Geologic time (Chap. 2)



Relative age of rocks: Relative age dating

Absolute age dating: Actual age of rocks in years

Principles of relative age:

1) Law of superposition: youngest rocks are on top

2) Law of cross-cutting relations: a) a fault is younger than the rocks it cuts b) an igneous rock is younger

than a sedimentary rock it intrudes.

3) Law of fossil succession: fossil life forms occur in the same sequence everywhere.

Geologic time scale:

Phanerozoic eon divided into three Eras:

Paleozoic (early or oldest life)

Mesozoic (middle life)

Cenozoic (recent life)

Phanerozoic begins with Cambrian Period

(570 million yr. ago).

Earlier geologic history = Pre-Cambrian

(570 million to 4.6 billion years ago)

Absolute age dating

Radiometric dating: based on radio-active decay of certain elements: e.g. Uranium (U) decays into lead (Pb) at a constant rate.

U is parent element

Pb is daughter element

The ratio of U/Pb can be used to calculate age or rock, if decay rate is known.

Decay rate measured by half life:

Time for ½ of parent atoms to decay to daughter.

Process is exponential decrease in # of atoms.

Figure 2.29 of text compresses Geologic time into 1 year!
