21. J. Dehmeshki, M Valdivieso, M Siddique, J. Karani

Dr. M Musib Siddique
13 Westminster Gardens, Barkingside,
Tel: 020 3524 6730
Ilford, Essex. IG6 1PL, UK
E-mail: musib_siddique@yahoo.co.uk
Fifteen years of experience in mathematical and physical methods and modeling, mainly in medical image processing and
analysis. The explored research areas include the regional skeletal metabolism using 18F-fluoride PET/CT, semi-automated
and automated detection and characterization of colonic polyps and pulmonary nodules, measurement of brain atrophy, MS
lesions in brain MRI images and coronary artery calcification in CT images. These projects involved conducting drug
trials, original research and applications of various medical image processing and machine learning techniques based on
computational fluid dynamics, differential geometry, statistical analysis, partial differential equations and evolutionary
algorithms. Having worked in both Industry and in the academic sector, I am looking to concentrate on developing my
career in an academia environment.
PhD in Computational Fluid Dynamics at Imperial College, London, UK
Title: Predictions of Ash Deposition in Pulverised Fuel-Fired Combustor.
MSc in Structural Design at Imperial College, London, UK
DIC at Imperial College, London, UK
MSc in Nuclear Engineering at Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan
Dissertation: Calculation of thermal stresses using boundary element method.
BSc in Civil Engineering at U.E.T. Lahore, Pakistan
Professional Experience
Research Associate, Osteoporosis Unit, Guy's Hospital, London.
Development of mathematical and image processing models for functional imaging technique of 18F-fluoride
PET/CT to non-invasive direct quantitative assessment of bone metabolism at specific clinically-important sites of
the skeleton.
2007-09 Senior Scientific R&D Engineer, Medicsight PLC, London.
Development of computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) software for CT Colonography, CT Lung scans.
A 3D scheme based on geometric features to detect colonic polyps and pulmonary nodules was developed.
Dr M Musib Siddique - CV and statement on professional expertise
Derivation and implementation of novel third-order differential geometric features of iso-intensity surfaces for 3D
image analysis.
2005-06 Post Doctoral Position, Dementia Research Centre. University College London.
Development of MRI image processing and analysis methodology for clinical trials and clinical research.
The areas explored include the measurement of brain atrophy using Boundary Shift Integral, techniques for rigid
body, affine and non-linear registration, elasticity model and viscous-fluid model for non-rigid registration, voxel
based, deformation-based and tensor-based morphometry.
2001-05 Senior Scientific Programmer, Medicsight PLC, London.
Development of computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) software for CT Colonography, CT Lung scans
and Cardiography. The medical image processing including noise removal, image enhancement, segmentation,
deformable registration, mathematical morphology, pattern recognition, machine learning, object boundary
detection, region growing, object representation and classification applied to CT and MRI 3D images. PCA to
reduce dimensionality, MDA classifier, GMM cluster analysis, Bayesian classifier, HMRF-EM image
segmentation scheme etc. Cluster analysis methods like k-means, fuzzy c-means and Gaussian Mixture model to
automatically find patterns in the data. Specifically, the rules were generated by applying “k-means” cluster
analysis on normalised data. The interpretation and classification of data was achieved by classifiers like Bayesian
classifier, k-nearest neighbour and minimum distance classifiers.
1999-2000 CFD developer, CINAR Ltd, London.
Development of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and combustion based simulation applications.
It included the implementation of numerical methods like finite volume method, finite element method, finite
difference method and boundary element method in engineering applications.
UK Patent Application No. 0903484.4, “Computer-Aided Detection of Lesions” Co-inventors: Gregory Gibran
Slabaugh, Musib Siddique, Richard Graham Boyes, Abdel Douiri, Xujiong Ye.
UK Patent Application No. 0817815.4, “Computer-Implemented Lesion Detection Method and Apparatus”. Coinventors: Abdel Douiri, Musib Siddique, Xujiong Ye, Richard Graham Boyes, Gareth Richard Beddoe, Gregory
Gibran Slabaugh.
