Unfinished Business - Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum

Minutes of the February 12, 2015 UPCC Meeting
Members present: Neporcha T. Cone, Liza Davis, Ana Edwards, Kevin McFall, Andrew Green,
Jeremy Gulley, Jerald Hendrix, Ken Hill, Melissa M. Kramschuster, Carolee Larsen, Kim
Loomis, Pinder Naidu, Gail Scott, Judy Slater, Erin Sutherland, Linda Treiber, Jennifer WadeBerg (UPCC Chair), Victor Wakeling, Valerie Whittlesey, Ugena Whitlock
Guests: J.C. Bradbury, Department of Exercise Science and Health Management (College of
Health and Human Services); Carolyn Carlson, Department of Communication (College of
Humanities and Social Sciences); Angela George, Department of Foreign Languages (Colleege
of Humanities and Social Sciences; Matt Haffner, Department of Art and Design (College of the
Arts); Robbie Lieberman, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies (College of Humanities and
Social Sciences); Sarasij Majumder, Department of Anthropology; April Munson, Department of
Art and Design (College of the Arts); Dan Paracka, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and
Division of Global Affairs; Scott Reese, College of Science and Mathematics; Susan Grant
Robinson, Department of Music (College of the Arts)
UPCC Chair Jennifer Wade-Berg called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m. Before calling for a
vote on the January 29, 2015 UPCC minutes, she introduced new UPCC member Dr. Kevin
McFall, from the Marietta campus School of Engineering and Engineering Technology,
welcoming him to the committee.
Dr. Wade-Berg then asked whether there were any edits to be made to the January 29, 2015.
UPCC Secretary Dr. Liza Davis indicated that Registrar Ana Edwards rather than Dr. Ana
Guimaraes had been credited with making two motions at that meeting and that this error would
be corrected. Hearing no other discussion, Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the
January 29 minutes. Dr. Pinder Naidu made the motion, Dr. Linda Treiber seconded it, and the
motion was approved.
Unfinished Business
Dr. Valerie Whittlesey, Associate Vice President for Curriculum, came forward to update UPCC
members on final changes to the General Education Core Curriculum. She summarized the most
salient issues that had emerged when the new core was sent to faculty in October and the Board
of Regents’ concerns about overlays in course offerings, the wording of learning outcomes, and
the difficulty of accommodating extra hours for STEM majors in Area D were the 3-hour social
science currently listed as alternatives for their two-hour counterparts in Area B retained.\
The committee charged to address the faculty was composed of Dr. Marla Bell, Dr. Tom Doleys,
Dr. Scott Reese, Dr. Julie Newell, and Dr. Whittlesey.
In addition to removing PSYC 1101, SOCI 2201, GEOG 1101, CRJU 1101, and ANTH 2201
from the new core curriculum, the BOR removed COM 2129 from Area B. COM 1109 was
retained with a new number: 1100.
Department of Communication
Dr. Carolyn Carlson from the Department of Communication summarized the changes proposed
for the Minor in Crisis Preparedness and the Public Relations Minor and necessitated by the
addition of new courses to the department’s offerings: PR 4210, 3380, 3385, 4405, and 4605.
Hearing no discussion, the Chair called for a motion approve the new courses on second reading.
Dr. Treiber made the motion, and Dr. Slater seconded. The motion passed.
Professor Andrew Green then moved that the suggested changes in the Minor for Crisis
Preparedness be approved. Dr. Scott seconded, and the motion passed.
Dr. Scott followed with a motion to approve the suggested changes in the Public Relations
Minor. Professor Green seconded, and the motion was approved.
Department of Psychology
Dr. Gail Scott explained the justification for proposing a Minor in Psychology and several
related new courses or changes to existing courses, including PSYC 2300, “Research Methods
and Statistics.” In its new format, PSYC 2300 will incorporate the currently separate lab course,
PSYC 2300L.
Registrar Ana Edwards asked whether the “K” suffix should be added to the course, as the BOR
now requires of science courses with embedded labs. The Chair suggested that Ms. Edwards
check to see whether that policy was also applicable to social science courses.
Hearing no further discussion, Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the “Change in
Existing Course” proposal for PSYC 2300 on second reading. Professor Green made the motion,
Dr. Naidu seconded, and the motion passed.
