How can I find my Google Docs?

Introduction to Google Docs for CAWT Leads
1. Open Firefox and type in the address bar. Sign into your account on the top right. If you don’t
have an account, sign up for one! See the FAQ section below for help.
2. Click on “Drive” up at the top.
3. Click on “Shared with me” along the left to find CAWT folders and documents that have been shared with you.
4. If you don’t see the file or folder you want right away, you can search for a particular file or folder by using the
search box at the top. Then click the title to open. We are going to open the “CAWT – Leads” folder.
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5. Click on the subject area folder that pertains to you, and then click on a sub-folder titled “Working Drafts.” This
is where you should store all of your drafts that are not finalized yet – until you are ready to submit using the
“Deliverables” folder.
IMPORTANT!! If at any time that you want to go back to a previous folder, you can click on the folder name
at the top of the screen. Fun Fact: these are called “bread crumbs” (just like in the story Hansel & Gretel)
because they help you return to where you began.
Uploading Documents into Google Drive
**Before uploading any files into your Google Drive, you need to do 2 things:
First, decide what folder you want the file to go into.
If you put it into one of the shared folders, such as “CAWT – Leads,” then EVERYONE has access and can make
changes to the document. Open the folder you want to use. (It is not important to remember where you
loaded your document because you can always search for the document by all or part of its name.)
Second, go to “Settings” at the top right-hand corner of your Google Drive page and choose “Upload Settings.”
Then, choose “Convert uploaded files to Google Docs format,” and “Confirm settings before each upload.” This
will make each of your files that you upload into a Google Doc that you and your Team can edit together and
simultaneously. If you don’t want it to be a Google Doc (for example, you just want to keep it static as an Excel
or Word file), then just say no when it asks you to confirm the upload.
After you finish the second step above, Google will always automatically turn your uploaded files into Google Docs so
they can be edited by your Team.
Third, click the upload button and select “Files…”. Then select the file you want to upload and click “Open.”
How do I create a Google Account?
There are a couple of steps to create a Google Account:
First, log onto the Internet and search for “”
Second, you will see an information screen that you need to fill out to create your account. You can
use your DCPS email for your Google account.
Third, after creating your account, click in the far right corner on “My Account.” You will then be sent
an email that you must reply to that confirms your email information.
What do I do once I sign in? How can I find my Google Docs?
You can find them by typing “Google Docs” in the Search box on the internet. You may then be asked
to log into your account. Once you are logged into your account, you will need to access the “Drive” in
the black bar at the top of the screen.
Once you are on the Google Drive, you will need to access the “Shared with me” Files/Folders. When
you are in the Shared Files/ Folders, you have a couple of ways to search for your documents. You can
type the name of the document in the search bar, or if you see the name of the document, you can
click directly on it.
What is the difference between an Excel or Word document that I UPLOADED onto my
Google Drive and a Google Doc on my Google Drive?
The biggest difference between these two types of files is that Excel and Word documents that you upload onto your
Google Drive are “static.” This means, they cannot be altered or changed in any way.
A Google Doc, however is “dynamic”, and can be edited by ANYONE who has sharing rights on that file or folder.
Into which specific folder should I upload my files?
This question has a 2-part answer:
First, if it is a working document that is incomplete, and you are not ready to turn it in as a “finished”
Deliverable, you can upload it into the “Working Drafts” Folder under your subject. (OPTIONAL)
Second, if you are finished with the document, and are ready for it to be reviewed and want it in the
“Deliverables” Folder, you need to do the following:
o Click on the document you want to move. In the bottom, right corner, click on the “download”
button. Open the document and then save it on your computer (File, then Save As….).
(Remember what you named it AND where you saved it!)
Now you are ready to upload the File into your “Deliverables” Folder.
o Click on the “Deliverables” Folder under your subject area. Choose your grade level, click on the Upload
Arrow and choose “Files.”
Find the file you saved and open it.
When you open it, click on “Upload and Share.”
As an example, this document is now in my Grade 5 Science Deliverables.
How can I edit a document that is on my Google Drive? When I click on it, I can’t change
If you want to have the ability to edit ANY document, you must make it a “Google Doc.” You do this by RIGHT-clicking
on the file, and clicking on “Open with” and “Google Docs.”