Exec Board September 2015 Minutes

(315) 386-7052 * fax: (315) 386-7430
Payson 208
SUNY Canton
Canton, New York 13617
United University Professions
Canton Chapter
UUP Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Noon, Thursday September 22, 2015
Cook 121, SUNY Canton
Present: Joanne Fassinger, Chris Sweeney, Dave Hartle, Marela Fiacco, Brian Harte, Joe Larue, Terry
Waldruff, Rajiv Narula, Deb Backus, Umesh Kumar.
Brian welcomed everyone and started the meeting at 12:05pm.
Adoption of Agenda – Brian moved the motion to adopt the agenda. Joe seconded. Unanimous approval.
Secretary’s Report – Nothing to report. Dave moved the motion to accept the August meeting
minutes. Chris seconded. Meeting minutes were passed out in copy. Unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report – Umesh submitted an audit report. Current balance is $2791.14. Umesh is
asking for the volunteer to review and co-sign checking account reconciliations. It will not cause
delays. Secretary will be the co-signer.
President’s Report –
a. Labor Management meeting- agenda based on comments and suggestions from the members.
Information requested that impacts members and their contracts. Brian mentioned that we need
to address the change in deadlines and seek clarification. Titles and differences in the titles to be
discussed at the meeting as well. Discuss the contact hours and ask for clarification for the
compensation; how it gets calculated. Extra service compensation needs to be discussed. Change
in workload needs to be negotiated, e.g. change from 15 to 17 to 16 to 18.
b. Contract negotiations comment forms – Dave spearheaded it and collected information. Please
pass those on and allow members to make comments.
c. Fall DA – Dave, Joe Lamendola, Deb, Brian, Chris, and Sabel are going to Buffalo on October
2nd for the fall DA meeting.
d. Contingents’ monthly meeting – Brian, Dave, and Kathy will start meeting with the Provost
and/or the President on October 19th at 3pm in MAC 620.
e. Grievance officer vacancy – Brian will approach Stephen Frempong and gage Stephen’s interest.
Vice Presidents/ Officers Reports –
a. Chris – nothing to report except the issue with the lecturer. There is a state wide conference on
September 23rd in anticipation of the DA in Buffalo.
b. Joanne has not received letter from SUNY yet regarding IDAP. It is forthcoming, but right now,
we do not know the amount of funds.
c. Kathy –an executive board training for which Lynn needs to be present must be completed.
d. Rajiv – in contact with the chef from the Club to firm the availability for the end of semester
New Business –
a. Franklin - St. Lawrence Educators Council membership extended to UUP, but there are dues.
Marela will check the old minutes to see if we voted on it and report back to the Board.
Affiliations: NYSUT * National Education Association * American Federation of Teachers * AFL-CIO
(315) 386-7052 * fax: (315) 386-7430
Payson 208
SUNY Canton
Canton, New York 13617
United University Professions
Canton Chapter
b. Area Reps: Brian and Lynn compiled a list of buildings and who is available at each site to assist
a member if needed. Brian will approach potential area reps to gage interest in participating.
MAC – Umesh, Marela; Payson - Brian; Nevaldine - Dave, Chris, Stephen; Newel - _______;
Dana/UP - _______; CARC - Terry Minckler; Cooper - _______; Wicks - Deb; Cook - Nicole
and Rajiv; Dorms -______; French - Terry; Library/IT – Joe
c. Chapter bylaws – Deb moved the motion to approve the current bylaws which state that 10 votes
are eligible voting members for the executive board; Rajiv seconded. Unanimous approval.
Section 6.1 - Definition:
The Executive Board shall consist of:
6.1.1 The officers, as specified in Article 5.1, who shall be voting members of the Executive Board.
6.1.2 Members who received at least ten (10) votes in the Chapter election for the position of Academic
or Professional Delegate to the Delegate Assembly, who shall be voting members of the Executive Board.
Members who received fewer than 10 votes in the Chapter election for the position of Academic or
Professional Delegate to the Delegate Assembly, who shall be members of the Executive Board ex-officio
without vote. (NOTE: The number of votes necessary to qualify as a voting member of the Executive
Board is open but should be specified. Without a threshold number all candidates who receive at least
one vote in the Delegate election would be voting members of the Board).
Brian and Lynn researched and there were 13 people who received at least one vote in the
Delegate election. According to our Bylaws a Quorum is: 12.1.2 A quorum for a meeting of the
Executive Board shall be a majority of its voting members, provided however, that at least half of the
elected officers, as defined in Article 5. 1, are present.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Brian and seconded by Chris. Unanimous approval.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:16PM. Next meeting will be Tuesday October 20th, noon. Cook
Minutes Recorded by Marela Fiacco, Secretary.
Affiliations: NYSUT * National Education Association * American Federation of Teachers * AFL-CIO