flower,” and 67 or so
species are native to North American grasslands. Pioneers made cloth from sunflowers’ tough
stems and yellow dye from their flowers. Today, sunflowers are grown in many places around
the world for the garden industry, for use as home remedies, and for their seeds ─ used as
birdseed, human snack food, and as a source of food oil. One species, Heliantbus tubersa, is
grown for its eatable underground food-storage tubers. Sunflowers were first cultivated about
3,000 years ago by American Indians. Wild ancestor plants having highly branched stems and
relatively small flower heads were transformed into three-meter-tall, single-stalked plants that
produce as many as 1,000 seeds per head.
✽tuber 덩이줄기
약 67개 종의 원산지는 북아메리카의 초원이다.
개척자들이 꽃을 이용하여 염료를 만들었다.
오늘날 민간요법이나 씨앗의 이용을 위해 재배된다.
아메리칸 인디언에 의해 최초로 재배되었다.
원조 야생종은 비교적 큰 꽃 머리를 가졌다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 121`쪽
13th Annual Pathways Run/Walk에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
13th Annual Pathways Run/Walk
The 13th Annual Pathways Run/Walk will be held at the Southwind Community Barn
on Saturday, May 9, 2015. This year’s event, whose theme is “Start Tracking,” celebrates
the diverse two- and four-legged users of the town’s pathway system.
The public is invited to track footprints (mountain lions, snakes, barefoot runners, foxes,
lost hikers and so on) while running or walking the beautiful pathways with family and
The event features a 5K and 10K Pathways Run/Walk that begins at 9:00 am. The fee for
this event is $35, or $40 on the day of the race; group registrations of 10 or more are $25
per person. A less demanding 1-Mile Fun Run will begin at 10:30. The fee for this event is
$20, or $25 on the day of the event.
All pre-registered participants will receive a tracking guide shirt. To register, donate,
volunteer or for more information, contact Norah Gualtieri at 650-917-2118 or
gualtieri@pathwaysrun.org, or visit the event website at www.pathwaysrun.org.
✽barefoot 맨발의
열세 번째 개최되는 격년제 행사이다.
참가자는 자신의 발자국을 남기는 활동에 참여한다.
10km 달리기/걷기 행사의 10명 이상의 단체 참가비는 1인당 25달러이다.
1마일 달리기의 참가비는 대회 당일 신청 시 1인당 20달러이다.
모든 참가자에게 기념 셔츠가 제공된다.
Test 2
Ⅲ 테스트편
Carroll County Public Schools’Early Childhood Program에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하
지 않는 것은?
Early Childhood Peer Student Opportunity
Carroll County Public Schools’ Early Childhood Program is now accepting applications
for the 2015 - 2016 school year for the Community Classroom. The Community
Classroom is an inclusive classroom where children with and without special needs learn
alongside one another. In the classroom eight children with special needs learn with eight
peer students without special needs. Community Classroom students attend school
Monday through Thursday during the am or pm session.
Locations: Charles Carroll Elementary
Cranberry Station Elementary
Friendship Valley Elementary
1 day per week is $ 60 per month
2 days per week is $110 per month
3 days per week is $160 per month
4 days per week is $210 per month
Age Requirement: Children must be 3 years old by August 1, 2015
For more information, please call 917-2256.
장애 학생들이 섞여 있는 통합 교실로 운영된다.
학급별로 도움이 필요한 학생 8명당 또래 학생 1명이 배정된다.
학생들은 오전이나 오후 수업에 참여할 수 있다.
일주일에 3일 수업할 경우 수업료는 한 달에 160달러이다.
2015년 8월 1일을 기준으로 3세인 학생에 한해 참여가 가능하다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 122`쪽
Coral Reefs at Risk: Present, 2030, and 2050
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Degree of threats
Very High
Coral Triangle Region
Global average
The above graph shows threats to coral reefs in the Coral Triangle Region and those of the
global average. ①`Approximately 45 percent of coral reefs within the Coral Triangle Region
are currently in the categories of high and very high, which is substantially higher than the
global average of about 25 percent. ②`Coral reefs in the critical threat category are not
currently found in the Coral Triangle Region, nor in the global average. ③`By 2030, four-fifths
of coral reefs in the Coral Triangle Region are projected to be in the categories of high, very
high, and critical. ④`By 2030, the percentage of coral reefs in the critical threat category in the
Coral Triangle Region is projected to be three times as high as that of the global average.
⑤`By 2050, the percentage gap between the combined categories of high, very high, and
critical in the Coral Triangle Region and those in the global average is projected to be
approximately 20 percentage points.
✽coral reef 산호초
Test 2
Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Most events hold some uncertainty because only a small amount of information is available
at any given time. We actively seek data to fill these gaps. Information seeking can be an
important coping strategy, but obtaining information is also
dependent. The
doctor does not know what to expect or what will be found. It may be several days before test
results are available. The supervisor could disclose nothing until the meeting. That gives you
at least an hour to worry and upset yourself. The teenager can verbally relay only bits and
pieces of the total picture. Meanwhile, the mind works overtime drawing its own pictures of
what happened or what will happen. The three processes ─ assigning meaning, filling in gaps,
and seeking information ─ continue in cycles. Only when the mind has achieved a
satisfactory evaluation and integration will it cease its struggle to give meaning.
