4-H Educational Displays

4-H Educational Displays
General Information
Each division offers the opportunity to enter an educational display. Displays related to Divisions 1-4 (Livestock, Dog, Horse) should be entered in Division 13, Biological
Science. Individual displays are limited in size to 36” in width, 36” high, 18”deep (front to back) and MUST BE FREE STANDING (poster board is not appropriate backing for
this display.) The exhibit may include pictures, models, diagrams and actual articles. It may be three-dimensional or a notebook, but NOT a project record book. It should be
substantial. (If you choose to do just a poster, check Division 23, Class E, to see if that entry is more appropriate.
Displays show and explain something the 4-H member has made, done, or learned such as how and why wool shrinks, why bread rises, use of genetics in improving herds, safe
use of tools, parts of a small engine, how bees communicate or how waves are formed. Displays will be located in the 4-H building unless noted otherwise.
Displays not meeting the above criteria will not be exhibited.
A message you want to convey about your project
Your sources
Operating instructions if appropriate
Brief written summary for Judge, explaining the display, attached to side or back of display
Educational displays will be judged as follows:
Source(s) of information, accurate and complete, clear and concise, communicates information to the public
Related to member’s project: (20%)
Educational value, appropriate to member’s interests, abilities, project skill level
Eye catching and attractive, shows originality, neatness, correct spelling, easy to read or see
Appropriate to member’s age and abilities
Cloverbuds may enter exhibits for display at the District level but they will not receive the competitive ribbons. Their exhibits will be evaluated so that they will learn what they
did well and where they might improve. The ribbons they receive will indicate that the exhibit was evaluated and on display in the 4-H building. This participation should be
viewed as a learning experience rather than competition. Competition and the stress that can sometimes go with it are not felt to be appropriate for younger children.
Other 4-H exhibits will be judged by the Danish System and will be awarded blue (excellent), red (good), or white (worthy) ribbons. Ribbons will be awarded according to
quality, workmanship, and skill exhibited in comparison to an established standard based in part on grade and the experience of the exhibitor. Purple (Awards of Excellence)
ribbons will be awarded at the judge’s discretion to denote exceptional quality. A Grand Champion and a Reserve Grand Champion may be awarded by grade group in each 4-H
division. Grand and Reserve Grand Champion must be chosen from among those exhibits awarded a purple ribbon. If no purple ribbons are awarded within an age group or
division a Grand Champion award cannot be made. A Grand Champion ribbon must be awarded before a Reserve Champion is selected.
Updated 2012 (VH)