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr. Daniel Paracka came forward to explain the reasons for proposing two new "Year
of" INTS courses: ISD 3333 and ISD 3334. Hearing no discussion, the Chair called for a motion
to approve these courses on second reading. Professor Green made the motion, Dr. Ana
Guimaraes seconded it, and the motion passed.
Department of Music
Dr. Susan Grant Robinson presented the MUSI and MUED courses on the agenda for second
Hearing no discussion, the Chair called for a motion to approve the “New Course” and “Change
in Existing Course” MUSI and MUED course proposals on the agenda for second reading.
Professor Green made the motion, Dr. Slater seconded, and the motion was approved.
Professor Green then made two successive motions, the first to approve the “Change to Program
Name, Requirements, or Policies” proposal for the Minor in Music on second reading; and the
second to approve the “Change to Program Name, Requirements, or Policies” proposal for the
Bachelor of Music degree. Dr. Slater seconded both motions, and both motions passed.
Department of Social Work and Human Services
Dr. Slater explained both the justification for new courses and the changes in pre-requisites for
existing HS courses on the agenda for first reading. Dr. Wade-Berg suggested an additional
change: that the course description for HS 3500, which is replacing HS 2275, indicate the
introduction of ADVANCED quantitative and qualitative research methods (with the addition of
this adjective).
Registrar Edwards noted that the course number for HS 2260 had been changed to 2400, an
existing course number. Dr. Slater explained that HS 2400 had never been taught, so Ms.
Edwards approved the re-use of the number. She noted then that there was no reference in the
proposal for a change in HS 3200 to the course it was replacing; and that the change in course
number for HS 3398, “Advanced Internship,” to HS 4950 was problematic, since all standard
internships courses have the 3398 designation. To address this issue, Dr. Wade-Berg suggested
that HS 4950 be retitled “Senior Internship,” and Ms. Edwards asked that a proposal to
discontinue HS 3398 be submitted to the UPCC, but another representative from the department
recommended that 3398 be retained with its current title but be neither variable-credit nor
repeatable. Ms. Edwards countered that students should be allowed to take HS 3398 with its
current option for repeats as long as they were not allowed to take the same internship a second
Dr. Slater pointed out that the course package contained only two new courses; everything other
course proposal involved changing course pre-requisites.
Hearing no further discussion, Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the 28 HS course
proposals under consideration: those for HS 2233, 2240, 2244, 2250, 2260, 2275, 2800, 3200,
3300, 3304, 3320, 3322, 3324 3335, 3350, 3375, 3398, 3540, 3560, 3800, 4410, 4420, 4425,
4300, 4440, 4460, and 4498. Dr. Scott made the motion, Professor Green seconded, and the
motion passed.
Dr. Naidu subsequently moved to approve the proposed changes in the B.S. in Human Services.
Dr. Treiber seconded, and the motion passed. With this motion’s approval, Dr. Naidu moved to
approve the changes proposed in the Child Advocacy Certificate and Nonprofit Management and
Leadership Certificate. Professor Green seconded the motion, and it was approved.
Dr. Wade-Berg gave an update on the INED proposals on the agenda, explaining that some edits
were required but that technically the UPCC had already approved the program and course
proposals put forward. She noted that no further UPCC action was required.
Accordingly, she suggested that the UPCC move to approve/sanction/endorse the proposed new
catalog text the courses. Dr. Scott made the motion, Dr. Naidu seconded, and the motion was
Department of Art and Design
Dr. Matt Haffner came forward to the address the Visual Arts proposals, explaining that the
central change they reflected was the need for students to take FOUR courses in Visual arts
before submitting a portfolio.
Dr. Wade-Berg noted that no credit hours had been included in the proposal for ART 2250 but
that the department had submitted edits for ART 2990. However, she asked that the last sentence
of the course description for 2990, referring to guest lecturers, be deleted, and that references to
“admission” to the Visual Arts program be changed to “admittance” to avoid confusion.
Associate Registrar John C. Smith then noted that a “Change in Program” proposal had not yet
come through the UPCC, so the Chair suggested that the proposals indicate implementation of
the course and program changes in spring 2016. Mr. Smith responded that the Registrar could
not approve a “Change in Program” proposal for the spring term, so it would have to be
approved for fall 2016.
