SCDC Board Meetings - Spartan Child Development Center

Spartan Child Development Center
Board of Directors Meeting
Present: Marjana Cook, As hley Harding, Tammy Necomb, Cary Elder, Dave Almy, Jan
Byrne, Gloria Sabourin, Stephene Benkert, Kelly Rivard, Anna Malavisi,
Absent: Eric Trotochaud, Kathy Vogel, Pat Enos, Sharri Margraves
Guests: Nathan, Kahlel, Unknown Parent
Date: 08-22-2011
Call to order: 5:40p.m.
Adjournment: 7:38p.m.
Minutes By: Ashley K. Harding
Minutes distributed by Gloria Sabourin for Board review.
Marjana entered a motion to accept the SCDC Board of Directors Minutes from 7-20-2011 by Ashley K.
Carey seconded the motion to accept the SCDC Board of Directors Minutes from 7-20-2011 by Ashley K.
Full Support. Motion passed and carried.
acceptance of
Board Report
Jan Byrne: Two issues to discuss:
1) Nominating Committee- According to the Bylaws, need a nominating committee consisting of 3 board
members. The Nominating Committee will need to solicit and gather the votes for the upcoming election.
Cannot be someone who is seeking reelction from the committee.Thos who are up for reelection include
Marjana Cook, Jan Byrne,Carey Elder, and Eric Trotochaud.
Carey Elder- Last year the nomination committee only met two or three times because most of the elections
took place online. This year the nomination committee can make corrections/updates to items from last year.
Marjana Cook: I will send out an email to Carey Elder, Eric Trotochaud, Anna Malavisi, and Kelly Rivard to
solicit participation on the Nomination committee for this year.
Ashley: Will send application letters, etc. from when she applied last year.
Jan Byrne: By the end of August we need to figure out 3 people and ballots will need to go out by the end of
2) Secretary- Ashley Harding will be leaving the SCDC Board of Directors due to her family's relocation to the
state of Oregon. SCDC will need to fill the secertary positon with a current board member. The interim
secretary will only be needed for a couple of months, unitl a new officer is chosen. Jan Byrne asked current
board who would volunteer. Stephene Benkert volunteered and stated she will take on the the SCDC Secretary
1. Marjana
Cook will send
out an e mail to
4 SCDC Board
me mbers
regarding their
with the
2. Stephene
Benkert will be
the Interim
Secretary for
the SCDC
Board of
Directors until
a ne w
individual is
nominated and
Gloria Sabourin, Interim Director/Assistant Direcor:
- The Transition has been going very well and the staff have been wonderful.
- Fall Enrollment: There are 36 new children in building. On Aug 4 & 10 completed group oritentation and
family orientation.
- Currently there are 5 full time and 5 part time openings available.
- New hires: 11 aide staff to hire because of fall transition and summer transition that need to be filled. Could
be more depending on availability. SCDC is looking to fill a M/W spot.
- The Center is hiring 3 assistant teachers to assist with the blue, red, and green room teachers.
- Staff training: Completed a staff training last Friday with Kelly Rivard that went very well.
- Front desk: Many staff are putting in more horus at the front desk. Natasha is assiting with most duties at the
front desk.
- Licensing: Health Inspection, passed with no recommendations.
- More preparation for licensing. Jen in today to update binders for licensing.
- Summer program- successful, Kelly will discuss more. Planned all field trips, organized etc, took stress off
teachers. Teachers enjoyed the field trips more.
- United Way Volunteers came in on Sat 9-1 and organized shed, washed all the windows, did some
maintenance. Classrooms sending thank you notes
- Transitions: July/Aug spent in Rosene's office. Learning of all the things she was doing and
procedures/information. Gloria Sabourin stated she feels organized, prepared and infomed. Very pleased at how
the staff has assisted. Children, staff, enrollment, scheduling and licesning, maintainng high expectations.
Curriculum Committee- timeline extended, do plan to have new curriculum by January 2012.
Tammy: Where are the Vancacies? 1/2- F/T Toddler; 3 Preschool 2 F/T (3-4), PT at same.
Monthly Report review
- Review there is an annual audit in July. Everything went smoothly and the auditor felt very confident in our
transition. Next thing, Nalini holds off on the budget until after the auditor comes through. Next mtg will have
variances for board approval.
- Equipment fee increase, surplus, Janitorial serivices went up.
- Morning hours changes, voted on last spring. This implemntation delayed due to director transition. Piloting
need to be implemented. Due to the set-back in implementation the question arises of "Can we absorb the cost
difference?" Will be something the Board will have to review. Vote on next quarter.
- ACCOUNTS: Nalini working on authorized signers, and having someone that can have signing authority.
- Currently analyizing credit card usage and what are we using for or incentives gaining for using.
- Give additional compenstaion for additional roles, had extensive discussions, decided will review the budget
1. Nalini and
analyizing the
delay in
imple menting
the morning
hours change
and how it will
impact the
and exececutive committee will vote for rewards for any or all members in this process. [Will discuss more in
Tammy: Wait until transition is completed- Executive session, at the end of the mtg.
Kahlel (Guest): Questions regarding pay for teachers?
Dave Almy: Reward for taking on addtional responsibilities.
Kahlel (Guest): Necessary for teachers to be compensated for addtion duties? Kelly's position?
