ARC Elementary Checklist 2015

****Parent Input/Concerns need to be included somewhere in the minutes even if parent not in
____ Welcome and Introductions
Mr/Ms Chairperson made introductions. Those in attendance:
If parent not in attendance: Parent offered phone conference; offered alternate, date, time, means.
Document multiple attempts to arrange a mutually agreed on time, date, place.
If less than seven days notice: Parent agreed to date and time.
If someone in attendance not on notice: Permission granted for..…to attend
____ Review PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS (Parents’ Rights)
Procedural safeguards given. (Given – NOT offered) If parent not in attendance: note “will be mailed.”
____ State purpose of meeting and complete the parent demographics section
Mr/Ms Chair stated purpose of ARC:….. (annual review, re-eval needs/results, etc)
____ Discuss progress on IEP with documentation (DATA)
Mr/Ms Spec Ed Teacher discussed data/progress on IEP. Student mastered writing complete sentences at
80% but still struggles with idea development. Mastered single digit subtraction but at 50% with two digit
GET REG EDTEACHER INPUT: Mr/Ms REG Teacher states…..
______If student will be due for 3-year re-evaluation before the next annual review,
Three Year re-evaluation is due by . School Psychologist discussed the plan for re-evaluation
within the conference summary. Eval Plan accepted and parent signed consent to evaluate.
____ If a re-evaluation has recently been completed, review the EVALUATION
STUDENT REP. School psychologist presented results of psychological re-evaluation. Insert blurb from
psychologist. Eligibility for (list area) discussed and completed. ARC discussed and accepted evaluation
report/results and eligibility. The ARC agreed limited English proficiency and lack of instruction are not
contributing factors. Determination of student representation completed.
ADVERSE EFFECT must be discussed and documented.
Student’s weaknesses in written
expression have an adverse effect on his educational performance that is significant and consistent.
____ Discuss new DRAFT IEP
Mr/Ms Spec Ed Teacher discussed draft IEP.
ARC discussed PLEP; List areas not commensurate, ARC accepted.
ARC discussed special factors; List factors marked yes. ARC accepted .
ARC discussed goals and objectives; List goal areas. ARC accepted.
ARC discussed specially designed instruction & supplementary aids and services.
ARC discussed testing accommodations and the Kentucky Accommodations Determination
If appropriate, Alternate Assessment Guidelines discussed/and Parent Guide given.
ARC discussed program mods and supports for school personnel.
ARC discussed placement options (LRE) – LIST – ARC accepted
ARC discussed extended school year. Analysis of progress data does not indicate a
regression/recoupment issue with IEP goals and does not qualify for ESY……. OR qualifies for
If appropriate, discussed behavior intervention plan or behavior chart
ARC discussed and agreed on placement based on data, teacher, and parent input. List reasons for
placement; TIE to Conference Summary – Placement Options & Decisions Resource needed due to math
computation deficits. Co-teaching needed due to distractibility concerns.
____ MEDICAID eligibility. Complete form every year.
____ Other (transportation, third party release, transition to middle school, etc.)
____ Read and approve minutes
Minutes read and accepted. Copies of IEP, conf summary, etc. given to parents or mailed.