Laboratory Technician - Position #12678

Position Number: 12678
Current Grade (if applicable): 7
Working Title: Laboratory Technician
Faculty/Department: ALES, Agriculture, Food & Nutritional Science
Department ID: Click here to enter text.
Incumbent Name (if applicable): Click here to enter text.
Campus Address: Click here to enter text.
Campus Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.
Hours of Work/Week: Choose an item.
 Actual Hours Worked (if Part-Time): Click here to enter text.
Name of Supervisor: Click here to enter text.
Title of Supervisor: Click here to enter text.
Supervisor’s Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
Supervisor’s Email Address: Click here to enter text.
Position Type: Choose an item.
 If OTHER, please indicate Position Type: Click here to enter text.
Special Requirements:
Home Internet Access: Choose an item.
Professional Accreditation: Choose an item.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Choose an item.
Second Language: Choose an item.
SIGNATURES: The signatures below indicate that all parties have read and discussed the content of the JFS
EFFECTIVE DATE (if different from date signed): Click here to enter a date.
INCUMBENT (if applicable):
This position involves the operation and maintenance of instruments that are capable of performing
genotyping and sequencing analysis. These services may also include the preparation and maintenance
of genomic samples that need to be processed for the various genotyping platforms. In addition to
sample preparation and analysis, this position will be required to report results to the supervisor in a
timely and appropriate manner. This position will also be responsible to follow best laboratory practices
and maintain a safe and professional work environment.
3. RESPONSIBILITIES/ACTIVITIES: Group activities into categories and list in point form each
duty performed until the major elements of the position are represented. Review each
statement to ensure that it accurately describes what is done and briefly, how it is done.
Please indicate the percentage of time spent on each of the major activities listed
Perform various molecular biology techniques and procedures required for complex and diversified
experiments (75%)
 Perform tasks such as RNA and DNA purification, RNA and DNA quantification, DNA and RNA
sequencing, DNA genotyping, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) experiments, Quantitative
PCR (qPCR), DNA and RNA library construction, and Emulsion PCR (ePCR). All procedure
require the ability to accurately pipette small volumes of liquid, make decisions based on
quality about the future of the sample/experiment at various stages, running gels (EthBr and
SyberSafe), proper aseptic technique, proper cleaning and maintenance of all equipment
 Ensure lab protocols are current and for any changes such as incorporating updated
procedures into protocols for the optimization of lab practices. This includes updating
protocols and communicating any changes made; checking with companies for updates to kit
procedures and ensuring they are utilized; keeping updated with the latest changes and
optimizations available from tech support and ensure that lab protocols are updated when
 Making decisions and judgments by analytical thought based on experience and knowledge
of different tissue samples used for experiments including appropriate procedure or
alterations to the procedures based on the type of sample being used; must be able to
decide based on available data if the experiment is progressing properly, if it is not then
decisions need to be made on whether or not the experiment is worth continuing or if it
needs to be started again. For problems occurring with an experiment troubleshooting of
where the problem occurred (including thinking of possible areas of t rouble and testing said
problem areas for failures through experiments and checking lot numbers) and adjusting the
procedure accordingly. Uncertainties would be reported to the PI and/or lab manager.
