Social Work - University of Tasmania

Unit details [HGW]
Interpersonal Theory and Practice 1
Enrolment code: HGW301
Offered: Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
Consists of two parts: (a) Working with Individuals: develops an understanding of the
helping process in the context of human services; examines a number of interventions
including active listening, problem solving, griefwork and crisis intervention. Workshops
are experiential and focus on communication skills as they relate to social case work.
(b) Small Group Theory: provides an introduction to the central concepts and concerns of
group work theory; and explores group dynamics and group processes in relation to
planning, implementing and evaluating group programs, including teams, task force
committees and mutual support groups.
Staff: Ms D Smith
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 8 day-long teaching workshops
Prereq: entry to Year 1 of BSW
Assess: part (a) completion of workbook (20%) live interview (20%), 2-hr exam in June
(40%); part (b) 2,000-word essay (20%)
Required: Interpersonal Theory and Practice 1 Reader.
Courses: [R3B] [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
Social Work Practice and Theory
Enrolment code: HGW302
Offered: Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
Assists students in developing an understanding of the social work profession at a
beginning level. Students consider relationships between theory and practice and examine
issues, problems and dilemmas that confront social workers in their daily practice. In
doing so, they will also analyse the relation of theory to values, attitudes, beliefs and
action in social work and in the wider social context.
Staff: Ms C Craft
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Unit details [HGW]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 6 day-long teaching workshops
Prereq: entry to year 1 of BSW
Assess: 2,000-word essay (25%), 1,500-word essay (35%), 2-hr exam in June (40%)
Required: Social Work Practice and Theory Reader
Ife, J, Rethinking Social Work, Longman, Melb, 1997
Payne M, Modern Social Work Theory: A Critical Introduction, Macmillan, Lond, 1991.
Courses: [R3B] [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
Social Work Practicum 1
Enrolment code: HGW303
Offered: Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Students are provided with a 14 week fieldwork placement in a social work setting in
order to experience a range of practice tasks. Qualified supervisors (Social Workers with a
minimum of 2 years experience in the field) are allocated to each student and, through
supervision, the theory of social work is translated into practice. Assistance is provided to
ensure that students’ personal reactions to social work practice are better understood.
Students are required to attend 4 workshops which prepare them for the practicum.
Staff: Ms S Patton
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: (14 wks fieldwork placement) (490 hrs) in a social service agency with the
supervision of a qualified social worker
Prereq: successful completion of all first year BSW academic units
Assess: Continuous evaluation of student performance by the Fieldwork supervisor. At
mid placement and at the end of placement, student, fieldwork supervisor and liaison staff
(from the School of Sociology & Social Work at the University) formally evaluate student
performance based on the education plan and the Assessment Workbook. In addition to
successfully meeting the performance standards of the placement evaluation, students
must attend the integration days and complete the required assignment.
Recommend: Bogo M & Vayda E, The Practice of Field Instruction in Social Work, Uni Toronto,
Courses: [R3B] [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [HGW]
Social Policy
Enrolment code: HGW304/404
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Provides students with an understanding of the social policy process and its relationship
with social work practice in the Australian context. Students consider the value dilemmas
and the social, political and economic influences in contemporary policy making, and by
critically assessing policy initiatives and the areas of problem identification and policy
formulation and implementation, help to develop their own framework for practice.
Staff: Dr J Patford
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
Prereq: entry to year 1 of BSW
Assess: oral presentation (15%), 2,000-word paper (35%), 3-hr exam in June (50%)
Required: Social Policy Reader
other texts discussed in class
Recommend: O’Faircheallaigh C, Wanna J &Weller P, Public Sector Management in Australia,
2nd edn, MacMillan Ed, 1999
Courses: [R3B] [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
Research Processes in Social Work
Enrolment code: HGW305/405
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Introduces students to various types of social work research and covers basic skills in
regard to data entry and analysis.
Staff: Prof R Bland
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
Prereq: entry to Year 1 of BSW
Assess: tutorial presentation (10%), 3,000-word assignment (40%), 2-hr exam in June (50%)
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Unit details [HGW]
Required: Alston M & Bowles W, Research for Social Workers: An Introduction to Methods,
Allen and Unwin, Syd, 1998.