① time
④ knowledge
③ context
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Conflicts between friends differ in many ways from conflicts with peers, because friends
like one another and share a more intimate relationship than do peers. Because of their shared
goals and the greater amount of time they spend with one another, friends engage in more
conflict than peers. At the same time, they deal with conflict more constructively than do
peers. Compared to non-friends, friends show more extended negotiation, compromise,
conciliation, constructive communication, and explanation. On the other hand, non-friends
show higher rates of submission, separation, and third-party intervention. Thus, the strategies
that children use to resolve their differences vary depending on the extent to which they
✽conciliation 조정, 회유 ✽✽submission 복종
② chance
⑤ experience
like their opponent
accept parents’ advice
express their emotions
realize the significance
understand the situation
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 123`쪽
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The importance of good nutrition for human health has long been known, but few studies
have considered the impact of nutrition on the brain. However, the results of several recent
studies demonstrate how important nutrition is for both how the brain develops and how it
functions. For example, it is now known that the brain grows rapidly between the 10th and
18th weeks of pregnancy; therefore, the food that a pregnant woman eats during this period is
extremely important for the developing fetus. Babies born to mothers who maintained poor
diets during pregnancy are at a higher risk for
. The brain also
undergoes a period of rapid growth during the first two years of life. So it is essential that
children receive adequate nutrition during this period.
✽fetus 태아
highly infectious diseases
certain chronic conditions
mental or behavioral problems
slow wound healing and bleeding
complications arising from delivery
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
In warmer regions, many of us have learned to rely on energy-hungry air-conditioning to
keep the inside of our buildings cool.
, another approach is simply to let the
building itself act as a filter, selectively letting in daylight, warmth, and cool air, depending on
the needs of the moment. If this sounds innovative, it’s probably worth mentioning that early
architects were doing this before anyone had even heard of oil or electricity. The designers of
Moorish palaces in Andalucia,
, knew all about how to set the slope of a roof
so that it would block the burning summer sun, but let in the gentler, more sloping sunlight of
winter. Modern buildings can also be designed to do this expertly, but in the meantime any of
us can work with what we already have. When the sun is shining directly on the windows,
close the shutters or draw the blinds.
✽Moorish 무어인(8세기에 스페인을 점령했던 아프리카 북서부의 이슬람 종족) 양식의
as a result
for example
for example
on the other hand
on the other hand
Test 2
Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Under difficult economic conditions, consumers tend to control their consumption,
especially of luxury goods. ①`For instance, starting in 1929, the collapse of the New York
stock market led to a worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment that lasted
until the late 1930s or early 1940s. ②`The event influenced not only the U.S. fashion industry
but also the French high-fashion industry, which had been dependent on exports to U.S.
retailers. ③`U.S. department stores canceled their orders, and designers cut their prices and
introduced inexpensive ready-to-wear lines. ④`While American fashion had evolved to
become a very powerful industry, there was something irresistible about the fineness and
innovation of French fashion markets. ⑤`The economic decline that began in 2008 has had a
similar impact on U.S. consumers, who turned to inexpensive (store) brands, discount
retailers, and basic styles for their clothing needs.
✽retailer 소매상인
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Our knowledge of who is doing what permits us to make reasonably accurate predictions
about the actual behavior of others. We enter a doctor’s examining room, for example,
knowing who is the patient, who is the doctor, and who is the nurse.
(A) This is not to say, of course, that we routinely catalog all possible happenings in our
minds before entering such situations, so that we are prepared for anything and
everything. We do not, in fact, imagine everything that will take place, nor do we attempt
to do so, nor could we do so.
(B) But we do entertain at least some ideas about what may occur ─ we imagine what is
going to happen ─ and we get our ideas about what may happen from our knowledge of
the perspectives provided by roles and situations.
(C) We know that medical talk and activity will occur, and that we may be asked to sit on a
table or to take deep breaths. We can anticipate what the doctor may ask us to do, what
questions will be asked, and what her manner will be.
① (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
| 정답과 해설 125`쪽
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
The influence of language on human thinking is easy to see, once you start paying
attention to it. Consider, for example, the use of various terms in any particular language
─ and “language culture” ─ to describe family relationships.
(A) Some other cultures, however, have a unique word for each type of brother, but no generic
word for this relationship. There may be additional words for other males who have
brother-like relationships with one’s parents.
(B) In those cultures, it would seem very peculiar to refer to such a male relative generically,
without using words that signaled the important elements of family relationships.
(C) In English-speaking cultures, the word uncle generally refers to the brother of one’s father
or mother. There is no widely used English word ─ and consequently no clearly identified
concept ─ to signal whether the uncle one is referring to is the father’s brother or the
mother’s brother.
✽generic 통칭[총칭]의
① (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
21 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
This is okay for a while, but if it continues and the relationship breaks down that person
may be surprised to find they have no support available from family or friends.
It is important to keep in mind that your distribution of eggs may need to be a bit unbalanced
at certain times. ( ① ) For example, when we are involved in a large project at work that
domain may take up a lot of time. ( ② ) Another common pattern for many people is that
when they enter a new romantic relationship they tend to put all or most of their eggs in that
basket. ( ③ ) This can make the pain of grieving the loss of the relationship even worse.
( ④ ) Another example is when a man puts all of his efforts into work and then feels lost
when he retires. ( ⑤ ) Hence, the old saying ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.’
Test 2
Ⅲ 테스트편
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Some scientists think that parrots can ‘talk’ because of the structure of their tongues,
which are thick and large.
Parrots (also mynas, crows, etc.) are famous for their ability to imitate different sounds that
they hear. ( ① ) Most scientists think that parrots are no more intelligent than other birds
and don’t know the meaning of their own words. ( ② ) Unlike us humans, parrots don’t
have vocal cords. ( ③ ) Instead, they learn to control the movement of muscles in the throat
so as to reproduce certain tones and sounds. ( ④ ) However, myna birds can imitate human
sounds and they don’t have large, thick tongues. ( ⑤ ) Other people theorize that parrots’
voice mechanisms and hearing work more slowly than other birds and that the sounds made
by humans closely resemble the sounds made naturally by parrots.