Dr. Haffner spoke to the need for the proposals to be approved sooner, so Registrar Edwards
recommended that the proposed changes to ART 2990 be approved for inclusion in the fall 2015
catalog and that the remaining proposals be approved for spring 2016.
Hearing no further discussion, the Chair called for a motion to approve the Visual Arts
proposals, as recommended, for second reading. Professor Green made the motion, Dr. Scott
seconded, and the following courses were approved on first reading: ART 2250, 2990, 3011,
3015, 3160, 3320, 3400, and 4022.
Department of Biology
Dr. Scott Reese came forward to explain the justification for a new upper-level Biology course,
BIOL 3313, “Vertebrate Paleontology,” which has been offered three times as a “Special
Topics” course.
The Chair asked that the new student enrollment information be added to the BIOL 3313
syllabus. Hearing no further discussion, she then called for a motion to approve the 3313
proposal. Dr. Jerald Hendrix made a motion, Dr. Treiber seconded, and the the course was
approved on first reading.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Dr. Reese also explained the “Change in Existing Course” proposal for CHEM 4500K, “Methods
in Nucleic Acid and Protein Biochemistry,” to incorporate the expectation that students earn a C
or better in BIOL 3300, the course pre-requisite.
Hearing no further discussion, Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the proposal.
Professor Green made the motion, and Dr. Hendrix seconded. Dr. Hendrix then made a motion to
waive the second reading of CHEM 4500K. Professor Green seconed, and the motion was
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr. Ugena Whitlock explained the justification for the “Change in Existing Course” proposal for
GWST 3070, “Gender and Social Justice,” which calls for a change in pre-requisites that would
replace GWST 2000 with ENGL 1102. Professor Green made a motion to approve the proposal,
Dr. Treiber seconded, and the change in course was approved.
Dr. Slater made a motion to waive the second reading of the GWST 3070 proposal. Dr. Scott
seconded, and the motion was approved.
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr. Pinder Naidu explained that INTS 4498, “Senior Seminar in Integrative Studies,” was being
proposed to accommodate the new “General Studies” track in the INTS degree. Registrar
Edwards acknowledged that the course could be approved for the fall of 2015.
Hearing no further discussion, the Chair called for a motion to approve the INTS 4498 proposal
on first reading. Dr. Scott made the motion, Dr. Slater seconded, and the motion passed.
Dr. Scott then moved to waive the second reading of the proposal, with said edits. Dr. Slater
seconded, and the course was approved.
As the meeting came to a close, Dr. Wade-Berg brought forward two items not on agenda:
the second reading of ANTH 4422 and final approvals of the proposals submitted by the
Department of Dance.
The Chair explained that the proposal for ANTH 4422, “Archaeology of Asia,” is still looping in
Custom Route, although its originator, Dr. Sarasij Majumder, had made the requested changes,
and the course had been approved by the UPCC. The issue lay with the course ASIA 4422, also
called “Archaeology of Asia,” which had been approved as a crosslisted course, while ANTH
4422 had not. Discussion ensued about the reasons for crosslisting the two courses and the issue
of a student potentially taking both versions and getting credit twice—a limitation in BANNER,
according to Ms. Edwards. Dr. Majumder explained that for students taking ANTH 4422/ASIA
4422 as a major or minor in Anthropology or an Asian Studies, the prereqs. for the two courses
must vary.
Dr. Wade-Berg suggested simply indicating in the ANTH degree plan that ASIA 4422 could be
listed as an alternative to ANTH 4422. Dr. Whitlock indicated that there would need to be more
coordination between the two programs in future. Dr. Treiber made a motion to approve ANTH
4422 with said edits, Dr. Scott seconded, and the motion passed.
The Chair then announced that the Dance courses on previous UPCC agenda were still pending
final approval because the department wanted to make some deletions. She indicated that UPCC
members would soon receive an e-mail asking them to approve or disapprove the courses in an email response before proceeding to approve or reject them in Curriculog. Dr. Wade-Berg would
then fast-track UPCC proposals
The meeting adjorned at 1:55 p.m.