Courses: [R3B] [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
Organisational Context
Enrolment code: HGW306/406
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Reviews key areas of organisational theory and explores the impact of economic,
legislative and cultural changes on Australian welfare organisations.
Staff: Dr J Patford
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
Prereq: entry to Year 1 of BSW
Assess: tutorial presentation (15%), 2,000-word assignment (35%), 3-hr exam in June (50%)
Required: discussed in class
Recommend: Jones A & May J, Working in Human Service Organisations, Longman Cheshire
Aust, 1992.
Courses: [R3B] [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
Social Work Practice and the Law
Enrolment code: HGW307/407
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Provides students with an awareness and understanding of the legal dimensions and
issues in a number of specific areas and settings in which social work and law typically
interact. The unit enables them to perform as competent social workers who have an
understanding of legal institutions, issues and procedures, as well as of the major areas of
law which relate to their practice.
Staff: Prof R Bland
Unit weight: 12.5%
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Unit details [HGW]
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
Prereq: entry to Year 1 of BSW
Assess: 1,000-word tutorial paper (10%), tutorial presentation (10%), 2,000-word essay
(30%), 2-hr exam (50%)
Required: Hobart Community Legal Centre, The Tasmanian Law Handbook, 1998
Swain P, In the Shadow of the Law: The Legal Context of Social Work Practice, Federation Press,
Courses: [R3B] [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
Interpersonal Theory and Practice 2
Enrolment code: HGW401
Offered: Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
Consists of two parts: (a) Casework with Individuals and Families: builds on the
communication skills learned in HGW301 and integrates them into the more complex
interventions involved in social casework. Reference is made throughout the workshops to
age, gender, cultural background and agency context, emphasising their relevance for
practice. Ethical issues and the principles of social justice are addressed throughout.
(b) Groupwork Theory and Practice: provides an opportunity for students to integrate
groupwork theory and practice, by joining a number of groups both as leaders and as
participants and completing a detailed analysis of at least one group session. Workshops
are experiential and based on a range of topics relevant to social work practice.
Staff: Ms C Craft
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 8 day-long teaching workshops
Prereq: completion of all 1st-year BSW requirements
Assess: practical demonstration of skills (40%), 2-hr exam (30%), group presentation (10%),
groupwork log (20%)
Required: Interpersonal Theory & Practice 2 Reader
Courses: [R3B] [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
Community Work Practice
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Unit details [HGW]
Enrolment code: HGW402
Offered: Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
Explores the historical development and theoretical foundations of community work
practice. Relevant knowledge and practice skills are developed through analysis of
Australian and overseas projects.
Staff: Ms S Patton
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 6 day-long teaching workshops
Prereq: completion of all 1st-year BSW requirements
Assess: 3,000-word assignment (50%), 2-hr exam in June (50%)
Required: Ife J, Community Development, Longman Melb, 1995
Community Work Reader
Courses: [R3B] [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
Social Work Practicum 2
Enrolment code: HGW403
Offered: Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Is conducted in the same manner as HGW303. Students draw on experiences gained from
the first fieldwork placement. There is an expectation that students will be functioning
reasonably independently as a beginning level practitioner and will demonstrate greater
familiarity with the field by the completion of the placement.
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: (14 wks fieldwork placement) (490 hrs) in a social service agency with the
supervision of a qualified social worker
Prereq: completion of all first year BSW units and second year BSW academic units
M.excl: HGW408, HGW409
Assess: as for HGW303
Required: as for HGW303
Courses: [R3B]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [HGW]
Social Work Practicum 2 (Honours)
Enrolment code: HGW408
Offered: Ltn: sem 2,
Special note: differs from HGW403 only in the number of weeks and weight
Unit description:
Has the same objectives as HGW403.
