Semester Test Review

History Semester Test Review
Study Chapter and Unit tests as well as quizzes, vocabulary, study guide workbook, and this review sheet.
The history final will be begin on Tuesday, December 13th. 1. Differentiate between primary and
secondary sources. Give examples of each.
2. Identify the major eras in U.S. history and describe their defining characteristics:
3. Be able to apply absolute and relative chronology through the sequencing of significant
individuals, events, and time periods and explain the significance of the following dates:
4. 1607 –
5. 1776 –
6. 1787 –
Put the following in the correct sequence:
7.A. Washington elected president
B. Declaration of Independence announced
C. Federalist Papers written
D. Constitutional Convention meets in Philadelphia
9. A. Intolerable Acts
B. Stamp Act
C. Boston Massacre
D. Boston Tea Party
E. Tea Act
8. A. Lexington and Concord
B. Yorktown
C. Treaty of Paris
D. Saratoga
10. A. Puritans settle Massachusetts Bay
B. Colonists begin to grow tobacco
C. Jamestown Colony is founded
D. Roger Williams settles Rhode Island
E. Quakers moved to Pennsylvania
Colonial Era (Chapters 3-5)
What was the British policy of mercantilism?
Why did the Pilgrims and Puritans settle the New England colonies?
Describe the political, geography/economics, and social aspects of the New England, Middle, and
Southern colonies. (Create a chart). Compare/contrast the 3 regions.
Where were the 13 original colonies located? Describe their relative location?
Explain the importance of the Mayflower Compact, Virginia House of Burgesses, and the
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut to the growth of representative government.
Revolutionary Era (Chapter 5-7)
What was the purpose of the Albany Plan of Union?
What was the result of the French and Indian War? How did this mark the beginning of tensions
between Britain and her American colonies.
The __________________________ forbade colonists to settle west of the Appalachian
List the causes of the American Revolution.
Define the following events that led to increased tension with Britain and put in chronological
Stamp Act, Boycott, Sons of Liberty, Townshend Acts, Writs of Assistance, Boston Massacre,
Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts, Second Continental Congress
The colonists protested the new taxes imposed on them because they didn’t think it was fair since
they had no _________________ in the English Parliament.
PatriotLoyalist (tory)Know the following individuals and their roles in the American Revolution:
Patrick Henry –
Samuel Adams- fervent revolutionary; formed Sons of Liberty
Thomas Paine- Wrote Common Sense. What did it say? What was it’s impact?
Paul RevereThomas JeffersonGeorge WashingtonDescribe the parts to the Declaration of Independence. What were some of the grievances
(complaints) listed by the colonist against King George III and explain how these are later
addressed in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. What is an unalienable right? Give an
Know the significance of the following Revolutionary battles:
Lexington and Concord –
Battles of Saratoga- American victory; Turning point of war; France enters war to aid Americans
Yorktown –
Describe the terms of the Treaty of Paris 1783Confederation to Constitution (Chapter 8)
What was the Articles of Confederation? What were it’s weaknesses?
What was the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? Why are they
impt.? What did they establish?
What was the outcome of the Articles of Confederation?
Explain what took place at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. What was the Great
Compromise and what did it deal with? What was the 3/5 compromise?
What were the differences between the Federalists and Antifederalists (the arguments for and
against the Constitution)? What were Patrick Henry and George Mason’s views on ratification?
What were the Federalists Papers? How was the Constitution finally ratified?
Define the following:
ratify, ratification –
amend, amendment –
Define the Const. principles and give examples of where it is reflected in the Constitution
republicanism –
popular sovereignty –
separation of powers –
checks and balances –
federalism –
limited government -Explain the amendment process and why the framers of the Constitution allowed for changes.
What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called? Summarize the rights listed in the
Bill of Rights.
The Early Republic (Chapter 9)
What were some of Washington’s accomplishments as president of the United States?
(Precedents he established, cabinet he chose, Whiskey Rebellion, etc..)
Explain Washington’s foreign policy. Summarize main points in Farewell Address.
What was Hamilton’s plan to reduce the nation’s debt and improve the economy?
Define: tariff, inauguration, state’s rights, nullify
Describe the XYZ Affair and the Alien and Sedition Acts of Adam’s presidency
Explain the origin and development of America’s political parties. How did the Federalists and
Democratic-Republicans differ? Define strict vs. loose construction.