Design Entry with the Schematic

Short Guide for the Usage of the ISE/Webpack Schematic Editor ECS
(ISE-Version 6.2, Win-XP/German, Rch 09/04)
Creation of a new project:
File →New Project:
Top-Level Module Type:
Device Family:
Speed Grade:
Synthesis Tool
Generated Simulation Language:
New Source
Weiter, Fertig Stellen, ...
Project Location: \ISEwork\Lab1
XC9500 CPLDs
XST (Abel)
Filename <filename>
An empty schematic-window opens.
To creat a schematic with ECS you will have to:
Place logic symbols
Place input- and output buffers
only on the top-level schematic!
Wire the symbols and ports
Place I/O markers in appropriate directions
Rename the I/O markers
(<CTRL+F>, Category Logic)
(<CTRL+F>, Category IO)
(<CTRL+G>, Help: find "Adding an I/O marker")
(select I/O marker, chose context menu, object properties)
Additional import notes for ECS:
1. The schematic editor uses the auto-repeat function for symbol placement which you can leave by pressing
2. Use Add Symbol / <CTRL+F> to open the symbol list window. Select a suitable category. Drag and drop
the symbol horizontally to the schematic (otherwise you'll probably drag a different symbol!). Move it to
the appropriate position.
3. To create a macro from an existing schematic use:
Tools → Symbol Wizard
Pin Name Source: Using Schematic <filename.sch>
4. A short piece of wire has to be connected in front of / behind the gates or IBUFs / OBUFs. Also the selected
port direction must be correct (See the sub window which opens: Select either Input or Output).
5. Check the correctness of the schematic using: Tools →Check Schematic
6. File→ Save
(VHDL based) Simulation of schematic circuits:
In ISE/Webpack select schematic to be simulated and:
Hint: Use a do-file for wave output generation and input stimuli!
Launch ModelSim Simulator
Preparing the schematic design for implementation:
Add the pinout constraints file (for example Xc95108.ucf) to the design:
and associate it with the top-level schematic.
Design implementation:
Project → Add Source