Marjana: Referring to the fact that we are in tansition, it is hard to justify salary increase. We have Gloria as the
Interim Director which has a significant change of responsibilities and addtional liability. As a result, the Board
and Gloria had to Legally sign a document for salary compensation due to increase in responsibilities. Board
members are possibly receiving bonuses or reward for staff who go above and beyond to make sure the Center
is open and functioning. Not allowed to duscuss in open board mtg. We will go into closed session re: sa lary.
Rewards for
staff doing
work outside
of their normal
job descirption
duties. [Closed
Kelly Rivard, Resource Teacher gave update.
- Summer program- 20 filed trips over 10 weeks, 13 times on the CATA, and van. Parent involvment was great.
- Lansing library, went 3 times and went to book incentive program. Gave tickets and passes toimpressions 5,
gc to bookstore, etc.Thank you notes to all the parents and sent out.
- Saved money at the Bug House,
- Fair, free.
- Teachers are preparing for fall semester, transitions, etc.
- Staff Ques: Process of Where we Are?
Staff has a
questions of
whe re the
process is in
finding a
Director and
involvement in
the process of
the search.
Search Committee Update: By Tammy Newcomb and Jan Byrne
Tammy Newcomb:
- The Search Committee was formed after the last board meeting. Those on the committee consist of Tammy,
Jan, Ashley, Kahlel/Sonja Hakim, Lori Strom, Lauren Marinez. Met twice and have discussed the process,
timeline, developed cirteria for Michigan State.
- Process closed on August 15th . There were 14 applications, out of those 14 only 3 submitted completed
applicationss. This was in spite of Jan Byrne contacting the individuals prior to deadline and informing them of
their incomplete application.
- Search Committee decided if they can't read the requirement then they cannot be the Director. Timing issues
in getting the recruitment materials posted. Will keep up postings until after Labor Day.
Gloria: Deanna has completed all posting.
- 3 solid applicants, based on the info submitted. Of the 3 they have reasonable experience and have education
backgrounds about wanting to be the director.
Actual Interview process: Tammy posed question to Kelly to have staff assist in developing evaluation form.
1. Posting
extended until
Sept. 6.;
2. Kelly Rivard
will work with
staff on the
development of
3. Solidifying
intervie w
process and
final candidate
Presentation will be given to staff and interested parents on a single evening. Working on ideas of in- house
process. Classroom visits, teaching demo, but what else?
Question for staff: Should we give staff an update at a staff mtg? Would staff want to hear from committee:
Kelly/Gloria: Staff is ok with the info.
Gloria: Are applicants giving presentations and looking for things from the staff about what they would like to
Tammy: Staff assistance with evaluation will help.
Jan: Gloria assistance on the intial interivews.
Marjana: It was the executive committee idea to have the applicants come in to do a teachng demo, interact
with the staff and do a presentation to parents and staff about their vision for the Center. However, it is the
Search Committee's final decision.
Jan: Tried to post in a wide variety of sites. But if there are other sources, open to suggestions.
Kelly: Question: To clarify the interview process. the director would go through interview, classroom/teaching
demo and forum. From there a decision would be made on who will be the new director?
Tammy: Yes. The teachers wanted to know if they would be spending time in the classroom. One on one time?
Kahlel (Guest): Discussed the possibility of candidates observing, or putting on a presentation, observe to
produce more qualitative feedback, a better sense of their thinking and actions.
Carey: What happens if someone is not local?
Tammy: Interview and day at the Center
Nathan: Forum, essential staff spend time with candidates, and have parents and staff together may be too
Tammy: Chunk of time, Gloria had to come back 2 separate occasions.
Marjana: Possibility of the candidates have a discussion with Nalini?
Carey: Great idea because essentially you are running a business.
Marjana: If the person is good with the children, do we know if they know how to keep a business alive?
Tammy: We should allow special time with Nalini.
Gloria: I hope that a candidate would ask questions surrounding budget, staff handbooks, etc.
Tammy: I think it’s a good idea to schedule special time with Nalini and Gloria for candidates. Any others?
Carey: Will the search committee give a board perspective?
Tammy: General tour of facility.
Carey: What are parents, future parents being told as far as the transition? is it status quo?
Gloria: At the orientations I state I am the Interim Director and state previous directpr has left, etc. It doesn't
seem to phase the parents at all.
Anna: How many are you hoping to have in the final #?
Jan: Hopes are based on 20 applicants, interview 7 people face to face, and narrow to 3. This is what was
Anna: Want a few more that we can choose from.
Jan: Talked about extending process now. More efficient to extend now.
Tammy: Depending on what we get, interview, and not acceptable, will start over.
4. Questions
regarding the
search process,
please contact
Tammy or Jan.
Kelly: Who do staff/parents contact?
Marjana: Jan and Tammy.
Next Meeting
- Update of SCDC Board Emails- Ashley will send out an email for Board to correct email information.
- Nomination forms and letters- Ashley will send what she has from last year.
- Meeting dates for upcoming year.
All Board
me mbers edit
your email
and submit
information to
NEXT MEETING: Friday, September 19, 2011 at 5:30p.m.
Member Voting
Anna Malavisi
Ashley Harding
Carey Elder
Dave Almy
Eric Trotochaud
Janet Byrne
Kathy Vogel
Kelly Rivard
Marjana Cook
Pat Enos
Gloria Sabourin
Sharri Margraves
Stephene Benkert
Tammy Newcomb
Minutes Approved
* Shading indicates non-voting board me mbers