Critical Reading Roots 51-60 Preview Directions: In the blank after

Critical Reading
Roots 51-60 Preview
Directions: In the blank after the numbered root, define the root. Then use
the definitions and the etymological clues to identify the example that is
being described after each asterisk. Finally, if necessary, revisit the
definition to see if you were correct. If not, revise the definition.
51. clus: ________________________
 _______________________: privacy [Ltn. “sē”=apart +
“claudere”=to shut]
 _______________________: the act of shutting out [Ltn.
“ex”=out + “claudere”=to shut]
 _______________________: the close or last part of
something [Ltn. “con”=with, together + “claudere”=to close]
 _______________________: the act of taking someone or
something in as a member [Ltn. “in”=in + “claudere”=to close]
 _______________________: one who withdraws to live in
solitude and seclusion [Ltn. “re” (intensive) = "claudere”=to
52. cord: ________________________
 _______________________: diffusing warmth and
friendliness [Ltn: “cordiālis”= from “cord”= heart]
 _______________________: harmony or agreement of
feelings [Ltn. “con” (“com”)=with + “cord”=heart]
 _______________________: lack of agreement [Ltn.
“dis”=apart + “cord”=heart]
 _______________________: harmony or agreement [Ltn.
“ac” (ad) = toward + “cordis”=heart]
53. corp: ________________________
 _______________________: a dead body, especially the
dead body of a human [Ltn. “corpus”=body]
 _______________________: a body of persons acting
together under common direction [Ltn. “corpus”=body]
 _______________________: a group of people combined
into or acting as one body. [Ltn. “corporatus”=formed into one
 _______________________: of the body ; bodily [Ltn.
54. cosm: ________________________
 _______________________: of or pertaining to the
universe [Grk. “kosmos”= universe]
 _______________________: common to the whole world
[Grk. “kosmos”=universe + “polites”=citizen]
 _______________________: an astronaut [Grk. “kosmos”=
universe + “nautēs”=sailor]
 _______________________: serving to correct physical
defects (or put them “in order”) [Grk. “kosmein”=to arrange]
 _______________________: a small representative
system [Ltn: “mīkros”= small + “kosmos” world, order]
55. cour: ________________________
 _______________________: the quality of mind that
allows one to face danger [Ltn. “cour”= heart]
 _______________________: polite behavior; gracious
manner [Ltn. “cour”= heart]
 _______________________: to deprive of confidence,
hope, or spirit [Ltn. “dis”=apart + “cour”=heart]
 _______________________: to inspire with hope, courage,
or confidence [Latin “en” (in)=to cause + “cour”=heart]
56. crac: ________________________
 _______________________: government by the people
[Grk. “dēmos”=people + “kratiā”=rule]
 _______________________: a hereditary privileged ruling
class or nobility [Grk. “aristos”=best + “kratiā”=rule]
 _______________________: an administrative system in
which the need to follow complex procedures impedes
effective action [Fr. “bureau”=office + Grk. “kratiā”=rule]
 _______________________: government by the wealthy
[Grk. “ploutos”=wealth + “kratiā”=rule]
57. crat: ________________________
 _______________________: an advocate of government
by the people [Greek “dēmos”=people + “kratiā”=rule]
 _______________________: a member of the nobility
[Greek “aristos”=best + “kratiā”=rule]
 _______________________: an official who insists on
rigid adherence to rules, forms, and routines [Fr.
“bureau”=office + Grk. “kratiā”=rule]
 _______________________: a ruler having absolute or
unrestricted power [Grk. “auto”=self + “kratiā”=rule]
58. crease: ________________________
 _______________________: to multiply or reproduce [Ltn.
“in”=within + “crēscere”=to grow]
 _______________________: to grow or cause to grow
gradually lesser or smaller [Ltn. “de”=reverse + “crēscere”=to
59. cred: ________________________
 _______________________: reputation for integrity [Ltn.
“crēdere”= to entrust]
 _______________________: that which entitles one to
confidence, credit, or authority. [Ltn. “crēdere”= to entrust]
 _______________________: believable [Ltn. “crēdere”=
to entrust]
60. cres: ________________________
 _______________________: a gradual increase, especially
in the volume or intensity of sound in a passage [Ltn.
“crēscere” = to increase]
 _______________________: the figure of the moon as it
appears in its first quarter with concave and convex edges
terminating in points [Ltn. “crēscere” = to increase]