Affiliate membership questionnaire

Elaion Affiliate Membership Application
Thank you for deciding to join Elaion! We appreciate your interest in the organisation
and are thrilled that you want to join us.
Affiliate membership allows you to explore Elaion and traditional Hellenic religion
further with us through a mentoring process, to enable you to decide whether or not
the organisation is suitable for you. If you are selected for mentoring, once you feel
comfortable with your mentoring and Elaion, please ask for Affiliate Membership.
We encourage you to take time to get to know us better, ask questions, and generally
become comfortable with Elaion and our traditional focus.
The questionnaire
Please complete this Affiliate Member Questionnaire and return it to the Membership
Council c/o Bob Clark. We will convene, discuss
your responses, and decide on mentoring. We’d like to stress that there are no ‘right’
or ‘wrong’ answers. Your answers will help us to get to know you and guide us in the
mentoring process to best address your needs.
We are looking for a genuine interest in the traditional approach to Hellenic religion
and an eagerness to join Elaion. If, for whatever reason, we decide to decline your
application, we’ll let you know why, and you are more then welcome to re-apply at
any time in the future.
If you are selected for mentoring, we will assign a mentor and invite you to join one
of our lists by invitation only to enable newcomers have the chance to ask questions
about our religion and organisation in a more private context and in a way that assures
them some sort of continuity and sense of community.
We urge you to get to know the others on the list. One criterion for full membership is
a character reference from someone within the organisation, a role that would
normally be filled by the affiliate’s mentor.
Please contact Bob Clark of the Membership Council or directly if you have any
problems with the application process. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Affiliate Member Questionnaire
Before we proceed, please let us know a little more about yourself.
First name:
Date of birth:
This information will be held in the strictest of confidentiality, and will not be
disclosed to anybody outside the Membership Council without your permission, or in
the (hopefully unlikely!) case of a police request as required by law.
1. What religions or spiritualties have you practiced in the past, if any?
2. When did you first begin exploring the religion of ancient Greece?
3. Tell us what attracts you to Hellenic religion.
4. Is there anything about Hellenic religion that you find challenging or
5. What does traditional Hellenic religion mean to you?
6. Are you currently a member of any other religious or spiritual organisation?
If you are, please tell us more about your affiliations.
7. Do you practice occultism or believe that you possess magic or supernatural
8. Why would you like to be a member of Elaion?
9. Do you have a favourite Hellenic myth? Please tell us which one, and why it
stands out for you.
10. Have you read any original texts from ancient Greece, such as poets,
playwrights or philosophers?
11. Do you honour any non-Hellenic divinities? It’s not an issue if you do, but
please tell us how this worship relates to your interest in and practice of
Hellenic religion.
12. What role does ethics and responsibility play in your spirituality?
Please return this document to Bob Clark, Elaion Membership Council or at your leisure.