04/09/2014 General Council - Missouri State University

Minutes of Missouri State University Panhellenic
April 9, 2014
The General Council meeting was called to order by President Morgan McNeal at 4:00 pm at the PSU
Parliamentary Room. The roll was called by Vice President of Administration, Sonya Kilongkilong
ROLL CALL: )))
SPEAKERS: Jasmyne- Grad Assistant doing research project on greek life’s views on alcohol policy.
Karen Wood- Friends against Hunger: feed families internationally. (commit 2 hours) Can work multiple hours on
November 14, 15, 16! Contact Karen at director@fahunger.org or call 417-773-1639.
PREVIOUS MINUTES The previous minutes were read and approved by our delegate.
President, Morgan McNeal (Morgan21@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Advanced PHA is this Sunday at 11 a.m.
b. Advisors gifts for all of your advisors- in your mailboxes!
c. No meeting next week! Have a great Easter break.
VP of Community Relations, Lamb, Jordan (Lamb193@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Happy National Volunteer Week! Check out the latest newsletter for volunteer
opportunities! http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=37cb5685-e532-4bab-bd843bd7c0a62947&c=ad95f9e0-793d-11e3-ae0c-d4ae527557ea&ch=ae6c83c0-793d-11e3-ae30d4ae527557ea
Happy Public Affairs Week! Check out all the FREE events
here: http://publicaffairs.missouristate.edu/conference/schedule.aspx
FSL Springfield Cardinals game is set for April 29th at 7:10 p.m.! Tickets are $5, and there will be
sign up sheets available in the FSL Office or have chapter presidents look out for an email and we'll
come speak at chapter meetings. Checks may be made out to Panhellenic or you may pay cash. Sign
ups and money are due April 21st. If you have already signed up for a ticket and shirt you don't need to
sign up again. There will be $1 hot dogs and the chapter that has the most sign-ups can have members
participate in activities at the game!
Upcoming philanthropy events:
April 10 St. Baldricks 4:00-8:00 in Blair-Shannon Lobby
April 10 Rent a Theta Chi 6:00 on the Bear Paw
April 10 Alpha Gamma Sigma Cookout
April 11 You had me at Jello 4:00 at the Delta Zeta house
April 12 Sigma Kappa Golf Tournament – Bill and Payne Steward golf course
April 12 TKE and Alpha Delta Pi Kickball Tournament 8:00 a.m. at the Betty and Bobby Allison
k. Next week Sigma Pi Dog Days (rent a puppy)
VP of Membership Development, Beck, Courtney (Beck216@live.missouristate.edu)
a. E-mailing for sisterhood week ideas.
VP of Recruitment, Buechel, Marissa (Buechel222@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Code of ethics have been revised and were reviewed
VP of Academics, Mulholland, Sarah (Mulholland4993@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Last day to drop classes is this Saturday.
b. Don’t forget the registration dates
c. Make sure the scholarship chairs are looking at for an e-mail from me!
VP of Administration, Sonya Kilongkilong (Kilongkilong003@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Roll
Director of New Member Education
b. Thanks to all who applied
Director of PR and Marketing, Poppell, Hayley E (Poppell721@live.missouristate.edu)
a. No report.
Director of Panhellenic Counselors, Pestka, Katie (Pestka227@live.missouristate.edu)
c. Please remind your Pi Chi's that our next meeting time is Tuesday, April 22nd from 7-9pm and to please
wear badge attire!
Director of Social Awareness, Clark, Haley N (Clark303@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Educational event on Wednesday, the 23: Sex let’s talk about it.
b. Gamma Basketball Tourney- Tues. 15. Each sorority must have a team. This counts as the chapter’s
attendance for the week. This is a requirement.
c. Relay for Life is coming up and be working with your teams! Keep supporting relay and doing well!
Chief Justice, Kelly, McKenna (McKenna3@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Letter stealing is a conduct issue.
a. Reviewed By-Laws on this issue
Assistant Chief Justice, Daoust, Julie (Julie93@live.missouristate.edu)
b. No report.
Graduate Assistant, Liv Parks (Olivia1226@live.missouristate.edu)
c. Had an incredible time in Greek Week! Thank you for your participation!
d. Already starting to plan next year!
e. Philanthropy- donated over 30,000 items to Ozark Food Harvest.
a. We were able to replenish absolutely everything they lost and then some! FSL did an amazing
f. Happy Earth Day April 22- Plant a seed!
g. Student Body President elections are open- Please vote! Links everywhere!
Assistant Director of Student Engagement, Andrea Weber (AndreaWeber@MissouriState.edu)
Marissa Buechel: Proposes code of ethics and time infraction fines. Sigma Sigma Sigma seconds.
AXΩ: Dad’s weekend was fun, and we have alum weekend coming up!
AΔΠ: Faculty and alumni appreciation at our house yesterday!
AΣA: Big/Little reveal for new members this weekend!
ΔZ: Mom’s day this Saturday! Philanthropy- Greek Tug. Tonight we initiate 7 new members.
ΓΦB: Initiation this Friday!
ΣK: Saturday- Golf tourney and dad’s day!
ΣΣΣ: Parent’s weekend this past weekend. First formal coming up!
ΞOI: Risk management workshop and formal to come!
 GAMMA: Bball tourney!
 IFC:
 NPHC: Zeta week: Go to different events and support!
- Tickets are still available for the Big Spring Concert! They are only $25 with a student ID.
- Tonight (4/9) and Sunday (4/13) American Hustle will be playing in the PSU Theater at 9.
- Thursday (4/10) there will be Bear Wear Bingo in the PSU Food Court from 9 to 12. Come out for a chance
to win t-shirts, blankets, sweatshirts, and more!
- Friday (4/11), Rock-N-Bowl will be in the Level 1 Game Center from 7:30-10:30.
- Next Tuesday (4/15), Cultural Affairs will be hosting the Asia Project in the PSU Theater at 7.
- Next Wednesday (4/16), will be the annual campus-wide egg hunt. Keep an eye out around campus, and you
could find some yummy candy!
Phi Sigma Upsilon: No report.
Cliff Smart Town Meeting held in beginning of Senate
 30 minute open forum
 Answered questions about himself and university
 Plans for university in next 2 years
o Contact me if you would like to read the complete list
Reusable Cup Program launched
 $12.91
 PSU locations, library, Strong hall
Public Affairs Conference this week
 Elections.missouristate.edu
o Use BearPass login
 Please participate in Student Body elections this week
 Voice opinion in:
o Choosing next year’s SGA administration
o Apportionment o funds to the Wyrick proposals
 No new money being paid, it is money you’ve already paid
Adopted Resolutions:
 New Latin motto adopted
o “Dare to excel”
 LGBT Center
o Approved to be constructed
 MTH 121
o New general education course
Day with SGA
 Thursday, April 24th
 11-2pm
Alpha Chi Omega motioned to close meeting. Sigma Kappa seconds. Meeting was adjourned by
President Morgan McNeal at 4:30 p.m.