Donation Form (Word doc) - Northwood

Show your N~K School Spirit
Homecoming Week
September 23-27
Kick off Friday, September 27 7:00 p.m.
NK cheerleaders have fun activities planned for homecoming week and are looking for your help. Every year
the cheerleaders and football players visit the pre-school-6th grade class rooms.
They have a pep assembly at the elementary, spend time in class and read with them, eat lunch, play outside for
recess and much more. One of the high lights of the day is selling spirit tattoos to the children, and this is where
you come in. We would like to team up with you this year, and make sure EVERY student get to have their
school spirit shine. We are looking for sponsorships in providing tattoos for EVERY NK elementary student.
We are looking for donations of all size to make this happen.
Thank you for considering making a donation to show your school spirit.
Name: ________________________________
Donation ranges:
_______ $1.00-10.00 Red
_______$11.00-15.00 White
______$16.00 and up Blue
Checks can be written to NK Cheer and sent to Cindy Pangburn 1203 1 st Ave S Northwood or dropped off at the NK high school office.