✽myna 구관조
내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
23 다음In 글의
any society, art is produced for its aesthetic value as well as for religious purposes.
According to Schildkrout and Keim, non-Western art is usually, but wrongly, assumed to have
some kind of connection to ritual. Non-Western art may be, but isn’t always, linked with
religion. Westerners have trouble accepting the idea that non-Western societies have art for
art’s sake just as Western societies do. There has been a tendency for Westerners to ignore the
individuality of non-Western artists and their interest in creative expression. According to
Isidore Okpewho, an oral literature specialist, scholars have tended to see religion in all
traditional African arts. Even when acting in the service of religion, there is room for
individual creative expression. In the oral arts, for example, the audience is much more
interested in the delivery and performance of the artist than in the particular god for whom the
performer may be speaking.
✽aesthetic 미적인
Contrary to popular Western belief, non-Western art is not only produced for
purposes but also for
① political
③ political
⑤ economic
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② religious
④ religious
| 정답과 해설 127`쪽
24~25 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
According to a recent investigation, classical conditioning of liking may indeed happen
during the presidential election season. In the eight days leading up to the 1984
presidential election, the investigators videotaped the nightly news programs for all three
national networks. They then carefully examined the facial expressions displayed when
the newscasters spoke of two presidential candidates, Ronald Reagan and Walter
Mondale. The faces they studied were those of Peter Jennings (ABC), Dan Rather (CBS),
and Tom Brokaw (NBC). Whereas Rather and Brokaw revealed no smiling biases favoring
one candidate or the other, the smiling behavior of Jennings was strongly pro-Reagan. The
next step in this study was to conduct a telephone survey of television viewers. The
researchers found out which newscaster viewers watched and which presidential candidate
they voted for. Those respondents who turned to Peter Jennings for their nightly news
were far more likely to cast their vote for Reagan than were those who favored the rival
newscasters. Moreover, the investigators analyzed the content of the news programs to
make sure that no bias was present in the factual coverage. No bias was evident. The sole
difference in the message was the
the newscasters
allocated each candidate.
✽respondent 응답자 ✽✽coverage (신문・텔레비전・라디오의) 보도`[방송]
제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
24 위① 글의
How Accurate Are Political Polls?
An Appeal to Emotion Can Be Effective
Who’s the Most Likable TV Newscaster?
Tensions Between the Government and the Media
A Case of the Potential Power of Emotional Conditioning
빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
25 위① 글의
time to think
context of speech
types of examples
quantity of smiling
questions to answer
Test 2
Ⅲ 테스트편
26~28 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
In the middle of a somewhat stressful financial situation, an unusual event happened.
One evening my husband and I had just finished having a haircut. Since it was already
nine o’clock and we hadn’t had dinner yet, I asked my husband if he would like to stop at a
nearby restaurant. (a)`He wasn’t very hungry, but he agreed. The restaurant was new and
very popular, but there was a one-hour wait. We both decided to go across the street to
another restaurant instead, where we happily waited only ten minutes.
We will always wonder who this thoughtful, generous man was and we wish we could
have thanked him. This definitely exemplified what is known as “a random act of
kindness.” We were both so touched that tears came to our eyes. This had never happened
to either of us before. I looked at my husband and told him I was so happy that (b)`he had
ordered the soup he wanted.
After finishing our meal we waited patiently for our bill. To our complete surprise the
waitress came over and told us that our dinner had already been paid for. We were
amazed! She then informed us that an old man at a nearby table had admired the love we
had for one another and decided to pay for our entire dinner. The old man also told her to
wish us a life of prosperity, long life and continued joy. My husband asked the waitress
where he was sitting and she pointed to an empty table. (c)`He had quietly vanished.
When we ordered a delicious sun-dried tomato pizza to split, my husband told me he felt
like having a bowl of homemade soup. (d)`He decided against it, however, because it cost
five dollars, and we were watching our pennies very carefully at the time. I encouraged
him to order it and enjoy it, and not worry about the price. (e)`He nodded in agreement and
ordered the soup. We both ended up enjoying one of the best soups we had ever eaten.
During our dinner we kissed and felt like we were on a romantic date.
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| 정답과 해설 129`쪽
26 ① (B)-(D)-(C)
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
④ (D)-(B)-(C)
② (C)-(B)-(D)
⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)
친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
27 밑줄
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
부부에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
28 위① 글의
저녁 아홉 시가 넘어 밖에서 식사를 하려고 했다.
③ (C)-(D)-(B)
⑤ (e)
두 번째 식당에서는 10분만 대기했다.
이전에 임의의 친절 행위를 경험한 적이 있었다.
누군가가 저녁 식사비를 대신 지불하여 놀라워했다.
저녁 식사를 하는 동안 낭만적인 데이트를 하는 기분이었다.
Test 2
Part Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
We have had our Zero-Sort recycling system in place for several months now and the
feedback from residents has been very positive. People seem to appreciate the speed and
efficiency of the new approach to recycling. Despite this early success, we need to resolve one
problem that may prevent the process from working even better: the larger cardboard items
which come from time to time. Larger pieces of cardboard (larger than 2′
) have a way of
“gumming up the works,” so to speak, as the compactor operates. Therefore, we would
appreciate it if residents flatten and cut up their larger pieces of cardboard into pieces (smaller
than 2′
) before placing them into the chute at the recyclables compactor. This will help
reduce the risk of blockages in the chute and resulting delays.
✽compactor 분쇄 압축기 ✽✽chute 활송(滑送) 장치
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Today, professional sports television contracts make millions of dollars for sports leagues
and teams alike. Advertising support is the key to these contracts as advertisers pay a
television network for air time and the television network then pays the league/team for
broadcast rights. Advertising support has also made it possible for teams to expand the length
of their seasons, pay ever-increasing player salaries, play games against teams that would have
been too costly to play without support, and even move teams to larger, more profitable
places. In addition, televising sporting events has influenced how each sport is played.