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: (10 wks fieldwork placement) (350 hrs) in a social service agency with the
supervision of a qualified social worker
Prereq: completion of all first year BSW units and second year BSW academic units
M.excl: HGW403
Assess: as for HGW303
Required: as for HGW303
Courses: [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
Social Work Practicum 3 (Honours)
Enrolment code: HGW409
Offered: Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Is a 10-week research placement. The unit provides the opportunity for students to
implement the research proposal prepared as a part of HGW410.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: compulsory attendance (10 wks placement) (350 hrs) in a research
Prereq: successful completion of HGW410 in sem 1 and University Ethics Committee
approval for research proposal
M.excl: HGW403
Assess: regular contact with supervisor, adequate work output, attendance at honours
seminars and research presentations as required.
Required: as for HGW303
Courses: [R4B]
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Unit details [HGW]
Faculty website: <>
Social Work Honours Dissertation
Enrolment code: HGW410
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Special note: may be completed full time or part time
Unit description:
Builds on the knowledge gained in HGW305/405 Research Processes in Social Work. The
unit provides an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge of either quantitative
or qualitative research methods to a topic of their choosing as approved by the Honours
Staff: Dr J Patford
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: sem 1: 5x1-hr seminars, 1-hr supervision weekly; sem 2: 1-hr supervision
weekly, 3x2-hr seminars
Prereq: entry into BSW(Hons)
M.excl: HGW403
Assess: 4,000–8,000-word dissertation (100%)
Courses: [R4B]
Faculty website: <>
Reflective Practice
Enrolment code: HGW701
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Focuses on the development of reflective practice in social work. The unit provides an
innovative framework to guide reflection on the knowledge and values that influence
social work practice. Models of supervision are also explored.
Staff: Prof R Bland (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 6 x 6.5-hr workshops
Assess: 4,000-word essay (40%), video and reflective exercise (40%), class presentation
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Unit details [HGW]
Required: Course reader
Courses: [R7H]
Faculty website: <>
Context of Social Work Practice
Enrolment code: HGW702
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Explores the changing political context of social work practice. The unit aims to provide
students with the opportunity to discuss the rapid changes that have occurred at an
international, national and local policy level in the last decade. The unit focuses on
international politics including globalisation, the national political context and the impact
of economic rationalism, managerialism and policies such as mutual obligation and
consumer participation. The impact of these changes on human service organisations and
the role of social work will be emphasised.
Staff: Prof R Bland (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 6 x 6.5-hr workshops
Assess: 4,000-word essay (40%), 3,000-word essay (40%), class presentation (20%)
Required: Course reader
Courses: [R7H]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Practice A
Enrolment code: HGW703
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Focuses on advanced practice knowledge and skills in a range of social work methods
including family work, group work and community work. Recent theoretical
developments in these areas are presented and students have the opportunity to explore
how these might be applied in their work contexts.
Staff: Prof R Bland (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
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Unit details [HGW]
Teaching pattern: 6 x 6.5-hr workshops (13 wks)
Assess: 4,000-word essay (40%), video and reflective exercise (40%), class presentation
Courses: [R7H]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Practice B
Enrolment code: HGW704
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Explores advanced practice knowledge and skills in a range of social work fields
including mental health, child protection, domestic violence, sexual assault and addiction.
The unit is issue based and students will have the opportunity to focus on areas that are
relevant to their work. The unit is problem focused and emphasises the integration of
social work methods and the development of innovative responses within each field.
Staff: Prof R Bland (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 6 x 6.5-hr workshops (13 wks)
Assess: 4,000-word essay (40%), video and reflective exercise (40%), class presentation
Courses: [R7H]
Faculty website: <>
Minor Thesis
Enrolment code: HGW705
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Students in this unit are required to conduct an original piece of research. The topic may
be chosen from any area of interest to the student within social work practice and the
methodology may be qualitative or quantitative.
Staff: Prof R Bland (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 50%
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Unit details [HGW]
Teaching pattern: students are required to attend the research methodology seminars
conducted as a part of the Master of Social Work by Research.
Prereq: Completion of HGW701, HGW702, HGW703, HGW704
Assess: minor thesis of 15,000–20,000 words
Courses: [R7H]
Faculty website: <>
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