
Representations of My Teaching Practice
Course approval documentation with information about modules I will teach.
Course / programme specifications containing summary module information
Module specification documents (on Intranet and VLE)
Course / programme advertising info (on external web-sites and City sites)
Module syllabi
School “module admin” spreadsheets – summaries created each year of who is delivering which
module, with how much support etc.
“Module delivery reports” – summaries that I create, according to a standard template, summarising
the delivery of a module each year
Assessment Board minutes
Staff-Student liaison committee minutes
Paper copies of lecture slides + notes + tutorials – distributed in class to the students.
Electronic copies of lecture slides + notes – made available on the VLE.
Discussion groups on VLE.
Announcements on VLE.
Announcements via email.
Reading lists.
Module wiki.
Module “overview”
Students’ handwritten and typed notes
Students’ audio recordings
Students’ digital pen recordings (LiveScribe)
Peer review forms (completed by colleagues)
Student feedback forms
Analysis of student feedback forms (in tables and charts produced by the School)
Exam papers, including past papers
Internal “second setter” comments on exam papers, verbal and written
My response to second setter comments, verbal and written
External examiners’ comments on exam papers
My response to external examiners’ comments
Students’ exam scripts
Moderators’ checking and comments on marking of exam scripts
Spreadsheets for Assessment Boards with module marks, means and SDs.
Coursework assignments that I set, on paper and VLE
Coursework “setting templates” – admin forms that I complete with details about the coursework for
each module, when it will be set, submitted, marked etc
Students’ coursework assignments
Feedback on students’ coursework assignments
Coursework moderation forms (completed by colleagues after viewing a sample of students’
submitted courseworks)
Summary feedback on students’ coursework assignments – documents on the VLE
Students project / dissertation reports
My (very informal) supervision notes.
Students’ notes from supervision meetings.
Marking forms for student projects, presentations