Curriculum Plan Autumn Term Class 4 – Year 5/6 Sarah Nesling 200

Goring Primary School Curriculum Plan Summer Terms
English This term, our English work will be linked to our topic of The
Victorians. In Fiction children will study texts based on and set in the era
of The Victorians, including Street Child by Berlie Doherty. In Non-Fiction
children will continue to develop their ability to write recounts and
newspaper articles. Children will also study some of the most famous poets
of the Victorian period, including William Blake. Children will also work with
Year 6 on the end of term play, giving them the opportunity to to perform
from a script. We will continue to follow ‘Spelling Made Easy’. Homework
will be sent out on Friday and should be returned by the following Friday to
be marked in class.
Year 5 children will largely follow the Hamilton Trust Scheme as well as
using a range of other resources. Topics this term will ‘Properties and
Changes of Materials’ and ‘Animals inc. Humans’ – this will also cover
puberty. Through these topics children will continue to work scientifically
and develop their ability to plan and evaluate various experiments and
investigations. Children may also participate in some horticultural activities
with the help of Mrs Anderson.
Our topic this term is ‘The Victorians’. Children will begin by studying
Queen Victoria herself and considering the impact that she has on modern
Britain. Alongside Year 6, Year 5 will focus largely on inventors and
inventions that happened during the Victorian period. As well as this, we
will look in detail at a significant turning point in British history, the
Industrial Revolution. The aim of the topic is to develop and extend
Class 5 - Year 5 Miss Henwood 2014/15
Maths Following the new National Curriculum, children will be taught
Number, Measurement, Geometry & Statistics as individual units alongside
the four operations in everyday contexts. Children will regularly apply their
knowledge to maths investigations, giving them the opportunity to take
risks with their understanding of mathematical concepts and develop their
ability to work systematically. We will continue to use Mathletics to
support our work in class, as well as regular Mental Maths tests. Homework
will be sent out on Friday and should be returned by the following Friday to
be marked in class.
Music –
Music lessons will follow the Music Express scheme for Year 5. The
children will be taught to sing and play musically with increasing confidence
and control. They should develop an understanding of musical composition,
organising and manipulating ideas within musical structures and reproducing
sounds from aural memory.
This term, children will get an opportunity to develop a blog where they will
be able to share their experiences and opinions about a subject of their
choice in a controlled and safe environment. Year 5 will also become
architects. Linking to the idea of invention and creating children create a
sculpture using SketchUP. They will then develop this by creating a 3D
building, including furniture.
children’s understanding of chronology.
D.T. will link to our topic and continue along the theme of inventions!
Working with Year 6, children will create artwork linking to our topic.
They will continue to develop their skills through a range of media, including
painting, watercolour, sculpture and collage.
PE Topics this term include circuits, rounders, athletics and swimming.
Please could PE kits be in school for Monday and Friday.
Thank you in advance for your continued support!
Children will follow the SEAL scheme. This will be used alongside Circle
Time to discuss topical and class issues as appropriate.
Mrs Pratley will continue to follow the Oxfordshire scheme of work. Our
topics relate to Judaism, Hinduism and Christianity.
Children will be
examining festivals, beliefs and values within religion and relating to beliefs
in their own lives.
With Mrs Pratley, Y5 will continue to explore and develop their knowledge
of French vocabulary through role play, speaking and listening.