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Practice Essay Questions

Causes of WWI

1. Why did the countries of Europe form two alliance blocs?

2. How did the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 affect the relationship between France and Germany?

3. How did each of the four long-term causes help to increase the likelihood of war?

4. Which of the four long-term causes was the greatest threat to peace?

1. Why did tension and rivalry increase in Europe between 1900 and 1914?

2. How did each of the eight incidents help to increase the likelihood of war?

3. Which of the eight incidents was the greatest threat to peace?

4. How did the German Empire try to expand?

5. How did the balance of power change in the Balkans in the years before 1914?

6. Why did rivalry develop between Britain and Germany, 1890-1914?

1. How was Franz Ferdinand assassinated?

2. To what extent was Serbia to blame for the tragedy?

1. To what extent did the Schlieffen Plan help to cause a war in 1914?

2. Why did the Schlieffen Plan fail?

1. How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to the outbreak of war in 1914?

2. Why did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to the outbreak of war in 1914?

3. What role did Kaiser Wilhelm II play in the development of hostility in Europe?


What role did the alliance system play in the causes of WWI?

How did Bismark affect the alliance system?

Treaty of Versailles

1. In what sense were people's hopes for the treaty possibly unrealistic?

2. Why did the big three disagree at the conference?

3. Why did the Germans claim that the peace treaty was unfair?

4. What were the motives and aims of the big three at Versailles?

1. What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

2. What were the territorial, military and financial provisions of the Treaty of Versailles?

3. What did the Germans think of the treaty?

4. Why did the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles make the Germans so angry?

1. How did the treaty-makers of 1919-1923 treat the defeated countries?

2. What were the main features of Eastern Europe as decided by the peace-makers of 1919-1923?

1. Why did the different countries hate or like the different provisions?

2. Why didn’t all of the victors get everything they wanted?

3. Was the Treaty of Versailles a failure?

4. How successfully did the peace-makers of 1919-1923 arrange the re-organization of Eastern Europe?

5. Could the treaties be justified at the time?

6. Discuss whether you agree with the statement: "No one could criticize the aims of the peace-makers or the good intentions of the principles they tried to follow."

League of Nations

1. How did the organization of the League hope to keep the peace?

2. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the League?

3. To what extent were the League's aims too ambitious?

4. To what extent was the League more strong than weak, or more weak than strong?

1. To what extent did the League manage to stop disputes between countries in the 1920s?

2. To what extent was the League successful in its work for a better world in the 1920s?

1. Which did the greater damage to the League - the Manchurian or the Abyssinian crisis?

1. Why did the League fail? - think about how each of these factors harmed the League:

- the League's cumbersome organization

- the League's over-ambitious aims

- the League weak powers

- America and the USSR never joined

- France and Britain

- the effects of the economic depression

- the failures of the League

- Germany, Italy and Japan

2. Did the League die (ie. failed from within), or was it killed (ie destroyed from outside)?

3. Which were the most important factors in the failure of the League and why?

Germany 1918 – 1939

1. What did the Weimar Constitution of 1919 say?

2. How good was the Weimar Constitution?

1. What were the main problems faced by the Weimar Republic in the period 1919-23?

2. Why was the Weimar Republic in danger of collapse, 1919-23?

3. How great was the danger of collapse facing the Weimar republic, 1919-23?

4. Which of the Weimar government's problems were a result of losing the First World War?

5. Which of the Weimar government's problems were caused by anger about the Treaty of Versailles?

1. Why was there a crisis in Germany in 1923?

2. Why did Germany suffer hyperinflation in 1923?

3. How did hyperinflation affect Germany in 1923?

4. How close was the Weimar Republic to collapse in 1923?

1. What did the Nazis believe?

2. How did the Nazis try to appeal to different groups of people?

1. What happened in the Munich Putsch?

2. Why did Hitler attempt the Munich Putsch in 1923?

3. How was the Nazi Party affected by the Munich Putsch?

1. Why the Weimar Government survived in 1923.

2. What the achievements of the Weimar period were.

3. To what extent did the Weimar government recover after 1923?

4. To what extent was Stresemann or Dawes more important to Weimar Germany's success?

5. To what extent was Weimar Germany a success in the period 1923-1929?

1. How did Hitler came to power in 1933?

2. Why did Hitler came to power in 1933?

3. How important was Hitler in the Nazis' rise to power?

4. Why did the Weimar Republic collapse?

1. Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start?

2. Was it inevitable - or simply bad luck - that Hitler came to power in 1933?

1. How did Hitler consolidate his power, 1933-1934?

2. How did Hitler change Germany from a democracy to a dictatorship?

3. Which event marked the end of the Weimar Republic - the Enabling Act or the banning of political parties?

1. How did the Nazis control people's lives?

2. What were the main features of the totalitarian dictatorship in Nazi Germany?

1. How successful were Nazi policies towards women and the family?

1. What different kinds of people opposed the Nazis and why?

2. How much opposition there was to the Nazi regime?

3. How effectively did the Nazis deal with their opponents?

1. Why did the Nazis persecute many groups in German society?

2. How did the Nazis persecute many groups in German society?

1. To what extent were Hitler's economic policies a success?

2. How did Hitler's economic policies benefit the German people?

Road to WWII

1. How did Hitler violate the Treaty of Versailles, 1933-1939?

2. How did Hitler achieve the three aims in his foreign policy, 1933-1939?

3. How did other countries react to Hitler's aggression?

4. When was the 'point of no return'?

1. How did Chamberlain hope that appeasement would keep the peace?

2. What were Chamberlain's reasons for appeasement?

3. To what extent was appeasement a wise policy?

1. Why did Britain abandon the policy of appeasement in the year after the Munich Agreement?

2. Which was the most important factor causing Britain to abandon the policy of appeasement?

3. Why did Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia cause many British people to want to abandon the policy of appeasement?

1. Why did Stalin chose an alliance with Nazi Germany, rather than an alliance with France and Britain?

2. Why did the Nazi-Soviet pact astonish the world, and was called by one historian "the greatest diplomatic bombshell

of the century"?

3. How did the Nazi-Soviet Pact bring war nearer?

1. To what extent did each of the following play a part in causing the war?

 Treaty of Versailles

 League of Nations

 appeasement

 Nazi-Soviet Pact

2. Who was most to blame?




Causes of the Cold War


Why were the USA and the USSR suspicious of each other in the years after the Second World War?


What was the Cold War?


Why was Roosevelt's death a turning point in the causes of the Cold War?


How was the Yalta Conference different to the Potsdam Conference?


Why did the agreements of Yalta dissolve into the disagreements of Potsdam?


How did Stalin achieve power in Eastern Europe?


To what extent did the Fulton speech cause the Cold War?

1. What were each of the following: Truman Doctrine, containment, Marshall Plan.

2. Why did America offer Marshall Aid to Europe, and Why did Stalin reject it for Communist countries?

3. What part did the Marshall Plan play in worsening relations between the USA and the USSR?

1. Which country was more to blame for the start of the Cold War: the USA or the USSR?

Developments in the Cold War 1948 - 1961


How did the Allies divide Germany in 1945?


Why was there a crisis in Berlin in 1948?


What happened in the Berlin Blockade and airlift of 1948?


How was the Berlin airlift a good example of the Cold War?


How did the Berlin crisis of 1948 affect the Cold War?

1. Why did the Korean War break out in 1950?

2. Why did America chose to defend South Korea?

3. Why did America go through the United Nations to defend South Korea?

4. What happened in the Korean War?

5. To what extent was the Korean War was a success for the USA?

1. Why were people most afraid of the world ending in a nuclear war between 1953 and 1960?

2. How did America and Russia compete with each other in the 1950s?

3. Why did America and Russia compete with each other in the 1950s?

4. How did Khrushchev change East-West relations in the 1950s?

1. Why was there a revolution in Hungary in 1956?

2. What happened in the Hungarian Revolution?

3. Why did the Russians crush the Hungarian Revolution?

4. How did the Hungarian Revolution affect East-West relations?

1. How did the U2 incident damage Soviet-US relations?

1. Why was the Berlin Wall built?

2. What can the Berlin Wall tell us about the nature of the Cold War in the 1960s?

1. To what extent was there a thaw in the Cold War after 1953?

2. What features characterized the Cold War in the 1950s and 1960s?

Cuban Missile Crisis

1. Why did the USA and the USSR clash over Cuba in 1962?

2. What were the issues - on both sides - in the Cuban missile crisis?

3. Who would you blame for the Cuban missile crisis?

1. What were the results of the Cuban crisis?

2. Who won the Cuban crisis - Kennedy or Khrushchev?

End of the Cold War

1. Why was there a revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1968?

2. What happened in the Prague Spring?

3. Why did the Russians crush the Czechoslovakian Revolution?

4. How did the events of 1968 in Czechoslovakia affect East-West relations?

1. Why did the USA try to improve relations with China in the 1970s?

2. What did détente achieve in the 1970s?

3. To what extent was détente was successful in the 1970s?

4. To what extent was there any genuine détente between East and West in the 1970s?

1. How did the invasion of Afghanistan worsen relations between the USA and USSR?

2. How did détente collapse in the late 1970s and early 1980s?

3. Why did détente collapse in the late 1970s and early 1980s?

4. How were Reagan and Gorbachev able to improve relations between America and Russia?

5. Why did communism in Central and Eastern Europe collapse?

6. How important was Solidarity in the collapse of communism?

7. To what extent was Gorbachev responsible for the collapse of Soviet control over Eastern Europe?

8. To what extent was Reagan responsible for the collapse of communism?