Bioanalyzer for RNA and DNA quantitative and quality analysis including proper aseptic
handling of samples to avoid contamination and mixing, proper loading of the sample chip,
accurate measurements of small volumes (1-9 micro liters). Preparation of reagents (size
ladder and gel dye matrix) and making decision on the quality of the RNA/DNA based on
Nanodrop spectrophotometer for RNA and DNA quantitative and quality analysis including
accurate pipetting of small volumes (1 -2 ul) proper cleaning protocols and aseptic technique
to avoid between sample contamination and accurate quantification, making decision on the
quality of the RNA/DNA based on results
Step one real time PCR machines including accurately pipetting small volumes, making
accurate serial dilutions for standard and samples, determining the amount the sample
needs to be diluted based on previous results (nanodrop and bioanalyzer), mixing reagents
for reaction and determining the concentration of the sample based on the output. Also
have to make a decision on the quality of the run based on the standards and errors present
during the run
Qiagen QIAsympony for extractions and purifications: Includes the mixing and preparing of
reagents, proper loading of reagents and samples onto the machine, proper labeling and
tracking of the samples being extracted, ability to set up the proper procedure on the
machine and ensure it is running properly, and following maintenance and cleaning
protocols to eliminate contamination and keep the equipment from breaking down
Illiumina HiScanSQ for genotyping and sequencing: Includes accurate pipetting, proper
labeling and tracking of all samples, preparing reagents for the 3 liquid handling robots, qBot
and HiScanSQ, ability to properly set up and run the liquid handling robots for the proper
procedures, ability to load and run the qBot for flow cell preparation, ability to set up both
genotyping and sequencing runs in the appropriate software, ability to monitor both
sequencing and genotyping runs for quality and errors, make decisions about the runs (stop,
continue, repeat steps) based on the quality data available of the scanner and other quality
steps during preparation, proper maintenance of all equipment (3 liquid handling robots,
qBot, HiScanSQ, thermocyclers, incubators, pipettes, vacuum chambers, computers, and
other specialized equipment for the chips)
Sequenom Mass Array for genotyping including accurate measurement (volume and weight),
running of the liquid handling robot (specific to this system),Nano-dispenser and mass
spectrometer, proper loading of all three machines, proper maintenance of the three
machines, ability to check and adjust flow of the Nano-dispenser if needed (and decide if the
flow of the Nano-dispenser needs to be adjusted), set up and prepare the run with the
associated software
Pre-cellys for RNA extractions: proper handling of dry ice and easily degraded samples (often
irreplaceable), maintaining proper airflow for the machine, proper cleaning and
decontaminating the equipment to ensure that samples are not degraded, determining the
proper speed, time and bead size needed for the specific tissue type being extracted, and
proper maintenance of the machine to preserve its lifespan
Follow procedures already in place as well as integrating and optimizing new procedures as
necessary given the objective of the current projects
Able to demonstrate proper procedures and how the instruments work to clients and
various people interested in the equipment
Data analysis (10%)
 Data analysis uses software associated with the scientific instruments on windows operating
 Data analysis by using public resources such as NCBI
 Sequencing raw data processing
 DNA sequencing annotation
 Sequencing data redundancy check
 Genotyping data annotation
 Generates (sequence or genotyping data from running the experiment, quality control data from
checks during the sample prep) and collects data (records specifics for each individual run and
experiment including volumes, concentrations, quality information, DNA/RNA fragment sizes,
changes made to procedures, errors during procedures, lot numbers of all reagents) on each
 Maintains (by regular updating and organization) a well-organized data record for inventory
 Regularly backs up data (ensures computer data has been moved to server and into storage
before removing from computers, keep paper copies available of important quality control
Management (10%)
 Maintains adequate inventory by placing orders for reagents and chemicals for experiments in a
timely manner. Report to the lab manager about orders
 Repairs to lab ware (pipette) - send out when necessary, call in engineers when necessary
 Prepares information data sheets for experiments, including workflow-tracking sheets
4. KNOWLEDGE: Identify the minimum formalized training/education and/or qualifications
required to prepare an individual to be functional in the position.
Post-secondary education of a Bachelor’s degree or less with up to 18 months to become functional in
the role.
 University degree or lab diploma in Genetics, Biochemistry or a related field
 Special training required for Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
 Special training to operate complex equipment
 Excellent skills in handling small amounts of reagents
 Strong computer skills for data analysis and operation of equipment
 People skills to collaborate with others and be a good team player
Experience working with animal tissue is strongly preferred and experience with genotyping and
Next Generation Sequencing is desirable
Ability to interact effectively within a dynamic team-based research environment
Strong written and verbal communication skills
5. INDEPENDENCE OF ACTION: Describe the initiative required, the creativity and original
thought, and also the amount of direction and control received from the supervisor or standard
practices and precedents.
A. What types of decisions are made independently?
This position will require various decisions be made on day-to-day basis to successfully complete
given assignments. This will include decision-making with regards to time management and
capacity of the instruments
The position will need to be able to make decisions about the quality of the samples to
successfully complete projects
Independent assessment and problem solving for various experiments and equipment is
necessary. This will include decisions based on quality data available during the experiment and
during running on the instrument - is the quality acceptable to continue the experiment/run, if
not is there a way to increase the quality or does the run/experiment need to be started over.
