Student Council Meeting 19.10.15

Student Council Meeting 19/10/2015
Present: JT, RW, TD, CF, JW, Mrs Shaw, Mrs Nicholson
Review of
Completed actions:
1. Student Council Constitution amended and
updated as per last meeting
2. SC Badges on order
3. All current SC members are receiving 5
credits per week
4. Autumn 1 lunch is arranged to celebrate
their successful set up of SC.
5. Ideas for reward trips have been viewed
and acted upon – Go Karting last week,
Powerboating coming up.
6. Movie night is ready to go.
7. Boxing club is running
8. X Box is ready for any student wishing to
use it at break times
9. Lunch survey was completed and feedback
is now collated.
Outstanding actions:
1. SC Council Constitution
to be signed by all
2. Add a rewards ideas
poll to the SC site on
the VLE - GN
3. Badminton equipment
to be considered.
4. Pass feedback from
lunch survey to SLT.
Use of VLE
GN advised that the VLE is, as students are aware,
up and running and that staff will be adding work on
the VLE so that students can use it as an interactive
learning site. Student council members to speak
with their peers to get feedback on how it could be
used effectively and in a way that the students
enjoy. JW suggested having a messaging section on
there so students can communicate with each other
in an e-safe way. ES suggested a news report
section, similar to Newsround. This could be about
big Pathways news but also current affairs.
CF suggested the VLE could have a homework site
where all homework could be set.
Student council is to be launched to parents at
Celebration of Learning. Council members agreed to
presenting themselves to parents on Friday 23rd Oct.
CF offered to introduce them.
SC members to speak with
peers to get feedback on sue of
Year 11 would like to decide and organise how their
prom will run this year. JT and RW to speak to the
other year 11s and gather some ideas.
JT and RW to liaise with the
other year 11s re prom.
of Learning
Focus of SC
for next
half term
As it is Children in Need in November, students
suggested that the SC organises a fundraising event.
It was agreed that we should have a onesie /
pyjama day. Students and staff will pay 50p to wear
their onesie or PJs. We will also have a cake sale to
GN to speak with S Harland
about the possibility of a
messaging section, and to
check if there is a homework
section which is running.
ES to look further into the
news reporting programmes
CF and GN to write a short
introductory speech for him to
deliver at Celebration.
GN to ask LA to support with
the CiN cake sale.
SC to meet during week 1 of Au
2 to write letter and design a
poster for CiN fundraiser.
raise additional money.
A meeting will be called in the first week after half
term for students to write a letter to parents to
inform them of the event and to also design a
poster to advertise the event.
JW suggested using the basketball and football at
break and lunch times as competitive sports. He
suggested having a leader board or some sort of
GN to pass this to SHu and GL
to consider.
Interim meeting to be held w/c 2nd November 2015