Dr M Musib Siddique - CV and statement on professional expertise
Musib Siddique, Glen M Blake, Michelle L Frost, Amelia EB Moore, Yosra Al-Beyatti, PK Marsden, PJ Schleyer,
Ignac Fogelman. Precision and Sensitivity of Bone Metabolism Parameters in
F fluoride PET Skeletal
Studies using Eight Quantification Techniques. J Nuclear Medicine, 2011. (in press).
Musib Siddique, Glen M Blake, Michelle L Frost, Amelia EB Moore, Tanuj Puri, PK Marsden, Ignac Fogelman.
Estimation of regional bone metabolism from whole-boy 18F-fluoride PET static images. European J Nuclear
Medicine, 2011. (submitted).
Michelle L Frost, Musib Siddique, Glen M Blake, Amelia EB Moore, PK Marsden, PJ Schleyer, EJ Sommer, R
Eastell, Ignac Fogelman. Regional Bone Metabolism at the Lumbar Spine and Hip Following Discontinuation
of Alendronate and Risedronate Treatment in Postmenopausal Women. Osteoporosis International, 2011.
Glen M Blake, Musib Siddique, Michelle L Frost, Amelia EB Moore, Ignac Fogelman. Radionuclide studies of
bone metabolism: Do bone uptake and bone plasma clearance provide equivalent measurements of bone
turnover? Bone. 2011;49:537-42.
Michelle L Frost, Musib Siddique, Glen M Blake, Amelia EB Moore, PJ Schleyer, JT Dunn, EJ Sommer, PK
Marsden, R Eastell, Ignac Fogelman. Differential effects of teriparatide on regional bone formation using
18F-fluoride positron emission tomography. J Bone Miner Res. 2011;26:1002-11.
Blake, Glen M., Frost, Michelle L., Amelia EB Moore, Siddique, Musib, Ignac Fogelman. New Methodologies
for the Assessment of Regional Skeletal Metabolism: Studies of Osteoporosis Treatments Using
Quantitative Radionuclide Imaging. (submitted).
Blake, Glen M., Frost, Michelle L., Amelia EB Moore, Siddique, Musib, Ignac Fogelman. The Assessment of
Regional Skeletal Metabolism: Studies of Osteoporosis Treatments Using Quantitative Radionuclide
Imaging. Journal of clinical densitometry: Assessment of Skeletal Health. 2011 (in press).
Michelle L Frost, Musib Siddique, Glen M Blake, Amelia EB Moore, PK Marsden, PJ Schleyer, R Eastell, Ignac
Fogelman. Regional Bone Metabolism at the Lumbar Spine and Hip Following Discontinuation of
Alendronate and Risedronate Treatment in Postmenopausal Women. ASBMR, 16-21 Sept 2011, San Diego,
California. [accepted].
Michelle L Frost, Musib Siddique, Glen M Blake, Amelia EB Moore, PJ Schleyer, PK Marsden, R Eastell, Ignac
Fogelman. Teriparatide has Different Effects on Trabecular and Cortical Bone as Measured by 18F-Fluoride
Positron Emission Tomography. ASBMR, 16-21 Sept 2011, San Diego, California. [accepted].
10. Tanuj Puri, Glen M Blake, Musib Siddique, Michelle L Frost, Gary J.R Cook, Paul K Marsden, Ignac Fogelman,
Kathleen M Curran. Validation of new image-derived arterial input functions at the aorta using 18F-fluoride
positron emission tomography. Nuclear Medicine Communications. 20112011;32(6):486-495.
11. Puri T, Blake GM, Frost ML, Moore AEB, Siddique M, Cook GJR, et al. Validation of image-derived arterial
input functions at the femoral artery using 18F-fluoride positron emission tomography. Nucl Med Commun.
Dr M Musib Siddique - CV and statement on professional expertise
12. Puri T, Blake GM, Frost ML, Moore AEB, Siddique M, Cook GJR, et al. Comparison of six quantitative
methods for the measurement of bone turnover at the hip and lumbar spine using 18F-fluoride PET. Nucl
Med Commun. 2011 (submitted).
13. Puri T, Blake GM, Frost M, Siddique M, Moore AE, Marsden PK, Fogelman I, Curran KM. Bone turnover at the
spine and hip measured using 18F-PET, 3rd Joint meeting of the European Calcified Tissue Society & the
International Bone and Mineral Society, 7-11 May 2011, Athens, Greece.
