Can You Imagine That - Georgia 4-H

Can You Imagine That?
Project work can be fun. Think about your 4-H project—the big picture---not just
basketball but sports, not just “Constructing a Compost Bin” but Environmental Science.
How would you answer these questions?
You’ve been asked to create an encyclopedia of facts for your project area. You can do
one volume. What’s in the table of contents? NOW—how could you learn about these
areas—what could you do—what could you share?
You are a television reporter reporting on a fascinating aspect of your project? What
would you report? How would you learn more about it? Who would you interview?
Imagine you are a 4-H’er in 1940, 19550 or 1960 in your 4-H project? What would you
learn about? How has your project area changed? How would you find this information?
Who could you interview? How could you report your information?
You have been given the charge to create three one hour classes related to your 4-H
project for 4-H camp? Campers may attend all three classes or just one class. What will
you offer in this time? Each class is 1½ hours and campers are fifth & sixth graders.
You have been charged with creating a web site on your 4-H project. What information
would you include? Where would you get that information? How would you insure your
information is correct? How would you make your web site interesting to other 4-H’ers?
Develop an ad campaign to encourage involvement in some area of your 4-H project.
What focus would you select? What would you include in the campaign? How would
you use different media outlets (tv, radio, web, newspaper, magazines, etc)?
You have to explain your 4-H project to an alien. Why did you pick your project? What
have you learned? Why is it important?
Build a time capsule for your 4-H project. It will be opened in 50 years. What will you
include? What is important in your project and why?
Consider your 4-H project. What impact on society will it have? What contributions
have been made in your project area? How will this change things for youth in 2050?
In your 4-H project, what do you want to know more about? Why do you want to know
more? How can you find out more?
Now that You Have an Answer....
Your answers are project work goals that will help you in your project discovery.
And, of course, can easily be reported in your 4-H portfolio.
Prepared by
Jenny Jordan, Extension 4-H Specialist
Extension Winter School 2003