PhD in Sociology - Career Center

Ricardo Munoz
516 W. 1st St.  Bryan TX 77801  (979) 555-0066 
 Critical thinking and reasoning: apply multiple perspectives and analytical techniques, and connect theory to practice,
in order to solve problems.
 Analysis/Research: analyze and synthesize large amounts of detailed information, make effective written and oral
presentations, and communicate theoretical and technical information in practical terms.
 Work independently or as part of a cooperative team, coordinate multi-faceted projects, develop and implement new
programs, set and meet realistic goals, in diverse and changing environments.
Ph.D. Sociology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Areas of concentration: Social Psychology, Complex Organizations and Research Methods
December 2008
M.A. Sociology, University of Houston, Houston, TX
December 2004
B.B.A. Business Analysis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Specialization: Production and Operations Management
May 1996
ABC Company, Inc., Houston, TX
January 1997 - August 2002
Component Sales Manager (1993-1995)
 Raised 50% of company revenue through direct and telephone solicitation of after-market parts and components.
 Managed sales team in parts/components sales.
 Established an in-house telemarketing function and recruited and hired for this position.
 Developed sales programs, sales forecasts by territory and employee sales incentive programs.
Contract Administration and Procedures Manager (1992-1993)
 Administered and assured accurate adherence to, and completion of all aspects of customer contracts and special
 Developed associated procedures., and company price book.
 Coordinated design and development of company equipment catalog.
 Assisted in research and evaluation of new company manufacturing software.
System Planning Manager(1991-1992)
 Recruited, hired, and trained an effective team of system planners.
 Established and implemented team objectives to achieve company goals.
 Developed and implemented programs to streamline and coordinate material planning process and reduce bill of
material errors.
 Developed a more efficient tracking system to evaluate profitability of specific jobs in process.
 Designed system to schedule engineering designs using Microsoft Project.
System Planner (1990-1991)
 Interfaced with sales, engineering and manufacturing to generate master production schedules, material requirements
and production orders for jobs in progress.
 Created and implemented new part numbering schemes to achieve a greater standardization, aid in identification of
parts and therefore eliminate inventory duplication.
 Developed systems to track material and labor costs, providing a centralized information source for job costs.
Texas A&M University, Department of Sociology
Doctoral Dissertation: “Sources of Legitimation and the Formation and Flexibility of Group Routines” (small group
experimental research)
 Designing experimental study to examine effects of legitimation on group routine differences.
Graduate Research Assistant
 Developed research proposal for an experimental study of cooperation and social dilemmas, conducted group
experiments and statistical analysis, and presented the project at national conference.
 Supervised 6 undergraduate and 2 graduate students.
Resume for Ricardo Munoz, p. 2
University of Houston, Department of Sociology
Masters Thesis: “North American Financials: A Sociological Analysis of Recruitment and Commitment Mechanisms”
(qualitative research)
Various Independent Projects
 Qualitative and quantitative data analysis for a program evaluation of a juvenile boot camp facility (2006)
 Data management and analysis for a phase two clinical trial for a quality of life study in cancer patients (2005/2006)
 In depth interviewing for qualitative cross cultural study of “fictive kinship” (2004)
 National Science Foundation Dissertation Award, 2008
 Texas A&M University Regent’s Fellowship, 2004/2005
Texas A&M University, Department of Sociology
Fall 2005 – Spring 2008
Graduate Assistant Lecturer (2007 – 2008)
 Developed course syllabus, class lectures, and taught introductory courses ranging in size from 45 to 100 students.
Graduate Teaching Assistant (2005 – 2007)
 Assisted with undergraduate advanced research methods courses.
Kingwood Community College, Kingwood Texas
Adjunct Instructor
Jan 2003 – May 2004
University of Houston , Department of Sociology
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Jan 2002 – Dec 2004
Statistical Analysis: SPSS, STATA, SAS, HLM (Hierarchical Linear Modeling), LISREL (structural equation modeling)
Office Suites: Microsoft Office, Lotus Smart Suite
Scheduling: Microsoft Project
Spanish (first language):
Proficiency - “native” listening and conversation, “near native” reading and writing
Proficiency - “good” reading and writing, “basic” listening and conversation
American Sociological Association
Eligible for Practical Training