Appendix 15 - University of Worcester

Appendix 15
Guide for discussing appropriate mechanisms for changes to provision
The University takes a risk-based approach with regard to approving changes to modules and/or courses. The majority of changes to be made to
existing provision can be approved through the Institute Approval arrangements (see paragraphs 79-95 of the Course Planning and Approval Process),
with the degree of external input varying according to the types of changes that may occur.
Type of amendment proposed
Changes resulting from annual
updating to ensure currency
(eg. to reading lists or content)
Changing the title or code of a
module (award map must also
be amended)
The addition of up to 2 new or
shared modules equivalents
(no more than 60 credits) or
no more than two revisions to
the course as detailed below
The addition of a minimum of
3 and a maximum of 6 new or
shared modules equivalents
(affecting no more than 50%
of any one level of the course,
and no more than 25% of a
course in total)
Changes to provision beyond
Changes to formative
Changing the learning
outcomes of a module
Changing the mode of
attendance/delivery and
changing the length of a
A combination of changes
covered by B and/or C
Changes to provision beyond
D and including high risk
changes (eg. combination of
collaborative delivery, distance
learning, multi-site delivery)***
Changing summative
assessment items within an
individual module
Changing the assessment
balance of the course,
including additions or
deletions of examinations
Changing whether
compensation is permitted
between assessments within a
Changing the course title, or
approving a new award
descriptor making use of
previously approved modules*
Changes to pre-requisites
which do not affect the overall
rationale for progression
(award map must also be
Changing admission
September 2013
Type of amendment proposed
The addition of one new
shared module as an option,
approved by another course.
(award map must also be
Changes to pathway
Changes to the teaching and
learning hours for a module
(including KIS data)
Changing the level of a
module within a scheme
Change to compulsory
attendance or completion of
specific elements of the
Minor changes to provision at
a partner organisation,
including for eg. addition of
modules (no more than 50%
of any one level of the
Change to any compulsory
professional requirements
needed to pass the module
The updating of several
aspects of a course normally
covered by B
Requirements for Approval (by Institute Quality Committee unless otherwise stated)
No formal IQC process
Amendments to Modules form
to be completed and passed
to IQC Secretary and AQU
Minor Modifications to
Courses form to be completed
and passed IQC Secretary
and to AQU
Minor Modifications to
Courses form to be completed
and passed to IQC Secretary
and to AQU
Comments from External
Examiner by correspondence
1 external adviser by
correspondence, plus External
Examiner comments
Discuss with AQU.
Normally will result in full
Course Planning and Approval
Intent to Approve form to be
No external requirement
Rep from a different Institute
not required
Rep from a different Institute
required, through
September 2013
(External advisers must be
***Discuss with AQU. Full
Course Planning and Approval
process will apply.
correspondence if necessary.
*Also requires approval by
University Executive
**As above, with the inclusion
of report from partner
institution in association with
relevant UW Institute if
delivery is shared and/or
students have access to
University resources, on
resource availability to
proposed by the course leader
on the Minor Modifications to
Courses form, and approved
by the Director of Quality and
Educational Development).
Intent to Approve form to be
Rep from a different Institute
Each course will normally only be considered for one Institute Approval per year.
A combination of alterations may push the mechanism into the next category.
Each level of module will be treated the same.
IQC Secretaries will maintain a cumulative record for each course of changes that have been approved by IQC.
The Institute must satisfy itself that proposals to alter a module(s), to share modules, or to approve additional modules, are appropriate and would not
alter the structure, aims, outcomes or rationale of the course as a whole. Where such concerns arise, these should be discussed with AQU with a
view as to whether the full Course Planning and Approval Process is required. Institutes must also ensure that the team have gained approval from
other courses which share the module(s) for any amendments.
Following approval of changes, the Module Specification and (where relevant) the Programme Specification for the course(s) must be amended and
returned to the IQC Secretary who will record the change and advise Registry and AQU that the IQC process has been completed so that the Student
Records system can be updated.
Following the final IQC meeting of the academic year, AQU will request any amended programme specifications for the next academic year and these
will be uploaded to their website.
If an urgent change is required for the current academic year, please contact your IQC Secretary and AQU Officer as soon as possible.
September 2013