Greater St. Louis Dental Hygienists` Association

GSLDHA is proud to present Lisa Mayo, RDH, BSDH for our
Annual Saturday CE Meeting
When: Saturday, August 23, 2014
Where: St. Clare Health Center, 1015 Bowles Ave, Fenton MO 63026
Registration: 8:30 am
Speaker: 9am – 12 pm
Cost: ADHA Member $45
Potential Member $60
Student $25
ADHA Member $38 Potential Member $53
“Today’s Special: Teeth Cleaning with a Side of Botox”
The concept of dental spas has been emerging in the field of dentistry since the mid-90s. Believe it or not,
you already possess the knowledge and expertise to assist patients in skin care maintenance and
preservation while maintaining the health of their oral cavity. This course will tap into that vast existing
knowledge base and “extract” the necessary information so you can start applying it clinically. Whether
you want to learn to reverse the signs of your own aging, or start advising your patients on skin care
options, this course has it all; from cleanings to botox!
RDH published this course entitled "Why I Work in a Dental Spa" in 2013. Lisa has lectured on this topic
in Dallas, Ft.Worth, Midland-Odessa and upcoming in Houston.
Educational Objectives:
1. Defining the concept of a dental spa. We will discuss current trends and statistics, its
intention/purpose and services provided for patients.
2. Define antioxidants and their role in skin care maintenance as well as dentistry.
3. Discuss cosmetic procedures/treatment for skin conditions performed in dental spas.
Specifically facials, chemical peels, extractions, botox, restylane, microdermabrasion
and laser resurfacing.
4. Discuss Aromatherapy and the role scents play in patient perception.
Lisa Mayo gradated Magna cum laude from the Caruth School of Dental Hygiene at Baylor College of
Dentistry in 2002. Since then she has stayed active in her local dental hygiene associations holding
multiple leadership and board positions throughout the years. Lisa says "Being a part of the
tripartite America/Texas/Dallas Dental Hygiene societies has allowed me the ability to participate in
community service projects and made a huge impact on my career."
Lisa is a published author, national speaker, clinician and instructor. She is a full time professor
at Concorde Career College in the Dental Hygiene Department where she teaches Preclinical Sciences,
Clinic II, Special Needs, Pharmacology and National Board Review. She also serves as the students
SADHA (Student Chapter of the American Dental Hygiene Association) adviser. Lisa says, "I am lucky to
have the opportunity to bring the real world of clinical dental hygiene to my students. By staying up to date
with the latest technology and advances in dentistry through research; I am able to teach my students the
exact skills they will need to be successful in the field of dental hygiene."
Lisa is a co-founder of Diamond Dental Education, a company which provides continuing education
courses for dental professions in the state of Texas. "Dental professionals need courses that address the real
issues of the private practice clinician. Diamond Dental Education offers courses that help improve the
clinical careers of all dental professionals throughout the GREAT state of Texas."
Greater St. Louis Dental Hygienists’ Association
Continuing Education Registration Form For
August 23 , 2014
Lisa Mayo, RDH, BSDH
Name (please print)___________________________________________________________________________
Phone: Work (
) _______________
) _______________
ADHA Membership Status (Please check one):
Member #
Potential Member (non-member)
Make checks payable to GSLDHA
“Early Bird” Registration- $38 Member
$53 Potential Member
Mail this completed form and check to:
GSLDHA, 15 Kenwood Drive, Hazelwood, MO 63042
Pay via PayPal on our website: