TSA Employees Policy - Tennessee State University

The purpose of this policy is to establish the criteria for establishing and terminating access by
Temporary Service Agency employees’ to the TSU Computer Resources.
Temporary Service Agency (TSA) employees will be granted access to TSU Computer Resources
for a period of 30 days after the TSA employee completes and signs a Confidentiality Agreement
form and computer access is requested by the department/unit head.
The department/unit head will require that the TSA employee complete the Confidentiality
Agreement (http://www.tnstate.edu/cit/forms/EmployeeConfidentialityAgreement.pdf) and
forward the agreement to the Red Flag Officer. This agreement must be completed and
submitted prior to any account creation and/or granting of access to University Computer
The department/unit head submits a request through their TSU e-mail account to the CIT Help
Desk (helpdesk@tnstate.edu) for TSA employee access to the TSU Network and a TSU e-mail
account. The request must include the TSA employee’s name, department assigned, telephone
number, immediate supervisor, and dates of service.
The CIT Help Desk completes and submits a Work Order to Systems Support to establish the
TSA employee’s network and e-mail account.
Systems Support will verify that the Confidentiality Agreement (see step 1 above) has been
signed and is on file. Systems Support will create the TSA employee University account and
e-mail account and close the Work Order (see step 3 above).
Upon completion of the network and e-mail account, the department/unit head is notified by
Help Desk. A work order is established to have the TSA employee desktop computer setup to
use the network and e-mail account and verify that the computer can access the Banner
The department/unit head/supervisor submits a written request for required Banner Systems
access to the corresponding Banner Systems Security Officer. This request must include the
TSA employee’s name, department assigned, telephone number, immediate supervisor, and
dates of service.
The Banner Security Officers will initiate a Help Desk Work Order specifying the Banner
system access required for the TSA employee. This request must include TSA employee’s
name, department assigned, telephone number, immediate supervisor, and dates of service.
The MIS Data Base Analyst verifies that the TSA employee has completed Confidentiality
Agreement Form (see step 1 above) and that the TS network and e-mail account has been
granted by Systems Support.
The MIS Data Base Analyst establishes the requested Banner system access and notifies (via
e-mail) the Banner Security Officer, the TSA employee’s supervisor and the TSA employee
that the requested access has been granted.
10. All computer access granted to TSA employees will be automatically terminated 30 days after
the access is granted. Renewal of access rights is the responsibility of the department/unit
head who submitted the original request.
1. The department/unit head must submit a computer access extension (30 days) request
through their TSU e-mail account to the CIT Help Desk helpdesk@tnstate.edu and to the
MIS Department MIS@tnstate.edu (if Banner access is required) for the TSA employee.
The request must include the TSA employee’s name, department assigned, telephone
number, immediate supervisor, and dates of service. This request must be made 5 days
prior to the account expiration.
2. The CIT Help Desk completes and submits a Work Order to Systems Support to extend the
TSA employee’s network and e-mail account for a 30 day period.
3. Upon receipt of the Work Order, Systems Support will extend the TSA employee’s TSU
account and e-mail account for a 30 day period and notify the TSA employee and their
supervisor by e-mail.
4. The MIS Data Base Analyst will extend the TSA employee’s Banner access for a 30 day
period and notify the TSA employee and their supervisor by e-mail.
1. The department/unit head is responsible for notifying the CIT Help Desk immediately upon
the TSA employee’s termination of service.
2. The CIT Help Desk completes and submits a Work Order to Systems Support and the MIS
Data Base Analyst to terminate the TSA employee’s network/e-mail account, and Banner
access immediately.
Last Updated: 10/01/2009