pupil premium grant report 2014 – 2015 - East-the

East-the-Water Primary School
Pupil Premium Grant 2014-2015
All members of staff, governors and teaching assistants accept responsibility for ‘socially
disadvantaged’ pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and
academic needs within the school environment. East-the-Water is committed to
‘Narrowing the Gap’ between vulnerable pupils and the pupil premium forms a vital part
of that process.
The governors reserve the right to allocate the pupil premium funding to support
any pupils or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially
Provision will be made through:
• Facilitating pupils’ access to education
• Facilitating pupils’ access to the curriculum
• Alternative support and intervention within the school
Reporting Pupil Premium
It is the responsibility of the governors to explain pupil premium expenditure to parents
in the form of an annual statement. There is no set format for the report of pupil
premium. Our Primary School will publish details of a report online annually from
September 2012. This report aims to detail information on how Pupil Premium has been
used within school.
Reporting to Parents
Parents will be able to obtain information on the pupil premium via the schools website.
This will be update annually.
Number of Pupils and Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) Received
Total number of pupils on Roll
Total number of pupil eligible for PPG
Amount of PPG per child
Total amount of PPG received
Summary of PPG spending 2014-2015
Pupil premium pupils make accelerated progress
Record of PPG spending 2013-2014
Additional staff to support
Early Years Speech and
Language intervention,
phonics/reading and write
38% of Nursery children
identified as needing
specific language
intervention (Westminster
1x TA every afternoon
reception £5436
1x TA every afternoon
nursery £4853
2 days SEN TA Grade E
To identify pupils requiring
speech and language
To provide specific
intervention for identified
To reduce number of pupils
referred to speech therapist
at end of EYFS
Additional TAs to provide
reading, writing and maths
intervention I reception
Increase ratio of staff to
pupils in year 1and provide
1:1 reading
2x full time TAs – (1 term)
5x full time TAs £38,807
1x part time TA Grade C (8
hours p/w) £3,425
To ensure school readiness
in the areas of literacy and
To accelerate progress in
reading, writing and maths
To accelerate progress in
reading, writing and maths
To raise attainment in
phonics screening
Additional TAs to provide
reading intervention in year
3 x full time TAs £25,524
To accelerate progress in
KS2 TA intervention
Early reading
1:1 reading
Guided reading
Maths intervention
10 x TAs £71,719
Daily progressive phonics
throughout KS2 accelerate
progress in reading, writing
and maths
Learning mentor to support
5 hours x TA £1,702
To raise pupils self-esteem
17% of Reception children
identified as requiring
language link programme
59% of identified Nursery
successfully completed
Westminster programme
73% of identified Reception
completed language link
programme and no longer
require intervention after
PP pupils received
intervention in reading,
writing and maths
PP pupils made at least
good progress all moving
at least one band
Pupil Premium pupils
continue to make
outstanding progress in
year 1 in all subjects
Pupil Premium pupils make
accelerated progress in KS1
in all subjects
KS1 SATs predictions for
2015 continue positive
trend in attainment
Pupil Premium pupils make
accelerated progress
across KS2. KS2 SATs results
demonstrate that Pupil
Premium pupils attain
above the national
average in all subjects and
make significantly more
progress than the national
Pupils are able to access
structured outdoor play
during lunchtimes
Total £170,812
5 hours x TA Grade C
and confidence to enable
full access to the curriculum
and participate in daily
routines and learning