What might have caused the low quality and how can it be fixed. Also decisions need to be
made about the fate of experiment if an error should occur during the experiment/run
Supply orders and changes to the standard operating procedures will require the approval of the
principal investigator or lab manager
B. For what actions is it necessary to consult someone? Are approvals or instructions verbal or in
Verbal consultation with the supervisor and/or other lab members will be required if the day to
day decisions will result in a significant change of scope for the given assignment. This would
include changes to the type of experiment being run to achieve completion of the project, as
well as changes in the timing of the experiment if it is unable to be completed on time
Verbal and written updates on project progress will need to be given periodically, as well as
reports on the running and status of various equipment being used such as service needs and
required consumables
6. CONSEQUENCE OF ERRORS: Identify the extent of losses which result from mistakes in
judgment or poor decisions (typical instances, not rare or extreme ones), and the responsibility
for safety of others.
Errors could result in missed deadlines, possible financial consequences (thousands of dollars),
loss of samples and reagents, as well as possible harm to the equipment resulting in the loss of
time while waiting for engineers to service the machine
Mistakenly use wrong animal tissues or samples for the experiment may result in significant
error in the data that will have a financial cost to the laboratory and the recipient of the data
Repeat experiments by making wrong decision causes inefficient operation and substantial
delays in a project
Errors may not be possible to correct because of limited sample availability
Loss of samples and missed deadlines could result in a damage of customer and collaborator
relationships (international), resulting in damage to the company reputation
All efforts should be made to minimize these errors through the use of best laboratory practices
7. CONTACTS: Identify the contacts and the purpose of the interaction.
A. Inside the University
Consults managers within AFNS department for recommendations regarding best health and
safety procedures - in verbal or writing
Contacts staff in department about schedules for research experiments, instruments – in verbal
Contacts staff in department for shipping, purchasing - verbal or writing
Contacts Department of Health and Environment for proper waste disposal - in writing
B. Outside the University
Contacts several business companies to place orders for reagents, chemicals, parts, and repair of
instruments in department for shipping, purchasing - verbal or writing
Consults business companies for experiments, data results, and timing of results - verbal or
C. Information Sources
Publications, seminars, and Internet resources
Professors, research associates, senior technicians for research experiments
Self-study by following procedures provided in manuals and procedure sheets for each of the
necessary procedures and follow manuals provided for each piece of equipment.
Sales and service support representative for information on reagents, chemicals, and new
Frequently provide information and recommendations to others (lab members, technician, lab
manager and principal investigator)
Requires appropriate tact to discuss problems and recommendations during project discussions
Presents new techniques to group
Provides important information on expertise to generate high quality of results for library
construction and sequencing results
Provides research data information to collaborators and clients
Provides complex training and demonstration
Demonstrate the use and function of equipment to other technicians and potential students
8. SUPERVISION: If this position is not required to supervise staff, please indicate “n/a”.
A. Describe all aspects of formal supervision required of this position. Please be sure to complete
Part B.
B. Please indicate how many staff members are supervised by the position.
Full-time employees: 0
Part-time employees: 0
Casual employees: 0
9. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Describe the degree, frequency, severity, intensity and continuity of
physical activity and/or intense visual concentration required.
A. Activities
Repetitive experiments for long periods of time
Daily use of pipettes
Occasional handling of chemicals (phenol, chloroform, formamide)
Intense visual attention required to watch small DNA pellets (even invisible at times)
Data analysis for long hours on computer may cause eye strain
B. What types of equipment or tools are used in the job?
NextGen Sequencing, such as the Applied Biosystem SOliD XLSOO system and the Iliumina
Sequencing system
Genotyping equipment, such as the Iliumina HiScan, Sequenom Mass Array, and Affymetrix
Other molecular biology and genotyping equipment used during sample preparation and
Computers to run instruments, communication, organizing data, and running UMS systems
10. WORKING CONDITIONS: Describe the disagreeable aspects of the job environment in
relation to employee safety and comfort, and the severity and frequency of exposure to
workplace hazards.
Handling of hazardous chemicals, and works under a fume hood
Handling of dry ice and liquid nitrogen
Noise from instruments and freezer
Wear eye protection, gloves and lab coat
Periods of both sitting and standing depending on the day
11. SIMILAR POSITIONS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA: Please list any position numbers,
titles, departments or incumbent names that may be considered to be similar.
12. ORGANIZATION CHART: An organization chart is mandatory for the evaluation process to
be completed. You may include this as a separate attachment or file may be pasted/
embedded below
Business Manager