Saint Mary School

Saint Mary School
LUXEMBURG, WI 54217-1308
PHONE 920-845-2224
Total Catholic Education
Educating the Whole Child
Mr. William J. Matchefts
February 6, 2014
Dear Parents,
We had a wonderful Catholic Schools Week! Thank you to everyone who was able to come to the Mass
on January 26th and for your support of the activities we had during the week. I am grateful to Arletta
Bertrand and Richard Dorner for coming in and talking about what their grade school experiences were
like in the 1950’s. I am also grateful to Home and School for their help with the CSW activities, in
particular Sherriee Peppin for chairing the Formal Lunch. Sherriee and Connie Mrotek popped the
popcorn for the movie on Friday afternoon. Thank you to Steve and Jill Marsh for arranging for the
refreshments after Mass. Evergreen Theater has been rescheduled for March 18th.
We held the Jump Rope for Heart on Friday and the students raised $1508.00 for the American Heart
Home and School’s Computers for Education fund raiser produced about $370.00. Thank you for your
support and to Gerard Deprez for chairing this activity.
The Luxemburg Council of the Knights of Columbus is sponsoring the annual Knowledge Contest on
Saturday, February 8th, at 10:30 am in St. Mary’s School lunchroom. The spelling and math contests are
open to all 5th through 8th graders. Registration is held the morning of the contest.
Don’t forget that this is “Seroogy’s Candy Bar” weekend at church. This sale supports the bus
transportation for fifth and sixth grade band students at St. Mary School. Pick up your Valentine treats
in the church hall!
The Scrip proceeds are in for the first and second quarters of the school year. Total sales were
$125,245.09 which netted a profit of $4428.23. Thank you to all who purchase Scrip and for the
volunteers who manage the program!
The Luxemburg-Casco School District announced the first semester Honor Rolls and the following St.
Mary graduates were among those listed: Katie Barrett, Alysha Martin, Cassidy Salentine, Sara
Simonar, Isabella Haen, Allan Jaeger, Logan Joniaux, Rachel Paul, William Simonar, Megan Theys,
Kendal Vandevelde, Benjamin Cravillion, Mitchell Hakari, Emily Schiltz, Jacob Shefchik, Ty
Dorner, Courtney Kline, Morgan Michiels, Cole Peppin, Jordan Tlachac, Alexis Dart, Kate Delcore,
Nathan Giachino, Samuel Larson, Mitchell Ronsman, Nicole Ciha and Mariah Tebon.
We are a couple of weeks into the third quarter already. Mid-terms for students in grades 4 – 6 will be
sent home on Thursday, February 20th.
Students will be dismissed at 12:15 pm on Friday, February 21st.
William J. Matchefts
Catholic Education ~ Light the Way for your Children’s Future