Television time-outs (when advertising can be aired) have been added, changing the pace of
the game. Game locations and times are also changed so that networks can get the biggest
viewing audience (thereby charging more for advertising during the game).
쓰레기 배출 시간의 준수를 강조하려고
대형 판지 배출시 주의사항을 공지하려고
미납된 쓰레기 수거 비용 납부를 촉구하려고
낙후된 쓰레기 재활용 공장의 재건축을 건의하려고
새로운 쓰레기 처리 과정의 비효율성을 비판하려고
characteristics of advertising for sporting goods
technological advances in televising sporting events
various ways of advertising at international sporting events
financial difficulty of professional sports television channels
tremendous influence of TV advertising on professional sports
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 130`쪽
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Many people seem to think that a universal conception of morality requires that we find
moral principles that admit of no exceptions. For instance, if it is truly wrong to lie, it must
always be wrong to lie, and if one can find a single exception, any notion of moral truth must
be abandoned. But the existence of moral truth does not require that we define morality in
terms of invariable moral principles. Morality could be a lot like chess: there are surely
principles that generally apply, but they might admit of important exceptions. If you want to
play good chess, a principle like “Don’t lose your Queen” is almost always worth following.
But it admits of exceptions: sometimes sacrificing your Queen is a brilliant thing to do;
occasionally, it is the only thing you can do.
It is against humanity to allow exceptions to moral rules.
There is no moral truth that applies to all circumstances.
Moral principles should be the guiding factor in framing laws.
People in different societies have different ideas about morality.
Morality requires that we give up something for the sake of others.
글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
04 다음Extraordinarily
successful people launch their year by taking time out to plan their time off.
Why? They know they’ll need it and they know they’ll be able to afford it. In truth, the most
successful simply see themselves as working between vacations. On the other hand, the least
successful don’t reserve time off, because they don’t think they’ll deserve it or be able to
afford it. By planning your time off in advance, you are, in effect, managing your work time
around your downtime instead of the other way around. You’re also letting everyone else
know well in advance when you’ll be out so they can plan accordingly. When you intend to be
successful, you start by protecting time to recharge and reward yourself.
자신에게 맞는 휴가 방법을 찾으라.
성공하기 위해서는 미리 휴가를 계획하라.
일의 능률을 높이기 위해 생체 리듬을 확인하라.
성공하는 사람들의 근무시간 관리법을 모방하라.
하루의 일과의 성과를 되돌아보는 습관을 기르라.
Test 3
Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The individual interactions children experience each day help them create a unique mental
map of the social environment. That is, children mentally chart their experiences and make
note of which behaviors make them feel guilty, which make them feel good, which are
rewarded, and which are not, and under what circumstances those conditions apply. Gradually,
this map grows in breadth and complexity. Over time, children catalogue a growing number of
experiences and make finer discriminations among events. They draw on information
extracted from these episodes to fit their behavior to situational demands rather than
depending on other people to direct them at that moment. In addition, their increased
developmental competence enables them to interpret more accurately the cues they receive
and to imagine more varied responses to those cues. As a result, they become progressively
more successful in monitoring their own behavior.
Parents’ Role in Children’s Mental Growth
Broaden Your Mental Horizons with Experience
Interpersonal Skills to Be Developed in Childhood
Complexities of Social Circumstances Faced by Children
How Do Children Develop Their Behavioral Competence?
분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
06 다음The글의room상황에was나타난
pretty filled. More people came in all the time and stood around against the
walls. Some would start dancing with each other, or see someone they knew and start talking.
Before we knew it, Aunt Mae was on the floor dancing with that woman who walked home
with us after the night we saw Bobbie Lee. Aunt Mae took the man’s part, and she was
swinging the woman all over. The band was playing a song I always heard on the radio. When
they saw what Aunt Mae and the woman were doing, the other dancers moved back in a circle
and let them have the whole floor. Mother and I stood up on our chairs to see over the heads of
all the people who had crowded around the floor. They were calling, “Look at Flora” ─ which
was the name of the other woman ─ and “Swing her, Miss Gebler,” and “Look at those two
① lively and festive
③ serious and solemn
⑤ dramatic and heartwarming
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② calm and inspiring
④ confusing and mysterious
| 정답과 해설 131`쪽
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
If Shakespeare hadn’t chosen writing as a profession, he probably would have become one
of history’s greatest psychologists or philosophers. It was his ①` keen insight into human
behavior that made his writing so powerful. In his famous verse he’s simply telling us to be
authentic, to be real persons instead of the fake ones we’re so often ②` tempted to be. Honesty
is a choice. When we make that choice, not in a ③` particular set of circumstances, but as a
way of life, we begin to understand what it means to be an authentic person. We become what
we were ④` meant to be. Something happens inside of us, but we can’t explain it to anyone
else. We just feel something unbelievably good, and we begin to ⑤` overestimate ourselves.
And because it feels so good to be authentic, it necessarily follows that we’ll be true to others.
✽authentic 진정한, 진짜의
네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
08 (A),The(B),role(C)의of각music
in stimulating the creative unconscious is supported by several research
studies. In one experiment adults (A)` scored / were scored higher on a test of pictorial
creativity when they were exposed to background music. In two other studies, subjects who
were allowed to listen to music told more fanciful stories and (B)` writing / wrote more
creative compositions than individuals working in silence. It appears that music has unique
properties that unlock the floodgates to new thoughts and insights. So-called primitive
cultures recognize the power of music and use ritual drumming, chanting, and singing to put
tribal members into trancelike states (C)` that / what radically alter their thinking processes.
