
P1B Newsletter
Term 1 – August 2015
A warm welcome to the boys and girls of P1B. My name is Mhairi Leat and I will be your
child’s class teacher. I am looking forward to getting to know both the children and
yourselves as we move through the year. The children are already settling in quickly to the
classroom and school routine. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact via the home/school
diary is you have any questions.
Many Thanks Miss M. Leat
Our specialist times this term are as follows:
Monday – Drama with Miss Kinnard at 9.00am
Wednesday – P.E with Miss Waite at 1.20pm
Thursday – Music with Mrs Minto at 10.55am
Library will take place every second Monday starting on 31st August. Future
dates are 14th September, 21st September, and 5th October. Please ensure
that your child takes their library book back to class prior to their next visit, so
that it can be returned.
This term our topic is called ‘All About Me’ with a focus on ‘My School’ and
‘Myself’. The children will have the opportunity to explore all areas of school
life. This will encourage them to embrace new challenges and experiences
that their school has to offer. We will visit staff members and understand
their duty in helping us during a school day. They will be learning about
their classmates and their hobbies or interests.
This term we will be focusing on letter and number formation, sounds and reading skills.
The children are already involved in basic number work and simple language tasks. Your
child’s first reading books may not have words in them – they are designed to encourage
children to talk about the characters and the events in the story and to become familiar
with reading a book from start to finish. It would be helpful if you could support these skills
at home. When your child is ready they will start to take home books with words.
To ensure that your child can confidently complete their homework, details
of specific tasks will be given to the children each week in written form.
Your child will be expected to complete Maths, Literacy and occasionally
Topic or Health and Well-being task; these will alternate. Weekly
homework will continue to be handed out on a Thursday and should be
returned the following Wednesday. We always ask that all homework tasks
are signed by an adult.
Things to remember
 Please ensure your child has brought a gym kit with them to school with all items
clearly labelled. We encourage children to practise getting dressed at home to help
them get changed quickly in school.
 Children should bring their book bags; home/school jotters and reading books to
school every day.
 Bring a freshly filled water bottle each day, please make sure your child’s name is
written clearly on their water bottle.
 Please make the office or class teacher aware by writing a note in your child’s
Home/School jotter if they going home for lunch or appointments.
 Any letters or reply slips, which need to be returned, can be put in your child’s book
bag. Remind your child to give this to class teacher. Your child will also be
encouraged to check their book bag.
 Help us in our quest to win the ‘Golden Carrot Award’ by providing your child with
a healthy snack Monday to Thursday.
 Ensure sharp pencils are brought to school each day (no pens please).
 It is important that your child brings their book bag every day, as it makes it much
easier for them to carry reading materials and letters between home and school.
Please ensure that all items of clothing, shoes, pencil cases, bags and water bottles are
clearly labelled.
Important P1 dates this term:
Wednesday 2nd September – Parent Induction and Curricular Evening
Thursday 1st/Friday 2nd October – School Photographer
Thursday 1st October – Parents Evening
Tuesday 6th October – Parents Twilight
Friday 9th October – Last day of term.
This will be a busy term and I’m sure we will have lots of fun along the way. I hope to see you
all at the Parent Induction Evening where you can find out more information about how to
support your child in Primary 1.
Miss M. Leat