Appendix 5.1

Appendix 5.1: Inclusions within the other nonintentional injury-related death category
Causes of death included in other non-intentional injury-related
death category
Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces, examples include:
- Struck by object
- Caught or crushed between objects
- Contact with machinery
- Foreign body entering through, eye, orifice or skin
Exposure to animate mechanical forces, examples include:
- Struck by other person
- Struck or bitten by mammal
- Contact with marine animal
Threats to breathing , examples include:
- Non-intentional suffocation or strangulation in bed
- Threat to breathing due to cave-in, falling earth and other substances
- Inhalation of gastric contents
Exposure to electrical current, radiation and extreme ambient air temperature/pressure
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames
Exposure to heat and hot substances
Contact with venomous animals and plants
Exposure to forces of nature, examples include:
- Lightning
- Exposure to sunlight
- Excessive natural cold
Accidental poisoning by noxious substances, examples include:
- Inhalation of volatile substances
- Non-intentional overdose
- Unintended consumption
Complications of medical and surgical care
Annual Report: Deaths of children and young people 2013–14