✽pictorial 그림을 이용한 ✽✽trancelike 꿈결 같은, 최면 상태 같은
were scored
were scored
Test 3
Ⅲ 테스트편
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
An old Scottish woman lived in the most miserable conditions. Years before, her son had
moved to America. There he had become a very successful businessman but had never found
time to return home to visit his mother. One day ①` a friend sat talking with the old lady in her
tiny, poorly furnished cottage. “Doesn’t your son ever send you money to help with your
needs?” she inquired. “No,” ②` the woman shook her head sadly. “He does write me nice
letters, though. And he sends me the most interesting pictures!” ③` The listener was annoyed,
realizing that the son was quite wealthy. But instead of speaking her mind, ④`she simply said,
“May I see the pictures?” The aged mother proudly brought them out of a drawer. To ⑤` her
visitor ’s amazement, they were not pictures at all. They were bank notes from America
amounting to thousands of dollars.
Henri Bergson에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Henri Bergson was one of the most influential French philosophers of his time. Born in
France in 1859, he was the son of an English mother and a Polish father. His early intellectual
interests lay in mathematics, at which he excelled. Despite this, he took up philosophy as a
career, initially teaching in schools. When his book Matter and Memory was published in
1896, he was elected to the Collège de France and became a university lecturer. He also had a
successful political career, and represented the French government during the establishment
of the League of Nations in 1920. His work was widely translated and influenced many other
philosophers and psychologists, including William James. He was awarded the Nobel Prize
for Literature in 1927, and died in 1941 at the age of 81.
✽excel 뛰어나다
당대의 영향력 있는 프랑스 수학자였다.
폴란드인 어머니와 영국인 아버지 사이에서 태어났다.
처음에 학교에서 철학을 가르쳤다.
프랑스 정부와 대립하여 정치 경력을 쌓지 못했다.
노벨 문학상을 수상하지 못했다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 133`쪽
ART SHOW+Student Art Prize 2015에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
ART SHOW+Student Art Prize 2015!
The 2015 Art Show opens on Monday 24 August, 7-9 pm. Parents, friends and students
are warmly invited to attend and celebrate the outstanding achievements of all Visual Arts,
Visual Design and Photographic students on this night. There will also be musical
performances provided by our talented students.
The Student Art Prize 2015 winners with great cash prizes will also be announced. Note
that the competition is available to all students across the school — not just those studying
Visual Arts subjects — and can be completed as a drawing, photograph, painting or digital
work. Entries for this competition close on 21 August! Entry forms can be obtained from
the Visual Arts department.
The Art Show opening is a wonderful night not to be missed — we hope to see you
there! Awards and speeches will begin at 7:30 pm sharp.
전시회와 시상식 당일 선생님들이 준비한 음악 공연이 펼쳐진다.
우승자에게 상장 이외에 별도로 수여되는 상금은 없다.
시각 예술 과목을 수강하지 않는 학생은 참여할 수 없다.
전시회 참가는 8월 24일까지 신청할 수 있다.
시상식은 행사 당일 오후 7시 30분 정각에 시작된다.
Test 3
Ⅲ 테스트편
2015 Summer School Classes at Eastlake High School에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지
않는 것은?
2015 Summer School Classes at Eastlake High School
Eastlake High School is offering 2015 Summer School Classes through IOA (Indiana
Online Academy).
•Course content is delivered online with opportunities to communicate with the
instructor throughout the summer session.
•These online classes allow flexible hours that enable students to travel and participate in
other activities over the summer.
•The registration period is April 13 – June 5, 2015. All registration is conducted
online at www.eastlakehighschool.org.
•Students can enroll in up to two courses from the listing of the summer course offerings.
•The summer session begins June 8. All course work must be completed by July 17.
•Computer-based final exams will be held July 20-23, 2015 at Eastlake High School.
The exam schedule will be determined closer to the start of Summer School.
강좌의 내용은 온라인을 통해 확인할 수 있다.
인터넷을 통해서 등록이 가능하다.
최대 2개의 강좌까지 등록할 수 있다.
과정은 6월 8일에 시작해서 7월 17일에 종료된다.
시험 일정은 개강 후 확정될 예정이다.
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 134`쪽
다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Library Activities of Parents and Other Adults
Browse shelves
Borrow print books
Attend classes or
events for children
Borrow DVDs/
Use computers/Internet
Borrow e-books
Other adults
Parents of minor children
The above graph shows the percentage of some library activities of parents of minor
children and other adults with no child (hereafter, other adults) in the past 12 months.
①`These parents were more likely than other adults to visit the library to browse shelves or to
borrow print books. ②`The percentage of other adults who browsed shelves in the library was
twice as high as that of other adults who borrowed DVDs, CDs, or videotapes in the library.
③`Approximately two-thirds of the parents visited the library to attend classes or events for
children, compared with roughly one-third of other adults. ④`The percentage gap between
other adults’ browsing shelves and their attending classes or events for children was larger
than that between other adults’ borrowing print books and their using computers or the
Internet. ⑤`In the case of borrowing e-books, both parents of minor children and other adults
took up the smallest proportion with 9% and 5%, respectively.
Test 3
Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The activity of art is based on the fact that a man is capable of experiencing the emotion
which moved the man who expressed it. To take the simplest example: one man laughs, and
another who hears becomes merry; or a man weeps, and another who hears feels sorrow. A
man is excited or annoyed, and another man seeing him comes to a similar state of mind. By
his movements or by the sounds of his voice, a man expresses courage and determination or
sadness and calmness, and this state of mind passes on to others. A man suffers, expressing his
sufferings by groans and fits, and this suffering transmits itself to other people; a man
expresses his feeling of admiration, devotion, fear, respect, or love to certain objects, persons,
or phenomena, and others are
by the same feelings of admiration, devotion,
fear, respect, or love to the same objects, persons, and phenomena.
