CORE P2 WB 010 2_1.1.3b Chapter Sphere Core Standards

Sphere Core Standards
Meeting the
How to use the Sphere standards
The Core standards and minimum standards adopt the following specific format:
1. Standards – set out general and universal statements specifying the minimum
levels to be attained in humanitarian response. They include:
Core standards – applicable in all aspects of humanitarian response
Minimum standards – covering four areas of life-saving activity: water supply,
sanitation and hygiene promotion; food security and nutrition; shelter, settlement
and non-food items; and health action
2. Key actions - set out the inputs and practical activities needed to attain the
minimum standards. They should be adapted as needed to the emergency and
country context, including the living conditions of surrounding communities.
3. Key indicators – act as ‘signals’ to show whether a standard has been attained:
they help measure and communicate the results of key actions
they relate to the minimum standards, not the key actions
Where the standards
cannot be met:
report (via
evaluations, etc) the
gap between relevant
Sphere indicators and
those achieved
explain the reasons
and the changes
assess the negative
implications for the
affected population
take appropriate
action to minimise
harm caused by these
4. Guidance notes –
highlight context-specific points to consider when aiming to reach the key
actions and indicators, e.g. existing national standards
provide guidance on tackling practical difficulties or benchmarks and advice on
priorities or cross-cutting themes (see side panel)
include critical issues related to standards, actions or indicators and describe
dilemmas, controversies or gaps in current knowledge
CORE STANDARDS – applicable to all aspects of response
These comprise the ‘process’ and ‘people’ standards relevant to the planning and
implementation phases of humanitarian response in all technical sectors.
Sphere companion
Minimum Standards
for Education:
Response, Recovery
How are you ensuring balanced representation of community and other stakeholders?
With whom and how are decisions made and information shared, and what means of
communication and redress are in place for community concerns or complaints?
provides a framework:
- to ensure linkages
between education
and health, water,
sanitation and
hygiene, nutrition,
shelter and protection
2. Coordination and collaboration
1. People-centred humanitarian response
What information are you sharing and how are you contributing to coordination
mechanisms and measures? What are the opportunities for collaborative action?
3. Assessment
How are you determining the extent of existing capacity and coping strategies?
How and with or from whom can you most effectively establish a reliable assessment
of the evolving emergency situation and changing needs?
to enhance the safety,
quality, accountability
of educational
preparedness and
Minimum Economic
Recovery Standards
articulate the assistance
needed in promoting
recovery of economies
How are you prioritising the most urgent needs, risks and vulnerabilities that cannot be and livelihoods after
addressed by the state or affected population? Are your plans equitable and impartial? crises
4. Design and response
5. Performance, transparency and learning
How are you monitoring the performance, effectiveness and outcomes of your
programmes? How is accountability being assured and programme changes made as
needed? How is learning being captured, shared and applied in the future?
6. Aid worker performance
How are staff with appropriate competencies being recruited and managed? What
personal and professional support is provided and how is performance assured?
Livestock Emergency
Guidelines and
Standards (LEGS)
provide guidelines for
livestock emergency
Additional resources on All In Diary website or CD:
Web links for further information
Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) © 2009 LEGS project;
Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness Response Recovery © 2010
Minimum Economic Recovery Standards © 2010 The SEEP Network
© 2011 All In Diary -
3rd edition 2011