Groundwork Somerville

Groundwork Somerville
24 Park Street #7
Somerville, MA 02143
Need a JOB?
Groundwork Somerville is hiring 18-25 year olds for our National Park Preserver Summer Program
What is National Park Preservers?
National Park Preservers (NPP) is a youth jobs program for 18-25 year olds with some connection to Somerville,
MA who will train and work in the Minuteman National Historic Park throughout the summer in the rehabilitation
of historic agricultural fields within Minute Man National Historical Park. This work will improve overgrown
agricultural fields within the Battle Road Unit of the park. The work will include clearing overgrown vegetation
along historic stone walls and removal of invasive plant species from cultural landscapes. They will also install
livestock fencing to allow animals to graze the fields, and clear agricultural ditches to help drain the fields.
Improvements to the park’s cultural landscape will increase visitor enjoyment of park resources and visitor
understanding of the opening battle of the American Revolution. Work will include clearing invasive vegetation
from overgrown fields and stone walls, rebuilding stone walls, thinning overgrown hedgerows, installing
livestock fencing, clearing agricultural drainage ditches, assisting with farm activities and other tasks associated
with preserving the park’s historic agrarian landscape.
Youth will also receive hands-on training at Minute Man National Park, with instruction, project oversight and
supervision of Park based training activities provided by park staff. Preservation training on historic agricultural
landscape and field rehabilitation will include some or all of the following: clearing invasive vegetation from
overgrown fields and stone walls, rebuilding stone walls, thinning overgrown hedgerows, installing livestock
fencing, eradicating non-native invasive plants, clearing agricultural drainage ditches, assisting with farm
activities and other tasks associated with preserving the park’s historic agrarian landscape.
Project supplies and uniforms: Boots, gloves, poison ivy scrub and other essential supplies will be provided for
the work to be done at MNHP.
National Park Service Volunteer Hours: Each NPP member will participate in periodic volunteer service
projects around the City of Somerville. These service projects can include, but are not limited to: clean up of
vacant lots, maintenance of urban agriculture sites, an invasive species clearing along the Mystic River,
partnerships with local businesses, and outreach for public meetings. Due to the rigorous schedule of the program,
this will not exceed four days throughout the summer, and are to be performed generally on weekends and after
work hours as possible.
This will be a full time job from July 1 – August 23, 40 hours a week, 8am-4pm in the park. Employees may
arrive under their own transportation, or may meet at 7am at the Gorundwork Office at 24 Park St. in Somerville
to receive a ride to the Park. They may also return in this fashion, arriving back in Somerville at 5pm. Pay is
How do I apply?
Return the attached application to Kristin DelViscio at Groundwork Somerville by the deadline MAY 9th, 2014!
Questions: Contact Kristin at, 617-628-9988, or stop by the Groundwork
Somerville office:
24 Park Street #7
Somerville, MA 02143
Groundwork Somerville
21 Properzi Way, Suite O
Please return all materials to the Groundwork Somerville office by Friday, May 9th.
Contact Information:
Home: ______________________Cell:____________________________
Personal Information (All information will be kept confidential, questions will NOT
negatively influence your chances of getting hired):
Date of Birth: ___________ School and Year: ________________________
What is your first language? _____________ Other languages? ____________________
How did you hear about NPP? ______________________________________
Activities (i.e. jobs, clubs, sports, etc.): __________________________________________
Are you/have you been in foster care?
Yes_______ No_______
Does your family use Snap/EBT/Wic? Yes _______ No________
Do you own a bike?
Yes _______ No ________
Do you own a helmet?
Yes _______ No ________
Please indicate by checking the box if your family size and your family household income is
as or below the figure shown for that family size.
Check Box
One Person Family
$22, 980
Two Person Family
Three Person Family
Four Person Family
Five Person Family
$55, 140
Six Person Family
Seven Person Family
Eight Person Family
Please answer the following (3) questions (use a separate sheet of paper if necessary)
1. What is one thing you feel needs to be changed in your neighborhood and why?
2. Where do you see yourself in five years? How would being a part of the Green Team help
you reach your goals?
3. What are three qualities about yourself that would make you a good part of a team?
Finally, along with your application, please include contact information for (2) professional
references who know you well and can speak to how you work in a group (for example:
teachers, coaches, mentors, ministers, etc.) Friends or immediate family members are not
appropriate for this.
Reference #1
Name: ____________________________ Phone number: ____________________________
How do you know this person? __________________________________________________
Reference #2
Name: ____________________________ Phone number: ____________________________
How do you know this person? __________________________________________________
Please return all application materials to the Groundwork Somerville office
by Friday, May 9th.
Our office is located at 24 Park Street Office #7, just outside of Union Square off of
Somerville Ave. (Between the Market Basket and Conway Park and across from RiteAid
and Dunkin Donuts.)
Questions? Contact Kristin DelViscio at Groundwork Somerville, 617-628-9988, or drop by the Groundwork office, 24 Park Street #7.