Found Object Assemblage Worksheet

Found Art/Assemblage Semester Out of Class Assignment
Your Assemblage will be due May 11, 2014
Size – No larger than 30 inches high, 18 inches in width and depth. Must be easily transferable to school
and not lose parts or fall apart.
Materials – Any excluding anything sharp, toxic or not appropriate. Emphasis on recycled materials. You
are not required to purchase any materials, simply use what you can find free.
Balance – Must be both physically and visually balanced. Your sculpture should be stable and not easily
fall over. You should consider the visual balance of shapes and colors throughout your work.
Approach – Can be a sculpture in the round or low relief. Sculptures in the round are viewable from all
sides will high and low relief are usually sculptures that have been mounted to a wall for exhibition.
Craftsmanship – Whether you glue, wire, nail or use any other form of combining parts it must be
secure and not fall apart. Glue, wire and other means of assembling your parts must be neat and
attractively done so as not to take away from the overall quality of the work.
Visual Qualities– Your sculpture should be interesting from all views especially if it is in-the-round.
Whether your sculpture is non representation, abstract or realistic think of a theme and try and convey
a visual message.
Do not wait until the last minute to create your sculpture, start collecting materials and planning your
assemblage at the beginning of the Sememster. Seek advise from your instructor and talk with your
classmates to brainstorm ideas and solve problems.
Possible 100 points
Take Notes during Powerpoint presentation to gather ideas of materials and types of sculptures you
might create.