✽groan 신음
① united
④ governed
③ infected
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
One of the greatest challenges to critical thinking is the temptation
when you find a knowledgeable person who supports your bias. The temptation will be
especially strong when that person is the first one you encounter. You will want to say, “This
is the definitive answer. Case closed!” If you follow this inclination, you will play down the
issue and cheat yourself of genuine understanding. An issue is, by definition, a matter about
which informed, careful thinkers may disagree. A word of caution is in order here. To say that
it is important to examine both sides of an issue does not mean that both sides are equal in
merit. Often there will be enough merit on each side to make judgment difficult, but that never
justifies the avoidance of judgment.
② challenged
⑤ characterized
to show off
to pick up tips
to be responsive
to stop inquiring
to be argumentative
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| 정답과 해설 135`쪽
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
If you state a fact and prove it, you are demonstrating its truth, but you are not arguing. If
you declare a personal taste and account for it, you are sharing an opinion, but you are not
arguing. Argument concerns itself with neither fact nor taste, but with that vast middle area of
. It is, for example, a fact that lakes are inland
bodies of water; it is a matter of taste whether any individual likes to vacation by a lake; but it
is a matter of argument whether the shore of a particular lake should be zoned for commercial
or for recreational development. This last issue has no one right answer; with good intent and
the same facts at their disposal, reasonable people might argue on either side. But even the
side that wins this argument has not established a truth, only the probable wisdom of a
particular choice.
✽at one’s disposal ~의 마음대로 되는
that are more or less probable
people consider quite informative
no matter how complicated they seem
that serve as the foundation of our thought
while reasoning is favored over mere memory
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
When I first lived in Saudi Arabia, I tended to answer questions in Arabic about my health
(the equivalent of ‘How are you?’) with the equivalent of my familiar routine responses of
‘Okay’ or ‘Fine.’
, I eventually noticed that when I asked a similar question,
people generally answered with a phrase that had the literal meaning of ‘Praise to God.’ I soon
learned to use the new expression, wanting to be pragmatically appropriate in that context. My
first type of answer wasn’t ‘wrong’ (my vocabulary and pronunciation weren’t inaccurate),
but it did convey the meaning that I was a social outsider who answered in an unexpected way.
, more was being communicated than was being said. Initially I did not know
that: I had learned some linguistic forms in the language without learning the pragmatics of
how those forms are used in a regular pattern by social insiders.
✽pragmatics 화용론
In other words
In other words
On the contrary
On the other hand
On the other hand
Test 3
Ⅲ 테스트편
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Consumerism as a way of life demands a social imagination ─ an ability to project how we
will look and feel once we own and use goods, or what our families and friends will think of
us once we do. ①`Many people find this social tapestry woven of goods and fantasies an
entertaining problem and means for self-expression. ②`The marketplace is not merely the
institution upon which we hang our economic survival, but a major source of meaning.
③`Consumerism has been a wonderful model for growing economies in the 20th century.
④`The task of managing one’s personal place within the constant flow of changes in fashion
and personal styles can be a demanding yet enjoyable experience. ⑤`Like a fish in water, an
individual’s personal and social identity is so bound up with the consumer culture that it
becomes difficult to reflect on the broader question of how we came to be in this aquarium.
✽tapestry 여러 가지 색실로 그림을 짜 넣은 직물
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
For many people, most of the time, the “mine-is-better” tendency is balanced by the
awareness that other people feel the same way about their things, that it’s an unavoidable
part of being human to do so.
(A) People who have this understanding and are reasonably secure and self-confident can
control the tendency. The problem is, some people do not understand that each person has
a special viewpoint.
(B) For them, “mine is better” is not an attitude that everyone has about his or her things.
Rather, it is a special, higher truth about their particular situation. They think they have the
only correct answer and want to force all others to be like them.
(C) In other words, many people realize that we all see ourselves in a special way, different
from everything that is not ourselves, and that whatever we associate with ourselves
becomes part of us in our minds.
① (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
| 정답과 해설 137`쪽
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
In an increasingly globalized world, literature in translation has an especially important
role. Increasingly, writers, readers, and publishers are turning to literature as a bridge
between cultures, particularly Western and Arab societies.
(A) This growing interest is, in turn, driving a boom in translation. However, not surprisingly
perhaps, most translations are from English into other languages, not from another
language, such as Arabic, into English.
(B) Western readers likely know little of Mahfouz’s more experimental work, his political and
religious allegories, or his historical dramas. The result is a kind of one-way mirror
between America and the rest of the world.
(C) Hence, the huge American market is seen as driving the imbalance. Bookstores in the
United States, for example, rarely stock more than Nobel Prize winner Naguib Mahfouz’s
Cairo Trilogy, a masterful, realistic account of life in Cairo and of a merchant family in
the mid-20th century.
✽allegory 우화, 풍자
① (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
21 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
If we take to describing everything that we find on the earth, it will be difficult to come out
with a definition.
What is geography? Literally, geography means description of the earth. The earth is full of
various things and it is difficult to study in isolation. ( ① ) In fact, the earth is synonymous
with the world, which is again rich with various things. ( ② ) We have to focus on certain
important things and leave out unimportant ones. ( ③ ) In order to come to this position,
we have to come forward with certain principles which help us to study the earth with its
relevant factors. ( ④ ) In fact, we study the earth as the home of man. ( ⑤ ) It will,
therefore, be quite proper to define geography as the study of the earth as the home of man, or
the study of the environment of man, particularly in its relation to human activities.
