Friday 12th June

Friday 12th June
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had such a busy week! The trip was absolutely brilliant. The children carried out some very useful
fieldwork in Paignton and were extremely polite when carrying out their questionnaires on the general
This week in storytelling we have written thank you letters to the Shoreline café. The children have
worked really hard to develop their presentation skills when writing, ahead of their start in Year 3. Our
focus when writing was paragraphing, time connectives, how to open and close a letter.
In maths this week we have focussed on addition, using our partitioning skills to two digit numbers. We are
beginning to see how maths has many links and how we can use our skills in lots of different areas.
In SOLE we have been learning about portion sizes, creating a simple graph based on our questionnaires,
keeping fit in our role play gym and understanding how to eat more healthy and suggesting improvements to
our food journals. To support us with this Donna, our school cook, came and talked to us about healthy
On Thursday we had our music dazzle day, and what a dazzling day it was! The children worked incredibly
hard and learned how music can create mood and effect. They used music as a source of inspiration for art
work and moved on to create a graphic score and perform a piece of music in front of the class.
Mrs Wain and Mrs Kendell