September 3, 2013
The Hurricane City Council met in regular session on September 3, 2013, with the
following members present:
Scott Edwards
Linda Gibson
Reggie Billups
Brian Ellis
Marshall Ginn
Steve Goff
Gerry Spears
Meeting called to order.
The Pledge Allegiance was led by Mayor Scott Edwards.
Motion was made by Gerry Spears and seconded by Steve Goff to approve minutes of the
August 5, 2013, regular session. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Steve Goff and seconded by Brian Ellis to approve paying the bills
from the General Fund. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Marshall Ginn and seconded by Brian Ellis to approve paying the
bills from the Coal Severance Fund. Motion carried.
Motion was made Reggie Billups and seconded by Gerry Spears to approve the General
Fund Budget revision and submit to the State Auditor. Motion carried.
Recorder Linda Gibson presented a Municipal League Award for the Sprayground to
Brenda Campbell & Ben Newhouse for their involvement in making the water park a
Mayor and Council presented Service Awards to employees for 25 Years of Service.
The following employees: Allen McCallister Chief Water Plant Operator; Tim Lilly
Water Plant Operator; Linda Duncan Police Clerk; Joe Sisk Captain Police Department;
Linda Gibson Recorder; and Reggie Billups Councilman were acknowledged.
City Manager’s Report
Ben Newhouse, City Manager, informed council that the walking trail is close to
completion. The Street Department has cleared and paved the trail and it will make a
circle around the park when complete. Hurricane Town Elementary will be hosting a 5K
using the new trail. Can re-apply for Harbour Lane sidewalk project grant in November.
Randolph Engineering will be paid for previous work on sidewalk project. Demolition
grant money is available. Councilman Ginn suggested the Church of God was wanting
their old patronage removed. Ben will check with them.
Police Chief’s Report
Not present. The mayor informed council that Officer Eggelton was involved in an
accident. He is O.K. but totaled his cruiser.
Trick or Treat will be October 31 from 6:00 to 8:00
Harvest Festival October 12 @ City Park from 3:00 to 8:00. Celebration of Hurricane’s
125th Anniversary will be the same time.
Motion was made by Reggie Billups and seconded by Gerry Spears that the meeting be
adjourned. Motion carried.