✽synonymous 같은 것을 나타내는[의미하는]
Test 3
Ⅲ 테스트편
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
You’ll find these people in business management, fine art printing, and accounting — all
fields needing an ability to focus.
People with a lower rate of idea flow can be just as creative as people with a fast flow. It
simply means that the ideas come more slowly. ( ① ) Often the best ideas come from
thinking things out carefully. ( ② ) People with lower idea flow can concentrate their
energies on a particular task for a longer period of time. ( ③ ) For many jobs in the
business world, a rapid flow of ideas is a hindrance. ( ④ ) Thomas Edison experimented
with hundreds of filaments before he came up with one that led to the lightbulb. ( ⑤ )
Someone with high idea flow might have given up and gone on to other projects.
✽hindrance 방해[저해]
글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
23 다음There
might be many different reasons why faces seem naturally interesting and eye-
catching to humans. The widely accepted theory is that an infant’s attraction to faces emerges
as an adaptive mechanism to promote parent-child attachment. Being able to recognize and
engage the primary caregiver increases the likelihood that an infant will become emotionally
bonded with that individual and receive proper nurturance. The need to recognize, engage,
and extract information from faces continues, of course, through childhood and into
adulthood. Being able to read the minds of others in a social group is also important for
survival and reproductive success. Humans can’t read minds, but the next best thing is being
able to understand the emotional mind-set of your peers. No other body part even comes close
to yielding such rich emotional information about the bearer as is the case with the face.
✽nurturance (애정 어린) 양육
Our attraction to the human face serves
child-parent bonding and the
① moral
③ cultural
⑤ adaptive
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
purposes: the enhancement of
of emotional information from others.
② moral
④ adaptive
| 정답과 해설 139`쪽
24~25 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
One day an old man came home to discover that his flower garden had been broken into.
He was exceptionally fond of gardening and extremely upset that someone would ruin his
masterpiece and show such complete disregard for his dedication. So he kept watching
until the offender returned. Expecting a neighborhood wanderer, he was surprised the next
afternoon when a group of four adolescents showed up carrying a football and began
playing two-on-two in his backyard. His flower garden was the end zone! As the old man
watched, he noticed that the boys took immense joy in diving into the end zone to make
spectacular catches. The flowers were not something to be vandalized; rather, they were
the goal of great play, respected almost. The old man was now more
furious. Though he still wanted to stop the destruction of his flowers, he decided he would
conduct an experiment. He went outside and called the boys over. He explained that he too
loved the flower garden and wished to reward the boys for their play. He said he would
provide them each with a dollar every day so that they would come to his lawn. At first, it
was a marvelous treat ─ the kids felt like professional athletes being paid to play sports.
But interestingly, as the old man reduced his reward in the following weeks, the boys
showed up with less frequency. In fact, they became disturbed that they were no longer
being paid what they were worth.
zone (미식축구에서 공격 팀이 득점할 수 있는) 엔드 존 ✽✽vandalize 고의로 훼손하다
제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
24 위① 글의
Strong Body, Sound Mind
The Value of Believing in Free Will
Stay Focused for Your Best Performance
Intrinsic Motivation Undermined by Rewards
Physical Exercise Can Bridge a Generation Gap
빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
25 위① 글의
② curious
④ considerate
③ suspicious
⑤ heartbroken
Test 3
Ⅲ 테스트편
26~28 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Although concert pianist Lang Lang was promoted as a symbol of the youth and future
of China in Beijing’s opening ceremony for the 2008 Summer Olympics, he had almost
given up on his dream of being a pianist. When he was a child in Beijing, where he had
moved in order to study piano, Lang Lang went through a time of estrangement from his
father after his piano teacher had unfairly criticized (a)` him , and he declined to play the
✽estrangement (관계의) 소원
Lang Lang explained, “I had a teacher who said I wasn’t very talented.” The fruit vendor
replied, “Teachers can be wrong. I think you must play beautifully.” Lang Lang asked,
“How do you know?” The fruit vendor explained, “I can hear you in my imagination. And
I look at your hands and fingers.” (b)`He then gave Lang Lang a watermelon, saying, “This
watermelon is not for sale. I was saving it as a gift for a great musician. This is your
reward for having practiced so long and hard. This is your prize.”
The fruit vendor’s name was Han. Soon he became a friend of the family, and Lang Lang
called him “Uncle Number Two.” And soon Lang Lang started playing the piano again.
Another thing that helped Lang Lang to start playing the piano again was a letter from the
children in a choir (c)`he had been accompanying. They told him how talented he was, and
they sent him a toy ─ a Transformer ─ as a gift to show their appreciation.
While he was in trouble with his father, Lang Lang once wandered through an outdoor
market, where he saw a fruit vendor with watermelons for sale. Lang Lang did not have
any money, but he picked up and held a watermelon that he wished he had money to buy.
The fruit vendor saw (d)` him and said, “The way you’re caressing that melon, it’s as if
you’re playing a musical instrument. Most people just poke at it.” Lang Lang explained
that (e)`he used to play the piano, but had stopped. The fruit vendor joked, “You look too
young to be retired.”
✽caress 어루만지다
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
| 정답과 해설 141`쪽
26 ① (B)-(D)-(C)
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
④ (D)-(B)-(C)
② (C)-(B)-(D)
⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)
친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
27 밑줄
① (a)
② (b)
③ (c)
④ (d)
Lang Lang에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
28 위① 글의
올림픽 개막식에서 중국의 미래로 소개되었다.
③ (C)-(D)-(B)
⑤ (e)
피아노를 공부하려고 어렸을 때 베이징으로 이주했다.
과일 행상인에게 연주를 해 주고 수박을 얻었다.
과일 행상인이 가족의 친구가 되었다.
합창단의 아이들로부터 선물을 받았다.
