Name Date A Wicked History Fakebook Rubric Score Criteria 4 3 2 1

Name _______________________________________________________
Date _______________
A Wicked History Fakebook Rubric
Score _______________
Profile picture and six
Profile Picture and photos of the person at
Pictures through different ages or
different important life
the years
Major Life Events
Profile picture, 4-5
photos of the person at
different ages or
different important life
Profile picture, 2-3
photos of the person
at different ages or
different important
life events.
Six completed posts.
All of the posts are
written from the point
of view of the person
posting. The posts are
creative and reflective
of the person’s life.
4-5 completed posts.
Most of the posts are
written from the point
of view of the person
posting. Most of the
posts are creative and
reflective of the
person’s life.
2-3 completed posts
or more, but they are
incomplete or not
written from the point
of view of the person
posting. Some posts
are creative and
reflective of the
person’s life.
Created a mini
timeline that
accurately states five
or more important
events in the person’s
life. Dates are
included. Time line
does not include birth
and death.
Carefully chose six
possible friends and
successfully posted
pictures of the friends,
or an image the friend
would use as a profile
picture. An accurate
description of each
friend is included
Created a mini
timeline that
accurately states four
important events in the
person’s life. Dates
are included. Time
line does not include
birth and death.
Created a mini
timeline that
accurately states three
important events in
the person’s life.
Some dates are
included. Time line
does not include birth
and death.
Carefully chose 4-5
Chose 4 or fewer
possible friends and
possible friends and
successfully posted
posted pictures of the
pictures of the friends, friends, or a poor
or an image the friend image the friend
would use as a profile would not use as a
picture. An accurate
profile picture. An
description of each
accurate description
friend is included
of some friend is
Summarized the
Summarized the
biography by including biography but did not
the central idea and
include the central
details. Wrote the
idea or details. Wrote
summary from the
from the person’s
person’s point of view. point of view. Added
Added an good quote. a good quote.
Profile picture, 2-3
photos of the
person, but there is
no significance to
the pictures.
Fewer than two
posts, or more, but
they are incomplete
or not written from
the point of view of
the person posting.
The posts are not
creative or reflective
of the person’s life.
Created a mini
timeline that
accurately states
three or fewer
events in the
person’s life. Dates
are included.
Chose 3 or fewer
possible friends.
The posted pictures
or images chosen
did not effectively
reflect the person.
The description was
inaccurate or
Summarized the
Summarized the
biography by
biography but did
including the central
not include the
idea and sufficient
central idea or
details. Creatively
details. Did not
Profile Summary
wrote the summary
write from the
from the person’s
person’s point of
point of view. Added
view. Added a
an excellent quote.
Five appropriate
4-5 appropriate
2-3 appropriate
3 or fewer pictures
pictures that reflect the pictures that reflect the pictures that reflect the that did not reflect
person’s life events.
person’s life events. person’s life events.
the person’s life
Clear, descriptive
Captions were
Clear captions were
events. Cl
captions were included. included.
Total Points: