Form - Kings Church Edinburgh

Academy Application Form – Edinburgh Base
Personal details
Full name:
Date of birth:
Post code:
Contact phone number:
Email address:
Do you have any major health issues of which we may need to be aware?
Do you have any dietary requirements for the Friday evening meals?
Work, education and training
Current employer:
Nature of responsibilities and duties:
Highest educational qualification:
What systematic Christian training or theological studies have you undertaken?
Church life and calling
If you are a member of King’s Church Edinburgh, please tell us the names of your
small group leaders:
If you’re not a member of King’s Church Edinburgh, please tell us the name of your
church and the contact details of a senior leader:
Having leadership responsibility within a church ministry is an important part of the
New Ground Academy. Describe the role you'll have in the local church during your
time in the Academy and what opportunities there will be for developing your skills:
Who are you currently accountable to who would help mentor you during your time in
the Academy?
Why do you want to join the New Ground Academy?
What church leadership role(s) you believe God is calling you to in the future?
 Non-staff ministry leader, i.e. small group or ministry area
 Full-time church staff
 Eldership
 Lead Elder / Senior Pastor
 Church planter
 Other (please describe)
What do you think your main gifts are?
What do you consider your strengths to be?
What are your weaknesses?
Amount to be paid for Academy Year 1:
 Individual, one instalment by Friday 18th September: £250
 Individual, two instalments by Friday 18th September and Friday 19th February: £130
 Married couple, one instalment by Friday 18th September: £400
 Married couple, two instalments by Friday 18th September and Friday 19th February: