Pupil Premium Grant report Summer 2015 NBC

PPG report Nigel Bowes Campus, Tregonwell
Pupils included for PPG are 26 pupils which represents 65% of the school
The school Data for reading and writing indicates all pupils in receipt of PPG are performing
as well as those not in receipt.
Overall there are no discernible differences in achievement of pupil outcomes for the most
vulnerable pupils.
NBC work to support pupils’ reintegration back to mainstream provision when they are able to
manage academically, emotionally and socially. During 2014-15 – 1 pupil in receipt of PPG has been
successfully reintegrated and another 2 is awaiting a space in another mainstream provision.
PPG Expenditure (NBC) 2014-2015
(PPG = Pupil Premium Group, including LAC)
The impact of the PPG funding, achieved by the implementation of the following interventions, is
detailed in table 3:
The Pupil Premium funding (2014-2015) provided support for pupils through:
Additional support in the classroom
Specific 1:1 intervention packages targeting specific skills / knowledge to close the gaps
1:1 support from Emotional Support Assistant and/or structured play assistant to target and
support emotional and social issues
1:1 support from speech and language assistant
Access to a Pastoral team who work alongside class teams to provide proactive behavioural
support to reduce impact of any negative behaviour on learning
All gaps in learning are identified using a broad range of assessment techniques,
including: Data analysis and challenge meetings, Speech and language screening, ELSA
assessment & scrutiny of progress using teacher and summative assessment.
Analysis of PPG Funding at Tregonwell Academy Impact of Provision/strategy
Key to evaluation:
Closing the Gap for Vulnerable pupils
(How was the funding
(So what?)
Additional support in the
classroom (READING)
- Precision teaching
- 1:1 reading including rapid
(All interventions and
resources are specifically
tailored to close gaps in
learning; targets are identified
in pupils’ IEP targets for
reading, writing and maths)
Additional support in the
classroom (MATHS)
- 1:1 support
To support pupils to fully
access the curriculum and
achieve their curricular and
personal, social and emotional
100% of PPG pupils achieved
their challenging targets in
reading and writing.
To provide specialist delivery
of literacy interventions to
ensure that pupils achieve
their targets
To support pupils to fully
access the curriculum and
achieve their curricular and
Pupils in receipt PPG
performed better than those
who were not.
92.3% of PPG pupils achieved
their maths targets
(All interventions and
resources are specifically
tailored to close gaps in
learning; targets are identified
in pupils’ IEP targets for
reading, writing and maths)
personal, social and emotional
PPG intensive support
catch up sessions (1:1) –
- Read and write gold
- word shark
- Rapid Readers
- Precision teaching
(All interventions and
resources are specifically
tailored to close gaps in
learning; targets are identified
in pupils’ IEP targets for
reading, writing and maths)
1:1 emotional and social
support from ELSA and
play therapist
-1:1 emotional literacy
-Structured play
-Relaxation/Meditation –
through Yoga
-Small group work, focusing
on social interaction
- Restorative approaches
To provide specialist delivery
of literacy interventions to
ensure that pupils achieve
their targets
Behaviour for learning
team (B4L)
- Restorative ethos
- Coaching for pupils and staff
to manage emotions and the
resulting behaviour
Pupils in receipt PPG
performed better than those
who were not.
To provide specialist delivery
of mathematics interventions
to ensure that pupils achieve
their targets
92% of PPG pupils achieved
their targets in writing.
Pupils in receipt PPG
performed better than those
who were not.
To provide specialist delivery
of writing interventions to
ensure that pupils achieve
their targets
To promote pupils selfawareness, emotional control,
self-motivation, empathy and
ability to handle relationships
To promote specialist delivery
of emotional literacy, social
interaction, speech a&
language and pastoral
To support pupils to achieve
their personal, social and
emotional targets
Pupils in receipt of PPG grant
demonstrated a decrease in
behaviours impacting on
learning and increase in
engagement through (merits)
1 pupil in receipt of PPG
funding have returned to
2 pupils are investigating
mainstream placement in new
academic year.
Area of development
Time scale
Pastoral support - release for ELSA,
Speech & Language
Weekly –
for year
£ 5355
Anna Clarke – 1:1
Maths, Writing and Reading Intervention
Weekly for
£ 13328
Yoga /Mindfulness
Managing emotions to fully access
Weekly for
£ 18683