LESSON PLAN Unit Education : Junior High School Subject

Unit Education
Grade/ Semester
Time Allocation
: Junior High School
: Mathematics
: VII/I (Odd)
: 1 x 40 minutes
A. Standard of Competency : ALGEBRAIC
Understanding algebra form, linear equations with one
variable (LEOV) and linear inequities’ with one variable
B. Basic Competencies
: 4.1 solving linear equation with one variable (LEOV).
C. Learning Experiences
The students are able to solve LEOV related to daily life problem.
D. Indicators
1. Students are able to recognize linear equation in one variable in some forms and
2. Students are able to find the equivalent from of LEOV by doing addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division for both of 2 sides.
3. Student are able to solve daily problems related to LEOV
E. The goal of learning:
1. Cognitive goal
a. Students are able to recognize linear in equation in one variable in some forms and
b. Students are able to find the equivalent from of LEOV by doing addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division for both of 2 sides
c. Student are able to solve daily problems related to LEOV
2. Affective goal
a. In group students can give their argument or reasoning when solve the problem
b. In group class discussion, students can appreciate to other opinion and also can
cooperate each other in finishing their tasks.
F. Learning Materials
Linear Equations with one variable (LEOV)
G. Model, Learning Approach and Methods
1. Model
: Cooperative
2. Learning approach : PMRI (Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia)
3. Methods
: dialogue, discussion and assignment
H. Sources/Material and Tool
1. Several Sago
2. Students book
3. Students worksheet
I. Instructional Plan
1. First Meeting
a. Introduction
Teacher’s Activities
1. Teacher greets and makes sure whether the students
are ready to study by asking who absent today.
2. Teacher gives motivation with a demonstration for
accessing background knowledge and asking about
the importance of study about this material.
Students Activities
Students are ready to learn and 1 minutes
answer who absent today.
Students try to give their 3 minutes
argument by demonstration
and make conclusion about
the importance of learning
3. Teacher guide the students to know the goal of Students find the goal of 1 minutes
learning through guidance of
b. Main Activity
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activity
1. Teacher forms discussion group to solve problem 1 Students form discussion
until 4 in pairs and make the big one group consist group
of 4 students to solve problem 5 and 6.
2. Teacher give the problem about identify equation Students try to think by
(problem 1) to do in pairs and then in group
themselves and discussion in
pairs about this problem
3. Teacher facilities students with worksheet, and a Students discuss the problem
piece of paper and asked them to solve that problem with their group
4. Teacher gives chance to the students to reinvent the Students try to reinvent
concepts of solve linear equation with one variable concept of linear equation in
by discussing and solving the problem in their one variable by discuss and
solve problems in worksheet
with their group.
5. Teacher gives opportunity of the students to present Student presents their work in
2 minutes
1 minutes
6 minutes
2 minutes
their result discussion
6. Teacher guides students to discuss about the lesson
through the solution of group presents in front of
front of class.
Students discuss their
understanding about the
concepts of linear equation in
one variable
2 minutes
2 minutes
7. Teacher give follow up about students activity in Students ask some questions
doing presentation and discussion.
to the teacher about something
that they are still confused
Students understanding
2 minutes
8. Teacher gives change to the students to ask
concepts of linear equation in
one variable
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activity
1. Teacher guide the students to make conclusion Students make conclusion 4 minutes
about the lesson.
about the lesson
1 minutes
2. Teacher motivates students to learn the next Students ask question if
material and do homework.
J. Source and Media
1. Source
Mathematics Book VII published by Erlangga
2. Medias: some sago
K. Assessment :
Technique and instrument:
1. Worksheet (written)
2. Project (presentation)
May 2012
Aknowledged by,
The Headmaster of SMP xxx Palembang
Mathematics Teacher
Christi Matitaputty