14. Puri T, Blake GM, Frost M, Siddique M, Moore AE, Marsden PK, Fogelman I, Curran KM. Bone turnover
measured with six quantification methods using 18F-PET, WMIC, 7-10 Sept 2011, San Diego, California.
15. Musib M. Siddique, Yalin Zheng, Xiaoyun Yang, and Gareth Beddoe. Reduction of False Positives by
Extracting Fuzzy Rules from Data for Polyp Detection in CTC Scans. SPIE Medical Imaging Conference,
2008. San Diego, California, USA.
16. Yalin Zheng, Xiaoyun Yang, Musib M. Siddique, and Gareth Beddoe. Simultaneous feature selection and
classification based on genetic algorithm: an application to colonic polyp detection. SPIE Medical Imaging
Conference, 2008. San Diego, California, USA.
17. Xiaoyun Yang, Yalin Zheng, Musib M. Siddique, and Gareth Beddoe. SVM parameter selection. SPIE Medical
Imaging Conference, 2008. San Diego, California, USA.
18. Basil H. Ridha, MRCP; Josephine Barnes, MA, PhD; Laura A. van de Pol, MD; Jonathan M. Schott, MD, MRCP;
Richard G. Boyes, ME; Musib M. Siddique, PhD; Martin N. Rossor, MD, FRCP; Philip Scheltens, MD, PhD,
FRCP; Nick C. Fox, MD, FRCP. Application of Automated Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy Scale to
Alzheimer Disease. Arch Neurol. 2007;64:849-854.
19. Douiri, M. Siddique, R. Boyes, J. Barnes, R. Scahill, D. Hill and N. Fox. Semi-automated strategy for
quantifying longitudinal brain changes using Boundary Shift Integral. Proc. Medical Image Understanding
and Analysis (MIUA2007). pp. 6-10.
20. B H Ridha , M R Symms , D J Tozer , K C Stockton , C Frost , M M Siddique , E B Lewis , D G Macmanus , P A
Boulby , G J Barker , M N Rossor , N C Fox , P S Tofts. Magnetization transfer ratio in Alzheimer disease:
comparison with volumetric measurements. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2007 May;28(5):965-70.
21. J. Dehmeshki, M Valdivieso, M Siddique, J. Karani, J. Costello (2002). Identification of Pulmonary Nodules
Using Image-Processing Techniques. Radiological Society of North America – Chicago, December 2002.
22. J.Dehmeshki, M.Valdivieso, M.Siddique, J.Karani and J.Costello. (2003). Identification of Pulmonary Nodules
On Thoracic CT Scans Using Image Processing and Classification Techniques, ATS-2003, 99th International
Conference, May 16-21, 2003. Seattle
23. Jamshid Dehmeshki, Xin-Yu Lin, John Costello and Musib Siddique (2003). Automated Detection Of Lung
Nodules In The CT Images Using Multi-Modal Genetic Algorithm, 3rd International Symposium on Image
and Signal Processing and Analysis, ISPA 2003 Septmeber 18-20, 2003, Rome, Italy
24. J. Dehmeshki, X.-Y. Lin, M. Siddique, X. Ye, F. Dehmeshki, and M. Roddie. An Innovative Path Planning and
Camera Direction Calculation Method for Virtual Navigation. Proceeding (417) Biomedical Engineering 2004.
Dr M Musib Siddique - CV and statement on professional expertise
25. Dehmeshki J, Ye X, Wang F, Yu Lin X, Abaei M, Siddique MM, Qanadli SD. An accurate and reproducible
scheme for quantification of coronary artery calcification in CT scans. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc.
26. F.C. Lockwood, P.G. Costen, S.T.N Abbas, M.M. Siddique (2000). Mathematical Predictions of Slagging
Behaviour of Low-Quality Pulverised Fuels in Laboratory Scale Conditions. Open Meeting on Combustion,
23rd event of the Italian section of the Combustion Institute, Villa Arbusto, Lacco-Ameno, May 22-25, 2000
27. Lockwood, FC., Costen, PG., Siddique, MM. (2000). Mathematical Modelling of Ash Deposition in Pulverised
Fuel-Fired Combustors. 28th International Symposium on Combustion, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2000.
Dr M Musib Siddique - CV and statement on professional expertise