Test 3
한눈에 보는
Ⅰ 유형편
문맥 속 어휘 추론
글의 목적 파악
02 ⑤
01 ④
07 ④
03 ④
03 ①
04 ⑤
요지 추론
05 ②
06 ⑤
본문 20~27쪽
문맥 속 문법성 판단
05 ⑤
06 ③
본문 44~49쪽
02 ⑤
08 ⑤
03 ②
04 ③
지칭 대상 파악
05 ④
06 ②
본문 50~53쪽
02 ③
08 ③
03 ⑤
09 ①
04 ④
10 ⑤
제목 추론
01 ⑤
07 ②
01 ⑤
07 ⑤
04 ④
02 ③
08 ③
03 ③
본문 14~19쪽
01 ③
07 ②
02 ③
08 ⑤
04 ③
주제 추론
본문 10~13쪽
01 ⑤
본문 38~43쪽
05 ②
11 ⑤
06 ④
12 ⑤
본문 28~33쪽
01 ③
03 ②
04 ②
세부 내용 파악
02 ④
본문 54~63쪽
01 ③
07 ④
02 ⑤
08 ④
03 ⑤
04 ⑤
어조・분위기・심경 파악
06 ①
본문 34~37쪽
01 ③
07 ②
02 ④
08 ④
03 ⑤
09 ⑤
04 ⑤
10 ⑤
도표 정보 파악
05 ③
06 ④
본문 64~71쪽
01 ⑤
05 ⑤
02 ③
03 ①
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
04 ③
01 ②
02 ④
03 ④
04 ③
05 ④
06 ⑤
빈칸 채우기
본문 72~79쪽
문단 요약
01 ②
07 ④
02 ②
08 ⑤
03 ②
09 ③
04 ④
10 ④
연결어(구) 넣기
05 ①
11 ④
06 ⑤
12 ⑤
본문 80~83쪽
01 ②
02 ①
03 ③
04 ③
장문 독해 (1)
본문 102~109쪽
05 ④
06 ②
본문 110~115쪽
01 ① 02 ②
01 ④
02 ①
03 ②
무관한 문장 찾기
01 ②
07 ④
04 ②
본문 84~89쪽
02 ②
08 ③
03 ④
04 ④
문단 내 글의 순서 정하기
05 ③
06 ④
03 ④
04 ③
장문 독해 (2)
01 ④
07 ②
02 ③
08 ②
05 ③
06 ③
본문 116~125쪽
01 ② 02 ④ 03 ⑤
01 ⑤
07 ③
02 ⑤
08 ②
03 ②
09 ②
04 ③
10 ④
05 ①
11 ④
06 ③
12 ③
본문 90~95쪽
01 ②
07 ②
02 ③
08 ⑤
03 ⑤
04 ②
문단 속에 문장 넣기
05 ⑤
06 ②
본문 96~101쪽
01 ④
07 ⑤
02 ⑤
08 ④
03 ②
04 ④
05 ④
06 ④
한눈에 보는 정답
한눈에 보는
Ⅱ 주제・소재편
음악, 미술, 영화, 무용, 사진, 건축
인물, 일화, 기담
본문 148~151쪽
본문 128~131쪽
01 ⑤
02 ④
03 ⑤
04 ③
01 ④
02 ④
03 ④
04 ③
철학, 종교, 역사, 풍습, 지리
본문 132~135쪽
교육, 학교, 진로
본문 152~155쪽
01 ④
02 ③
03 ③
04 ②
01 ②
02 ④
03 ⑤
04 ②
환경, 자원, 재활용
본문 136~139쪽
01 ③
02 ⑤
03 ③
본문 140~143쪽
02 ②
03 ④
03 ④
04 ③
컴퓨터, 인터넷, 정보, 미디어, 교통
01 ④
04 ③
본문 144~147쪽
본문 160~163쪽
02 ⑤
03 ①
04 ①
심리, 대인 관계
01 ③
02 ①
스포츠, 레저, 취미, 여행
01 ⑤
04 ③
물리, 화학, 생명과학, 지구과학
본문 156~159쪽
01 ③
언어, 문학, 문화
본문 164~167쪽
02 ④
03 ③
EBS 수능특강 영어영역
04 ③
01 ④
02 ②
03 ⑤
04 ③
정치, 경제, 사회, 법
본문 168~171쪽
Ⅲ 테스트편
본문 178`~193`쪽
01 ⑤
02 ③
03 ①
의학, 건강, 영양, 식품
02 ⑤
08 ①
14 ③
20 ②
26 ②
03 ③
09 ①
15 ③
21 ②
27 ③
04 ⑤
10 ④
16 ③
22 ③
28 ③
05 ①
11 ③
17 ②
23 ⑤
06 ⑤
12 ②
18 ③
24 ④
본문 172~175쪽
01 ⑤
01 ③
07 ④
13 ⑤
19 ③
25 ②
04 ③
02 ⑤
03 ②
04 ①
01 ⑤
07 ②
13 ④
19 ④
25 ④
본문 194`~209`쪽
02 ①
08 ②
14 ①
20 ④
26 ⑤
03 ④
09 ①
15 ①
21 ③
27 ③
04 ②
10 ⑤
16 ③
22 ④
28 ③
01 ②
07 ⑤
13 ④
19 ④
25 ②
05 ⑤
11 ③
17 ②
23 ④
06 ③
12 ②
18 ④
24 ⑤
본문 210`~225`쪽
02 ⑤
08 ②
14 ③
20 ①
26 ④
03 ②
09 ②
15 ④
21 ②
27 ②
04 ②
10 ③
16 ①
22 ③
28 ③
05 ⑤
11 ⑤
17 ①
23 ④
06 ①
12 ⑤
18 ③
24 ④
한눈에 보는 정답