Test Questions for Corrections

Name ______________________________________ Core ____ Points __________________
Circle the number of the question you are correcting.
Write the answer in a Restate and Answer on a separate piece of
Use your text to support your answer. You must support your
answer in order to get credit.
10.Which generalization best sums up the founding of the English colonies?
What were the main “reasons” they were founded?
11. Which of these best describes the environment of the New England
12. How did the government of New York differ from the other colonies?
1. Which of the Middle colonies offered the most freedom for the people who
lived there?
13. Which of the colonies were most motivated by making a profit? Support
your answer from the text.
2. How did Roger Williams’s colony of Providence differ from the Puritan
colony of Massachusetts?
14. Describe “Separatists”?
3. Which of these documents is most similar to the Mayflower Compact?
Answer is U.S. Constitution – tell why.
4. James Oglethorpe intended that the Georgia colony be settled by – name the
group he wanted to settle in Georgia.
5. Which features made the Southern colonies unique? (Unique means unusual,
or different from other colonies.)
6. Why did the colony of Virginia replace indentured servants with African
7. Describe an indentured servant? How does this work?
Not Graded
What did the New England colonies have in common?
8. How were laws made in most of the colonies?
9. Why did people in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies adapt
different ways of life? Explain what their locations had to do with geography,
climate, etc.
15. One of the colonies was founded to help "debtors" get a new start. Which
description would best describe how this would work.
16. Which colony was founded with the hope that it would prevent the
Spanish from attacking the other colonies.
17. Puritans welcomed all religious beliefs in their colony.
Prove true or false.
18. The Mayflower Compact was a set of rules that the Puritans in
Massachusetts Colony agreed to follow.
Prove true or false.
19. Cecil Calvert (Lord Baltimore) starts Maryland so that Jews have a place to
worship in the New World.
Prove true or false.
20. Charter and compact were other ways of naming a contract or agreement.
Prove true or false.
21. The purpose of John Winthrop's famous "City Upon a Hill Speech" was to
tell the purpose of the speech
22. John Cotton's famous speech, "The Divine Right to Occupy the Land",
Cotton believes that the “foreigners” can do what in the New World?